Source code for bosdyn.client.util

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Helper functions and classes for creating client applications."""

import copy
import getpass
import glob
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import signal
import sys
import threading
import time
from concurrent import futures
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from uuid import uuid4

import google.protobuf.descriptor
import grpc
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

import bosdyn.client.server_util
from bosdyn.client.auth import InvalidLoginError, InvalidTokenError
from import generate_channel_options
from bosdyn.client.exceptions import Error
from bosdyn.deprecated import moved_to

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cli_login_prompt(username=None, password=None): """Interactive CLI for scripting conveniences.""" if username is None: print('Username: ', end='', file=sys.stderr) username = input('') elif password is None: print('Username for robot [{}]: '.format(username), end='', file=sys.stderr) name = input('') if name: username = name password = getpass.getpass(prompt='[{}] Password: '.format(username), stream=sys.stderr) return (username, password)
[docs]def cli_auth(robot, username=None, password=None): """Interactive CLI for authenticating with the robot.""" successful = False while not successful: username, password = cli_login_prompt(username, password) try: robot.authenticate(username, password) successful = True except (InvalidLoginError, Error) as e: _LOGGER.exception(e)
[docs]def authenticate(robot, askpass=None): """Generic function for authenticating with the robot. Tries to authenticate using the following methods, in order: - An existing auth token - Username/Password supplied in the environment - With a specified callback function, returning a username and password. - A command line prompt, if possible (stdin is a tty). Args: askpass: A function that retrieves authentication credentials if none are specified via environment variables. """ # Try to re-authenticate with token. Continue if token expired or invalid. if robot.user_token: try: robot.authenticate_with_token(robot.user_token) return except InvalidTokenError as e: pass # Try to authenticate with credentials specified in environment. username = os.environ.get('BOSDYN_CLIENT_USERNAME') password = os.environ.get('BOSDYN_CLIENT_PASSWORD') if username and password: robot.authenticate(username, password) return # Fail if no way to ask for credentials. if not sys.stdin.isatty() and askpass is None: raise RuntimeError('Stdin is not a tty and no askpass specified.') # Get credentials and try to authenticate. if askpass is None: username, password = cli_login_prompt() else: username, password = askpass() robot.authenticate(username, password)
[docs]class DedupLoggingMessages(logging.Filter): """Logger filter to prevent duplicated messages from being logged. Args: always_print_logger_levels (set[logging.Level]): A set of logging levels which any logged message at that level will always be logged. """ def __init__(self, always_print_logger_levels={logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR}): # Warning level mapped to last message logged. self.last_error_message = None self.always_print_logger_levels = always_print_logger_levels
[docs] def filter(self, record): warning_level = record.levelno # Always allow messages above a certain warning level to be logged. if warning_level in self.always_print_logger_levels: return True error_message = record.getMessage() # Deduplicate logged messages by preventing a message that was just logged to be sent again. if self.last_error_message != error_message and error_message is not None: self.last_error_message = error_message return True return False
[docs]def setup_logging(verbose=False, include_dedup_filter=False, always_print_logger_levels={logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR}): """Set up a basic streaming console handler at the root logger. Args: verbose (boolean): if False (default) show messages at INFO level and above, if True show messages at DEBUG level and above. include_dedup_filter (boolean): If true, the logger includes a filter which will prevent repeated duplicated messages from being logged. always_print_logger_levels (set[logging.Level]): A set of logging levels which any logged message at that level will always be logged. """ logger = get_logger() if verbose: level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.INFO if not logger.handlers: streamlog = logging.StreamHandler() streamlog.setLevel(level) streamlog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) if include_dedup_filter: # Propagate the filter through the handler. logging.Filter does not propagate to other # child loggers on its own, and must be attached to the handler. streamlog.addFilter(DedupLoggingMessages(always_print_logger_levels)) logger.addHandler(streamlog) if logger.handlers and include_dedup_filter: # If a logger has existing handlers, check if the filter is there already. Also check if it is part of the # main log already. If not, add it to a new handler. filter_exists = None for handler in logger.handlers: filter_exists = filter_exists or does_dedup_filter_exist(handler, always_print_logger_levels) if not filter_exists: dedupFilterLog = logging.StreamHandler() # Propagate the filter through the handler. logging.Filter does not propagate to other # child loggers on its own, and must be attached to the handler. dedupFilterLog.addFilter(DedupLoggingMessages(always_print_logger_levels)) logger.addHandler(dedupFilterLog) # Add the level and filter onto just the regular logger as well. logger.setLevel(level) if include_dedup_filter: if not does_dedup_filter_exist(logger, always_print_logger_levels): logger.addFilter(DedupLoggingMessages(always_print_logger_levels))
