Protocol Documentation
Table of Contents
Structured data indicating an alert detected off the robot that can be stored in the DataBuffer and associated with with previously stored data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
severity | AlertData.SeverityLevel | Severity of this alert. | |
title | string | Human readable alert title/summary. | |
source | string | The source that triggered the alert. | |
additional_data | google.protobuf.Struct | JSON data for any additional info attached to this alert. |
Name | Number | Description |
SEVERITY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. If severity is unknown, must assume issue is highest severity. |
SEVERITY_LEVEL_INFO | 1 | Informational message that requires no action. |
SEVERITY_LEVEL_WARN | 2 | An error may occur in the future if no action is taken, but no action presently required. |
SEVERITY_LEVEL_ERROR | 3 | Action required. Error fatal to operation. |
SEVERITY_LEVEL_CRITICAL | 4 | Action required. Severe error that requires immediate attention. |
Command the end effector of the arm. Each axis in the task frame is allowed to be set to position mode (default) or Force mode. If the axis is set to position, the desired value is read from the pose_trajectory_in_task. If the axis is set to force, the desired value is read from the wrench_trajectory. This supports hybrid control of the arm where users can specify, for example, Z to be in force control with X and Y in position control.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ArmCartesianCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the pose trajectory. | |
measured_pos_tracking_error | double | Current linear tracking error of the tool frame [meters]. | |
measured_rot_tracking_error | double | Current rotational tracking error of the tool frame [radians]. | |
measured_pos_distance_to_goal | double | Linear distance from the tool to the tool trajectory's end point [meters]. | |
measured_rot_distance_to_goal | double | Rotational distance from the tool to the trajectory's end point [radians]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_frame_name | string | The root frame is used to set the optional task frame that all trajectories are specified with respect to. If the optional task frame is left un-specified it defaults to the identity transform and the root frame becomes the task frame. |
wrist_tform_tool | SE3Pose | The tool pose relative to the parent link (wrist). Defaults to [0.19557 0 0] [1 0 0 0] a frame with it's origin slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate aligned with wrist's orientation. |
root_tform_task | SE3Pose | The fields below are specified in this optional task frame. If unset it defaults to the identity transform and all quantities are therefore expressed in the root_frame_name. |
pose_trajectory_in_task | SE3Trajectory | A 3D pose trajectory for the tool expressed in the task frame, e.g. task_T_tool. This pose trajectory is optional if requesting a pure wrench at the end-effector, otherwise required for position or mixed force/position end-effector requests. |
maximum_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum acceleration magnitude of the end-effector. Valid ranges (0, 20] |
max_linear_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum linear velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (m/s) | |
max_angular_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum angular velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (rad/s) | |
max_pos_tracking_error | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Maximum allowable tracking error of the tool frame from the desired trajectory before the arm will stop moving and cancel the rest of the trajectory. When this limit is exceeded, the hand will stay at the pose it was at when it exceeded the tracking error, and any other part of the trajectory specified in the rest of this message will be ignored. max position tracking error in meters |
max_rot_tracking_error | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | max orientation tracking error in radians | |
force_remain_near_current_joint_configuration | bool | ||
preferred_joint_configuration | ArmJointPosition | ||
x_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
y_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
z_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
rx_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
ry_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
rz_axis | ArmCartesianCommand.Request.AxisMode | ||
wrench_trajectory_in_task | WrenchTrajectory | A force/torque trajectory for the tool expressed in the task frame. This trajectory is optional if requesting a pure pose at the end-effector, otherwise required for force or mixed force/position end-effector requests. |
disable_velocity_limiting | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Disables protection that prevents the arm from moving unexpectedly fast. If you are commanding an especially aggressive arm trajectory, you may need to disable this protection. WARNING: setting disable_velocity_limiting to true may result in fast arm motions! |
The synchronized command message for commanding the arm to move. A synchronized commands is one of the possible robot command messages for controlling the robot.
The feedback for the arm command that will provide information on the progress of the command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arm_cartesian_feedback | ArmCartesianCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the end-effector Cartesian command. | |
arm_joint_move_feedback | ArmJointMoveCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the joint move command. | |
named_arm_position_feedback | NamedArmPositionsCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the named position move command. | |
arm_velocity_feedback | ArmVelocityCommand.Feedback | ||
arm_gaze_feedback | GazeCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the gaze command. | |
arm_stop_feedback | ArmStopCommand.Feedback | ||
arm_drag_feedback | ArmDragCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the drag command. | |
arm_impedance_feedback | ArmImpedanceCommand.Feedback | Feedback for impedance command. | |
status | RobotCommandFeedbackStatus.Status |
The arm request must be one of the basic command primitives.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arm_cartesian_command | ArmCartesianCommand.Request | Control the end-effector in Cartesian space. | |
arm_joint_move_command | ArmJointMoveCommand.Request | Control joint angles of the arm. | |
named_arm_position_command | NamedArmPositionsCommand.Request | Move the arm to some predefined configurations. | |
arm_velocity_command | ArmVelocityCommand.Request | Velocity control of the end-effector. | |
arm_gaze_command | GazeCommand.Request | Point the gripper at a point in the world. | |
arm_stop_command | ArmStopCommand.Request | Stop the arm in place with minimal motion. | |
arm_drag_command | ArmDragCommand.Request | Use the arm to drag something held in the gripper. | |
arm_impedance_command | ArmImpedanceCommand.Request | Impedance control of arm (beta) | |
params | ArmParams | Any arm parameters to send, common across all arm commands |
Specify impedance about the end-effector. Users can set up frames along with stiffness and damping parameters to control how the end-effector will respond to external contact as it moves along a specified trajectory
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ArmImpedanceCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the pose trajectory. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations relevant to the current impedance operation. In addition to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"), this snapshot contains the following: "task": The task frame that the impedance action is specified in. "desired_tool": The pose of the desired_tool frame at the current time. "tool": The current measured pose of the tool. "desired_tool_at_end": The desired tool pose at the end of the requested trajectory. "measured_tool_at_start": The measured pose of the tool when this command was first sent. While these poses can be used in any way the user sees fit, here are some useful ideas: desired_tool_tform_tool: The current measured tool pose relative to the desired_tool frame [meters, quaternion]. This is our "tracking error". Multiplying this error by diagonal_stiffness_matrix shouldyield commanded_wrench_from_stiffness_at_tool_in_desired_tool .desired_tool_at_end_tform_tool: The current measured tool pose relative to the desired_tool frame at the end of the user trajectory[meters, quaternion]. This is our "distance to goal", and can be used for checking when an impedance move is "complete". measured_tool_at_start_tform_tool_in_task: The current measured tool pose relative to the measured tool frame at the start, expressed in the task frame [meters, quaternion]. This can be used to see how far the tool has moved since the beginning of the command. |
commanded_wrench_from_stiffness_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | The component of our commanded wrench at the tool expressed with respect to thedesired_tool frame from our stiffness matrix [Newtons / Nm] |
commanded_wrench_from_damping_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | The component of our commanded wrench at the tool expressed with respect to thedesired_tool frame from our damping matrix [Newtons / Nm] |
commanded_wrench_from_feed_forward_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | The component of our commanded wrench at the tool expressed with respect to thedesired_tool frame from our feed forward wrench [Newtons / Nm] |
total_commanded_wrench_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | The commanded total wrench at the tool expressed with respect to the desired_tool frame. This wrench has been saturated to obey max_force_mag and max_torque_mag [Newtons / Nm] |
total_measured_wrench_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | Sometimes the arm cannot achieve the commanded wrench exactly because of the underlying controller or arm pose. This looks at the joint torque sensors to determine the actual force and torque being applied at the tool. [Newtons / Nm] |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_frame_name | string | Name of the frame relative to which the task frame is defined for this command. Common frames for this include "odom", "vision", "body", and "flat_body". |
root_tform_task | SE3Pose | This transform specifies the pose of the task frame relative to the root frame. If unset, it defaults to identity, and the task frame coincides with the root frame. The desired_tool frame will be specified relative to the task frame. For peg inhole tasks for example, the task frame could be a frame attached to the top of the hole with z-axis aligned with the hole axis, and the desired_tool frame couldmove in z to direct the peg deeper into the hole. |
wrist_tform_tool | SE3Pose | The tool pose relative to the parent link (link_wr1). This can also be thought of as the "remote center" frame. For peg in hole tasks for example, one might put the tool frame at the tip of the peg, or slightly below the tip floating in space, at the point on which we want our virtual springs to pull. Defaults to [0.19557 0 0] [1 0 0 0] which is a frame aligned with the wrist frame, with its origin slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate. |
task_tform_desired_tool | SE3Trajectory | Trajectory of where we want the tool to be relative to the task frame. Note that thisdesired_tool frame is not the same as the tool frame attached to the wrist link. If ourtool deviates from this desired_tool pose, it will be subject to a wrench determined byour stiffness and damping matrices. |
feed_forward_wrench_at_tool_in_desired_tool | Wrench | Feed forward wrench to apply at the tool, expressed with respect to the desired_tool frame |
diagonal_stiffness_matrix | Vector | Stiffness matrix in the desired_tool frame. The matrix is parameterized by a vector of6 doubles, representing the diagonal of this 6x6 matrix: [x,y,z,tx,ty,tz] (N/m, N/m, N/m, Nm/rad, Nm/rad, Nm/rad). All other entries will be set to 0. All stiffness values along the diagonal should be non-negative. |
diagonal_damping_matrix | Vector | Damping matrix in the desired_tool frame. The matrix is parameterized by a vector of 6doubles, representing the diagonal of this 6x6 matrix: [x,y,z,tx,ty,tz] (Ns/m, Ns/m, Ns/m, Nms/rad, Nms/rad, Nms/rad) All other entries will be set to 0. All damping values along the diagonal should be non-negative. |
max_force_mag | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Maximum force magnitude in Newtons we're allowed to exert. If the tool deviates such that the magnitude of the requested force would exceed this threshold, saturate the requested force. If this value is not set, a default of 60N will be used. |
max_torque_mag | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Maximum torque magnitude in Newton meters we're allowed to exert. If the tool deviates such that the magnitude of the requested torque would exceed this threshold, saturate the requested torque. If this value is not set, a default of 15Nm will be used. |
disable_safety_check | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Set to True to disable cancelling the trajectory for unsafe behaviors. NOTE: If disable_safety_check is set to True, the robot may damage itself or the environment. Extreme caution should be used when setting disable_safety_check to True. |
Specify a set of joint angles to move the arm.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ArmJointMoveCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the request. | |
planner_status | ArmJointMoveCommand.Feedback.PlannerStatus | Current status of the trajectory planner. | |
planned_points | ArmJointTrajectoryPoint | repeated | Based on the user trajectory, the planned knot points that obey acceleration and velocity constraints. If these knot points don't match the requested knot points, consider increasing velocity/acceleration limits, and/or staying further away from joint position limits. In situations where we've modified you last point, we append a minimum time trajectory (that obeys the velocity and acceleration limits) from the planner's final point to the requested final point. This means that the length of planned_points may be one point larger than the requested. The planner works on a moving window of up to 10 points from the input trajectory, so the length of planned points will be at most 10, and its contents will change over time for long trajectories. |
time_to_goal | google.protobuf.Duration | Returns amount of time remaining until the joints are at the goal position. For multiple point trajectories, this is the time remaining to the final point. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
trajectory | ArmJointTrajectory | Note: Sending a single point empty trajectory will cause the arm to freeze in place. This is an easy way to lock the arm in its current configuration. |
Position of our 6 arm joints in radians. If a joint angle is not specified, we will use the joint position at time the message is received on robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sh0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
sh1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
el0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
el1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wr0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wr1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
This allows a user to move the arm’s joints directly. Each of the arm’s joints will never move faster than maximum_velocity and never accelerate faster than maximum_acceleration. The user can specify a trajectory of joint positions and optional velocities for the arm to follow. The trajectory will be acted upon as follows. If a single trajectory point with no time is provided, the arm will take the joint currently furthest away from the goal pose and plan a minimum time trajectory such that the joint accelerates at maximum_acceleration, coasts at maximum_velocity, and decelerates at maximum_acceleration. The other joints will accelerate at maximum_acceleration, but then coast at a slower speed such that all joints arrive at the goal pose simultaneously with zero velocity. If the user provides trajectory times, the robot will fit a piece-wise cubic trajectory (continuous position and velocity) to the user’s requested positions and (optional) velocities. If the requested trajectory is not achievable because it will violate position limits or the maximum_velocity or maximum_acceleration, the robot will pick a trajectory that is as close as possible to the user requested without violating velocity or acceleration limits.
If the robot is not hitting the desired trajectory, try increasing the time between knot points, increasing the max velocity and acceleration, or only specifying joint position goals without a velocity
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | ArmJointTrajectoryPoint | repeated | The points in our trajectory. (positions, (optional) velocity, (optional) time) |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectory points specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
maximum_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The maximum velocity in rad/s that any joint is allowed to achieve. If this field is not set, a default value will be used. |
maximum_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The maximum acceleration in rad/s^2 that any joint is allowed to achieve. If this field is not set, a default value will be used. |
A set of joint angles and velocities that can be used as a point within a joint trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
position | ArmJointPosition | Desired joint angles in radians | |
velocity | ArmJointVelocity | Optional desired joint velocities in radians / sec | |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The time since reference at which we wish to achieve this position / velocity |
Velocity of our 6 arm joints in radians / second. If a velocity for a joint is specified, velocities for all joints we are trying to move must be specified.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sh0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
sh1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
el0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
el1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wr0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wr1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters common across arm commands.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
disable_body_force_limiter | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Whether or not to disable the body force limiter running on the robot. By default, this is / on, and the chance that the body falls over because the arm makes contact in the world is / low. If this is purposely disabled (by setting disable_body_force_limiter to True), the arm / may be able to accelerate faster, and apply more force to the world and to objects than / usual, but there is also added risk of the robot falling over. |
Stop the arm applying minimal forces to the world. For example, if the arm is in the middle of opening a heavy door and a stop command is sent, the arm will comply and let the door close.
Stop command provides no feedback
Stop command takes no arguments.
When controlling the arm with a joystick, because of latency it can often be better to send velocity commands rather than position commands. Both linear and angular velocity can be specified. The linear velocity can be specified in a cylindrical frame around the shoulder or with a specified frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_name | string | The frame to express our velocities in | |
velocity_in_frame_name | Vec3 | The x-y-z velocity of the hand (m/s) with respect to the frame |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
linear_velocity | CylindricalCoordinate | The linear velocities for the end-effector are specified in unitless cylindrical / coordinates. The origin of the cylindrical coordinate system is the base of the arm / (shoulder). The Z-axis is aligned with gravity, and the X-axis is the unit vector from / the shoulder to the hand-point. This construction allows for 'Z'-axis velocities to / raise/lower the hand, 'R'-axis velocities will cause the hand to move towards/away from / the shoulder, and 'theta'-axis velocities will cause the hand to travel / clockwise/counter-clockwise around the shoulder. Lastly, the command is unitless, with / values for each axis specified in the range [-1, 1]. A value of 0 denotes no velocity / and values of +/- 1 denote maximum velocity (see max_linear_velocity). |
max_linear_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The maximum velocity in meters / second for the hand. / If unset and default value of 0 received, will set max_linear_velocity to 0.5 m/s. |
ArmVelocityCommand provides no feedback
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cylindrical_velocity | ArmVelocityCommand.CylindricalVelocity | ||
cartesian_velocity | ArmVelocityCommand.CartesianVelocity | ||
angular_velocity_of_hand_rt_odom_in_hand | Vec3 | The angular velocity of the hand frame measured with respect to the odom frame, expressed in the hand frame. A 'X' rate will cause the hand to rotate about its x-axis, e.g. the final wrist twist joint will rotate. And similarly, 'Y' and 'Z' rates will cause the hand to rotate about its y and z axis respectively. \ The units should be rad/sec. |
maximum_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional maximum acceleration magnitude of the end-effector. (m/s^2) | |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) by which a command must finish executing. This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
Move the hand in such a way to point it at a position in the world.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | GazeCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. | |
gazing_at_target | bool | If we are gazing at the target Rotation from the current gaze point to the trajectory's end [radians] |
gaze_to_target_rotation_measured | float | ||
hand_position_at_goal | bool | If the hand's position is at the goal. Distance from the hand's current position to the trajectory's end [meters] |
hand_distance_to_goal_measured | float | ||
hand_roll_at_goal | bool | If the hand's roll is at the goal. Rotation from the current hand position to the desired roll at the trajectory's end [radians] |
hand_roll_to_target_roll_measured | float |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target_trajectory_in_frame1 | Vec3Trajectory | Point(s) to look at expressed in frame1. | |
frame1_name | string | ||
tool_trajectory_in_frame2 | SE3Trajectory | Optional, desired pose of the tool expressed in frame2. Will be constrained to 'look at' the target regardless of the requested orientation. |
frame2_name | string | ||
wrist_tform_tool | SE3Pose | The transformation of the tool pose relative to the parent link (wrist). If the field is left unset, the transform will default to: The position is wrist_tform_hand.position() [20 cm translation in wrist x]. The rotation is wrist_tform_hand_camera.rotation() [-9 degree pitch about wrist y]. |
target_trajectory_initial_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional velocity to move the target along the shortest path from the gaze's starting position to the first point in the target trajectory. |
maximum_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum acceleration magnitude of the end-effector. Valid ranges (0, 20] |
max_linear_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum linear velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (m/s) | |
max_angular_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum angular velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (rad/s) |
Command the arm move to a predefined configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | NamedArmPositionsCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the request. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
position | NamedArmPositionsCommand.Positions |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_COMPLETE | 1 | Tool frame has reached the end of the trajectory within tracking error bounds. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is attempting to reach the target. |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_CANCELLED | 3 | Tool frame exceeded maximum allowable tracking error from the desired trajectory. |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_STALLED | 4 | The arm has stopped making progress to the goal. Note, this does not cancel the trajectory. For example, if the requested goal is too far away, walking the base robot closer to the goal will cause the arm to continue along the trajectory once the goal point is inside the workspace. |
If an axis is set to position mode (default), read desired from SE3Trajectory trajectory command. If mode is set to Force, read desired from WrenchTrajectory wrench_trajectory command. This supports hybrid control of the arm where users can specify, for example, Z to be in force control with X and Y in position control. The elements are expressed in the same task_frame as the trajectories.
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_COMPLETE | 1 | Tool frame has reached the end of the trajectory, and is close to the desired_tool in directions with high stiffness and no feed forwards |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is moving along the desired_tool trajectory |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_STALLED | 3 | The arm has stopped making progress to the goal and the measured tool frame is far from the desired_tool along directions where we expect good tracking |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_CANCELLED | 4 | Detected an arm instability, so the commanded motion was cancelled. Consider lowering stiffness or lowering both stiffness and damping to improve stability. |
Name | Number | Description |
PLANNER_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | PLANNER_STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
PLANNER_STATUS_SUCCESS | 1 | A solution passing through the desired points and obeying the constraints was found. |
PLANNER_STATUS_MODIFIED | 2 | The planner had to modify the desired points in order to obey the constraints. For example, if you specify a 1 point trajectory, and tell it to get there in a really short amount of time, but haven't set a high allowable max velocity / acceleration, the planner will do its best to get as close as possible to the final point, but won't reach it. In situations where we've modified you last point, we append a minimum time trajectory (that obeys the velocity and acceleration limits) from the planner's final point to the requested final point. |
PLANNER_STATUS_FAILED | 3 | Failed to compute a valid trajectory, will go to first point instead. It is possible that our optimizer till fail to solve the problem instead of returning a sub-optimal solution. This is un-likely to occur. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened |
STATUS_COMPLETE | 1 | The arm is at the desired configuration. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is re-configuring arm to get to desired configuration. |
STATUS_STALLED | 3 | The arm has stopped making progress towards the goal. This could be because it is avoiding a collision or joint limit. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_TRAJECTORY_COMPLETE | 1 | Robot is gazing at the target at the end of the trajectory. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is re-configuring arm to gaze at the target. |
STATUS_TOOL_TRAJECTORY_STALLED | 3 | The arm has stopped making progress to the goal pose for the tool. Note, this does not cancel the trajectory. For example, if the requested goal is too far away, walking the base robot closer to the goal will cause the arm to continue along the trajectory once it can continue. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_COMPLETE | 1 | The arm is at the desired configuration. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is re-configuring arm to get to desired configuration. |
STATUS_STALLED_HOLDING_ITEM | 3 | Some requests may not execute if the gripper is holding an item declared not stowable, e.g. POSITIONS_STOW with carry_state == CARRY_STATE_CARRIABLE. In these situations, Spot will instead run an ArmStopCommand request while the blocking condition remains true. Clearing the condition will cause the request to proceed and the arm will start moving. |
Name | Number | Description |
POSITIONS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid request; do not use. |
POSITIONS_CARRY | 1 | The carry position is a damped, force limited position close to stow, with the hand slightly in front of the robot. |
POSITIONS_READY | 2 | Move arm to ready position. The ready position is defined with the hand directly in front of and slightly above the body, with the hand facing forward in the robot body +X direction. |
POSITIONS_STOW | 3 | Stow the arm, safely. If the robot is holding something, it will freeze the arm instead of stowing. Overriding the carry_state to CARRY_STATE_CARRIABLE_AND_STOWABLE, will allow the robot to stow the arm while grasping an item. |
ArmSurfaceContact lets you accurately move the robot’s arm in the world while having some ability to perform force control. This mode is useful for drawing, wiping, and other similar behaviors.
The message is similar to the ArmCartesianCommand message, which you can look at for additional details.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_frame_name | string | The root frame is used to set the optional task frame that all trajectories are specified with respect to. If the optional task frame is left un-specified it defaults to the identity transform and the root frame becomes the task frame. |
wrist_tform_tool | SE3Pose | The tool pose relative to the parent link (wrist). Defaults to [0.19557 0 0] [1 0 0 0] a frame with it's origin slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate aligned with wrists orientation. |
root_tform_task | SE3Pose | The fields below are specified in this optional task frame. If unset int defaults to the identity transform and all quantities are therefore expressed in the root_frame_name. |
pose_trajectory_in_task | SE3Trajectory | A 3D pose trajectory for the tool expressed in the task frame, e.g. task_T_tool. This pose trajectory is optional if requesting a pure wrench at the end-effector, otherwise required for position or mixed force/position end-effector requests. |
maximum_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum acceleration magnitude of the end-effector. Valid ranges (0, 20] |
max_linear_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum linear velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (m/s) | |
max_angular_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional Maximum angular velocity magnitude of the end-effector. (rad/s) | |
max_pos_tracking_error | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Maximum allowable tracking error of the tool frame from the desired trajectory before the arm will stop moving and cancel the rest of the trajectory. When this limit is exceeded, the hand will stay at the pose it was at when it exceeded the tracking error, and any other part of the trajectory specified in the rest of this message will be ignored. max position tracking error in meters |
max_rot_tracking_error | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | max orientation tracking error in radians | |
force_remain_near_current_joint_configuration | bool | ||
preferred_joint_configuration | ArmJointPosition | ||
x_axis | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AxisMode | ||
y_axis | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AxisMode | ||
z_axis | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AxisMode | ||
press_force_percentage | Vec3 | Amount of force to use on each axis, from 0 (no force) to 1.0 (maximum force), can also be negative. Full range: [-1.0, 1.0] |
xy_admittance | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AdmittanceSetting | Admittance settings for each axis in the admittance frame. | |
z_admittance | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AdmittanceSetting | ||
xy_to_z_cross_term_admittance | ArmSurfaceContact.Request.AdmittanceSetting | Cross term, making force in the XY axis cause movement in the z-axis. By default is OFF Setting this value will make the arm move in the negative Z-axis whenever it feels force in the XY axis. |
bias_force_ewrt_body | Vec3 | Specifies a force that the body should expect to feel. This allows the robot to "lean into" an external force. Be careful using this field, because if you lie to the robot, it can fall over. |
gripper_command | ClawGripperCommand.Request | Gripper control | |
is_robot_following_hand | bool | Set to true to have robot is walk around to follow the hand. |
Parameters for controlling admittance. By default, the robot will stop moving the arm when it encounters resistance. You can control that reaction to make the robot stiffer or less stiff by changing the parameters.
