Common utilities for API Python code.
- bosdyn.util.set_clock_source(clock_fn: Callable[[], float]) None [source]
Set the clock source to use the input clock source.
- bosdyn.util.duration_str(duration)[source]
Return a formatted string for a duration proto.
- Parameters:
duration (google.protobuf.Duration) – input duration
- Returns:
format ‘{seconds}.{nanoseconds}’.
- Return type:
- bosdyn.util.duration_to_seconds(duration)[source]
Return a number of seconds, as a float, based on Duration protobuf fields.
If you want a precise duration, use the Duration class’s ToTimedelta function.
- Parameters:
duration (google.protobuf.Duration) – input duration
- bosdyn.util.seconds_to_duration(seconds)[source]
Return a protobuf Duration from number of seconds, as a float.
- Parameters:
seconds (float) – duration length
- bosdyn.util.seconds_to_timestamp(seconds)[source]
Return a protobuf Timestamps from number of seconds, as a float.
- Parameters:
seconds (float) – seconds since epoch
- bosdyn.util.timestamp_str(timestamp)[source]
Return a formatted string for a timestamp or a duration proto.
- Parameters:
timestamp (google.protobuf.Timestamp or google.protobuf.Duration) – input duration
- Returns:
A string with format ‘{seconds}.{nanoseconds}’.
- bosdyn.util.sec_to_nsec(secs)[source]
Convert time in seconds as from _clock_source_fn() to a timestamp in nanoseconds.
- Parameters:
secs – Time in seconds
- Returns:
The time in nanoseconds, as an integer.
- bosdyn.util.nsec_to_sec(secs)[source]
Convert time in nanoseconds to a timestamp in seconds.
- Parameters:
secs – Time in nanoseconds
- Returns:
The time in seconds, as a float.
- bosdyn.util.now_nsec()[source]
Returns nanoseconds from dawn of unix epoch until when this is called.
- bosdyn.util.set_timestamp_from_now(timestamp_proto)[source]
Sets google.protobuf.Timestamp to point to the current time on the system clock.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto[out] (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – The proto into which the time will be written
- bosdyn.util.now_timestamp()[source]
Returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp set to the current time on the system clock.
- bosdyn.util.set_timestamp_from_nsec(timestamp_proto, time_nsec)[source]
Sets a Timestamp protobuf from an integer of nanoseconds since the unix epoch.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto[out] (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – timestamp into which time will be written
time_nsec[in] – the time, as an integer of nanoseconds from the unix epoch
- bosdyn.util.set_timestamp_from_datetime(timestamp_proto, date_time)[source]
Sets a Timestamp protobuf from datetime.datetime value.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto[out] (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – timestamp into which time will be written
date_time[in] (datetime.datetime) –
- bosdyn.util.nsec_to_timestamp(time_nsec)[source]
Returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp for an integer value of nanoseconds since the unix epoch.
- Parameters:
time_nsec (int) – the time, as an integer of nanoseconds from the unix epoch
- bosdyn.util.timestamp_to_sec(timestamp_proto)[source]
From a Timestamp proto, return a floating point value of seconds from the unix epoch .
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – input time
- bosdyn.util.timestamp_to_nsec(timestamp_proto)[source]
From a Timestamp proto, return an integer of nanoseconds from the unix epoch.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – input time
- bosdyn.util.timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp_proto, use_nanos=True)[source]
Convert a google.protobuf.Timestamp to a Python datetime.datetime object.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – input time
use_nanos (bool) – use fractional seconds in proto (default=True)
- Returns:
a datetime.datetime proto
- bosdyn.util.secs_to_hms(seconds)[source]
Format a time in seconds as ‘H:MM:SS’
- Parameters:
seconds – number of seconds (will be truncated to integer value)
- bosdyn.util.distance_str(meters)[source]
Convert a distance in meters to either xxx.xx m or xxx.xx km
- Parameters:
meters (float/int) – distance in meters
- bosdyn.util.format_metric(metric)[source]
Returns a string representing a metric.
- Parameters:
metric (bosdyn.api.Parameter) – metric description
- exception bosdyn.util.DatetimeParseError[source]
Failed to parse any datetime formats known to parse_datetime()
- bosdyn.util.parse_datetime(val)[source]
Parse datetime from string
- Parameters:
val – string with format like as described by TIME_FORMAT_DESC.
Returns: datetime.datetime.
Raises: DatetimeParseError if format of val is not recognized.
- bosdyn.util.parse_timespan(timespan_spec)[source]
Parse a timespan spec of the form {from-time}[-{to-time}]
- Parameters:
timespan_spec – string with format {spec} or {spec}-{spec} where {spec} is a string with a format as described by TIME_FORMAT_DESC.
Returns: (datetime.datetime, None) or (datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime).
Raises: DatetimeParseError if format of val is not recognized.
- class bosdyn.util.RobotTimeConverter(robot_clock_skew_nsec)[source]
Converts times in the local system clock to times in the robot clock.
Conversions are made given an estimate of clock skew from the local clock to the robot clock.
- robot_timestamp_from_local_nsecs(local_time_nsecs)[source]
Returns a robot-clock Timestamp proto for a local time in nanoseconds.
- Parameters:
local_time_nsecs – Local system time, in integer of nanoseconds from the unix epoch.
- robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(local_time_secs)[source]
Returns a robot-clock Timestamp proto for a local time in seconds.
- Parameters:
local_time_secs – Local system time, in seconds from the unix epoch.
- robot_timestamp_from_local(local_timestamp_proto)[source]
Takes a Timestamp proto is local time and returns one in robot time.
- Parameters:
local_timestamp_proto (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – timestamp in system clock
- convert_timestamp_from_local_to_robot(timestamp_proto)[source]
Edits timestamp_proto in place to convert it from the local clock to the robot_clock.
- Parameters:
timestamp_proto[in/out] (google.protobuf.Timestamp) – local system time