[docs]def does_dedup_filter_exist(logger, always_print_logger_levels): """Check if the DedupLoggingMessages filter exists for a logger. Returns: Boolean indicating if the DedupLoggingMessages filter already exists and matches the new parameters. """ for filt in logger.filters: if type( filt ) == DedupLoggingMessages and filt.always_print_logger_levels == always_print_logger_levels: return True return False
[docs]def get_logger(): return logging.getLogger()
[docs]def add_base_arguments(parser): """Add hostname argument to parser. Args: parser: Argument parser object. """ parser.add_argument('hostname', help='Hostname or address of robot,' ' e.g. "beta25-p" or ""') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Print debug-level messages')
[docs]def add_credentials_arguments(parser, credentials_no_warn=False): """Add username/password flags to parser. This function is marked deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Args: parser: Argument parser object. """ def deprecated_username(arg): print( 'Command line credentials deprecated! ' 'Please use BOSDYN_CLIENT_USERNAME and BOSDYN_CLIENT_PASSWORD env vars instead.', file=sys.stderr) return arg def deprecated_password(arg): print( 'Command line credentials deprecated! ' 'Please use BOSDYN_CLIENT_USERNAME and BOSDYN_CLIENT_PASSWORD env vars instead.', file=sys.stderr) return arg if (not credentials_no_warn): _LOGGER.warning('Credentials in program options is deprecated. ' 'Obtain credentials securely, such as with an environment variable, ' 'interactive prompt, etc.') parser.add_argument('--username', type=deprecated_username, help='[DEPRECATED] Username to use for authentication.') parser.add_argument('--password', type=deprecated_password, help='[DEPRECATED] Password to use for authentication.')
[docs]def add_common_arguments(parser, credentials_no_warn=False): """Add arguments common to most applications used for authentication. This function is marked deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Users should use add_base_arguments instead. Args: parser: Argument parser object. """ add_credentials_arguments(parser, credentials_no_warn=credentials_no_warn) add_base_arguments(parser)
[docs]def read_payload_credentials(filename): """Read the guid and secret from a file that already exists. The file should have the guid and secret as the first and second lines in the file. Args: filename: Name of the file to read. Returns: Tuple of (guid, secret) Raises: OSError if the credential file cannot be read. ValueError if the guid or secret are missing from the file. """ with open(filename, 'r') as credentials_file: guid = credentials_file.readline().strip() secret = credentials_file.readline().strip() if not guid or not secret: raise ValueError('Failed to load GUID ({}) and/or secret ({}).'.format(guid, secret)) return guid, secret
[docs]def read_or_create_payload_credentials(filename): """ Only for use when attempting to register a payload. If simply trying to authenticate, use get_guid_or_secret or read_payload_credentials instead. When registering, attempt to read the payload's guid and secret from the specified file. If this file exists, it should have the guid and secret as the first and second lines in the file. If the file does not exist, this function creates a valid credentials file at filename. Args: filename: Name of the file to read. Its parent directories should already exist and it should have the right permissions to be read by the payload registration service. If running on a CORE I/O, also ensure that this location is mounted as a volume to the CORE I/O's /data or /persist locations. Returns: Tuple of (guid, secret) Raises: OSError if the credential file cannot be read. ValueError if the guid or secret are missing from the file. """ try: return read_payload_credentials(filename) except (OSError, ValueError): # If we can't read the credentials, write them assuming that parent directories exist. guid = str(uuid4()) secret = token_urlsafe(16) with open(filename, 'w') as credentials_file: credentials_file.write(guid + "\n") credentials_file.write(secret) return guid, secret
[docs]def get_guid_and_secret(parsed_options): """Get the guid and secret for a payload, based on the options that were added via add_payload_credentials_arguments(). Args: parsed_options: Namespace result of parser.parse_args() Returns: Tuple of (guid, secret) Raises: OSError if the credential file cannot be read. Exception if no applicable arguments are given. """ if (hasattr(parsed_options, "guid") and parsed_options.guid) or (hasattr(parsed_options, "secret") and parsed_options.secret): return parsed_options.guid, parsed_options.secret if parsed_options.payload_credentials_file: return read_payload_credentials(parsed_options.payload_credentials_file) raise Exception('No payload credentials provided. Use --guid and --secret' ' or --payload-credentials-file. The latter in conjunction with' ' read_or_create_payload_credentials is recommended for easy' ' management of unique per-robot credentials')
[docs]def add_payload_credentials_file_argument(parser): """Add argument for payload_credentials_file to an ArgumentParser or argument group. This file is where the payload's GUID and secret are stored. The GUID and secret can be securely generated on a per-robot basis and written to this file with read_or_create_payload_credentials(filename). Args: parser: Argument parser object """ parser.add_argument( '--payload-credentials-file', help= 'File from which to read payload guid and secret. Preferred in conjunction with read_or_create_payload_credentials for easy management of unique per-robot credentials' )