Name | Number | Description |
ADMITTANCE_SETTING_OFF | 1 | No admittance. |
ADMITTANCE_SETTING_NORMAL | 2 | Normal reaction to touching things in the world |
ADMITTANCE_SETTING_LOOSE | 3 | Robot will not push very hard against objects |
ADMITTANCE_SETTING_STIFF | 4 | Robot will push hard against the world |
ADMITTANCE_SETTING_VERY_STIFF | 5 | Robot will push very hard against the world |
If an axis is set to position mode (default), read desired from SE3Trajectory command. If mode is set to force, use the “press_force_percentage” field to determine force.
Name | Number | Description |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
request | ArmSurfaceContact.Request |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ArmSurfaceContact | ArmSurfaceContactCommand | ArmSurfaceContactResponse |
The GetAuthToken request message includes login information for the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
username | string | Username to authenticate with. Must be set if password is set. | |
password | string | Password to authenticate with. Not necessary if token is set. | |
token | string | Token to authenticate with. Can be used in place of the password, to re-mint a token. |
The GetAuthToken response message includes an authentication token if the login information is correct and succeeds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
status | GetAuthTokenResponse.Status | The status of the grpc GetAuthToken request. | |
token | string | Token data. Only specified if status == STATUS_OK. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | STATUS_OK indicates that authentication has succeeded. The 'token' field field will be populated with a session token that can be used to authenticate the user. |
STATUS_INVALID_LOGIN | 2 | STATUS_INVALID_LOGIN indicates that authentication has failed since an invalid username and/or password were provided. |
STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN | 3 | STATUS_INVALID_TOKEN indicates that authentication has failed since the 'token' provided in the request is invalid. Reasons for the token being invalid could be because it has expired, because it is improperly formed, for the wrong robot, the user that the token is for has changed a password, or many other reasons. Clients should use username/password-based authentication when refreshing the token fails. |
STATUS_TEMPORARILY_LOCKED_OUT | 4 | STATUS_TEMPORARILY_LOCKED_OUT indicates that authentication has failed since authentication for the user is temporarily locked out due to too many unsuccessful attempts. Any new authentication attempts should be delayed so they may happen after the lock out period ends. |
The AuthService provides clients the ability to convert a user/password pair into a token. The token can then be added to the http2 headers for future requests in order to establish the identity of the requester.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetAuthToken | GetAuthTokenRequest | GetAuthTokenResponse | Request to get the auth token for the robot. |
Configure the AutoReturn system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that AutoReturn may use to accomplish its goals when AutoReturn automatically triggers. If left empty, AutoReturn will not automatically trigger. |
params | Params | Parameters to use when AutoReturn automatically triggers. | |
clear_buffer | bool | Forget any buffered locations the robot may be remembering. Defaults to false. Set to true if the robot has just crossed an area it should not traverse in AutoReturn. |
Response to a configuration request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | ConfigureResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
invalid_params | Params | If status is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS, this contains the settings that were invalid. |
Ask for the current configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response to a “get configuration” request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
enabled | bool | A simple yes/no, will AutoReturn automatically trigger. | |
request | ConfigureRequest | The most recent successful ConfigureRequest. Will be empty if service has not successfully been configured. |
Parameters to AutoReturn actions.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mobility_params | google.protobuf.Any | Robot-specific mobility parameters to use. For example, see |
max_displacement | float | Allow AutoReturn to move the robot this far in the XY plane from the location where AutoReturn started. Travel along the Z axis (which is gravity-aligned) does not count. Must be > 0. meters |
max_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | Optionally specify the maximum amount of time AutoReturn can take. If this duration is exceeded, AutoReturn will stop trying to move the robot. Omit to try indefinitely. Robot may become stuck and never take other comms loss actions! |
Start AutoReturn behavior now.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that AutoReturn may use to accomplish its goals. If left empty, use the leases specified in ConfigureRequest. If empty and no leases have been specified by ConfigureRequest, the response will have a CODE_INVALID_REQUEST in the header. |
params | Params | Parameters to use. If left empty, use the params specified in ConfigureRequest. If empty and no params have been specified by ConfigureRequest, the response will have a CODE_INVALID_REQUEST in the header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | StartResponse.Status | ||
invalid_params | Params | If status is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS, this contains the settings that were invalid. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Configure | ConfigureRequest | ConfigureResponse | Configure the service. |
GetConfiguration | GetConfigurationRequest | GetConfigurationResponse | Get the current configuration. |
Start | StartRequest | StartResponse | Start AutoReturn now. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
walk | Walk | Walk to compile. | |
treat_warnings_as_errors | bool | If this is set to true, mission compilation will fail if the Walk contains parameters that are set incorrectly. This can be useful during development to help the developer find issues with their client (e.g., suppose the client UI allows a user to set a parameter incorrectly). If this is set to false, mission compilation is more likely to succeed for the same Walk because any parameters that are both incorrect and modifiable are modified during mission compilation. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | CompileAutowalkResponse.Status | Result of compiling the mission. | |
root | bosdyn.api.mission.Node | Root node of compiled walk. | |
element_identifiers | ElementIdentifiers | repeated | There will be one ElementIdentifier for each Element in the input Walk. The index of each ElementIdentifier corresponds to the index of the Element in the input Walk. Skipped elements will have default values for id's. (0 and empty string) |
failed_elements | CompileAutowalkResponse.FailedElementsEntry | repeated | If certain elements failed compilation, they will be reported back in this field. The map correlates the index of the Element in the input Walk to the FailedElement. |
docking_node | NodeIdentifier | Final docking node. | |
loop_node | NodeIdentifier | Node that contains the main sequence of actions performed in the walk. In continuous playback mode, the walk repeats when this node completes. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | FailedElement |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_id | NodeIdentifier | Deprecated. Identifiable data for the root node of the element. Deprecated as of 4.0. Please use navigation_id instead. |
action_id | NodeIdentifier | Identifiable data for action node of the element. | |
navigation_id | NodeIdentifier | Identifiable data for the navigation node of the element. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
errors | string | repeated | The reasons why this element failed. May not be provided by all elements. |
warnings | string | repeated | Compile time modification that resolved error(s). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
walk | Walk | Walk to compile | |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that will be needed to validate the mission. Usually, no leases are necessary for validation, and this can be left empty. |
treat_warnings_as_errors | bool | If this is set to true, mission compilation will fail if the Walk contains parameters that are set incorrectly. This can be useful during development to help the developer find issues with their client (e.g., suppose the client UI allows a user to set a parameter incorrectly). If this is set to false, mission compilation is more likely to succeed for the same Walk because any parameters that are both incorrect and modifiable are modified during mission compilation. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | LoadAutowalkResponse.Status | Result of loading the mission. | |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Results from any leases that may have been used. As part of mission validation, some of the non-mission leases may have been used. |
failed_nodes | bosdyn.api.mission.FailedNode | repeated | If certain nodes failed compilation or validation, they will be reported back in this field. |
element_identifiers | ElementIdentifiers | repeated | There will be one ElementIdentifier for each Element in the input Walk. The index of each ElementIdentifier corresponds to the index of the Element in the input Walk. Skipped elements will have default values for id's. (0 and empty string) |
failed_elements | LoadAutowalkResponse.FailedElementsEntry | repeated | If certain elements failed compilation, they will be reported back in this field. The map correlates the index of the Element in the input Walk to the FailedElement. |
mission_id | int64 | Mission ID assigned by the mission service. | |
docking_node | NodeIdentifier | Final docking node. | |
loop_node | NodeIdentifier | Node that contains the main sequence of actions performed in the walk. In continuous playback mode, the walk repeats when this node completes. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | FailedElement |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
node_id | int64 | Unique integer set by the mission service when loading a mission. | |
user_data_id | string | Unique string set by the autowalk service when compiling a walk. |
Possible results of compiling a walk to mission.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Compilation succeeded. |
STATUS_COMPILE_ERROR | 2 | Compilation failed. The walk was malformed. |
Possible results of loading a mission.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The mission was loaded successfully. |
STATUS_COMPILE_ERROR | 2 | Compilation failed. The walk was malformed. |
STATUS_VALIDATE_ERROR | 3 | Load-time validation failed. Some part of the mission was unable to initialize. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
CompileAutowalk | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | Compile a walk into a mission. Input DataChunks should deserialize into a CompileAutowalkRequest. Output DataChunks should deserialize into a CompileAutowalkResponse. This rpc is stateless. |
LoadAutowalk | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | Compile a walk into a mission then load to mission service. Input DataChunks should deserialize into a LoadAutowalkRequest. Output DataChunks should deserialize into a LoadAutowalkResponse. |
An Action is what the robot should do at a location. For example, the user may desire that the robot perform a laser scan at a given waypoint.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sleep | Action.Sleep | ||
data_acquisition | Action.DataAcquisition | ||
remote_grpc | Action.RemoteGrpc | ||
execute_choreography | Action.ExecuteChoreography | ||
node | bosdyn.api.mission.Node | This field can be used to specify a behavior tree as an action. If the user had two callbacks they would like to run simultaneously at the waypoint this action is associated with, they could use create a behavior tree inside Node with both callbacks embedded in a simple parallel. The downside of using node, is that editors might not support editing parameters directly. |
For actions associated with the Data Acquisition Service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acquire_data_request | bosdyn.api.AcquireDataRequest | The autowalk service replaces the action_name field in the CaptureActionId with the element name. |
completion_behavior | bosdyn.api.mission.DataAcquisition.CompletionBehavior | ||
last_known_capabilities | bosdyn.api.AcquisitionCapabilityList | Last known Data Acquisition capabilities. | |
record_time_images | bosdyn.api.ImageCaptureAndSource | repeated | Any images taken at action creation time. For DataAcquisition actions, this includes: - Any images in the Data Acquisition capture. - Any images that are inputs to NCB workers that are in the Data Acquisition capture. - Any images that a Data Acquisition plugin in the Data Acquisition capture requests a region of interest for. Note that both this message and AcquisitionCapabilityList will contain the Spec for images sources. This message will contain the spec at record time, while last_known_capabilities should be updated as time progresses and services evolve. This data is meant to allow UIs to give users context about their actions, AND provide them a canvas to edit region of interests with after the fact. It is not used at mission playback time. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sequence_name | string | The name of the sequence to play. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service in the directory. | |
rpc_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | Timeout of any single RPC. If the timeout is exceeded, the RPC will fail. The mission service treats each failed RPC differently: - EstablishSession: An error is returned in LoadMission. - Tick: The RPC is retried. - Stop: The error is ignored, and the RPC is not retried. Omit for a default of 60 seconds. |
lease_resources | string | repeated | Resources that we will need leases on. |
inputs | bosdyn.api.mission.KeyValue | repeated | Deprecated. The list of variables the remote host should receive. Variables given can be available at either run-time or compile-time. The "key" in KeyValue is the name of the variable as used by the remote system. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please use 'parameters' instead. |
parameters | bosdyn.api.CustomParamCollection | All specifications and any values chosen at record time. | |
record_time_images | bosdyn.api.ImageCaptureAndSource | repeated | Any images taken at action creation time. For RemoteGRPC's, this will only happen if the RemoteGRPC advertises parameters that require a region of interest for a specific camera. This data is meant to allow UIs to give users context about their actions, AND provide them a canvas to edit region of interests with after the fact. It is not used at mission playback time. |
The robot does nothing but wait while also performing its ActionWrapper(s). For example, if the user wants the robot to pose for some amount of time (while doing nothing else), they would populate an ActionWrapper with Pose and set the desired duration here accordingly.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration |
An ActionWrapper is what the robot should do prior to and during an action. For example, the user may desire that the robot stand in such a way that its z-axis is aligned with the gravity vector, even though it is standing on an incline.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
robot_body_sit | ActionWrapper.RobotBodySit | ||
robot_body_pose | ActionWrapper.RobotBodyPose | ||
spot_cam_led | ActionWrapper.SpotCamLed | ||
spot_cam_ptz | ActionWrapper.SpotCamPtz | ||
arm_sensor_pointing | ActionWrapper.ArmSensorPointing | ||
spot_cam_alignment | ActionWrapper.SpotCamAlignment | ||
gripper_camera_params | ActionWrapper.GripperCameraParams | ||
gripper_command | ActionWrapper.GripperCommand |
Position the body and perform a joint move and cartesian command in target frame
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_trajectory | bosdyn.api.ArmJointTrajectory | Arm Joint Move Command The joint trajectory to execute in the initial rough pointing joint move. |
wrist_tform_tool | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Arm Cartesian Command The tool pose relative to the parent link (wrist). Defaults to a frame with it's origin slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate aligned with the wrist's orientation. |
pose_trajectory_rt_target | bosdyn.api.SE3Trajectory | A 3D pose trajectory for the tool expressed in target frame, | |
target_tform_measured_offset | bosdyn.api.SE2Pose | Robot desired stance relative to waypoint This is taken by measuring the average of the footprints in body frame at the time of waypoint creation. This is used to generate the stance command. Target == waypoint. This assumes the waypoint is gravity aligned. |
body_assist_params | | Body mobility params during cartesian move | |
force_stow_override | bool | If true, the arm will stow after this action no matter what. If false, the arm will only stow if the next action is far away. |
Set the camera params of the gripper camera
Field | Type | Label | Description |
params | bosdyn.api.GripperCameraParams |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
request | bosdyn.api.GripperCommand.Request | ||
disable_post_action_close | bool | By default, any action that includes a GripperCommand action wrapper will run the specified command BEFORE the action is run. By default, after the action is run the gripper will be closed. This behavior can be turned off by setting this flag to true. |
Pose the robot prior to performing the action
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target_tform_body | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | If your Target is a graph_nav waypoint, this pose will be relative to the waypoint you are navigating to. If no target was specified, this parameter will be ignored and the robot will stand in a generic pose. |
Sit the robot prior to performing the action
Align SpotCam to a waypoint. Cannot be used with SpotCamPtz or RobotBodyPose
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alignments | ActionWrapper.SpotCamAlignment.Alignment | repeated | List of alignments to perform |
target_tform_sensor | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Desired transform from the sensor to the target | |
final_zoom | float | Final zoom the camera should be after all alignments have finished | |
target_sensor_ids | string | repeated | Optional list of sensor names which should be unobstructed after alignment |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
zoom | float | Camera zoom parameter | |
sensor_id | string | Sensor to use for alignment | |
scene_object_id | string | ||
is_skipped | bool | If true, this alignment will be skipped during playback | |
focus_state | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.PtzFocusState | Focus state used during alignment. Defaults to auto-focus. |
Set the brightness of the LEDs on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
brightnesses | ActionWrapper.SpotCamLed.BrightnessesEntry | repeated | There are four LEDs at indices [0, 3]. The brightness for each LED may be set between [0.0, 1.0], where 0 is off and 1 is full brightness. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | float |
Set the pan, tilt, and zoom of the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ptz_position | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.PtzPosition | See bosdyn/api/spot_cam |
If your mission has docks, autowalk can pause the mission to return to the dock if the battery gets too low. Use this message to control when this behavior happens.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
battery_start_threshold | float | Once charging, the robot will continue to charge until the battery level is greater than or equal to this threshold, at which point in time, the mission will start. |
battery_stop_threshold | float | If the battery level is less than or equal to this threshold, the robot will stop what it is currently doing and return to the dock. Once the battery level is greater than or equal to the battery start threshold, the mission will resume. |
Choreography elements required for the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
choreography_sequences | | repeated | Any sequences we need to play the mission. |
animated_moves | | repeated | Any animations we need if we want to play the sequence. |
The dock itself and the target associated with it
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dock_id | uint32 | The docking station ID of the dock corresponds to the number printed on the fiducial, below the part of the fiducial that looks like a QR code. Only fiducial IDs greater than or equal to 500 should be used here because they are reserved for docks. |
docked_waypoint_id | string | To maximize reliability, at record time, the client should dock the robot while graph_nav is still recording. When the robot is finished docking, the client should create a waypoint on top of the dock, while the robot is docked, and then stop recording. The waypoint created while the robot is sitting on the dock should be specified here. |
target_prep_pose | Target | When it is time for the robot to dock, it will approach this target before issuing docking commands. If the user is using graph_nav, the final waypoint in the NavigateRoute OR the waypoint ID in the NavigateTo MUST be at the docking prep pose. To do this, send a docking command to move the robot to the docking prep pose. Then, create a waypoint at the docking prep pose location. Graph_nav is responsible for navigating the robot to the docking prep pose. Once the robot is in the docking prep pose, the docking service does the rest. |
prompt_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | At mission playback, if the robot is unable to reach the dock OR successfully dock, the mission will let the operator know with a user question. If the operator does not answer, the robot will safely power off. This parameter controls how long the operator has to answer. This parameter also controls how long robot will wait to retry to undock on a failed undock. |
disable_recharge | bool | Whether the robot can use this dock for recharging or executing a return to dock and try again later failure behavior. |
disable_end | bool | Whether the robot can end a mission on this dock. |
An Element is the basic building block of the autowalk.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of an element may be anything, but it is good practice to choose something that describes the physical location and action that is occurring (e.g., boiler room laser scan). |
target | Target | Location the robot should navigate to. | |
target_failure_behavior | FailureBehavior | Describes what to do if the robot fails to navigate to target. | |
action | Action | Action performed at target destination | |
action_wrapper | ActionWrapper | Actions performed by the robot and/or payloads prior to and during an action. | |
action_failure_behavior | FailureBehavior | Describes what to do if the robot fails to execute the action. | |
is_skipped | bool | Set to true to skip element. | |
battery_monitor | BatteryMonitor | If the mission requires more than one battery, the robot needs to return to the dock and charge before it can complete the mission. This field defines the battery percentage thresholds that at which the robot should pause and resume mission execution. Considering using various thresholds depending on the target's distance from the dock |
action_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | Maximum duration of action execution time, including all wrappers. If they take longer than this duration, the action will be considered a failure. Not including, or including a zero duration will set the action to NOT have a timeout. |
id | string | Unique identifier for this element. This will be embedded in various Data Acquisition captures and various logging bundles. This should be globally unique across all elements. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
retry_count | int32 | The mission can automatically retry navigating to a waypoint or performing an action. Automatic retries can increase the probability of successfully navigating to a waypoint, but may cause the robot to take an unexpected path. Similarly, they can increase the probability of successfully collecting data for an action, but also increase the amount of time a mission takes. If the client does not want the robot to automatically retry navigating to a waypoint or performing an action, set this to 0. If the client wants the robot to automatically retry navigating to a waypoint or performing an action, set this to the desired number of retries. For example, if the client would like the action to be retried once, set this equal to 1. If this is unset or set to 0, no retry will occur. |
prompt_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | At mission playback, if something fails (e.g., the robot gets stuck, an action fails), the user will get all possible actions as options in a question to choose from. If the user does not answer, the mission will fall back to the default behavior after this timeout. The default behaviors are defined by the default_behavior one_of. A minimum duration of 10 seconds is enforced. |
safe_power_off | FailureBehavior.SafePowerOff | ||
proceed_if_able | FailureBehavior.ProceedIfAble | ||
return_to_start_and_try_again_later | FailureBehavior.ReturnToStartAndTryAgainLater | ||
return_to_start_and_terminate | FailureBehavior.ReturnToStartAndTerminate |
If a failure occurs and the prompt has not been answered, the robot will proceed to the next action if able to do so. This may lead to different behavior at mission playback than at mission recording (e.g., the robot may take a different route, the robot may fail to collect the data for an action).
Only available in missions with a dock! If robot can get back to the dock, it will, and if it does, the mission will end.
Only available in missions with a dock! If a failure occurs and the prompt has not been answered, the robot will return to the start of the mission. Once at the start of the mission, the robot will attempt to dock. If successfully, robot will try again later after the specified delay.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
try_again_delay | google.protobuf.Duration | How long to wait at start of mission (or on dock) before trying again. A minimum duration of 60 seconds is enforced. |
If a failure occurs and the prompt has not been answered, the robot will sit down and power off. This is the safest option.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
request | bosdyn.api.SafePowerOffCommand.Request |
These parameters apply to the entire autowalk.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
group_name | string | If the mission contains data acquisitions, this will be their group name. The actual group name used will include the specified group name, and additional qualifiers to ensure its unique for each start of this mission. |
should_autofocus_ptz | bool | If the mission contains SpotCAM PTZ actions, set this to true. At the start of the mission (or if the robot falls), the SpotCAM PTZ autofocus will be reset, thereby improving the quality of the subsequent PTZ captures. |
self_right_attempts | int32 | The mission can automatically self-right the robot. Autonomous self-rights can damage the robot, its payloads, and its surroundings. If the user does not want the robot to self-right on its own, set this number to 0. If the user does want the robot to self-right itself, the user may set a maximum number of attempts so that the robot does not destroy itself by repeatedly falling and getting up and falling again. |
post_mission_callbacks | Action.RemoteGrpc | repeated | The callbacks that will be executed at the end of the mission. Functionality that is often found in post-mission callbacks includes uploading data to the cloud or sending an email. The callbacks will be executed serially (first in, first executed). |
skip_actions | bool | It can be useful to have the robot run a walk without collecting data. If this boolean is set to true, the compiled mission will still navigate to the target of each element, however it will not actually perform the associated action & action wrappers. |
hri_behaviors | HriBehaviors | Configurable options for Spot to perform extra behaviors in missions to communicate with nearby observers. |
Options for Spot to perform additional human-robot interaction behaviors in missions to help communicate with observers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
play_alert_behaviors | bool | If true, Spot will tap its front-left foot twice if anomalies are discovered during an inspection. Alerts can be viewed in Orbit. |
play_undock_behaviors | bool | If true, Spot will lift its legs twice before undocking. |
The playback mode governs how many times the mission is played back (once or more), at what interval the playbacks should occur (e.g., every 2 hours), and if docking is involved, the battery level thresholds at which the robot should either (1) stop and charge or (2) start the playback process again.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
once | PlaybackMode.Once | ||
periodic | PlaybackMode.Periodic | ||
continuous | PlaybackMode.Continuous |
The mission should be played continuously only stopping if a battery monitor stop threshold is crossed.