[docs]def add_payload_credentials_arguments(parser, required=True): """Add arguments common to most payload related applications. Use get_guid_and_secret() to get the guid and secret from the resulting parse. Args: parser: Argument parser object. required: Require either the guid/secret or file arguments to be provided. """ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required) group.add_argument('--guid', help='Unique GUID of the payload.') parser.add_argument('--secret', help='Secret of the payload.') add_payload_credentials_file_argument(group)
[docs]def add_service_hosting_arguments(parser): """Add arguments common to most applications hosting a GRPC service. Args: parser: Argument parser object. """ parser.add_argument( '--port', default=0, help= ('The port number the service can be reached at (Warning: This port cannot be firewalled).' ' Defaults to 0, which will assign an ephemeral port'), type=int)
[docs]def add_service_endpoint_arguments(parser): """Add arguments common to most applications defining a GRPC service endpoint. Args: parser: Argument parser object. """ add_service_hosting_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--host-ip', required=True, help='Hostname or address the service can be reached at.' ' e.g. ""')
[docs]def safe_pb_enum_to_string(value, pb_enum_obj): """Safe wrapper to convert a protobuf enum object to its string representation. Avoids throughing an exception if the status is unknown by the enum object. Args: value: The enum value to convert pb_enum_obj: The protobuf enum object to decode the value """ try: return pb_enum_obj.Name(value) except ValueError: pass return '<unknown> (value: {})'.format(value)
[docs]@deprecated(reason='The GrpcServiceRunner class helper has moved to Please use ' 'bosdyn.client.server_util.GrpcServiceRunner.', version='3.0.0', action="always") class GrpcServiceRunner(object): """A runner to start a gRPC server on a background thread and allow easy cleanup. Args: service_servicer (custom servicer class derived from ServiceServicer): Servicer that defines server behavior. add_servicer_to_server_fn (function): Function generated by gRPC compilation that attaches the servicer to the gRPC server. port (int): The port number the service can be accessed through on the host system. Defaults to 0, which will assign an ephemeral port. max_send_message_length (int): Max message length (bytes) allowed for messages sent. max_receive_message_length (int): Max message length (bytes) allowed for messages received. timeout_secs (int): Number of seconds to wait for a clean server shutdown. force_sigint_capture (bool): Re-assign the SIGINT handler to default in order to prevent other scripts from blocking a clean exit. Defaults to True. logger (logging.Logger): Logger to log with. """ def __init__(self, service_servicer, add_servicer_to_server_fn, port=0, max_workers=4, max_send_message_length=None, max_receive_message_length=None, timeout_secs=3, force_sigint_capture=True, logger=None): self.logger = logger or _LOGGER self.timeout_secs = timeout_secs self.force_sigint_capture = force_sigint_capture # Use the name of the service_servicer class for print messages. self.server_type_name = type(service_servicer).__name__ self.server = grpc.server( futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers), options=generate_channel_options(max_send_message_length, max_receive_message_length)) add_servicer_to_server_fn(service_servicer, self.server) self.port = self.server.add_insecure_port('[::]:{}'.format(port)) self.server.start()'Started the {} server.'.format(self.server_type_name)) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop()
[docs] def stop(self):"Shutting down the {} server.".format(self.server_type_name)) shutdown_complete = self.server.stop(None) shutdown_complete.wait(self.timeout_secs)
[docs] def run_until_interrupt(self): """Spin the thread until a SIGINT is received and then shut down cleanly.""" if self.force_sigint_capture: # Ensure that KeyboardInterrupt is raised on a SIGINT. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler) # Monitor for SIGINT and shut down cleanly. try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.stop()
populate_response_header = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.populate_response_header, version='3.0.0') strip_large_bytes_fields = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_large_bytes_fields, version='3.0.0') get_bytes_field_whitelist = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.get_bytes_field_allowlist, version='3.0.0') strip_image_response = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_image_response, version='3.0.0') strip_get_image_response = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_get_image_response, version='3.0.0') strip_local_grid_responses = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_local_grid_responses, version='3.0.0') strip_store_image_request = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_store_image_request, version='3.0.0') strip_store_data_request = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_store_data_request, version='3.0.0') strip_record_signal_tick = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_record_signal_tick, version='3.0.0') strip_record_data_blob = moved_to(bosdyn.client.server_util.strip_record_data_blob, version='3.0.0')