The mission should be played back once.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
skip_docking_after_completion | bool | Deprecated. Deprecated as of 4.1. To skip docking after completion, set disable_end to true for all docks in the walk proto. Boolean to allow the robot to not dock after completing a mission. |
The mission should be played back periodically.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
interval | google.protobuf.Duration | The interval is the time that will elapse between the mission finishing and starting again. It is applied relative to the time at which the mission finishes. For example, if the user sets the interval to 2 hours, starts the mission at 12:00, and the mission takes one hour (finishes at 13:00), the next mission would start at 15:00, NOT 14:00. Next mission start time = current mission end time + interval |
repetitions | int32 | The number of times the mission should be played back. If set to 1, the interval no longer applies and the mission will be played back once. If set to two or more, the mission will run that number of times, with the amount of time between playbacks equal to the interval. If set to zero, the mission will run "forever". |
A Target is the location the robot should navigate to.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
navigate_to | Target.NavigateTo | ||
navigate_route | Target.NavigateRoute | ||
relocalize | Target.Relocalize | If set, upon reaching the target the robot will perform an explicit relocalization. This should increase the accuracy of the robots belief of it's position on the map. After relocalizing, the robot will re-navigate to the target. |
target_stow_behavior | Target.TargetStowBehavior |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
set_localization_request | bosdyn.api.graph_nav.SetLocalizationRequest | Some SetLocalizationRequests require that waypoint snapshots contain full images. Make sure your client is downloading / storing / uploading full snapshots if you plan on using this feature in your client. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
global_parameters | GlobalParameters | Parameters that apply to the entire mission. | |
playback_mode | PlaybackMode | Governs the mode and frequency at which playbacks occur. | |
map_name | string | The name of the map this mission corresponds to. | |
mission_name | string | The name of the mission. | |
elements | Element | repeated | The list of actions and their associated locations. |
docks | Dock | repeated | The docks the mission can dock at. |
id | string | Unique identifier for this walk. This will be embedded in various Data Acquisition captures and various logging bundles. This should be globally unique across all walks. |
choreography_items | ChoreographyItems | Choreography related dependencies (any sequences and animations a robot needs to play this walk). |
Name | Number | Description |
TARGET_STOW_BEHAVIOR_AUTO | 1 | Compiler will do some heuristics to figure out if we should stow. Headed back to dock = stow Headed to another action that doesn't use arm sensor pointing = stow Headed to another action that uses arm sensor pointing and is far away = stow Headed to another action that uses arm sensor pointing and is close = don't stow |
TARGET_STOW_BEHAVIOR_NEVER | 2 | Never ever stow the arm on the way to this action. |
TARGET_STOW_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS | 3 | Always stow the arm on the way to this action. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ArmDragCommand.Feedback.Status |
Get the robot into a convenient pose for changing the battery
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | BatteryChangePoseCommand.Feedback.Status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
direction_hint | BatteryChangePoseCommand.Request.DirectionHint |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ConstrainedManipulationCommand.Feedback.Status | ||
desired_wrench_odom_frame | Wrench | Desired wrench in odom world frame, applied at hand frame origin | |
estimation_activated | google.protobuf.BoolValue | A boolean signal indicating constrained manipulation has seen enough motion to estimate the constraint and that the wrench is being applied along the estimated directions. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_name | string | Frame that the initial wrench will be expressed in | |
init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name | Wrench | Direction of the initial wrench to be applied Depending on the task, either the force vector or the torque vector are required to be specified. The required vector should not have a magnitude of zero and will be normalized to 1. For tasks that require the force vector, the torque vector can still be specified as a non-zero vector if it is a good guess of the axis of rotation of the task. (for e.g. TASK_TYPE_SE3_ROTATIONAL_TORQUE task types.) Note that if both vectors are non-zero, they have to be perpendicular. Once the constrained manipulation system estimates the constraint, the init_wrench_direction and frame_name will no longer be used. |
tangential_speed | double | Recommended values are in the range of [-4, 4] m/s | |
rotational_speed | double | Recommended values are in the range of [-4, 4] rad/s | |
force_limit | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The limit on the force that is applied on any translation direction Value must be positive If unspecified, a default value of 40 N will be used. |
torque_limit | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The limit on the torque that is applied on any rotational direction Value must be positive If unspecified, a default value of 4 Nm will be used. |
task_type | ConstrainedManipulationCommand.Request.TaskType | ||
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) by which a command must finish executing. This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
enable_robot_locomotion | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Whether to enable the robot to take steps during constrained manip to keep the hand in the workspace. |
control_mode | ConstrainedManipulationCommand.Request.ControlMode | ||
target_linear_position | double | Desired linear position to travel for task type TASK_TYPE_R3_LINEAR_FORCE |
target_angle | double | Desired rotation in task space for all tasks other than TASK_TYPE_R3_LINEAR_FORCE This angle is about the estimated axis of rotation. |
accel_limit | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Acceleration limit for the planned trajectory in the free task DOF. Note that the units of this variable will be m/(s^2) or rad/(s^2) depending on the choice of target_linear_position vs. target_angle above. |
reset_estimator | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Constrained manipulation estimates the task frame given the observed initial motion. Setting this to false saves and uses the estimation state from the previous constrained manipulation move. This is true by default. |
The base will move in response to the hand’s location, allow the arm to reach beyond its current workspace. If the hand is moved forward, the body will begin walking forward to keep the base at the desired offset from the hand.
FollowArmCommand commands provide no feedback.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
body_offset_from_hand | Vec3 | Optional body offset from the hand. For example, to have the body 0.75 meters behind the hand, use (0.75, 0, 0) |
disable_walking | bool | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.1. To reproduce the robot's behavior of disable_walking == true, issue a StandCommand setting the enable_body_yaw_assist_for_manipulation and enable_hip_height_assist_for_manipulation MobilityParams to true. Any combination of the enable_*_for_manipulation are accepted in stand giving finer control of the robot's behavior. |
Freeze all joints at their current positions (no balancing control).
Freeze command provides no feedback.
Freeze command request takes no additional arguments.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
contact_advice | JointCommand.ContactAdvice.Advice | repeated | (Optional) Contact advice to improve kinematic odometry. This field should either have the same length as number of contacts on the robot (4 for Spot) OR be empty. Incorrectly sized repeateds will return an error. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | JointCommand.Feedback.Status | ||
num_messages_received | uint64 | Number of UpdateRequest messages received through the stream |
Empty message, no parameters required to activate.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) when the command will stop executing. This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | (Optional) joint trajectory reference time. See extrapolation_time for detailed explanation. If unspecified, this will default to the time the command is received. If the time is in the future, no extrapolation will be performed until that time (extrapolation never goes backwards in time) |
extrapolation_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | (Optional) joint trajectory extrapolation time. If specified, the robot will extrapolate desired position based on desired velocity, starting at reference_time for at most extrapolation_duration (or until end_time, whichever is sooner) |
position | float | repeated | Commanded joint details |
velocity | float | repeated | |
load | float | repeated | |
gains | JointCommand.UpdateRequest.Gains | Gains are required to be specified on the first message. After that can be optionally updated by filling out the gains message again. Partial updates of gains are not supported, a full gain set must be specified each time. |
user_command_key | uint32 | user_command_key is optional, but it can be used for tracking when commands take effect on the robot and calculating latencies. Avoid using 0 |
velocity_safety_limit | google.protobuf.FloatValue | (Optional) Joint velocity safety limit. Possibly useful during initial development or gain tuning. If the magnitude of any joint velocity passes the threshold the robot will trigger a behavior fault and go into a safety state. Client must power down the robot or clear the behavior fault via the Robot Command Service. Values less than or equal to 0 will be considered invalid and must be sent in every UpdateRequest for use. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
k_q_p | float | repeated | position error proportional coefficient |
k_qd_p | float | repeated | velocity error proportional coefficient |
Move along a trajectory in 2D space.
The SE2TrajectoryCommand will provide feedback on whether or not the robot has reached the final point of the trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | SE2TrajectoryCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. | |
body_movement_status | SE2TrajectoryCommand.Feedback.BodyMovementStatus | Current status of how the body is moving | |
final_goal_status | SE2TrajectoryCommand.Feedback.FinalGoalStatus | Flag indicating if the final requested position was achievable. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) by which a command must finish executing. This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
se2_frame_name | string | The name of the frame that trajectory is relative to. The trajectory must be expressed in a gravity aligned frame, so either "vision", "odom", or "body". Any other provided se2_frame_name will be rejected and the trajectory command will not be executed. |
trajectory | SE2Trajectory | The trajectory that the robot should follow, expressed in the frame identified by se2_frame_name. |
Move the robot at a specific SE2 velocity for a fixed amount of time.
Planar velocity commands provide no feedback.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) by which a command must finish executing. This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
se2_frame_name | string | The name of the frame that velocity and slew_rate_limit are relative to. The trajectory must be expressed in a gravity aligned frame, so either "vision", "odom", or "flat_body". Any other provided se2_frame_name will be rejected and the velocity command will not be executed. |
velocity | SE2Velocity | Desired planar velocity of the robot body relative to se2_frame_name. | |
slew_rate_limit | SE2Velocity | If set, limits how quickly velocity can change relative to se2_frame_name. Otherwise, robot may decide to limit velocities using default settings. These values should be non-negative. |
Get robot into a position where it is safe to power down, then power down. If the robot has fallen, it will power down directly. If the robot is standing, it will first sit then power down. With appropriate request parameters and under limited scenarios, the robot may take additional steps to move to a safe position. The robot will not power down until it is in a sitting state.
The SafePowerOff will provide feedback on whether or not it has succeeded in powering off the robot yet.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | SafePowerOffCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
unsafe_action | SafePowerOffCommand.Request.UnsafeAction |
Move the robot into a “ready” position from which it can sit or stand up.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | SelfRightCommand.Feedback.Status |
SelfRight command request takes no additional arguments.
Sit the robot down in its current position.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | SitCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. |
Sit command request takes no additional arguments.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
se2_frame_name | string | The frame name which the desired foot_positions are described in. | |
foot_positions | Stance.FootPositionsEntry | repeated | Map of foot name to its x,y location in specified frame. Required positions for spot: "fl", "fr", "hl", "hr". |
accuracy | float | Required foot positional accuracy in meters Advised = 0.05 ( 5cm) Minimum = 0.02 ( 2cm) Maximum = 0.10 (10cm) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | Vec2 |
Precise foot placement This can be used to reposition the robots feet in place.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | StanceCommand.Feedback.Status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) by which a command must finish executing. / This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
stance | Stance |
The stand the robot up in its current position.
The StandCommand will provide two feedback fields: status, and standing_state. Status reflects if the robot has four legs on the ground and is near a final pose. StandingState reflects if the robot has converged to a final pose and does not expect future movement.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | StandCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. | |
standing_state | StandCommand.Feedback.StandingState | What type of standing the robot is doing currently. |
Stand command request takes no additional arguments.
Stop the robot in place with minimal motion.
Stop command provides no feedback.
Stop command request takes no additional arguments.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_DRAGGING | 1 | Robot is dragging. |
STATUS_GRASP_FAILED | 2 | Robot is not dragging because grasp failed. This could be due to a lost grasp during a drag, or because the gripper isn't in a good position at the time of request. You'll have to reposition or regrasp and then send a new drag request to overcome this type of error. Note: When requesting drag, make sure the gripper is positioned in front of the robot (not to the side of or above the robot body). |
STATUS_OTHER_FAILURE | 3 | Robot is not dragging for another reason. This might be because the gripper isn't holding an item. You can continue dragging once you resolve this type of error (i.e. by sending an ApiGraspOverride request). Note: When requesting drag, be sure to that the robot knows it's holding something (or use APIGraspOverride to OVERRIDE_HOLDING). |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_COMPLETED | 1 | Robot is finished rolling |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot still in process of rolling over |
STATUS_FAILED | 3 | Robot has failed to roll onto its side |
Name | Number | Description |
HINT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown direction, just hold still |
HINT_RIGHT | 1 | Roll over right (right feet end up under the robot) |
HINT_LEFT | 2 | Roll over left (left feet end up under the robot) |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_RUNNING | 1 | Constrained manipulation is working as expected |
STATUS_ARM_IS_STUCK | 2 | Arm is stuck, either force is being applied in a direction where the affordance can't move or not enough force is applied |
STATUS_GRASP_IS_LOST | 3 | The grasp was lost. In this situation, constrained manipulation will stop applying force, and will hold the last position. |
Name | Number | Description |
CONTROL_MODE_POSITION | 1 | Position control mode, either a linear or angular position is specified and constrained manipulation moves to that position with a trapezoidal trajectory that has the max velocity specified in task_speed |
CONTROL_MODE_VELOCITY | 2 | Velocity control mode where constrained manipulation applies forces to maintain the velocity specified in task_speed |
Geometrical category of a task. See the constrained_manipulation_helper function for examples of each of these categories. For e.g. SE3_CIRCLE_FORCE_TORQUE corresponds to lever type objects.
Name | Number | Description |
TASK_TYPE_SE3_CIRCLE_FORCE_TORQUE | 1 | This task type corresponds to circular tasks where both the end-effector position and orientation rotate about a circle to manipulate. The constrained manipulation logic will generate forces and torques in this case. Example tasks are: A lever or a ball valve with a solid grasp This task type will require an initial force vector specified in init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name. A torque vector can be specified as well if a good initial guess of the axis of rotation of the task is available. |
TASK_TYPE_R3_CIRCLE_EXTRADOF_FORCE | 2 | This task type corresponds to circular tasks that have an extra degree of freedom. In these tasks the end-effector position rotates about a circle but the orientation does not need to follow a circle (can remain fixed). The constrained manipulation logic will generate translational forces in this case. Example tasks are: A crank that has a loose handle and moves in a circle and the end-effector is free to rotate about the handle in one direction. This task type will require an initial force vector specified in init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name. |
TASK_TYPE_SE3_ROTATIONAL_TORQUE | 3 | This task type corresponds to purely rotational tasks. In these tasks the orientation of the end-effector follows a circle, and the position remains fixed. The robot will apply a torque at the end-effector in these tasks. Example tasks are: rotating a knob or valve that does not have a lever arm. This task type will require an initial torque vector specified in init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name. |
TASK_TYPE_R3_CIRCLE_FORCE | 4 | This task type corresponds to circular tasks where the end-effector position and orientation rotate about a circle but the orientation does always strictly follow the circle due to slips. The constrained manipulation logic will generate translational forces in this case. Example tasks are: manipulating a cabinet where the grasp on handle is not very rigid or can often slip. This task type will require an initial force vector specified in init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name. |
TASK_TYPE_R3_LINEAR_FORCE | 5 | This task type corresponds to linear tasks where the end-effector position moves in a line but the orientation does not need to change. The constrained manipulation logic will generate a force in this case. Example tasks are: A crank that has a loose handle, or manipulating a cabinet where the grasp of the handle is loose and the end-effector is free to rotate about the handle in one direction. This task type will require an initial force vector specified in init_wrench_direction_in_frame_name. |
TASK_TYPE_HOLD_POSE | 6 | This option simply holds the hand in place with stiff impedance control. You can use this mode at the beginning of a constrained manipulation task or to hold position while transitioning between two different constrained manipulation tasks. The target pose to hold will be the measured hand pose upon transitioning to constrained manipulation or upon switching to this task type. This mode should only be used during constrained manipulation tasks, since it uses impedance control to hold the hand in place. This is not intended to stop the arm during position control moves. |
Usage notes for contact advice. These notes and definitions should be considered BETA and actual implementation may change in future revisions. ContactAdvice acts as hints to the robot’s internal state machine determining whether a contact is on the ground. See FootState in robot_state for more details on reported contact states. If a leg is on the ground (CONTACT_MADE): ADVICE_NONE: leg may enter CONTACT_LOST if force sensing falls below threshold ADVICE_IN_CONTACT: no change ADVICE_NOT_IN_CONTACT: leg will enter CONTACT_LOST state on receipt. If a leg is not on the ground (CONTACT_LOST): ADVICE_NONE: leg will enter CONTACT_MADE if any collision is detected on the foot. ADVICE_IN_CONTACT: leg will enter CONTACT_MADE if any collision is detected on the foot. ADVICE_NOT_IN_CONTACT: no change Contact states may be used by the robot to improve state estimation.
Name | Number | Description |
ADVICE_UNKNOWN | 0 | ADVICE_UNKNOWN should not be used. |
ADVICE_NONE | 1 | No advice. Contact state will be assumed based on force sensing. This is the same behavior that will be used for all legs if contact advice is not provided |
ADVICE_IN_CONTACT | 2 | Advise robot that the foot is likely in contact with the ground. |
ADVICE_NOT_IN_CONTACT | 3 | Advise robot that the foot is likely not in contact with the ground. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_ACTIVE | 1 | Command is still active and processing incoming joint requests |
STATUS_ERROR | 2 | An error has occurred and joint requests are no longer being processed |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Behavior execution is in an unknown / unexpected state. |
STATUS_PROCESSING | 1 | The robot is actively working on the command |
STATUS_COMMAND_OVERRIDDEN | 2 | The command was replaced by a new command |
STATUS_COMMAND_TIMED_OUT | 3 | The command expired |
STATUS_ROBOT_FROZEN | 4 | The robot is in an unsafe state, and will only respond to known safe commands. |
STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWARE | 5 | The request cannot be executed because the required hardware is missing. / For example, an armless robot receiving a synchronized command with an arm_command / request will return this value in the arm_command_feedback status. |
Name | Number | Description |
BODY_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
BODY_STATUS_MOVING | 1 | The robot body is not settled at the goal. |
BODY_STATUS_SETTLED | 2 | The robot is at the goal and the body has stopped moving. |
Name | Number | Description |
FINAL_GOAL_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | FINAL_GOAL_STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
FINAL_GOAL_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 1 | Robot is not stopped or stopping. |
FINAL_GOAL_STATUS_ACHIEVABLE | 2 | Final position was achievable. |
FINAL_GOAL_STATUS_BLOCKED | 3 | Final position was not achievable. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_STOPPED | 1 | The robot has stopped. Either the robot has reached the end of the trajectory or it believes that it cannot reach the desired position. Robot may start to move again if a blocked path clears. |
STATUS_STOPPING | 3 | The robot is nearing the end of the requested trajectory and is doing final positioning. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | The robot is actively following the requested trajectory. |
STATUS_AT_GOAL | 1 | The following enum values were possibly confusing in situations where the robot cannot achieve the requested trajectory and are now deprecated. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_POWERED_OFF | 1 | Robot has powered off. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is trying to safely power off. |
Robot action in response to a command received while in an unsafe position. If not specified, UNSAFE_MOVE_TO_SAFE_POSITION will be used
Name | Number | Description |
UNSAFE_MOVE_TO_SAFE_POSITION | 1 | Robot may attempt to move to a safe position (i.e. descends stairs) before sitting and powering off. |
UNSAFE_FORCE_COMMAND | 2 | Force sit and power off regardless of positioning. Robot will not take additional steps |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_COMPLETED | 1 | Self-right has completed |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is in progress of attempting to self-right |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_IS_SITTING | 1 | Robot is currently sitting. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is trying to sit. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_STANCED | 1 | Robot has finished moving feet and they are at the specified position |
STATUS_GOING_TO_STANCE | 2 | Robot is in the process of moving feet to specified position |
STATUS_TOO_FAR_AWAY | 3 | Robot is not moving, the specified stance was too far away. Hint: Try using SE2TrajectoryCommand to safely put the robot at the correct location first. |
Name | Number | Description |
STANDING_UNKNOWN | 0 | STANDING_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STANDING_CONTROLLED | 1 | Robot is standing up and actively controlling its body so it may occasionally make small body adjustments. |
STANDING_FROZEN | 2 | Robot is standing still with its body frozen in place so it should not move unless commanded to. Motion sensitive tasks like laser scanning should be performed in this state. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_IS_STANDING | 1 | Robot has finished standing up and has completed desired body trajectory. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is trying to come to a steady stand. |
A DataDescriptor describes a data block which immediately follows it in the file. A corresponding SeriesDescriptor with a matching series_index must precede this in the file.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
series_index | uint32 | The series_index references the SeriesDescriptor to which the data following is associated. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The time at which the data is considered to be captured/sampled. E.g., the shutter-close time of a captured image. |
additional_indexes | int64 | repeated | Sometimes a visualizer will want to organize message by data timestamp, sometimes by the time messages were published or logged. The additional_indexes field allows extra indexes or timestamps to be associated with each data block for this purpose. Other identifying information may also be used here, such as the PID of the process which originated the data (e.g., for detecting if and when that process restarted). The values in this field should correspond to the labels defined in "additional_index_names" in the corresponding SeriesDescriptor. |
A Descriptor block typically describes a series of messages, but the descriptor at the start of the file describes the contents of the file as a whole, and the descriptor at the end of the file is an index structure to allow efficient access to the contents of the file.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
file_descriptor | FileFormatDescriptor | ||
series_descriptor | SeriesDescriptor | ||
series_block_index | SeriesBlockIndex | ||
file_index | FileIndex |
The first block in the file should be a DescriptorBlock containing a FileFormatDescriptor. FileFormatDescriptor indicates the file format version and annotations. Annotations describe things like the robot from which the log was taken and the release id. The format of annotation keys should be {project-or-organization}/{annotation-name} For example, ‘bosdyn/robot-serial-number’.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | FileFormatVersion | The version number of the BDDF file. | |
annotations | FileFormatDescriptor.AnnotationsEntry | repeated | File/stream-wide annotations to describe the content of the file. |
checksum_type | FileFormatDescriptor.CheckSumType | The type of checksum supported by this stream. For BDDF version 1.0.0 this should be SHA1. |
checksum_num_bytes | uint32 | The number of bytes used for the BDDF checksum. For BDDF version 1.0.0 this should always be 20, even if CHECKSUM_NONE is used. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | string |
The current data file format is 1.0.0.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
major_version | uint32 | ||
minor_version | uint32 | ||
patch_level | uint32 |
As a file is closed, a DescriptorBlock containing a FileIndex should be written. The FileIndex summarizes the data series stored in the file and the location of the block-indexes for each type in the file. Each series is assigned a “series_index” within the file, and this index may be used to index into the repeated fields in this message. E.g., for the series with series_index N, you can access its SeriesIdentifier by accessing element N the of the series_identifiers repeated field.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
series_identifiers | SeriesIdentifier | repeated | SeriesIdentifier for each series in this file. |
series_block_index_offsets | uint64 | repeated | The offset from the start of the file of the SeriesBlockIndex block for each series. |
series_identifier_hashes | uint64 | repeated | The hash of the series_identifier for each series. |
If a data series contains a sequence of binary messages, the encoding and format of these messages is described by a MessageTypeDescriptor.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
content_type | string | Description of the content type. E.g., "application/protobuf", "image/jpeg", "text/csv", ... |
type_name | string | If content_type is "application/protobuf", this is the full-name of the protobuf type. | |
is_metadata | bool | If true, message contents are necessary for interpreting other messages. If the content of this file is split into multiple output files, these messages should be copied into each. |
If a data series contains signals-style data of time-sampled “plain old datatypes”, this describes the content of the series. All POD data stored in data blocks is stored in little-endian byte order. Any number of samples may be stored within a given data block.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pod_type | PodTypeEnum | The type of machine-readable values stored. | |
dimension | uint32 | repeated | If empty, indicates a single POD per sample. If one-element, indicates a vector of the given size per sample. If two-elements, indicates a matrix of the given size, and so on. An M x N x .. x P array of data is traversed from innermost (P) to outermost (M) dimension. |
This describes the location of the SeriesDescriptor DescriptorBlock for the series, and the timestamp and location in the file of every data block in the series.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
series_index | uint32 | The series_index for the series described by this index block. | |
descriptor_file_offset | uint64 | Offset of type descriptor block from start of file. | |
block_entries | SeriesBlockIndex.BlockEntry | repeated | The timestamp and location of each data block for this series. |
total_bytes | uint64 | The total size of the data stored in the data blocks of this series. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp of data in this block. | |
file_offset | uint64 | The offset of the data block from the start of the file. | |
additional_indexes | int64 | repeated | Values of the additional indexes for describing this block. |
A description of a series of data blocks. These data blocks may either represent binary messages of a variable size, or they may represent a sequence of samples of POD data samples: single/vector/matrix/… of integer or floating-point values.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
series_index | uint32 | This index for the series is unique within the data file. | |
series_identifier | SeriesIdentifier | This is the globally unique {key -> value} mapping to identify the series. | |
identifier_hash | uint64 | This is a hash of the series_identifier. The hash is the first 64 bits (read as a big-endian encoded uint64_t) of SHA1(S K1 V1 K2 V2 ...) where, - S is series identifier text, - K1 and V1 are the key and value of the first key and value of the spec ,- K2 and V2 are the second key and value of the spec, etc... Here, all strings are encoded as utf-8, and keys are sorted lexicographically using this encoding (K1 < K2 < ...). |
message_type | MessageTypeDescriptor | ||
pod_type | PodTypeDescriptor | ||
struct_type | StructTypeDescriptor | ||
annotations | SeriesDescriptor.AnnotationsEntry | repeated | Annotations are a {key -> value} mapping for associating additional information with the series. The format of annotation keys should be {project-or-organization}/{annotation-name} For example, 'bosdyn/channel-name', 'bosdyn/protobuf-type'. Annotation keys without a '/' are reserved. The only current key in the reserved namespace is 'units': e.g., {'units': 'm/s2'}. |
additional_index_names | string | repeated | Labels for additional index values which should be attached to each DataDescriptor in the series. See the description of "additional_indexes" in DataDescriptor. |
description | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | string |
A key or description for selecting a message series. Because there may be multiple ways of describing a message series, we identify them by a unique mapping of {key -> value}. A series_type corresponds to a set of keys which are expected in the mapping. A ‘bosdyn:grpc:requests’ series_type, containing GRPC robot-id request messages, might thus be specified as: {’service’: ‘robot_id’, ‘message’: ‘bosdyn.api.RobotIdRequest’} A ‘bosdyn:logtick’ series_type, containing a signals data variable from LogTick annotations might be specified as: {’varname’: ‘tablet.wifi.rssi’, ‘schema’: ‘tablet-comms’, ‘client’: ‘bd-tablet’}
Field | Type | Label | Description |
series_type | string | This is the kind of spec, which should correspond to a set of keys which are expected in the spec. |
spec | SeriesIdentifier.SpecEntry | repeated | This is the "key" for naming the series within the file. A key->value description which should be unique for this series within the file with this series_type. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | string |
A struct series is a composite formed by a set of other series whose messages or signals-ticks are sampled at the same time. For example, all there may be a struct series for a set of signals variables, all from a process with an ‘update()’ function within which all all variables are sampled with the same timestamp. DataBlocks will not directly reference this series, but only child series of this series. Struct series may reference other struct series, but the series structure must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG): no circular reference structures.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_to_series_identifier_hash | StructTypeDescriptor.KeyToSeriesIdentifierHashEntry | repeated | A map of a name-reference to a series, identified by its series_identifier_hash. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | uint64 |
Name | Number | Description |
CHECKSUM_TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Checksum type is unspecified. Should not be used. |
CHECKSUM_TYPE_NONE | 1 | The writer of this stream is not computing a checksum. The stream checksum at the end of the file will be 160 bits all set to 0. |
CHECKSUM_TYPE_SHA1 | 2 | A 160 bit SHA1 checksum will be included at the end of the stream. This checksum will be computed over all data before digest itself at the end of the stream, and can be used to verify the stream was received uncorrupted. |
“Plain old data” types which may be stored within POD data blocks.
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_INT8 | 1 | |
TYPE_INT16 | 2 | |
TYPE_INT32 | 3 | |
TYPE_INT64 | 4 | |
TYPE_UINT8 | 5 | |
TYPE_UINT16 | 6 | |
TYPE_UINT32 | 7 | |
TYPE_UINT64 | 8 | |
TYPE_FLOAT32 | 9 | |
TYPE_FLOAT64 | 10 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
action_id | CaptureActionId | Define the unique action that all data should be saved with. | |
metadata | Metadata | Metadata to store with the data capture. The main Data Acquisition service saves it in the DataBuffer. |
acquisition_requests | AcquisitionRequestList | List of capability requests that should be collected as part of this capture action. | |
min_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | Optional duration used to extend the amount of time that the data request may take, in the event that a plugin is incorrectly specifying its timeout. The amount of time allowed will be the maximum of this duration and any requests made to plugins or other capture sources. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | AcquireDataResponse.Status | Result of the AcquirePluginData RPC call. Further monitoring on the success of the acquisition request can be done using the GetStatus RPC. |
request_id | uint32 | Identifier which can be used to check the status of or cancel the acquisition action. |
Message sent by main Data Acquisition service to all data acquisition plugin services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | repeated | Metadata acquirers use these DataIdentifier objects to associate them with the acquired metadata when storing them in the DataBuffer. Data acquirers simply get the timestamp from these DataIdentifier objects to use when storing the data in the DataBuffer. |
metadata | Metadata | Metadata specified by the requester. | |
action_id | CaptureActionId | Id to be associated with all the data buffered for this request. It will be stored in the DataIdentifier field of each piece of data buffered from this request. |
acquisition_requests | AcquisitionRequestList | List of capability requests specific for this Data Acquisition plugin. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | AcquirePluginDataResponse.Status | Result of the AcquirePluginData RPC call. Further monitoring on the success of the acquisition request can be done using the GetStatus RPC. |
request_id | uint32 | Identifier which can be used to check the status of or cancel the acquisition action.. | |
timeout_deadline | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time (in the robot's clock) by which this capture should definitely be complete. If it is not complete by this time, something has gone wrong. |
custom_param_error | CustomParamError | Filled out if status is STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. |
A list of all capabilities (data and images) that a specific data acquisition plugin service can successfully acquire and save the data specified in each capability.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data_sources | DataAcquisitionCapability | repeated | List of non-image data acquisition capabilities. |
image_sources | ImageAcquisitionCapability | repeated | List of image data acquisition capabilities. |
network_compute_sources | NetworkComputeCapability | repeated | List of network compute capabilities. |
The grouping of all individual image and data captures for a given capture action.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_captures | ImageSourceCapture | repeated | List of image requests. |
data_captures | DataCapture | repeated | List of non-image data and metadata requests. |
network_compute_captures | NetworkComputeCapture | repeated | List of Network Compute Bridge requests |
This message can be stored as a DataBlob in the data buffer in order to be recognized as AlertData that is associated with previously stored data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reference_id | DataIdentifier | The data that this AlertData refers to. The timestamp field is ignored. If only the action_id is filled out, this AlertData is associated with the entire capture action. |
alert_data | AlertData | AlertData message to be stored. |
This message can be stored as a DataBlob in the data buffer in order to be recognized as metadata that is associated with previously stored data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reference_id | DataIdentifier | The data that this metadata refers to. The timestamp field is ignored. If only the action_id is filled out, this metadata is associated with the entire capture action. |
metadata | Metadata | Metadata message to be stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
request_id | uint32 | Which acquisition request to cancel. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | CancelAcquisitionResponse.Status | The status of the Cancellation RPC. Further monitoring on the success of the cancellation request can be done using the GetStatus RPC. |
The CaptureActionId describes the entire capture action for an AcquireData request and will be used to uniquely identify that full request’s set of stored data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action_name | string | The action name is used to group all pieces of data associated with a single AcquireData request. The action name must be unique for the given group name, meaning no two actions with the same group name can have the same action name. |
group_name | string | The group name is used to group a "session" of data, such as a mission or a teleop capture session, which includes multiple capture actions (from multiple AcquireData RPCs). |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time (in the robot's clock) at which this capture was triggered. If the timestamp is not specified in the AcquireData RPC, the main data acquisition service on robot will populate the timestamp field with the timestamp of when the RPC was received. |
Description of a data acquisition capability. A data acquisition plugin service will have a set of capabilities for which it can acquire and save the appropriate data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Unique identifier for the data acquisition capability. Used for identification purposes when making acquire data requests. |
description | string | A human readable name of the data acquisition capability that will be shown on the tablet. | |
channel_name | string | Channel name that will be associated with all data stored in the data buffer through each data acquisition plugin. Metadata acquirers do not specify this field. |
service_name | string | The data acquisition plugin service's service name used in directory registration. | |
custom_params | DictParam.Spec | Custom parameters supported by this instance of the service. | |
has_live_data | bool | Capability has live data available via GetLiveData RPC. |
An individual capture which can be specified in the AcquireData or LiveData request to identify a piece of non-image data to be collected.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Name of the data to be captured. This should match the uniquely identifying name from the DataAcquisitionCapability. |
custom_params | DictParam | Values passed to the service at capture time. See the DictParam.Spec in DataAcquisitionCapability. |
An error associated with a particular capture action and piece of data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Identifier for the data to be saved. | |
error_message | string | Human-readable message describing the error. If a capability was misconfigured, e.g. by an invalid CustomParam in one of the requests, it should show up here. |
error_data | google.protobuf.Any | Custom plugin-specific data about the problem. |
A way to identify an individual piece of data stored in the data buffer.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action_id | CaptureActionId | The action where the data was acquired. | |
channel | string | Data buffer channel associated with the DataBlob. The channel is used to group data across actions by a specific source, and it can be used in queries to retrieve some subset of data. For example, the channel could be "ptz" and queries can be made for all PTZ images. |
data_name | string | Data-specific identifier that can optionally be used to disambiguate cases where the action_id and channel are insufficient. For example, you save cropped SpotCAM pano image that are detected as gauges to a "detected_gauges" channel, but want a way to further individually identify them as each specific gauge, so you give each detection a unique data_name. |
id | uint64 | Unique identifier specified by the Data Acquisition Store service for this individual piece of data. It is a monotonically-increasing value that is incremented for each stored capture. This value is intended to be unique to a robot and not globally unique. We do not guarantee uniqueness pre and post software upgrades or factory resets. This id does not necessarily start at 0. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
capabilities | AcquisitionCapabilityList | List of capabilities that the data acquisition (plugin) service can collect and save data for. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
request_id | uint32 | Which acquisition to check the status of. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | GetStatusResponse.Status | ||
data_saved | DataIdentifier | repeated | Data that has been successfully saved into the data buffer for the capture action. |
data_errors | DataError | repeated | A list of data captures which have failed in some way during the action. For example, the data acquisition plugin is unable to communicate to a sensor and responds with a data error for that specific data capture. |
service_errors | PluginServiceError | repeated | Services which failed independent of a particular data id. For example, if a plugin times out or crashes, it could be reported here. |
network_compute_errors | NetworkComputeError | repeated | Network compute services which failed independent of a particular data id. For example, if a worker times out or crashes, it could be reported here. |
Description of an image acquisition capability. The image acquisition capabilities will be available through the main data acquisition service on robot and are populated based on all bosdyn.api.ImageService services registered to the robot’s directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | The image service's service name used in directory registration. | |
image_source_names | string | repeated | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.1.0. Please use "image_sources" below for information regarding the image source associated with the service. |
image_sources | ImageSource | repeated | List of image sources reported by the image service (through the ListImageSources RPC). |
An individual capture which can be specified in the AcquireData request to identify a piece of image data to be collected.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_service | string | Name of the image service that the data should be requested from. | |
image_request | ImageRequest | Options for requesting this particular image. | |
image_source | string | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.2.0. Use image_request instead. Specific image source to use from the list reported by the image service within the ImageAcquisitionCapability message. |
pixel_format | Image.PixelFormat | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.2.0. Use image_request instead. Specific pixel format to capture reported by the ImageAcquisitionCapability message. |
Request live data from a DAQ plugin service by DataCapture capability name.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
data_captures | DataCapture | repeated | Include capability name and parameter values. |
Live data response of a DAQ plugin service for a single capability.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
live_data | LiveDataResponse.CapabilityLiveData | repeated | One entry for each data capture in the request. Order matches LiveDataRequest order. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signals | LiveDataResponse.CapabilityLiveData.SignalsEntry | repeated | Map of signal id to signal specification and data. |
name | string | Unique name of the data that is captured. | |
status | LiveDataResponse.CapabilityLiveData.Status | ||
custom_param_error | CustomParamError | Filled out if status is STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | Signal |
Structured data that can be included within a AcquireData RPC and saved in association with that capture action.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | google.protobuf.Struct | JSON representation of metadata. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
server_config | NetworkComputeServerConfiguration | Service information. | |
available_models | string | repeated | Deprecated. Provide list of available models. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Replaced by AvailableModels. |
labels | ModelLabels | repeated | Deprecated. Information about available classes for each model. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Replaced by AvailableModels. |
models | AvailableModels | Envelope message for repeated ModelData. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
input_data | NetworkComputeInputData | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please use input_data_bridge instead. | |
input_data_bridge | NetworkComputeInputDataBridge | ||
server_config | NetworkComputeServerConfiguration | Which service to use. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service with the error | |
error | NetworkComputeError.ErrorCode | General type of error that occurred. | |
network_compute_status | NetworkComputeStatus | Any particular failure mode reported. | |
message | string | Description of the error. |
An error associated with a particular data acquisition plugin service that was
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service with the error | |
error | PluginServiceError.ErrorCode | Failure mode. | |
message | string | Description of the error. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The capture action has successfully started acquiring the data. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAPTURE_TYPE | 2 | One of the capability requests in the AcquisitionRequestList is unknown. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The capture action has successfully started acquiring the data. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAPTURE_TYPE | 2 | One of the capability requests in the AcquisitionRequestList is unknown. |
STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 3 | See custom_param_error field for details. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Successfully cancelled the data acquisition request. |
STATUS_FAILED_TO_CANCEL | 2 | Unable to stop the data acquisition request. |
STATUS_REQUEST_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 3 | [Error] The request_id does not exist. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_ACQUIRING | 1 | [Status] Data acquisition is still in progress. |
STATUS_SAVING | 2 | Data has been acquired, processing and storage is now in progress. |
STATUS_COMPLETE | 3 | Data acquisition is complete. |
STATUS_CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS | 4 | The data acquisition service is cancelling the request. |
STATUS_ACQUISITION_CANCELLED | 5 | The data acquisition request was cancelled manually. |
STATUS_DATA_ERROR | 10 | [Error - AcquireData] An error occurred while acquiring, processing, or saving data. |
STATUS_TIMEDOUT | 11 | The data collection has passed the deadline for completion. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 12 | An error occurred such that we don't even know our status. |
STATUS_CANCEL_ACQUISITION_FAILED | 30 | [Error - CancelAcquisition] The cancellation request failed to complete. |
STATUS_REQUEST_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 20 | [Error - GetStatus] The request_id does not exist. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAPTURE_TYPE | 2 | The capability name is unknown. |
STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 3 | See custom_param_error field for details. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 4 | Some other problem occurred. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR | 1 | The request was rejected. |
STATUS_NETWORK_ERROR | 2 | The request had an error reaching the worker. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 3 | Some other problem prevented the request from succeeding. |
Possible ways a plugin can fail.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR | 1 | The initial RPC to the plugin failed |
STATUS_GETSTATUS_ERROR | 2 | The GetStatus request to the plugin failed with a data error or timeout. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 3 | The plugin reported an internal error. |
The DataAcquisitionPluginService is a gRPC service that a payload developer implements to retrieve data from a sensor (or more generally perform some payload action) and optionally store that data on the robot via the DataAcquisitionStore service.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
AcquirePluginData | AcquirePluginDataRequest | AcquirePluginDataResponse | Trigger a data acquisition to save metadata and non-image data to the data buffer. Sent by the main Data Acquisition service as a result of a data acquisition request from the tablet or a client. |
GetStatus | GetStatusRequest | GetStatusResponse | Query the status of a data acquisition. |
GetServiceInfo | GetServiceInfoRequest | GetServiceInfoResponse | Get information from a Data Acquisition service; lists acquisition capabilities. |
CancelAcquisition | CancelAcquisitionRequest | CancelAcquisitionResponse | Cancel an in-progress data acquisition. |
GetLiveData | LiveDataRequest | LiveDataResponse | Request live data available from this plugin during teleoperation. Please use the other RPCs for typical data acquisition. |
The DataAcquisitionService is the main data acquisition service run on robot, which receives incoming requests and sends queries to all directory-registered DataAcquisitionPluginServices.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
AcquireData | AcquireDataRequest | AcquireDataResponse | Trigger a data acquisition to save data and metadata to the data buffer. Sent by the tablet or a client to initiate a data acquisition and buffering process. |
GetStatus | GetStatusRequest | GetStatusResponse | Query the status of a data acquisition. |
GetServiceInfo | GetServiceInfoRequest | GetServiceInfoResponse | Get information from a Data Acquisition service; lists acquisition capabilities. |
CancelAcquisition | CancelAcquisitionRequest | CancelAcquisitionResponse | Cancel an in-progress data acquisition. |
GetLiveData | LiveDataRequest | LiveDataResponse | Request live data available from DAQ plugins during teleoperation. Please use the other RPCs for typical data acquisition. |
A query parameter which filters the possible set of data identifiers to those which contain the same action/group names matching any of the names in the set of CaptureActionIds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action_ids | CaptureActionId | repeated | The action ids to filter with. |
The message containing the different query parameters which can be applied to the ListData requests.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRangeQuery | Time range to query. | |
action_ids | ActionIdQuery | List of action ids to query. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | DataQueryParams | Query parameters for finding action ids. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
action_ids | CaptureActionId | repeated | List of action ids that satisfied the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | DataQueryParams | Query parameters for finding AlertData. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
data_ids | DataIdentifier | repeated | List of AlertData data identifiers that satisfied the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | DataQueryParams | Query parameters for finding data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
data_ids | DataIdentifier | repeated | List of data identifiers that satisfied the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | DataQueryParams | Query parameters for finding images. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
data_ids | DataIdentifier | repeated | List of image data identifiers that satisfied the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | DataQueryParams | Query parameters for finding metadata. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
data_ids | DataIdentifier | repeated | List of metadata data identifiers that satisfied the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | QueryParameters | Query parameters for finding data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
max_capture_id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRangeQuery | Time range to query. | |
action_ids | CaptureActionId | repeated | List of action ids to query. The constructed query statement will have an OR relation between the action_ids specified in this list, with an AND relation for the fields inside each action_id. For example, specifying [{action_name="action1", group_name="group1"}, {action_name="action2", group_name="group2"}] will insert the following in the WHERE part of the query: (action_name="action1" AND group_name="group1") OR (action_name="action2" AND group_name="group2"). |
channels | string | repeated | Channels to include in the query results. The constructed query statement will have an OR relation for all the channel values listed in this field. |
captures_from_id | uint64 | Query for captures with id higher or equal to this value. Specifying 0 means that the Data Acquisition Store will return all captured data it has. Otherwise, it will return new captures stored with an id greater than the value specified in this field. |
only_include_identifiers | bool | Setting this field to true only returns the DataIdentifiers in the response and not the actual captures. |
include_images | bool | The following fields specify which capture types to include in the results. If none of the following fields is specified, then all capture types will be included in the results. |
include_data | bool | ||
include_metadata | bool | ||
include_alerts | bool | ||
include_large | bool | Setting this value will return results that are classified as large data. If this value is not set these captures will not be returned even when none of the other captures types are set. |
order_descending | bool | Boolean that specifies how to order the query results based on capture id field, ascending (default) or descending. Ascending: Captures with lowest id are first, meaning oldest stored captures are ordered first. Descending: Captures with highest id are first, meaning newest stored captures are ordered first. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data_id | DataIdentifier | ||
image | ImageCapture | ||
metadata | AssociatedMetadata | ||
alert_data | AssociatedAlertData | ||
data | StoredCapturedData | ||
large_data | StoredLargeCapturedData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
query | QueryParameters | Query parameters for finding data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
action_ids | CaptureActionId | repeated | CaptureActionIds that match the query parameters and are included in the results. |
results | QueryStoredCaptureResult | repeated | Results that match the query parameters. |
max_capture_id | uint64 | Max capture_id in the database matching the query parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
alert_data | AssociatedAlertData | AlertData to store. | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Data identifier of the alert. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
data | bytes | Data to store. | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Data identifier of the data. | |
file_extension | string | File extension to use when writing the data to file. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
image | ImageCapture | Image to store. | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Data identifier of the image. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
metadata | AssociatedMetadata | Metadata to store. | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Data identifier of the metadata. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
data_id | DataIdentifier | Data identifier of the data. | |
file_extension | string | File extension to use when writing the data to file. | |
chunk | DataChunk | The piece of the data to store. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
id | uint64 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes | ||
file_extension | string | File extension to use for writing the data to a file. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
chunk | DataChunk | Data related to capture. | |
offset | uint64 | Start index of resulting bytes. | |
file_extension | string | File extension to use for writing the data to a file. |
A query parameter which filters the possible set of data identifiers to those with timestamps within the specified range.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Start of the time range to query. | |
to_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | End of the time range to query. |
The DataAcquisitionStoreService is used to store data (images, data, metadata) on the robot in association with the DataIdentifiers specified by the DataAcquisitionService. Additionally, requests can be made to the DataAcquisitionStoreService to identify different pieces of data or entire capture actions which match query parameters, such as time ranges or action/group names.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListCaptureActions | ListCaptureActionsRequest | ListCaptureActionsResponse | List all CaptureActionIds (which identify an entire AcquireData RPC's data captures) that match the query parameters provided in the request. |
ListStoredData | ListStoredDataRequest | ListStoredDataResponse | List data identifiers (which identify specific pieces of data from an action) for stored data that satisfy the query parameters in the request. |
StoreData | StoreDataRequest | StoreDataResponse | Store arbitrary data associated with a DataIdentifier. |
StoreDataStream | StoreStreamRequest stream | StoreStreamResponse | Store arbitrary data associated with a DataIdentifier through a stream. Supports files > 100 MB and below the Data Acquisition Store capacity. |
ListStoredImages | ListStoredImagesRequest | ListStoredImagesResponse | Type-safe to images: list data identifiers (which identify specific images from an action) for stored images that satisfy the query parameters in the request. |
StoreImage | StoreImageRequest | StoreImageResponse | Type-safe to images: store image data associated with a DataIdentifier. |
ListStoredMetadata | ListStoredMetadataRequest | ListStoredMetadataResponse | Type-safe to JSON metadata: list data identifiers (which identify specific metadata from an action) for stored metadata that satisfy the query parameters in the request. |
StoreMetadata | StoreMetadataRequest | StoreMetadataResponse | Type-safe to JSON metadata: store metadata associated with a DataIdentifier. |
ListStoredAlertData | ListStoredAlertDataRequest | ListStoredAlertDataResponse | List data identifiers (which identify specific AlertData from an action) for stored AlertData that satisfy the query parameters in the request. |
StoreAlertData | StoreAlertDataRequest | StoreAlertDataResponse | Store AlertData associated with a DataIdentifier. |
QueryStoredCaptures | QueryStoredCapturesRequest | DataChunk stream | Query the Data Acquisition Store for captured data. This streaming RPC returns a single QueryStoredCapturesResponse message, encoded as a list of DataChunk messages. If the first capture matching the query is larger than an internal size limit set in the service, the QueryStoredCapturesResponse message contains only that first capture matching the query. Otherwise, the QueryStoredCapturesResponse message contains as many matching captures as can fit within the internal size limit, without breaking the results order. To get all captures that match a query, you must make this RPC until it returns an empty QueryStoredCapturesResponse with no elements in its "results" field. |
QueryMaxCaptureId | QueryMaxCaptureIdRequest | QueryMaxCaptureIdResponse |
Message-style data to add to the log.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp of data in robot clock time. This is required. | |
channel | string | A general label for this blob. This is distinct from type_id, which identifies how the blob is to be parsed. In practice, this is often the same as the type_id. |
type_id | string | A description of the data's content and its encoding. This is required. This should be sufficient for deciding how to deserialize the data. For example, this could be the full name of a protobuf message type. |
data | bytes | Raw data. For example, jpeg data or a serialized protobuf. |
This message contains event data for logging to the public timeline.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Type of event, typically prefixed with a project or organization, e.g. "bosdyn:startup" | |
description | string | Event description. This is optional. |
source | string | A description of the source of this event. May be the client name. - Not required to be unique. - Disambiguates the source of similar event types. |
id | string | Unique identifier. Used to link start and end messages for events with a duration. - Long running events may have separate messages at the start and end, in case the message for the end of the event is lost. - For events without a separate start and end message (in which case both start_time and end time should be specified), the 'id' field will be set by the service during upload, unless the user has already set it. - This id is not tracked internally by the service. It is only used to consume the event timeline. - To be effective, the id value should be generated randomly by the client. |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Start and end times for the event: - Some events are instantaneous. For these, set start_timestamp and end_timestamp to the same value and send a single message (without an id). - Some events take time. At the onset, send a message with a unique id, the start time, and type. The end message should include all data from the start message, any additional data, and an end time. If you have the end message, you should not need the start message since it is a strict subset. |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | ||
level | Event.Level | The relative importance of the event. | |
parameters | Parameter | repeated | Optional set of event parameters. |
log_preserve_hint | Event.LogPreserveHint | Optionally request that the robot try to preserve data near this time for a service log. |
An operator comment to be added to the log. These are notes especially intended to mark when logs should be preserved and reviewed to ensure that robot hardware and/or software is working as intended.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message | string | String annotation message to add to the log. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp of the annotation. This must be in robot time. If this is not specified, this will default to the time the server received the message. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
blob_data | DataBlob | repeated | The data blobs to be logged. |
sync | bool | When set, the data blob is committed to the log synchronously. The RPC does not return until the data is written. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
errors | RecordDataBlobsResponse.Error | repeated | Errors which occurred when logging data blobs. |
DataBlob recording error.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RecordDataBlobsResponse.Error.Type | The type of error: if it was caused by the client or the service. | |
message | string | An error message. | |
index | uint32 | The index to identify the data being stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
events | Event | repeated | The events to be logged. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
errors | RecordEventsResponse.Error | repeated | Errors which occurred when logging events. |
Event recording error.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RecordEventsResponse.Error.Type | The type of error: if it was caused by the client, the service, or something else. | |
message | string | An error message. | |
index | uint32 | The index to identify the data being stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
operator_comments | OperatorComment | repeated | The operator comments to be logged. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
errors | RecordOperatorCommentsResponse.Error | repeated | Errors which occurred when logging operator comments. |
Operator comment recording error.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RecordOperatorCommentsResponse.Error.Type | The type of error: if it was caused by the client or the service. | |
message | string | An error message. | |
index | uint32 | The index to identify the data being stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
tick_data | SignalTick | repeated | The signals data to be logged. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
errors | RecordSignalTicksResponse.Error | repeated | Errors which occurred when logging signal ticks. |
Signal tick recording error.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RecordSignalTicksResponse.Error.Type | The type of error: if it was caused by the client, the service, or something else. | |
message | string | An error message. | |
index | uint32 | The index to identify the data being stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
text_messages | TextMessage | repeated | The text messages to be logged. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
errors | RecordTextMessagesResponse.Error | repeated | Errors which occurred when logging text message data. |
Text message recording error.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RecordTextMessagesResponse.Error.Type | The type of error: if it was caused by the client or the service. | |
message | string | An error message. | |
index | uint32 | The index to identify the data being stored. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request/response header. | |
schema | SignalSchema | Defines a schema for interpreting SignalTick data containing packed signals-type data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common request/response header. | |
schema_id | uint64 | Server returns a unique ID based on the client ID and schema definition. Always greater than zero. |
A description of a set of signals-style variables to log together as timestamped samples.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vars | SignalSchema.Variable | repeated | A SignalTick using this schema contains the values of this ordered list of variables. |
schema_name | string | The name of the schema. |
A variable of signals-style data, which will be sampled in time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the variable. | |
type | SignalSchema.Variable.Type | The type of the data. | |
is_time | bool | Zero or one variable in 'vars' may be specified as a time variable. A time variable must have type TYPE_FLOAT64. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
schema_id | uint64 | {schema, id} pair | |
schema | SignalSchema |
A timestamped set of signals variable values.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
sequence_id | int64 | Successive ticks should have successive sequence_id's. The robot uses this to determine if a tick was somehow lost. |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp at which the variable values were sampled. | |
source | string | The client name. This may be used to segregate data for the same variables to different parts of the buffer. |
schema_id | uint64 | This specifies the SignalSchema to be used in interpreting the | |
encoding | SignalTick.Encoding | Format describing how the data bytes array is encoded. | |
data | bytes | The encoded data representing a tick of multiple values of signal-styles data. |
A text message to add to the log. These could be internal text-log messages from a client for use in debugging, for example.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
message | string | String annotation message. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp of the annotation. This must be in robot time. If this is not specified, this will default to the time the server received the message. |
source | string | The client name. This may be used to segregate data for the same variables to different parts of the buffer. |
level | TextMessage.Level | The relative importance of the message. | |
tag | string | Optional tag to identify from what code/module this message originated from. | |
filename | string | Optional source file name originating the log message. | |
line_number | int32 | Optional source file line number originating the log message. |
Level, or similarly “visibility,” “importance,” or “weight” of event.
Higher level events will increase the visibility on the event timeline, relative to other events.
In general, higher level events should be more consequential with respect to the robot operation on a per-occurrence basis.
Lower level events should be less consequential on a per-occurrence basis.
Non-critical events may be one of LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. UNSET is logically equivalent to LOW level.
Critical events may be either mission or system critical.
System-critical is quasi-reserved for internal robot use, and is used to identify events that directly affect robot status or capability, such as the onset of a critical fault or start of an enabling capability.
Mission-critical is quasi-reserved client use, and is intended for events that directly affect the ability of the robot to “do what the user wants,” such as the onset of a service fault or start of an enabling capability.
Name | Number | Description |
LEVEL_LOW | 1 | Non-critical events |
LEVEL_HIGH | 3 | |
LEVEL_MISSION_CRITICAL | 4 | Critical events |
LogPreserveHint may encode a hint to the robot’s logging system for whether to preserve internal log data near the time of this event. This could be useful in saving data to be used in a service log to send to Boston Dynamics.
Name | Number | Description |
LOG_PRESERVE_HINT_UNSET | 0 | If this this is unset, it is equivalent to LOG_PRESERVE_HINT_NORMAL. |
LOG_PRESERVE_HINT_NORMAL | 1 | Do not change the robot's default log data preservation behavior in response to this event. |
LOG_PRESERVE_HINT_PRESERVE | 2 | Request that the robot try to preserve data near the time of this event. Log space on the robot is limited, so this does not guarantee that the data will be preserved. |
Name | Number | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
NONE | 0 | |
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_INT8 | 1 | |
TYPE_INT16 | 2 | |
TYPE_INT32 | 3 | |
TYPE_INT64 | 4 | |
TYPE_UINT8 | 5 | |
TYPE_UINT16 | 6 | |
TYPE_UINT32 | 7 | |
TYPE_UINT64 | 8 | |
TYPE_FLOAT32 | 9 | |
TYPE_FLOAT64 | 10 |
Name | Number | Description |
ENCODING_RAW | 1 | Bytes array is a concatenation of little-endian machine representations of the variables from the SignalSchema, in order listed in that schema. |
Name | Number | Description |
LEVEL_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid, do not use. |
LEVEL_DEBUG | 1 | Events likely of interest only in a debugging context. |
LEVEL_INFO | 2 | Informational message during normal operation. |
LEVEL_WARN | 3 | Information about an unexpected but recoverable condition. |
LEVEL_ERROR | 4 | Information about an operation which did not succeed. |
DataBufferService allows adding information to the robot’s log files.
This service is a mechanism for adding information to the robot’s log files.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RecordTextMessages | RecordTextMessagesRequest | RecordTextMessagesResponse | Add text messages to the log. |
RecordOperatorComments | RecordOperatorCommentsRequest | RecordOperatorCommentsResponse | Add a set of operator messages to the log. |
RecordDataBlobs | RecordDataBlobsRequest | RecordDataBlobsResponse | Add message-style data to the log. |
RecordEvents | RecordEventsRequest | RecordEventsResponse | Add event data to the log. |
RegisterSignalSchema | RegisterSignalSchemaRequest | RegisterSignalSchemaResponse | Register a log tick schema, allowing client to later log tick data. |
RecordSignalTicks | RecordSignalTicksRequest | RecordSignalTicksResponse | Add signal data for registered signal schema to the log. |
Represents a chunk of (possibly serialized) data. Chunks will be concatenated together to produce a datagram. This is to avoid size limit restrictions in grpc implementations.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
total_size | uint64 | The total size in bytes of the datagram that this chunk is a part of. | |
data | bytes | Bytes in this data chunk. Bytes are sent sequentially. |
A set of blob messages of a given channel/msgtype within a given data page.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spec | BlobSpec | ||
page | PageInfo |
A set of pages of data which contain specified Blob messages from the data-buffer.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | ||
pages | BlobPage | repeated |
Specification for selecting of blob messages.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | string | If set, require the message source to match this. | |
message_type | string | If set, require the message type to match this value. | |
channel | string | If set, require the channel to match this value (or channel_glob, if set). | |
channel_glob | string | Optionally require the channel to match a glob (or channel, if set).. For example, 'gps/*' will match all channels starting with 'gps/'. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
num_data_buffer_pages | int64 | ||
data_buffer_total_bytes | int64 | ||
num_comments | int64 | ||
num_events | int64 | ||
blob_specs | BlobSpec | repeated |
Description of data matching a given DataQuery.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | ||
blobs | BlobPages | repeated | |
text_messages | PagesAndTimestamp | ||
events | PagesAndTimestamp | ||
comments | PagesAndTimestamp |
A query for pages containing the desired data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | Timespan for data we want to query | |
blobs | BlobSpec | repeated | Request for pages containing different kinds of data. |
text_messages | bool | return pages of text-messages during the specified timespan | |
events | bool | return pages of events | |
comments | bool | return pages of operator comments during the specified timespan |
GRPC request to delete pages. Both time_range and page_ids can be set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | ||
time_range | TimeRange | Delete all pages in this time range | |
page_ids | string | repeated | Delete all pages with matching ids |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
bytes_deleted | int64 | ||
status | DeletePageStatus | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
page_id | string | ||
status | DeletePageStatus.Status |
Specification for selecting Events.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | string | ||
type | string | ||
level | google.protobuf.Int32Value | ||
log_preserve_hint | Event.LogPreserveHint |
Requested Events and/or OperatorComments.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | Timespan for data | |
events | Event | repeated | |
operator_comments | OperatorComment | repeated | |
events_limited | bool | True if the number of events returned was limited by query maximum. | |
operator_comments_limited | bool | True if the number of comments returned was limited by query maximum. |
A request for Events and/or OperatorComments over a given time range.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | Timespan for data we want to query | |
events | EventSpec | repeated | Return events which match the request. |
comments | bool | Return operator comments which match the request. | |
max_events | uint32 | Maximum number of events to return (limited to 1024). | |
max_comments | uint32 | Maximum number of comments to return (limited to 1024). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | ||
get_blob_specs | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
data_buffer_status | DataBufferStatus |
GRPC response with requested data index information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | ||
data_query | DataQuery |
GRPC request for data index information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
data_index | DataIndex |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | ||
time_range | TimeRange |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
pages | PageInfo | repeated |
GRPC request for Events and OperatorComments.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | ||
event_comment_request | EventsCommentsSpec |
GRPC response with requested Events and OperatorComments.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | ||
events_comments | EventsComments |
A set of pages of data which contain specied GRPC request and response messages.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | ||
spec | GrpcSpec | ||
pages | PageInfo | repeated |
Specification for selecting of GRPC logs.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string |
A unit of data storage. This may be a bddf data file. Like a file, this data may be downloaded or deleted all together for example.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Identifier unique to robot. | |
path | string | Relative path to file, if file storage. | |
source | string | Name of service/client which provided the data. | |
time_range | TimeRange | Time range of the relevant data in the page. | |
num_ticks | int64 | Number of time samples or blobs. | |
total_bytes | int64 | Total size of data in the page. | |
format | PageInfo.PageFormat | ||
compression | PageInfo.Compression | ||
is_open | bool | True if data is still being written into this page, false if page is complete. | |
is_downloaded | bool | True if data is marked as having been downloaded. | |
deleted_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | If this exists, the page was deleted from the robot at the specified time. | |
download_started_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | If this exists, download from this page was started at the specified time. | |
request_preserve | bool | True if data has been requested to be preserved. |
A set of pages and the associated time range they cover.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time_range | TimeRange | ||
pages | PageInfo | repeated |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
COMPRESSION_UNKNOWN | 0 | Not set -- do not use. |
COMPRESSION_NONE | 1 | Data is not compressed. |
COMPRESSION_GZIP | 2 | Data uses gzip compression. |
COMPRESSION_ZSTD | 3 | Data uses zstd compression. |
Name | Number | Description |
FORMAT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unset -- do not use. |
FORMAT_BDDF_FILE | 1 | Data is stored in a .bddf file |
DataBufferService allows adding information to the robot’s log files.
The DataService is a mechanism for querying and managing data stored on robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetDataIndex | GetDataIndexRequest | GetDataIndexResponse | Get index of current data matching a given DataQuery. |
GetEventsComments | GetEventsCommentsRequest | GetEventsCommentsResponse | Get events and comments. |
GetDataBufferStatus | GetDataBufferStatusRequest | GetDataBufferStatusResponse | Get basic stats on data buffer storage. |
GetDataPages | GetDataPagesRequest | GetDataPagesResponse | Get a list pf pages matching a given time range |
DeleteDataPages | DeleteDataPagesRequest | DeleteDataPagesResponse | Delete a list of pages matching a given time range or page ids |
A message containing information that allows a client to identify a given endpoint host using an ip and a port.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host_ip | string | The IP address of the computer hosting this endpoint. | |
port | int32 | The port number on which the endpoint is provided, between 0 and 65535. |
The GetServiceEntry request message sends the service name to the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
service_name | string | The unique user-friendly name of the service. |
The GetServiceEntry response message returns a ServiceEntry for the desired service name.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
status | GetServiceEntryResponse.Status | Current status of the request. | |
service_entry | ServiceEntry | The record for the discovered service. Only set if 'status' field == STATUS_OK. |
The ListServiceEntries request message will ask the robot for all services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The ListServiceEntries response message returns all known services at the time the request was received.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
service_entries | ServiceEntry | repeated | The resources managed by the LeaseService. |
A message representing a discoverable service. By definition, all services discoverable by this system are expected to be grpc “services” provided by some server.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The unique user-friendly name of this service. | |
type | string | The type of this service. Usually identifies the underlying implementation. Does not have to be unique among all ServiceEntry objects. |
authority | string | Information used to route to the desired Service. Can either be a full address ( or just a DNS label that will be automatically converted to an address (aService). |
last_update | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Last update time in robot timebase for this service record. This serves as the time of the last heartbeat to the robot. |
user_token_required | bool | If 'user_token_required' field is true, any requests to this service must contain a user token for the machine. Requests without a user token will result in a 401. Most services will want to require a user_token, but ones like auth_service do not. |
permission_required | string | If 'permission_required' field is non-empty, any requests to this service must have the same string in the "per" claim of the user token. |
liveness_timeout_secs | double | Number of seconds to wait between heartbeats before assuming service in no longer live If unset (0) liveness checks will be disabled for this service. |
host_payload_guid | string | The GUID of the payload that this service was registered from. An empty string represents a service that was registered via a client using standard user credentials or internal to the robot. This value is set automatically based on the user token and cannot be set or updated via the API, so it should not be populated by the client at registration time. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal DirectoryService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | GetService was successful. The service_entry field is filled out. |
STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SERVICE | 2 | GetService failed because the requested service name does not exist. |
The RegisterService request message sends the service’s entry and endpoint to the robot’s directory. This Request serves as a heartbeat to the Directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
endpoint | Endpoint | The endpoint at which this service may be contacted. | |
service_entry | ServiceEntry | The service to create. The name must not match any existing service. |
The RegisterService response message has information of whether the service was registered correctly.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
status | RegisterServiceResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
The UnregisterService request message will unregister a service based on name.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
service_name | string | The unique user-friendly name of the service. |
The UnregisterService response message has information of whether the service was unregistered.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
status | UnregisterServiceResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
The UpdateService request message will update a service based on name to include the new endpoint and service entry. This Request serves as a heartbeat to the Directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
endpoint | Endpoint | The endpoint at which this service may be contacted. | |
service_entry | ServiceEntry | New record for service. The name field is used as lookup key. |
The UpdateService response message has information of whether the service was updated on robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
status | UpdateServiceResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal DirectoryRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The new service record is available. |
STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS | 2 | RegisterService failed because a service with this name already exists. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal DirectoryRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The service record was deleted. |
STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SERVICE | 2 | The provided service name was not found. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal DirectoryRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The new service record is available. |
STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SERVICE | 2 | The provided service name was not found. |
DirectoryRegistrationService is a private class that lets services be discovered by clients by adding them to a discovery database. Services can live on robot, payload, or other accessible cloud-based locations. Each service is responsible for registering itself with this service.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RegisterService | RegisterServiceRequest | RegisterServiceResponse | Called by a producer to register as a provider with the application. Returns the record for that provider. Requires unique name and correctly filled out service record in request. |
UnregisterService | UnregisterServiceRequest | UnregisterServiceResponse | Called by a producer to remove its registration from the DirectoryManager. |
UpdateService | UpdateServiceRequest | UpdateServiceResponse | Update the ServiceEntry for a producer on the server. |
DirectoryService lets clients discover which API services are available on a robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetServiceEntry | GetServiceEntryRequest | GetServiceEntryResponse | Get information about a specific service. |
ListServiceEntries | ListServiceEntriesRequest | ListServiceEntriesResponse | List all known services at time of call. |
The configuration of a range of dock ID’s
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id_start | uint32 | Starting ID | |
id_end | uint32 | Ending ID | |
type | DockType | Type of dock for this range |
Message describing the overall dock state of the robot, including power & comms connections.
Not tied to any particular DockingCommand ID.
Note: [*] indicates fields which are only valid if the status is DOCK_STATUS_DOCKED or DOCK_STATUS_DOCKING
Note: [^] indicates fields which are only valid if the status is DOCK_STATUS_DOCKED. \
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | DockState.DockedStatus | Status of if the robot is on dock | |
dock_type | DockType | [*] Type of the dock | |
dock_id | uint32 | [*] ID of the dock | |
power_status | DockState.LinkStatus | [^] Status of power detection from the dock |
Message to get the status of a previously issued DockingCommand
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
docking_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier of the command to get feedback for. | |
update_docking_params | UpdateDockingParams | [optional] Update parameters relating to the specified command ID |
Response to a DockingCommandFeedbackRequest for a particular docking command ID
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used (unset if unknown). | |
status | DockingCommandFeedbackResponse.Status | Current feedback of specified command ID. |
Message to command the robot to dock.
Note: If the robot is docked, you can undock the robot by issuing a command with
. If undocking, docking_station_id
is not required.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
docking_station_id | uint32 | ID of docking station to dock at. This is ignored if undocking the robot, the current dock is used. |
clock_identifier | string | Identifier provided by the time sync service to verify time sync between robot and client. | |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) at which a command will stop executing. This can be updated by other RPCs This is a required field and used to prevent runaway commands. |
prep_pose_behavior | PrepPoseBehavior | [Optional] Specify the prep pose behavior | |
require_fiducial | bool | Require the detection of the dock's fiducial |
Response to a DockingCommandRequest
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | DockingCommandResponse.Status | Result of issued command. | |
docking_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command (if accepted, status=STATUS_OK ). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
dock_configs | ConfigRange | repeated | A series of ConfigRange specifying details for dock ID numbers. |
Message to get the overall docking state
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response of a GetDockingStateRequest
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
dock_state | DockState |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The new timestamp (in robot time) at which a command will stop executing. |
Name | Number | Description |
DOCK_STATUS_DOCKED | 1 | Robot is detected as on a dock |
DOCK_STATUS_DOCKING | 2 | Robot is currently running a docking command |
DOCK_STATUS_UNDOCKED | 3 | Robot is not detected as on dock |
DOCK_STATUS_UNDOCKING | 4 | Robot is currently running an undocking command |
Name | Number | Description |
LINK_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown or Not applicable |
LINK_STATUS_DETECTING | 3 | The link status is being detected |
LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED | 1 | The link is detected as connected |
LINK_STATUS_ERROR | 2 | The link could not be detected |
Type of dock
Name | Number | Description |
DOCK_TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown type of dock |
DOCK_TYPE_CONTACT_PROTOTYPE | 2 | Prototype version SpotDock |
DOCK_TYPE_SPOT_DOCK | 3 | Production version SpotDock |
DOCK_TYPE_SPOT_DOGHOUSE | 4 | Production version SpotDock located in the dog house. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 1 | Docking command is executing. |
STATUS_DOCKED | 2 | Docking command succeeded, the robot is docked. |
STATUS_AT_PREP_POSE | 11 | Final success state for PREP_POSE_ONLY_POSE or PREP_POSE_UNDOCK . |
STATUS_MISALIGNED | 10 | Misaligned was detected between the robot and the dock. The docking command was aborted to save an ending up in an unrecoverable state, please try again. |
STATUS_OLD_DOCKING_COMMAND | 3 | This DockingCommand overridden by new docking command. |
STATUS_ERROR_DOCK_LOST | 4 | ERROR: The sensed dock has been lost and is no longer found. |
STATUS_ERROR_LEASE | 5 | ERROR: Lease rejected. |
STATUS_ERROR_COMMAND_TIMED_OUT | 6 | ERROR: End time has been reached. |
STATUS_ERROR_NO_TIMESYNC | 7 | ERROR: No Timesync with system. |
STATUS_ERROR_TOO_DISTANT | 8 | ERROR: Provided end time too far in the future. |
STATUS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE | 12 | ERROR: The dock is not available for docking. |
STATUS_ERROR_UNREFINED_PRIOR | 13 | ERROR: The prior could not be confirmed as a real dock |
STATUS_ERROR_STUCK | 14 | ERROR: The robot could not make progress towards docking. For example, there may be an obstacle in the way. |
STATUS_ERROR_SYSTEM | 9 | ERROR: Internal system error during execution This error cannot be resolved by issuing a new DockingCommand Check the returned message for details |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Docking command accepted |
STATUS_ERROR_LEASE | 4 | ERROR: Lease rejected |
STATUS_ERROR_DOCK_NOT_FOUND | 5 | ERROR: Dock fiducial not found. |
STATUS_ERROR_NOT_DOCKED | 6 | ERROR: Trying to undock while not docked |
STATUS_ERROR_GRIPPER_HOLDING_ITEM | 8 | ERROR: Trying to dock when the arm is holding an object. |
STATUS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE | 9 | ERROR: The dock is not available for docking. |
STATUS_ERROR_SYSTEM | 7 | ERROR: Internal system error during execution This error cannot be resolved by issuing a new DockingCommand Check the returned message for details |
Defines how and whether we use the “pre-docking” pose.
Name | Number | Description |
PREP_POSE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Default behavior, equivalent to PREP_POSE_USE_POSE. |
PREP_POSE_USE_POSE | 1 | Goes to the pre-docking pose before docking. |
PREP_POSE_SKIP_POSE | 2 | Docks before going to the pre-docking pose. |
PREP_POSE_ONLY_POSE | 3 | Goes to the pre-docking pose, and then returns SUCCESS without docking. |
PREP_POSE_UNDOCK | 4 | Use this enum to undock a currently docked robot. |
The DockingService provides an interface to dock and undock the robot from Spot Docks, as well as get feedback on command status, and get the current docked status of the robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
DockingCommand | DockingCommandRequest | DockingCommandResponse | Starts a docking command on the robot. |
DockingCommandFeedback | DockingCommandFeedbackRequest | DockingCommandFeedbackResponse | Check the status of a docking command. |
GetDockingConfig | GetDockingConfigRequest | GetDockingConfigResponse | Get the configured dock ID ranges. |
GetDockingState | GetDockingStateRequest | GetDockingStateResponse | Get the robot's docking state |
Deregister the specified E-Stop endpoint registration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
target_endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The endpoint to deregister. | |
target_config_id | string | ID of the configuration we are registering against. |
Response to E-Stop endpoint deregistration request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
request | DeregisterEstopEndpointRequest | Copy of the initial request. | |
status | DeregisterEstopEndpointResponse.Status | Status code for the response. |
Client request for setting/maintaining an E-Stop system level. After the first CheckIn, must include response to previous challenge.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The endpoint making the request. | |
challenge | uint64 | Challenge being responded to. Don't set if this is the first EstopCheckInRequest. |
response | uint64 | Response to above challenge. Don't set if this is the first EstopCheckInRequest. |
stop_level | EstopStopLevel | Assert this stop level. |
Server response to EstopCheckInRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
request | EstopCheckInRequest | Copy of initial request. | |
challenge | uint64 | Next challenge to answer. | |
status | EstopCheckInResponse.Status | Status code for the response. |
Configuration of a root / server.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoints | EstopEndpoint | repeated | EstopEndpoints that are part of this configuration. Unique IDs do not have to be filled out, but can be. |
unique_id | string | Unique ID for this configuration. |
An to the robot software-E-Stop system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
role | string | Role of this endpoint. Should be a user-friendly string, e.g. "OCU". | |
name | string | Name of this endpoint. Specifies a thing to fill the given role, e.g. "patrol-ocu01" | |
unique_id | string | Unique ID assigned by the server. | |
timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | Maximum delay between challenge and response for this endpoint prior to soft power off handling. After timeout seconds has passed, the robot will try to get to a safe state prior to disabling motor power. The robot response is equivalent to an ESTOP_LEVEL_SETTLE_THEN_CUT which may involve the robot sitting down in order to prepare for disabling motor power. |
cut_power_timeout | google.protobuf.Duration | Optional maximum delay between challenge and response for this endpoint prior to disabling motor power. After cut_power_timeout seconds has passed, motor power will be disconnected immediately regardless of current robot state. If this value is not set robot will default to timeout plus a nominal expected duration to reach a safe state. In practice this is typically 3-4 seconds. The response is equivalent to an ESTOP_LEVEL_CUT. |
EstopEndpoint with some extra status data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The endpoint. | |
stop_level | EstopStopLevel | Stop level most recently requested by the endpoint. | |
time_since_valid_response | google.protobuf.Duration | Time since a valid response was provided by the endpoint. |
Status of Estop system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
endpoints | EstopEndpointWithStatus | repeated | Status for all available endpoints. |
stop_level | EstopStopLevel | Current stop level for the system. Will be the most-restrictive stop level specified by an endpoint, or a stop level asserted by the system as a whole (e.g. if an endpoint timed out). |
stop_level_details | string | Human-readable information on the stop level. |
Get the active EstopConfig.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
target_config_id | string | The 'unique_id' of EstopConfig to get. |
Response to EstopConfigRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
request | GetEstopConfigRequest | Copy of the request. | |
active_config | EstopConfig | The currently active configuration. |
Ask for the current status of the Estop system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Respond with the current Estop system status.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | EstopSystemStatus | Status of the Estop system. |
Register an endpoint. EstopEndpoints must be registered before they can send commands or request challenges.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
target_endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The endpoint to replace. Set the endpoint's unique ID if replacing an active endpoint. |
target_config_id | string | ID of the configuration we are registering against. | |
new_endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The description of the new endpoint. Do not set the unique ID. It will be ignored. |
Response to registration request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
request | RegisterEstopEndpointRequest | Copy of the initial request. | |
new_endpoint | EstopEndpoint | The resulting endpoint on success. | |
status | RegisterEstopEndpointResponse.Status | Status code for the response. |
Set a new active EstopConfig.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
config | EstopConfig | New configuration to set. | |
target_config_id | string | The 'unique_id' of EstopConfig to replace, if replacing one. |
Response to EstopConfigRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
request | SetEstopConfigRequest | Copy of the request. | |
active_config | EstopConfig | The currently active configuration. | |
status | SetEstopConfigResponse.Status |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 1 | Request succeeded. |
STATUS_ENDPOINT_MISMATCH | 2 | Target endpoint did not match. |
STATUS_CONFIG_MISMATCH | 3 | Registered to wrong configuration. |
STATUS_MOTORS_ON | 4 | You cannot deregister an endpoint while the motors are on. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown error occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Valid challenge has been returned. |
STATUS_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN | 2 | The endpoint specified in the request is not registered. |
STATUS_INCORRECT_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE | 5 | The challenge and/or response was incorrect. |
The state of the E-Stop system.
Name | Number | Description |
ESTOP_LEVEL_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid stop level. |
ESTOP_LEVEL_CUT | 1 | Immediately cut power to the actuators. |
ESTOP_LEVEL_SETTLE_THEN_CUT | 2 | Prepare for loss of actuator power, then cut power. |
ESTOP_LEVEL_NONE | 4 | No-stop level. The endpoint believes the robot is safe to operate. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 1 | Request succeeded. |
STATUS_ENDPOINT_MISMATCH | 2 | Target endpoint did not match. |
STATUS_CONFIG_MISMATCH | 3 | Registered to wrong configuration. |
STATUS_INVALID_ENDPOINT | 4 | New endpoint was invalid. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 1 | Request succeeded. |
STATUS_INVALID_ID | 2 | Tried to replace a EstopConfig, but provided bad ID. |
STATUS_MOTORS_ON | 4 | You cannot set a configuration while the motors are on. |
The software robot E-Stop system:
Uses challenge-style communication to enforce end user (aka “originators”) connection for Authority to Operate (ATO).
Offers the ability to issue a direct denial of ATO. The EstopService provides a service interface for the robot EStop/Authority to operate the system.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RegisterEstopEndpoint | RegisterEstopEndpointRequest | RegisterEstopEndpointResponse | Register an Estop "originator" or "endpoint". This may be a replacement for another active endpoint. |
DeregisterEstopEndpoint | DeregisterEstopEndpointRequest | DeregisterEstopEndpointResponse | Deregister the requested estop endpoint. |
EstopCheckIn | EstopCheckInRequest | EstopCheckInResponse | Answer challenge from previous response (unless this is the first call), and request a stop level. |
GetEstopConfig | GetEstopConfigRequest | GetEstopConfigResponse | Request the current EstopConfig, describing the expected set of endpoints. |
SetEstopConfig | SetEstopConfigRequest | SetEstopConfigResponse | Set a new active EstopConfig. |
GetEstopSystemStatus | GetEstopSystemStatusRequest | GetEstopSystemStatusResponse | Ask for the current status of the estop system. |
The service fault service enables modification of the robot state ServiceFaultState.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
TriggerServiceFault | TriggerServiceFaultRequest | TriggerServiceFaultResponse | Sends a ServiceFault to be reporting in robot state. |
ClearServiceFault | ClearServiceFaultRequest | ClearServiceFaultResponse | Clears an active ServiceFault from robot state. |
The robot command message to specify a basic command that requires full control of the entire robot to be completed.
The feedback for the fully body command that will provide information on the progress of the robot command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
stop_feedback | StopCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the stop command request. | |
freeze_feedback | FreezeCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the freeze command request. | |
selfright_feedback | SelfRightCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the self-right command request. | |
safe_power_off_feedback | SafePowerOffCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the safe power off command request. | |
battery_change_pose_feedback | BatteryChangePoseCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the battery change pose command request. | |
payload_estimation_feedback | PayloadEstimationCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the payload estimation command request. | |
constrained_manipulation_feedback | ConstrainedManipulationCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the constrained manipulation command request | |
joint_feedback | JointCommand.Feedback | Feedback for joint level control | |
status | RobotCommandFeedbackStatus.Status |
The full body request must be one of the basic command primitives.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
stop_request | StopCommand.Request | Command to stop the robot. | |
freeze_request | FreezeCommand.Request | Command to freeze all joints of the robot. | |
selfright_request | SelfRightCommand.Request | Command to self-right the robot to a ready position. | |
safe_power_off_request | SafePowerOffCommand.Request | Command to safely power off the robot. | |
battery_change_pose_request | BatteryChangePoseCommand.Request | Command to put the robot in a position to easily change the battery. | |
payload_estimation_request | PayloadEstimationCommand.Request | Command to perform payload mass property estimation | |
constrained_manipulation_request | ConstrainedManipulationCommand.Request | Command to perform full body constrained manipulation moves | |
joint_request | JointCommand.Request | Activate joint level control | |
params | google.protobuf.Any | Robot specific command parameters. |
Represents an area in the XY plane.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
polygon | Polygon | ||
circle | Circle |
Represents bounds on a value, such that lower < value < upper. If you do not want to specify one side of the bound, set it to an appropriately large (or small) number.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lower | double | ||
upper | double |
Geometric primitive describing a two-dimensional box.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
size | Vec2 |
Geometric primitive to describe a 2D box in a specific frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
box | Box2 | The box is specified with width (y) and length (x), and the full box is fixed at an origin, where it's sides are along the coordinate frame's axes. |
frame_name | string | The pose of the axis-aligned box is in 'frame_name'. | |
frame_name_tform_box | SE3Pose | The transformation of the axis-aligned box into the desired frame (specified above). |
Geometric primitive describing a three-dimensional box.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
size | Vec3 |
Geometric primitive to describe a 3D box in a specific frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
box | Box3 | The box width (y), length (x), and height (z) are interpreted in, and the full box is fixed at an origin, where it's sides are along the coordinate frame's axes. |
frame_name | string | The pose of the axis-aligned box is in 'frame_name'. | |
frame_name_tform_box | SE3Pose | The transformation of the axis-aligned box into the desired frame (specified above). |
Represents a circular 2D area.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
center_pt | Vec2 | ||
radius | double | Dimensions in m from center_pt. |
Geometric primitive to describe a 2D circle in a specific frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
circle | Circle | The circle is specified with a radius and center point in x-y coordinates. | |
frame_name | string | The pose of the circle is in 'frame_name'. | |
frame_name_tform_circle | SE3Pose | The transformation of the circle into the desired frame (specified above). |
Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of polar coordinates, adding a height axis. See ( for more details.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r | double | Radial coordinate | |
theta | double | Azimuthal coordinate | |
z | double | Vertical coordinate |
A frame is a named location in space.
For example, the following frames are defined by the API: \
“body”: A frame centered on the robot’s body. \
“vision”: A non-moving (inertial) frame that is the robot’s best estimate of a fixed location in the world. It is based on both dead reckoning and visual analysis of the world. \
“odom”: A non-moving (inertial) frame that is based on the kinematic odometry of the robot only.
Additional frames are available for robot joints, sensors, and items detected in the world. \
The FrameTreeSnapshot represents the relationships between the frames that the robot knows about at a particular point in time. For example, with the FrameTreeSnapshot, an API client can determine where the “body” is relative to the “vision”. \
To reduce data bandwidth, the FrameTreeSnapshot will typically contain a small subset of all known frames. By default, all services MUST include “vision”, “body”, and “odom” frames in the FrameTreeSnapshot, but additional frames can also be included. For example, an Image service would likely include the frame located at the base of the camera lens where the picture was taken. \
Frame relationships are expressed as edges between “parent” frames and
“child” frames, with an SE3Pose indicating the pose of the “child” frame
expressed in the “parent” frame. These edges are included in the edge_map
field. For example, if frame “hand” is 1m in front of the frame “shoulder”,
then the FrameTreeSnapshot might contain:
edge_map {
key: “hand”
value: {
parent_frame_name: “shoulder”
parent_tform_child: {
position: {
x: 1.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
} \
Frame relationships can be inverted. So, to find where the “shoulder”
is in relationship the “hand”, the parent_tform_child pose in the edge
above can be inverted:
hand_tform_shoulder = shoulder_tform_hand.inverse()
Frame relationships can also be concatenated. If there is an additional
edge specifying the pose of the “shoulder” relative to the “body”, then
to find where the “hand” is relative to the “body” do:
body_tform_hand = body_tform_shoulder * shoulder_tform_hand \
The two properties above reduce data size. Instead of having to send N^2 edge_map entries to represent all relationships between N frames, only N edge_map entries need to be sent. Clients will need to determine the chain of edges to follow to get from one frame to another frame, and then do inversion and concatenation to generate the appropriate pose. \
Note that all FrameTreeSnapshots are expected to be a single rooted tree. The syntax for FrameTreeSnapshot could also support graphs with cycles, or forests of trees - but clients should treat those as invalid representations. \
Field | Type | Label | Description |
child_to_parent_edge_map | FrameTreeSnapshot.ChildToParentEdgeMapEntry | repeated | child_to_parent_edge_map maps the child frame name to the ParentEdge. In aggregate, this forms the tree structure. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | FrameTreeSnapshot.ParentEdge |
ParentEdge represents the relationship from a child frame to a parent frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
parent_frame_name | string | The name of the parent frame. If a frame has no parent (parent_frame_name is empty), it is the root of the tree. |
parent_tform_child | SE3Pose | Transform representing the pose of the child frame in the parent's frame. |
Represents a row-major order matrix of doubles.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rows | int32 | ||
cols | int32 | ||
values | double | repeated |
Represents a row-major order matrix of int32.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rows | int32 | ||
cols | int32 | ||
values | int32 | repeated |
Represents a row-major order matrix of int64.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rows | int32 | ||
cols | int32 | ||
values | int64 | repeated |
Represents a row-major order matrix of floats.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rows | int32 | ||
cols | int32 | ||
values | float | repeated |
Two-dimensional box with an angle
Field | Type | Label | Description |
box | Box2 | ||
angle | float |
Plane primitive, described with a point and normal.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
point | Vec3 | A point on the plane. | |
normal | Vec3 | The direction of the planes normal. |
Multi-part, 1D line segments defined by a series of points.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | Vec2 | repeated |
Polygon in the XY plane. May be concave, but should not self-intersect. Vertices can be specified in either clockwise or counterclockwise orders.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vertexes | Vec2 | repeated |
Represents a region in the XY plane that consists of a single polygon from which polygons representing exclusion areas may be subtracted.
A point is considered to be inside the region if it is inside the inclusion polygon and not inside any of the exclusion polygons.
Note that while this can be used to represent a polygon with holes, that exclusions are not necessarily holes: An exclusion polygon may not be completely inside the inclusion polygon.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
inclusion | Polygon | ||
exclusions | Polygon | repeated |
A square oriented in 3D space.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pose | SE3Pose | The center of the quad and the orientation of the normal. The normal axis is [0, 0, 1]. |
size | double | The side length of the quad. |
Quaternion primitive. A quaternion can be used to describe the rotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | double | ||
y | double | ||
z | double | ||
w | double |
A ray in 3D space.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
origin | Vec3 | Base of ray. | |
direction | Vec3 | Unit vector defining the direction of the ray. |
Geometric primitive to describe 2D position and rotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
position | Vec2 | (m) | |
angle | double | (rad) |
Geometric primitive that describes a 2D velocity through it’s linear and angular components.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
linear | Vec2 | (m/s) | |
angular | double | (rad/s) |
Geometric primitive to couple minimum and maximum SE2Velocities in a single message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_vel | SE2Velocity | If set, limits the maximum velocity. | |
min_vel | SE2Velocity | If set, limits the minimum velocity. |
Represents the translation/rotation covariance of an SE3 Pose.
The 6x6 matrix can be viewed as the covariance among 6 variables:
rx ry rz x y z
rx rxrx rxry rxrz rxx rxy rxz
ry ryrx ryry ryrz ryx ryy ryz
rz rzrx rzry rzrz rzx rzy rzz
x xrx xry xrz xx xy xz
y yrx yry yrz yx yy yz
z zrx zry zrz zx zy zz
where x, y, z are translations in meters, and rx, ry, rz are rotations around
the x, y and z axes in radians.
The matrix is symmetric, so, for example, xy = yx. \
Field | Type | Label | Description |
matrix | Matrix | Row-major order representation of the covariance matrix. | |
yaw_variance | double | Deprecated. Variance of the yaw component of the SE3 Pose. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. This should equal cov_rzrz, inside matrix . Will be removedin a future release. FIXME(sberard): |
cov_xx | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_xy | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_xz | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_yx | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_yy | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_yz | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_zx | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_zy | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. | |
cov_zz | double | Deprecated. Warning: DEPRECATED as of 2.1. Use 'matrix.' Will be removed in a future release. |
Geometric primitive to describe 3D position and rotation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
position | Vec3 | (m) | |
rotation | Quaternion |
Geometric primitive that describes a 3D velocity through it’s linear and angular components.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
linear | Vec3 | (m/s) | |
angular | Vec3 | (rad/s) |
Two dimensional vector primitive.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | double | ||
y | double |
A 2D vector of doubles that uses wrapped values so we can tell which elements are set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
y | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Three dimensional vector primitive.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | double | ||
y | double | ||
z | double |
A 3D vector of doubles that uses wrapped values so we can tell which elements are set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
y | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
z | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Represents a vector of doubles
Field | Type | Label | Description |
values | double | repeated |
Represents a volume of space in an unspecified frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
box | Vec3 | Dimensions in m, centered on frame origin. |
Geometric primitive used to specify forces and torques.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
force | Vec3 | (N) | |
torque | Vec3 | (Nm) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
data_points | GpsDataPoint | repeated | GPS Measurements. GPS units that generate data at a high rate can bundle multiple measurements together in a single message. |
gps_device | GpsDevice | Describer for what device is generating GPS data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
The AggregatorService is an endpoint that clients should send GPS data too. Data dumped into the AggregatorService is used by the RegistrationService. In practice: - A GPS will be connected to a peripheral computer - The peripheral computer should establish timesync with the robot - The peripheral computer should read data from the GPS hardware - The peripheral computer should send timestamped data to the AggregatorService
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
NewGpsData | NewGpsDataRequest | NewGpsDataResponse |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
llh | LLH | The GPS measurement as Latitude, Longitude, Height. | |
ecef | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The GPS measurement with respect to the Earth Centered Earth Fixed frame | |
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Magnetometer yaw. 0 is north. Processes counter clockwise. We did this to match Spot's body coordinate system, where Z is up. |
heading | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Movement heading. 0 is north. Processes counter clockwise. We did this to match Spot's body coordinate system, where Z is up. |
accuracy | GpsDataPoint.Accuracy | ||
satellites | GpsDataPoint.Satellite | repeated | Satellites used in the location solution. |
mode | GpsDataPoint.FixMode | The current fix, if any. | |
timestamp_gps | google.protobuf.Timestamp | GPS timestamp. This will not match robot time. | |
filter | GpsDataPoint.Filter | ||
timestamp_client | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Optional field corresponding the timestamp of the computer the GPS is connected to (if any). |
timestamp_robot | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot timestamp. | |
body_tform_gps | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | How the GPS is mounted relative to the robots body. |
Estimated accuracy is measured in meters
Field | Type | Label | Description |
horizontal | double | ||
vertical | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | GpsDataPoint.FixMode.Mode | The current type of fix. |
Information about a GNSS satellite measurement.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
prn | uint32 | satellite identifier | |
elevation | float | Degrees from -90 to 90 | |
azimuth | float | Degrees from true north | |
snr | float | in dB | |
constellation | GpsDataPoint.Satellite.Constellation |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | A human readable name for this GPS unit. "Piksi" or "Duro" or "Microstrain" |
Latitude/longitude location representation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
latitude | double | Latitude value in degrees. | |
longitude | double | Longitude value in degrees. | |
height | double | Height value in meters. The reference system from where the height is calculated is controlled by the application generating this structure. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data_point | GpsDataPoint | ||
device | GpsDevice |
Name | Number | Description |
Types of fixes possible.
Name | Number | Description |
Invalid | 0 | |
SPP | 1 | Single Point Positioning |
DGNSS | 2 | Differential Global Navigation Satellite System |
PPS | 3 | Precise Positioning System Fix |
FIXED_RTK | 4 | Fixed-Point Real-Time Kinematics |
FLOAT_RTK | 5 | Floating-Point Real-Time Kinematics |
SBAS | 9 | Satellite Based Augmentation System |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
GPS_L1CA | 1 | |
GPS_L2CM | 2 | |
SBAS_L1CA | 3 | |
GLONASS_L1CA | 4 | |
GLONASS_L2CA | 5 | |
GPS_L1P | 6 | |
GPS_L2P | 7 | |
BDS2_B1 | 8 | BDS stands for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System |
BDS2_B2 | 9 | |
GALILEO_E1B | 10 | |
GALILEO_E7I | 11 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetLocationResponse.Status | ||
registration | Registration |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
latest_data | GpsDataPoint | Latest data from the GPS device. | |
gps_device | GpsDevice | What GPS device generated the latest data | |
ecef_p_body | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | Estimate of where the robot's body is in the ECEF frame given this measurement. Note this must be a position and not a pose because of the lack of orientation data. |
historical_data | GpsDataPoint | repeated | Collection of all GPS data received by this device within some window. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | Registration.Status | ||
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time stamp of latest registration. | |
transforms_snapshot | bosdyn.api.FrameTreeSnapshot | Includes all normal robots frames ("body", "odom", etc) AND "ecef" frame, which you can read about here: |
robot_body_location | LLH | The estimated position of the robot's body frame in LLH form. This position is filtered. | |
gps_states | GpsState | repeated | Most recent data from each GPS. Note that the LLH the GPS is reporting won't exactly match robot_body_location, because robot_body_location is filtered, and the GPS might have some offset relative to the robot's body. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Quality of registration status.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Quality of registration status.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_NEED_DATA | 2 | No data has been reported to perform registration. |
STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA | 3 | Data has been reported, but not enough to get a fix. |
STATUS_STALE | 4 | We have a registration, but it is based on old data. |
The RegistrationService consumes data sent to the Gps/AggregatorService. It calculates where the robot is in the world, and the transforms from the robots internal frames to the world frame.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetLocation | GetLocationRequest | GetLocationResponse | |
ResetRegistration | ResetRegistrationRequest | ResetRegistrationResponse |
The GripperCameraGetParam request message queries the robot for the current gripper sensor parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The GripperCameraGetParam response message contains the current gripper sensor parameters. Gripper sensor parameters do not persist across reboots.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common request header. | |
params | GripperCameraParams |
The GripperCameraParam request message sets new gripper sensor parameters. Gripper sensor parameters do not persist across reboots.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
params | GripperCameraParams |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
camera_mode | GripperCameraParams.CameraMode | CameraMode sets the resolution, frame rate and image format. | |
brightness | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image brightness level. Min 0, max 1 |
contrast | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image contrast level. Min 0, max 1 |
saturation | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image saturation level. Min 0, max 1 |
gain | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image gain level. This parameter is only effective when manual exposure is used. Min 0, max 1 |
exposure_auto | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Whether the camera should use auto exposure. Unset is equivalent to setting exposure_auto = true |
exposure_absolute | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Manually set the image exposure level. This value is only used if exposure_auto is false. Min 0, max 1 |
exposure_roi | RoiParameters | Region of interest for exposure. Specify a spot exposure on a certain part of the image. Only used in auto-exposure mode. |
focus_auto | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Whether the camera should automatically focus the image. Unset is equivalent to setting focus_auto = true |
focus_absolute | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Manually set the image focus. This value is only used if focus_auto is false. If focus_auto is true, this value will be populated with the current focus value. Min 0, max 1 0 corresponds to focus at infinity, 1 corresponds to a focal point close to the camera. |
focus_roi | RoiParameters | Region of interest for focus. Only used when in auto-focus mode. | |
draw_focus_roi_rectangle | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Set to true to draw a rectangle in the image where the focus ROI is. Unset is equivalent to setting draw_focus_roi_rectangle = false |
hdr | HdrParameters | High dynamic range (HDR) mode sets the camera to take multiple frames to get exposure in a large range. HDR will reduce framerate in high-framerate modes. |
led_mode | GripperCameraParams.LedMode | Set the LED mode. | |
led_torch_brightness | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Brightness of the LED in torch mode. Min = 0, max = 1. Note: A brightness value of 0 is not off, but is the minimum brightness. To turn off the LED, set the led_mode to LED_MODE_OFF |
white_balance_temperature_auto | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Whether the camera should use auto white balance Unset is equivalent to setting white_balance_temperature_auto = true |
gamma | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image gamma level. Min 0, max 1 |
white_balance_temperature | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Manually set the white balance focus. This value is only used if white_balance_temperature_auto is false. Min 0, max 1 0 corresponds to focus at infinity, 1 corresponds to a focal point close to the camera. |
sharpness | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Set the image sharpness level. Min 0, max 1 |
Region of interest (ROI) indicates the region within the image that should be used for determination of automatic focus or exposure.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roi_percentage_in_image | Vec2 | Center point of the ROI in the image. The upper lefthand corner of the image is (0, 0) and the lower righthand corner is (1, 1). The middle of the image is (0.5, 0.5). |
window_size | RoiParameters.RoiWindowSize | Size of the region of interest. |
Name | Number | Description |
MODE_UNKNOWN | 0 | MODE_UNKNOWN should not be used. |
MODE_640_480 | 11 | 640x480 pixels. |
MODE_640_480_120FPS_UYVY | 11 | |
MODE_1280_720 | 1 | 1280x720 pixels. |
MODE_1280_720_60FPS_UYVY | 1 | |
MODE_1920_1080 | 14 | 1920x1080 pixels. |
MODE_1920_1080_60FPS_MJPG | 14 | |
MODE_3840_2160 | 15 | 3840x2160 pixels. |
MODE_3840_2160_30FPS_MJPG | 15 | |
MODE_4096_2160 | 17 | 4096x2160 pixels. |
MODE_4096_2160_30FPS_MJPG | 17 | |
MODE_4208_3120 | 16 | 4208x3120 pixels. |
MODE_4208_3120_20FPS_MJPG | 16 |
Name | Number | Description |
LED_MODE_UNKNOWN | 0 | LED_MODE_UNKNOWN should not be used. |
LED_MODE_OFF | 1 | Off |
LED_MODE_TORCH | 2 | Constantly on. Brightness level can be set in the led_torch_brightness field. |
High dynamic range (HDR) modes available. HDR sets the camera to take multiple frames to get exposure in a large range. HDR will reduce framerate in high-framerate modes.
Name | Number | Description |
HDR_UNKNOWN | 0 | (or not set): will not change HDR settings. |
HDR_OFF | 1 | HDR disabled |
HDR_AUTO | 2 | Camera's on-board processor determines how much HDR is needed |
HDR_MANUAL_1 | 3 | Manual HDR enabled (minimum) |
HDR_MANUAL_2 | 4 | |
HDR_MANUAL_3 | 5 | |
HDR_MANUAL_4 | 6 | Manual HDR enabled (maximum) |
Name | Number | Description |
ROI_WINDOW_SIZE_UNKNOWN | 0 | ROI window size, 1 is the smallest, 8 is the largest. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetParams | GripperCameraParamRequest | GripperCameraParamResponse | |
GetParams | GripperCameraGetParamRequest | GripperCameraGetParamResponse |
Command to open and close the gripper.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | ClawGripperCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
trajectory | ScalarTrajectory | Scalar trajectory for opening/closing the gripper. If 1 point is specified with no end time, we will execute a minimum time trajectory that observes velocity and acceleration constraints. Otherwise, we will use piecewise cubic interpolation, meaning there will be a cubic polynomial between each trajectory point, with continuous position and velocity at each trajectory point. If the requested trajectory violates the velocity or acceleration constraints below, a trajectory that is as close as possible but still obeys the constraints will be executed instead. position is radians: 0 is fully closed -1.5708 (-90 degrees) is fully open velocity is radians / sec. |
maximum_open_close_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | If unspecified, a default value of 10 (rad/s) will be used. | |
maximum_open_close_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | If unspecified, a default value of 40 (rad/s/s) will be used. | |
maximum_torque | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Maximum torque applied. If unspecified, a default value of 5.5 (Nm) will be used. | |
disable_force_on_contact | bool | By default the gripper transitions to force control when it detects an object closing. Setting this field to true disables the transition to force control on contact detection and always keeps the gripper in position control. |
The synchronized command message for commanding the gripper to move. A synchronized commands is one of the possible robot command messages for controlling the robot.
The feedback for the gripper command that will provide information on the progress of the command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
claw_gripper_feedback | ClawGripperCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the claw gripper command. | |
status | RobotCommandFeedbackStatus.Status |
The gripper request must be one of the basic command primitives.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
claw_gripper_command | ClawGripperCommand.Request | Control opening and closing the gripper. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 1 | The gripper is opening or closing. |
STATUS_AT_GOAL | 2 | The gripper is at the final point of the trajectory. |
STATUS_APPLYING_FORCE | 3 | During a close, detected contact and transitioned to force control. |
General error code are returned in the header to facilitate error-handling which is not message-specific. This can be used for generic error handlers, aggregation, and trend analysis.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
code | CommonError.Code | The different error codes that can be returned on a grpc response message. | |
message | string | Human-readable error description. Not for programmatic analysis. | |
data | google.protobuf.Any | Extra information that can optionally be provided for generic error handling/analysis. |
Standard header attached to all GRPC requests to services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
request_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time that the request was sent, as measured by the client's local system clock. | |
client_name | string | Name of the client to identify itself. The name will typically include a symbolic string to identify the program, and a unique integer to identify the specific instance of the process running. |
disable_rpc_logging | bool | If Set to true, request that request and response messages for this call are not recorded in the GRPC log. |
Standard header attached to all GRPC responses from services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
request_header | RequestHeader | Echo-back the RequestHeader for timing information, etc.... | |
request_received_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time that the request was received. The server clock is the time basis. | |
response_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time that the response was received. The server clock is the time basis. | |
error | CommonError | Common errors, such as invalid input or internal server problems. If there is a common error, the rest of the response message outside of the ResponseHeader will be invalid. |
request | google.protobuf.Any | Echoed request message. In some cases it may not be present, or it may be a stripped down representation of the request. |
Name | Number | Description |
CODE_UNSPECIFIED | 0 | Code is not specified. |
CODE_OK | 1 | Not an error. Request was successful. |
CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 2 | Service experienced an unexpected error state. |
CODE_INVALID_REQUEST | 3 | Ill-formed request. Request arguments were not valid. |
Sensor parameters associated with an image capture.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
exposure_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration of exposure in microseconds. | |
gain | double | Sensor gain in dB. | |
custom_params | DictParam | Any other custom parameters used in the image capture. |
The GetImage request message which can send multiple different image source requests at once.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
image_requests | ImageRequest | repeated | The different image requests for this rpc call. |
The GetImage response message which includes image data for all requested sources.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
image_responses | ImageResponse | repeated | The ordering of these image responses is defined by the order of the ImageRequests. |
Rectangular color/greyscale/depth images.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cols | int32 | Number of columns in the image (in pixels). | |
rows | int32 | Number of rows in the image (in pixels). | |
data | bytes | Raw image data. | |
format | Image.Format | How the image is encoded. | |
pixel_format | Image.PixelFormat | Pixel format of the image; this will be set even when the Format implies the pixel format. |
Rectangular color/greyscale images.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acquisition_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The time at which the image data was acquired in the robot's time basis. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each image's sensor in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of the image. |
frame_name_image_sensor | string | The frame name for the image's sensor source. This will be included in the transform snapshot. |
image | Image | Image data. | |
capture_params | CaptureParameters | Sensor parameters associated with this image capture. |
This message is a subset of the ImageResponse message with only the information needed to pass captured images to other services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
shot | ImageCapture | The image capture contains the image data and information about the state of the camera and robot at the time the image was collected. |
source | ImageSource | The source describes general information about the camera source the image data was collected from. |
image_service | string | Image service. If blank, it is assumed to be the robot's default image service. |
The image request specifying the image source and data format desired.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_source_name | string | The string name of the image source to get image data from. | |
quality_percent | double | Image quality: a number from 0 (worst) to 100 (highest). Note that jpeg quality 100 is still lossy. |
image_format | Image.Format | Specify the desired image encoding (e.g. JPEG, RAW). If no format is specified (e.g. FORMAT_UNKNOWN), the image service will choose the best format for the data. |
resize_ratio | double | Optional specification of the desired image dimensions. If the original image is 1920x1080, a resize_ratio of (2/3) will return an image with size 1280x720 The range is clipped to [0.01, 1] while maintaining the original aspect ratio. For backwards compatibility, a value of 0 means no resizing. Note: this field is not supported by the robot body cameras image service ( image ). |
pixel_format | Image.PixelFormat | Specify the desired pixel format (e.g. GREYSCALE_U8, RGB_U8). If no format is specified (e.g. PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN), the image service will choose the best format for the data. |
fallback_formats | Image.PixelFormat | repeated | Specify a pixel format that will be used if the format specified in the pixel_format field is invalid. If multiple formats are specified the valid format with the lowest index will be preferred. |
custom_params | DictParam | Parameters unique to the servicer that do not match any of the above fields. Whether or not these are valid may depend on the values of the above fields. |
The image response for each request, that includes image data and image source information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
shot | ImageCapture | The image capture contains the image data and information about the state of the camera and robot at the time the image was collected. |
source | ImageSource | The source describes general information about the camera source the image data was collected from. |
status | ImageResponse.Status | Return status of the request. | |
custom_param_error | CustomParamError | Filled out if status is STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. |
Proto for a description of an image source on the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of this image source used to get images. | |
cols | int32 | Number of columns in the image (in pixels). | |
rows | int32 | Number of rows in the image (in pixels). | |
depth_scale | double | For depth images, the pixel value that represents a depth of one meter. Depth in meters can be computed by dividing the raw pixel value by this scale factor. |
pinhole | ImageSource.PinholeModel | Rectilinear camera model. | |
pinhole_brown_conrady | ImageSource.PinholeBrownConrady | The pinhole camera model with the 5 parameter brown Conrady distortion model. | |
kannala_brandt | ImageSource.KannalaBrandtModel | The Kannala-Brandt camera model for modeling fisheye lenses. | |
image_type | ImageSource.ImageType | The kind of images returned by this image source. | |
pixel_formats | Image.PixelFormat | repeated | The pixel formats a specific image source supports. |
image_formats | Image.Format | repeated | The image formats a specific image source supports. |
custom_params | DictParam.Spec | ImageRequest parameters unique to this source that do not match any of the above fields. |
The Kannala-Brandt camera model, also called the fisheye camera model in OpenCV ( and the equidistant distortion model (, fits cameras with fisheye lenses well. The projection and un-projection equations for this model can be found at:
Field | Type | Label | Description |
intrinsics | ImageSource.KannalaBrandtModel.KannalaBrandtIntrinsics | The camera intrinsics are necessary for describing the KB4 camera matrix. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pinhole_intrinsics | ImageSource.PinholeModel.CameraIntrinsics | Pinhole intrinsics of the camera. | |
k1 | float | The Kannala-Brandt distortion coefficients for the camera. | |
k2 | float | ||
k3 | float | ||
k4 | float |
The 5 parameter Brown-Conrady or “radtan” model is used to correct radial and tangential distortions. Original paper: We use the opencv convention for naming the distortion coefficients: k1, k2, p1, p2, k3. Here k1, k2, and k3 are radial distortion terms. p1 and p2 are tangential terms.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
intrinsics | ImageSource.PinholeBrownConrady.PinholeBrownConradyIntrinsics | The camera intrinsics are necessary for describing the KB4 camera matrix. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pinhole_intrinsics | ImageSource.PinholeModel.CameraIntrinsics | Pinhole intrinsics of the camera. | |
k1 | float | The Brown-Conrady distortion coefficients for the camera. | |
k2 | float | ||
p1 | float | ||
p2 | float | ||
k3 | float |
The camera can be modeled as a pinhole camera described with a matrix. Camera Matrix can be constructed by the camera intrinsics: [[focal_length.x, skew.x, principal_point.x], [[ skew.y, focal_length.y, principal_point.y], [[ 0, 0, 1]]
Field | Type | Label | Description |
intrinsics | ImageSource.PinholeModel.CameraIntrinsics | The camera intrinsics are necessary for describing the pinhole camera matrix. |
Intrinsic parameters are in pixel space.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
focal_length | Vec2 | The focal length of the camera. | |
principal_point | Vec2 | The optical center in sensor coordinates. | |
skew | Vec2 | The skew for the intrinsic matrix. |
The ListImageSources request message for the robot image service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The ListImageSources response message which contains all known image sources for the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
image_sources | ImageSource | repeated | The set of ImageSources available from this service. May be empty if the service serves no cameras (e.g., if no cameras were found on startup). |
Name | Number | Description |
FORMAT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown image format. |
FORMAT_JPEG | 1 | Color/greyscale formats. JPEG format. |
FORMAT_RAW | 2 | Uncompressed. Requires pixel_format. |
FORMAT_RLE | 3 | 1 byte run-length before each pixel value. |
Name | Number | Description |
PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unspecified value -- should not be used. |
PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U8 | 1 | One byte per pixel. |
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8 | 3 | Three bytes per pixel. |
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_U8 | 4 | Four bytes per pixel. |
PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_U16 | 5 | Little-endian uint16 z-distance from camera (mm). |
PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U16 | 6 | Big-endian uint16 |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal ImageService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. None of the other fields are filled out. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Call succeeded at filling out all the fields. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAMERA | 2 | Image source name in request is unknown. Other fields are not filled out. |
STATUS_SOURCE_DATA_ERROR | 3 | Failed to fill out ImageSource. All the other fields are not filled out. |
STATUS_IMAGE_DATA_ERROR | 4 | There was a problem with the image data. Only the ImageSource is filled out. |
STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT_REQUESTED | 5 | The requested image format is unsupported for the image-source named. The image data will not be filled out. Note, if an image request has "FORMAT_UNKNOWN", the service should choose the best format to provide the data in. |
STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMAT_REQUESTED | 6 | The requested pixel format is unsupported for the image-source named. The image data will not be filled out. Note, if an image request has "PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN", the service should choose the best format to provide the data in. |
STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_RESIZE_RATIO_REQUESTED | 7 | The requested ratio is out of bounds [0,1] or unsupported by the image service |
STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 8 | One or more keys or values in custom_params are unsupported by the image service. See the custom_param_error for details. |
Name | Number | Description |
IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unspecified image type. |
IMAGE_TYPE_VISUAL | 1 | Color or greyscale intensity image. |
IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH | 2 | Pixel values represent distances to objects/surfaces. |
Represents an area in the XY plane, with integer indices
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rectangle | RectangleI |
Represents a rectangle, with integer indices.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | int32 | Distance from the left | |
y | int32 | Distance from the top | |
cols | int32 | Width of the rectangle in pixels | |
rows | int32 | Height of the rectangle in pixels |
An Image service provides access to one or more images, for example from cameras. It supports querying for the list of available images provided by the service and then supports requesting a latest given image by source name.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListImageSources | ListImageSourcesRequest | ListImageSourcesResponse | Obtain the list of ImageSources for this given service. Note that there may be multiple ImageServices running, each with their own set of sources The name field keys access to individual images when calling GetImage. |
GetImage | GetImageRequest | GetImageResponse | Request an image by name, with optional parameters for requesting image quality level. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | < Common request header. | |
request | IREnableDisableRequest.Request |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | < Common response header. |
Name | Number | Description |
REQUEST_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unspecified value -- should not be used. |
REQUEST_OFF | 1 | Disable emissions. |
REQUEST_ON | 2 | Enable emissions. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
IREnableDisable | IREnableDisableRequest | IREnableDisableResponse |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
record_event | ActionAfter.RecordEvent | ||
auto_return | ActionAfter.AutoReturn | ||
controlled_motors_off | ActionAfter.ControlledMotorsOff | ||
immediate_robot_off | ActionAfter.ImmediateRobotOff | ||
lease_stale | ActionAfter.LeaseStale | ||
after | google.protobuf.Duration | Take the specified action after not hearing from the associated policy_id in this long. |
Robot triggers AutoReturn.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that AutoReturn may use to accomplish its goals when it triggers. This field is required. This should be a newer lease than the last one used to control the robot. For example, if you have acquired lease [6] from the robot, you should begin controlling the robot with [6, 0, 1] and pass [6, 1] here. If you have added an associated lease, it should be the [6] lease. |
params | bosdyn.api.auto_return.Params | Parameters to AutoReturn. See that message's documentation for details. |
After coming to a halt, robot sits and powers off its motors. Takes priority over AutoReturn and HaltRobot actions.
Robot powers off its computer immediately. WARNING: This will cause loss of recent data, and may damage the robot or its payloads if done while the robot is not sitting.
The leases are marked as stale, making the resource available for other clients. See the LeaseResource message for details.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated |
Record an event.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
events | bosdyn.api.Event | repeated | The events to be logged. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
policy_id | uint64 | Specify the policy whose timer should be refreshed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
last_checkin | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time the robot recorded the check in. Specified in robot's clock. | |
status | CheckInResponse.Status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
status | LivePolicy | repeated | Per-policy status. |
active_control_actions | GetStatusResponse.PolicyControlAction | repeated | Is a Policy controlling the robot? An empty field means that no Policy is actively controlling the robot, though other actions may have triggered. For details, clients must parse the "status" field above. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
policy_id | uint64 | ||
policy | Policy | ||
last_checkin | google.protobuf.Timestamp | What time the policy was last refreshed with a check-in. Specified in robot's clock. | |
client_name | string | client_name from the RequestHeader of the most recent CheckInRequest for this policy. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
to_add | Policy | ||
policy_ids_to_remove | uint64 | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | If the Policy in the request was invalid, CODE_INVALID_REQUEST will be set in this header. In that case, no policies will have been removed. CODE_INVALID_REQUEST can also happen if the Policy contains unknown fields. This may happen if there is a version mismatch between client and server. |
status | ModifyPolicyResponse.Status | ||
added_policy | LivePolicy | The policy added to the session, if any. | |
removed_policies | LivePolicy | repeated | The policies removed from the session, if any. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Human-friendly name of this policy. | |
actions | ActionAfter | repeated | What to do, when. |
associated_leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | If provided, this field ties this policy to lease ownership. When any one associated lease is no longer an owner, this policy is automatically removed. |
user_id | string | Optionally provide a unique identifier for this policy. Uniqueness is not enforced by the service; this is entirely for client use. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_INVALID_POLICY_ID | 2 | Set if the given policy ID was not valid on the system. |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Policy was added successfully, and/or policies were removed successfully. |
STATUS_INVALID_POLICY_ID | 2 | Set if any given policy ID was not valid on the system. No policy will have been added. |
STATUS_INVALID_LEASE | 3 | Set if given policy's associated_lease was not the same, super, or sub lease of the active lease. No policy will have been removed. |
The Keepalive service allows users to specify what the system should do when one or more clients stop communicating with the robot. The actions, and when those actions happen, are specified in a Policy. Clients will periodically check in with the Keepalive service to prevent the actions from happening.
This service is in BETA and may undergo changes in future releases.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ModifyPolicy | ModifyPolicyRequest | ModifyPolicyResponse | Add and/or remove policies of the session. Adding or removing only happens if all parts of the request are valid. For example, if the policy to be added is valid, but policies to be removed are not valid, no policy is added. |
CheckIn | CheckInRequest | CheckInResponse | Refresh the timer on a specific policy. |
GetStatus | GetStatusRequest | GetStatusResponse | Get the status of the current session. |
The AcquireLease request message which sends which resource the lease should be for.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
resource | string | The resource to obtain a Lease for. |
The AcquireLease response returns the lease for the desired resource if it could be obtained. If a client is returned a new lease, the client should initiate a RetainLease bidirectional streaming request immediately after completion of AcquireLease.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
status | AcquireLeaseResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
lease | Lease | The lease for the resource. Only set if status field == STATUS_OK. | |
lease_owner | LeaseOwner | The owner for the lease. Set if status field == OK or status field == RESOURCE_ALREADY_CLAIMED. |
Leases are used to verify that a client has exclusive access to a shared resources. Examples of shared resources are the motors for a robot, or indicator lights on a robot. Leases are initially obtained by clients from the LeaseService. Clients then attach Leases to Commands which require them. Clients may also generate sub-Leases to delegate out control of the resource to other services.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resource | string | The resource that the Lease is for. | |
epoch | string | The epoch for the Lease. The sequences field are scoped to a particular epoch. One example of where this can be used is to generate a random epoch at LeaseService startup. |
sequence | uint32 | repeated | Logical vector clock indicating when the Lease was generated. |
client_names | string | repeated | The set of different clients which have sent/received the lease. |
Details about who currently owns the Lease for a resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
client_name | string | The name of the client application. | |
user_name | string | The name of the user. |
Describes all information about a specific lease: including the resource it covers, the active lease, and which application is the owner of a lease.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resource | string | The resource name. | |
lease | Lease | The active lease, if any. | |
lease_owner | LeaseOwner | The Lease Owner, if there is a Lease. | |
stale_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Deprecated. The robot time when this lease will become stale. A stale lease can be acquired with an AcquireLeaseRequest OR a TakeLeaseRequest, while a lease that is not stale can only be acquired with a TakeLeaseRequest. Leases get marked stale when they haven't been used in a while. If you want to prevent your lease from being marked stale, you need to either: - Periodically send RetainLeaseRequests. - Periodically send valid commands to the robot using the lease. Note that only some types of commands will actually cause explicit lease retention. Commands & RetainLeaseRequests issued with a stale lease will still be accepted. Stale leases, when used, will cause the used lease to no longer be stale. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Lease staleness is now set by the Keepalive service. This value is only an estimate, and may not be correct if a Keepalive client has changed it. Please use the is_stale flag for an instantaneous report on staleness, or check the GetStatusResponse in the Keepalive service to get a time. |
is_stale | bool | This lease has been marked stale, and may be acquired by another client. |
Result for when a Lease is used - for example, in a LeaseRetainer, or associated with a command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | LeaseUseResult.Status | ||
owner | LeaseOwner | The current lease owner. | |
attempted_lease | Lease | The lease which was attempted for use. | |
previous_lease | Lease | The previous lease, if any, which was used. | |
latest_known_lease | Lease | The "latest"/"most recent" lease known to the system. | |
latest_resources | Lease | repeated | Represents the latest "leaf" resources of the hierarchy. |
The ListLease request message asks for information about any known lease resources.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
include_full_lease_info | bool | Include the full data of leases in use, if available. Defaults to false to receive basic information. |
The ListLease response message returns all known lease resources from the LeaseService.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
resources | LeaseResource | repeated | The resources managed by the LeaseService. |
resource_tree | ResourceTree | Provide the hierarchical lease structure. A resource can encapsulate multiple sub-resources. For example, the "body" lease may include control of the legs, arm, and gripper. |
Lease resources can be divided into a hierarchy of sub-resources that can be commanded together. This message describes the hierarchy of a resource.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
resource | string | The name of this resource. | |
sub_resources | ResourceTree | repeated | Sub-resources that make up this resource. |
The RetainLease request will inform the LeaseService that the application contains to hold ownership of this lease. Lease holders are expected to be reachable and alive. If enough time has passed since the last RetainLeaseRequest, the LeaseService will revoke the lease.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to retain ownership over. May also be a "super" lease of the lease to retain ownership over. |
The RetainLease response message sends the result of the attempted RetainLease request, which contains whether or not the lease is still owned by the application sending the request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Result of using the lease. |
The ReturnLease request message will be sent to the LeaseService. If the lease is currently active for the resource, the LeaseService will invalidate the lease. Future calls to AcquireLease by any client will now succeed.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to return back to the LeaseService. |
The ReturnLease response message
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | ReturnLeaseResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
The TakeLease request message which sends which resource the lease should be for.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
resource | string | The resource to obtain a Lease for. |
The TakeLease response returns the lease for the desired resource if it could be obtained. In most cases if the resource is managed by the LeaseService, TakeLease will succeed. However, in the future policies may be introduced which will prevent TakeLease from succeeding and clients should be prepared to handle that case. If a client obtains a new lease, the client should initiate a RetainLease bidirectional streaming request immediately after completion of TakeLease.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | TakeLeaseResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
lease | Lease | The lease for the resource. Only set if status field == STATUS_OK. | |
lease_owner | LeaseOwner | The owner for the lease. Set if status field == STATUS_OK. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal LeaseService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | AcquireLease was successful.The lease field will be populated with the new lease for the resource. The client is expected to call the RetainLease method immediately after. |
STATUS_RESOURCE_ALREADY_CLAIMED | 2 | AcquireLease failed since the resource has already been claimed. The TakeLease method may be used to forcefully grab the lease. |
STATUS_INVALID_RESOURCE | 3 | AcquireLease failed since the resource is not known to LeaseService. The ListLeaseResources method may be used to list all known resources. |
STATUS_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE_SERVICE | 4 | The LeaseService is not authoritative - so Acquire should not work. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An internal issue occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The Lease was accepted. |
STATUS_INVALID_LEASE | 2 | The Lease is invalid. |
STATUS_OLDER | 3 | The Lease is older than the current lease, and rejected. |
STATUS_REVOKED | 4 | The Lease holder did not check in regularly enough, and the Lease is stale. |
STATUS_UNMANAGED | 5 | The Lease was for an unmanaged resource. |
STATUS_WRONG_EPOCH | 6 | The Lease was for the wrong epoch. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal LeaseService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | ReturnLease was successful. |
STATUS_INVALID_RESOURCE | 2 | ReturnLease failed because the resource covered by the lease is not being managed by the LeaseService. |
STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE_LEASE | 3 | ReturnLease failed because the lease was not the active lease. |
STATUS_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE_SERVICE | 4 | The LeaseService is not authoritative - so Acquire should not work. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal LeaseService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | TakeLease was successful. The lease field will be populated with the new lease for the resource. The client is expected to call the RetainLease method immediately after. |
STATUS_INVALID_RESOURCE | 2 | TakeLease failed since the resource is not known to LeaseService. The ListLeaseResources method may be used to list all known resources. |
STATUS_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE_SERVICE | 3 | The LeaseService is not authoritative - so Acquire should not work. |
LeaseService provides Leases of shared resources to clients. An example of a shared resource is the set of leg motors on Spot, which has the resource name of “body”. Clients can delegate out the Leases they receive from the LeaseService to additional clients or services by generating sub-leases. Leases obtained from the LeaseService may be revoked if the Lease holder does not check in frequently to the LeaseService, or if another client force-acquires a Lease.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
AcquireLease | AcquireLeaseRequest | AcquireLeaseResponse | Acquire a lease to a specific resource if the resource is available. |
TakeLease | TakeLeaseRequest | TakeLeaseResponse | Take a lease for a specific resource even if another client has a lease. |
ReturnLease | ReturnLeaseRequest | ReturnLeaseResponse | Return a lease to the LeaseService. |
ListLeases | ListLeasesRequest | ListLeasesResponse | List state of all leases managed by the LeaseService. |
RetainLease | RetainLeaseRequest | RetainLeaseResponse | Retain possession of a lease. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
feature_codes | string | repeated | Check if specific named features are enabled on the robot under the currently loaded license. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
feature_enabled | GetFeatureEnabledResponse.FeatureEnabledEntry | repeated | The resulting map showing the feature name (as the map key) and a boolean indicating if the feature is enabled with this license (as the map value). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
license | LicenseInfo | The details about the current license that is uploaded to the robot. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | LicenseInfo.Status | The status of the uploaded license for this robot. | |
id | string | Unique license number. | |
robot_serial | string | Serial number of the robot this license covers. | |
not_valid_before | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The license is not valid for use for any dates before this timestamp. | |
not_valid_after | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The license is not valid for use for any dates after this timestamp. | |
licensed_features | string | repeated | Human readable list of licensed features included for this license. |
Name | Number | Description |
The LicenseService allows clients to query the currently installed license on robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetLicenseInfo | GetLicenseInfoRequest | GetLicenseInfoResponse | Get information, such as the license number, dates of validity, and features for the license currently uploaded on the robot. |
GetFeatureEnabled | GetFeatureEnabledRequest | GetFeatureEnabledResponse | Check if specific features (identified by string names) are enabled under the currently loaded license for this robot. |
The GetLocalGridTypes request message asks to the local grid types.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The GetLocalGridTypes response message returns to get all known string names for local grid types.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
local_grid_type | LocalGridType | repeated | The list of available local grid types. |
The GetLocalGrid request message can request for multiple different types of local grids at one time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
local_grid_requests | LocalGridRequest | repeated | Specifications of the requested local grids. |
The GetLocalGrid response message replies with all of the local grid data for the requested types, and a numerical count representing the amount of status errors that occurred when getting this data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
local_grid_responses | LocalGridResponse | repeated | Response of local grid or error status for each requested local grid. |
num_local_grid_errors | int32 | The number of individual local grids requests which could not be satisfied. |
A grid-based local grid structure, which can represent different kinds of data, such as terrain or obstacle data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
local_grid_type_name | string | The human readable string name that is used to identify the type of local grid data. | |
acquisition_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The time at which the local grid data was computed and last valid at. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each of the returned local grids in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of the local grid. |
frame_name_local_grid_data | string | The frame name for the local grid data. This frame refers to the corner of cell (0, 0), such that the map data is in the +x, +y quadrant. The cell data is packed in x-y order, so the cell at: data[xi + extent.num_cells_x * yj] has its center at position: {(xi + 0.5) * extent.cell_size, (yj + 0.5) * extent.cell_size}. |
extent | LocalGridExtent | Location, size and resolution of the local grid. | |
cell_format | LocalGrid.CellFormat | The data type of all individual cells in the local grid. | |
encoding | LocalGrid.Encoding | The encoding for the 'data' field of the local grid message. | |
data | bytes | The encoded local grid representation. Cells are encoded according to the encoding enum, and are stored in in row-major order (x-major). This means that the data field has data entered row by row. The grid cell located at (i, j) will be at the (index = i * num_cells_x + j) within the data array. |
rle_counts | int32 | repeated | RLE pixel repetition counts: use data[i] repeated rle_counts[i] times when decoding the bytes data field. |
cell_value_scale | double | The scale for the cell value data; only valid if it is a non-zero number. | |
cell_value_offset | double | A fixed value offset that is applied to each value of the cell data. Actual values in local grid are: (({value from data} * cell_value_scale) + cell_value_offset). |
unknown_cells | bytes | Map of unknown cells. If unknown_cells[i] = 0, then data[i] is known. If unknown_cells[i] = 1, then data[i] is unknown. Each cell is encoded as a uint8_t. Cells are stored in row-major order (x-major). This means that the data field has data entered row by row. The grid cell located at (i, j) will be at the (index = i * num_cells_x + j) within the data array. |
Information about the dimensions of the local grid, including the number of grid cells and the size of each cell.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
cell_size | double | Size of each side of the individual cells in the local grid (in meters). The area of a grid cell will be (cell_size x cell_size). |
num_cells_x | int32 | Number of cells along x extent of local grid (number of columns in local grid/ the local grid width). Note, that the (num_cells_x)x(num_cells_y) represents the total number of grid cells in the local grid. |
num_cells_y | int32 | Number of cells along y extent of local grid (number of rows in local grid). Note, that the (num_cells_x)x(num_cells_y) represents the total number of grid cells in the local grid. |
LocalGrids are requested by LocalGridType string name.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
local_grid_type_name | string |
The local grid response message will contain either the local grid or an error status.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
local_grid_type_name | string | The type name of the local grid included in this response. | |
status | LocalGridResponse.Status | Status of the request for the individual local grid. | |
local_grid | LocalGrid | The requested local grid data. |
Representation of an available type of local grid.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string |
Describes the data type of a cell.
Name | Number | Description |
CELL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Not specified -- not a valid value. |
CELL_FORMAT_FLOAT32 | 1 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as a little-endian 32-bit floating point number. |
CELL_FORMAT_FLOAT64 | 2 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as a little-endian 64-bit floating point number. |
CELL_FORMAT_INT8 | 3 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as a signed 8-bit integer. |
CELL_FORMAT_UINT8 | 4 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as an unsigned 8-bit integer. |
CELL_FORMAT_INT16 | 5 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as a little-endian signed 16-bit integer. |
CELL_FORMAT_UINT16 | 6 | Each cell of the local grid is encoded as a little-endian unsigned 16-bit integer. |
Encoding used for storing the local grid.
Name | Number | Description |
ENCODING_UNKNOWN | 0 | Not specified -- not a valid value. |
ENCODING_RAW | 1 | Cells are stored packed uncompressed. |
ENCODING_RLE | 2 | Run-length encoding: repeat counts stored in rle_counts. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Not specified -- not a valid value. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | LocalGrid was returned successfully. |
STATUS_NO_SUCH_GRID | 2 | The requested local grid-type is unknown. |
STATUS_DATA_UNAVAILABLE | 3 | The request local grid data is not available at this time. |
STATUS_DATA_INVALID | 4 | The local grid data was not valid for some reason. |
The map service provides access multiple kinds of cell-based map data. It supports querying for the list of available types of local grids provided by the service, and supports requesting a set of the latest local grids by map type name.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetLocalGridTypes | GetLocalGridTypesRequest | GetLocalGridTypesResponse | Obtain the list of available map types. The name field keys access to individual local grids when calling GetLocalGrids. |
GetLocalGrids | GetLocalGridsRequest | GetLocalGridsResponse | Request a set of local grids by type name. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetActiveLogStatusesResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_statuses | LogStatus | repeated | A collection of the statuses of logs that are not in a terminal state (logStatus < 100) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
id | string | Id of the log to retrieve. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetLogStatusResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_status | LogStatus | Status of the retrieved log. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Id of the response log. | |
status | LogStatus.Status | Status of the response log. | |
type | LogStatus.Type | Type of log. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
keep_alive | google.protobuf.Duration | How long into the future should this log end? |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | StartExperimentLogResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_status | LogStatus | Status of the created log. | |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp of the end of the log, in robot time. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
past_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | How long into the past should this log start? |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | StartRetroLogResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_status | LogStatus | Status of the created log. | |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp of the end of the log, in robot time. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
id | string | Id of log to terminate. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | TerminateLogResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_status | LogStatus | Status of terminated log. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
keep_alive | google.protobuf.Duration | How long into the future should this log continue? | |
id | string | Id of log to be extended. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | UpdateExperimentLogResponse.Status | Response status. | |
log_status | LogStatus | Status of the updated log. | |
end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp of the end of the log, in robot time. |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_ID_NOT_FOUND | 2 | This log is not available on the robot. |
Status of a previous request for log bundler generation. Terminal statuses start at 100, such that if a status >= DONE, it can be concluded that the request is no longer active.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | The status was not set, so something went wrong. |
STATUS_RECEIVED | 1 | Request received, thread is not created for bundling the logs. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Request in progress, thread is actively creating the bundle. |
STATUS_SYNCING | 3 | Log end_time has passed, server post processing taking place. |
STATUS_DONE | 100 | Bundling process is complete with no failures and was terminated by API. |
STATUS_FAILED | 101 | Failure encountered while generating bundle. |
STATUS_TERMINATED | 102 | Bundle creation was terminated by API prior to completion. |
Types of logs
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_EXPERIMENT | 1 | A log into the future. |
TYPE_RETRO | 2 | A retroactive log. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_EXPERIMENT_LOG_RUNNING | 2 | Cannot start another experiment log, one is already running. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_EXPERIMENT_LOG_RUNNING | 2 | An experiment log is already running. |
STATUS_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT_REACHED | 3 | Maximum retro logs running concurrently. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_ID_NOT_FOUND | 2 | This log is not available on the robot. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
STATUS_ID_NOT_FOUND | 2 | This log is not available on the robot |
STATUS_LOG_TERMINATED | 3 | Log has already terminated |
The LogStatusService provides clients the ability to
Retrieve log status by id
Access a collection of active logs
Start and stop retro logs
Start, extend and stop experiment logs
Terminate logs before their expiration time
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetLogStatus | GetLogStatusRequest | GetLogStatusResponse | Retrieve log status by id. |
GetActiveLogStatuses | GetActiveLogStatusesRequest | GetActiveLogStatusesResponse | View statuses of active logs. |
StartRetroLog | StartRetroLogRequest | StartRetroLogResponse | Given a duration T, StartRetroLog(T) triggers a log covering the timespan [logStartTime, t_rpc], where logStartTime = max(t_rpc - T, t_buffer), t_rpc = time of RPC reception, and t_buffer = time of first log on the buffer. |
StartExperimentLog | StartExperimentLogRequest | StartExperimentLogResponse | Given a duration T, StartExperimentLog(T) starts logging all data to disk with a keepalive/watchdog timer of T. The duration of the log will be [t_rpc, t_rpc + T] where t_rpc = time of RPC reception. The duration of this log can be extended by calling UpdateExperimentLog before the log's status reaches a terminal state. If any retro logs are running, they will be terminated by starting an experiment log. Only one experiment log can be run at a time. |
UpdateExperimentLog | UpdateExperimentLogRequest | UpdateExperimentLogResponse | UpdateExperimentLog(id, T) will update the keepalive/watchdog timer of the log with the provided id if the log is active. The updated duration of the log will be [t_rpc, t_rpc + T] where t_rpc = time of RPC reception. |
TerminateLog | TerminateLogRequest | TerminateLogResponse | Terminate Log before it is complete. |
Allowable orientation allow you to specify vectors that the different axes of the robot’s gripper will be aligned with in the final grasp pose. \
In stow position, +X is to the front of the gripper, pointing forward.
+Y is out of the side of the gripper going to the robot’s left
+Z is straight up towards the sky \
Here, you can supply vectors that you want the gripper to be aligned with at the final grasp
position. For example, if you wanted to grasp a cup, you’d wouldn’t want a top-down grasp.
So you might specify:
frame_name = “vision” (so that Z is gravity aligned)
axis_to_on_gripper_ewrt_gripper = Vec3(0, 0, 1) <— we want to control the
gripper’s z-axis. \
axis_to_align_with_ewrt_frame = Vec3(0, 0, 1) <--- ...and we want that axis to be
straight up \
tolerance_z = 0.52 <--- 30 degrees \
This will ensure that the z-axis of the gripper is pointed within 30 degrees of vertical so that your grasp won’t be top-down (which would need the z-axis of the gripper to be pointed at the horizon). \
You can also specify more than one AllowableOrientation to give the system multiple options. For example, you could specify that you’re OK with either a z-up or z-down version of the cup grasp, allowing the gripper roll 180 from the stow position to grasp the cup.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotation_with_tolerance | RotationWithTolerance | ||
vector_alignment_with_tolerance | VectorAlignmentWithTolerance | ||
squeeze_grasp | SqueezeGrasp |
Use this message to assert the ground truth about grasping. Grasping is usually detected automatically by the robot. If the client wishes to override the robot’s determination of grasp status, send an ApiGraspOverride message with either: OVERRIDE_HOLDING, indicating the gripper is holding something, or OVERRIDE_NOT_HOLDING, indicating the gripper is not holding anything.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
override_request | ApiGraspOverride.Override |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
api_grasp_override | ApiGraspOverride | ||
carry_state_override | ApiGraspedCarryStateOverride | If the grasp override is set to NOT_HOLDING, setting a carry_state_override message will cause the request to be rejected as malformed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Use this message to assert properties about the grasped item. By default, the robot will assume all grasped items are not carriable.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
override_request | ManipulatorState.CarryState |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
grasp_palm_to_fingertip | float | Where the grasp is on the hand. Set to 0 to be a (default) palm grasp, where the object will be pressed against the gripper's palm plate. Set to 1.0 to be a fingertip grasp, where the robot will try to pick up the target with just the tip of its fingers. \ Intermediate values move the grasp location between the two extremes. |
grasp_params_frame_name | string | Frame name for the frame that the constraints in allowable_orientation are expressed in. | |
allowable_orientation | AllowableOrientation | repeated | Optional constraints about the orientation of the grasp. This field lets you specify things like "only do a top down grasp," "grasp only from this direction," or "grasp with the gripper upside-down." If you don't pass anything, the robot will automatically search for a good grasp orientation. |
position_constraint | GraspPositionConstraint | Optional parameter on how much the robot is allowed to move the grasp from where the user requested. Set this to be GRASP_POSITION_CONSTRAINT_FIXED_AT_USER_POSITION to get a grasp that is at the exact position you requested, but has less or no automatic grasp selection help in position. |
manipulation_camera_source | ManipulationCameraSource | Optional hint about which camera was used to generate the target points. The robot will attempt to correct for calibration error between the arm and the body cameras. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
manipulation_cmd_id | int32 | Unique identifier for the command, provided by ManipulationApiResponse. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
manipulation_cmd_id | int32 | The unique identifier for the ManipulationApiFeedbackRequest. | |
current_state | ManipulationFeedbackState | ||
transforms_snapshot_manipulation_data | FrameTreeSnapshot | Data from the manipulation system: \ "walkto_raycast_intersection": \ If you sent a WalkToObject request, we raycast in the world to intersect your pixel/ray with the world. The point of intersection is included in this transform snapshot with the name "walkto_raycast_intersection". \ "grasp_planning_solution": \ If you requested a grasp plan, this frame will contain the planning solution if available. This will be the pose of the "hand" frame at the completion of the grasp. \ "gripper_nearest_object": \ If the range camera in the hand senses an object, this frame will have the position of the nearest object. This is useful for getting a ballpark range measurement. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
walk_to_object_ray_in_world | WalkToObjectRayInWorld | Walk to an object with a raycast in to the world | |
walk_to_object_in_image | WalkToObjectInImage | Walk to an object at a pixel location in an image. | |
pick_object | PickObject | Pick up an object. | |
pick_object_in_image | PickObjectInImage | Pick up an object at a pixel location in an image. | |
pick_object_ray_in_world | PickObjectRayInWorld | Pick up an object based on a ray in 3D space. This is the lowest-level, most configurable object picking command. |
pick_object_execute_plan | PickObjectExecutePlan | Execute a previously planned pick. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
manipulation_cmd_id | int32 | ID of the manipulation command either just issued or that we are providing feedback for. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_name | string | Name of the frame you want to give your input in. | |
object_rt_frame | Vec3 | Pickup an object at the location, given in the frame named above. | |
grasp_params | GraspParams | Optional parameters for the grasp. |
No data
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pixel_xy | Vec2 | Pickup an object that is at a pixel location in an image. | |
transforms_snapshot_for_camera | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each image's sensor in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of the image. |
frame_name_image_sensor | string | The frame name for the image's sensor source. This must be included in the transform snapshot. |
camera_model | ImageSource.PinholeModel | Camera model. | |
grasp_params | GraspParams | Optional parameters for the grasp. | |
walk_gaze_mode | WalkGazeMode | Automatic walking / gazing configuration. See detailed comment in the PickObjectRayInWorld message. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ray_start_rt_frame | Vec3 | Cast a ray in the world and pick the first object found along the ray. \ This is the lowest-level grasping message; all other grasp options internally use this message to trigger a grasp. \ Example: You see the object you are interested in with the gripper's camera. To grasp it, you cast a ray from the camera out to 4 meters (well past the object). \ To do this you'd set: \ ray_start_rt_frame: camera's position \ ray_end_rt_frame: camera's position + unit vector along ray of interest * 4 meters |
ray_end_rt_frame | Vec3 | ||
frame_name | string | Name of the frame the above parameters are represented in. | |
grasp_params | GraspParams | Optional parameters for the grasp. | |
walk_gaze_mode | WalkGazeMode | Configure if the robot should automatically walk and/or gaze at the target object before performing the grasp. \ 1. If you haven't moved the robot or deployed the arm, use PICK_AUTO_WALK_AND_GAZE \ 2. If you have moved to the location you want to pick from, but haven't yet deployed the arm, use PICK_AUTO_GAZE. \ 3. If you have already moved the robot and have the hand looking at your target object, use PICK_NO_AUTO_WALK_OR_GAZE. \ If you are seeing issues with "MANIP_STATE_GRASP_FAILED_TO_RAYCAST_INTO_MAP," that means that the automatic system cannot find your object when trying to automatically walk to it, so consider using PICK_AUTO_GAZE or PICK_NO_AUTO_WALK_OR_GAZE. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotation_ewrt_frame | Quaternion | ||
threshold_radians | float |
A “squeeze grasp” is a top-down grasp where we try to keep both jaws of the gripper in contact with the ground and bring the jaws together. This can allow the robot to pick up small objects on the ground.
If you specify a SqueezeGrasp as: allowed: - with no other allowable orientations: then the robot will perform a squeeze grasp. - with at least one other allowable orientation: the robot will attempt to find a normal grasp with that orientation and if it fails, will perform a squeeze grasp. disallowed: - with no other allowable orientations: the robot will perform an unconstrained grasp search and a grasp if a good grasp is found. If no grasp is found, the robot will report MANIP_STATE_GRASP_PLANNING_NO_SOLUTION - with other allowable orientations: the robot will attempt to find a valid grasp. If it cannot it will report MANIP_STATE_GRASP_PLANNING_NO_SOLUTION
Field | Type | Label | Description |
squeeze_grasp_disallowed | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
axis_on_gripper_ewrt_gripper | Vec3 | Axis on the gripper that you want to align. For example, to align the front of the gripper to be straight down, you'd use: axis_on_gripper_ewrt_gripper = Vec3(1, 0, 0) \ axis_to_align_with_ewrt_frame = Vec3(0, 0, -1) (in the "vision" frame) \ |
axis_to_align_with_ewrt_frame | Vec3 | ||
threshold_radians | float |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pixel_xy | Vec2 | Walk to an object that is at a pixel location in an image. | |
transforms_snapshot_for_camera | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each image's sensor in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of the image. |
frame_name_image_sensor | string | The frame name for the image's sensor source. This will be included in the transform snapshot. |
camera_model | ImageSource.PinholeModel | Camera model. | |
offset_distance | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Optional offset distance for the robot to stand from the object's location. The robot will walk forwards or backwards from where it is so that its center of mass is this distance from the object. \ If unset, we use a reasonable default value. |
Walks the robot up to an object. Useful to prepare to grasp or manipulate something.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ray_start_rt_frame | Vec3 | Position of the start of the ray (see PickObjectRayInWorld for detailed comments.) | |
ray_end_rt_frame | Vec3 | Position of the end of the ray. | |
frame_name | string | Name of the frame that the above parameters are expressed in. | |
offset_distance | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Optional offset distance for the robot to stand from the object's location. The robot will walk forwards or backwards from where it is so that its center of mass is this distance from the object. \ If unset, we use a reasonable default value. |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
MANIP_STATE_GRASP_FAILED_TO_RAYCAST_INTO_MAP | 9 | Note: if you are experiencing raycast failures during grasping, consider using a different grasping call that does not require the robot to automatically walk up to the grasp. |
MANIP_STATE_GRASP_PLANNING_WAITING_DATA_AT_EDGE | 13 | The grasp planner is waiting for the gaze to have the target object not on the edge of the camera view. If you are seeing this in an automatic mode, the robot will soon retarget the grasp for you. If you are seeing this in a non-auto mode, you'll need to change your gaze to have the target object more in the center of the hand-camera's view. |
Configure automatic walking and gazing at the target.
Name | Number | Description |
PICK_AUTO_WALK_AND_GAZE | 1 | Default, walk to the target and gaze at it automatically |
PICK_AUTO_GAZE | 2 | Don't move the robot base, but automatically look at the grasp target. |
PICK_NO_AUTO_WALK_OR_GAZE | 3 | No automatic gazing or walking. Note: if you choose this option, the target location must not be near the edges or off the screen on the hand camera's view. |
PICK_PLAN_ONLY | 4 | Only plan for the grasp, don't move the robot. Since we won't move the robot, the target location must not be near the edges or out of the hand camera's view. The robot must be located near the object. (Equivalent conditions as for success with PICK_NO_AUTO_WALK_OR_GAZE) |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ManipulationApi | ManipulationApiRequest | ManipulationApiResponse | |
ManipulationApiFeedback | ManipulationApiFeedbackRequest | ManipulationApiFeedbackResponse | |
OverrideGrasp | ApiGraspOverrideRequest | ApiGraspOverrideResponse |
Stores a collection of AbsoluteMetrics. The scalar values stored in this structure are meant to be cumulative.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp_start | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Assume two snapshots. One at time=t, and one at time=t-1. If we subtract the metrics of snapshot t-1 from the metrics of snapshot t, we'll get change in metrics. That change in metrics corresponds to the bounding time given by the following two timestamps. Note, when the user transitions from opt out to opt in, or the robot starts up for the first time, timestamp_start will be empty! |
timestamp_end | google.protobuf.Timestamp | ||
sequence_number | int32 | Monotonic number. Every time the robot creates a snapshot, this number will increment. It will be how the robot reports what snapshots are available, and how the client & proxy track what snapshots they have & still need. |
robot_serial_number | string | ||
robot_species | string | ||
parameters | bosdyn.api.Parameter | repeated | |
events | bosdyn.api.Event | repeated | Robot events |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
sequence_numbers | int32 | repeated | The robot will respond with the corresponding Snapshot for these sequence_numbers, if it has them. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
snapshots | SignedProto | repeated | Signed AbsoluteMetricsSnapshot messages corresponding to the request timestamps. The robot will exclude snapshots if: * They don't exist on the robot * If included, the snapshot would push the total response message size over the GRPC limit. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
keys | string | repeated | If keys are specified, the GetMetricsResponse will only include parameters which match the keys. If no keys are specified, all parameters will be returned. |
include_events | bool | Include events in the GetMetricsResponse. By default events will not be included. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
parameters | bosdyn.api.Parameter | repeated | Current parameters for metrics. |
missing_keys | string | repeated | If any keys specified in the GetMetricsRequest are not present in the database, they'll be reported here. |
events | bosdyn.api.Event | repeated | Events included in the metrics. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
first_sequence_number | int32 | The inclusive sequence_number of the first entry in the store. | |
last_sequence_number | int32 | The inclusive sequence_number of the last entry in the store. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetStoreSequenceRange | GetStoreSequenceRangeRequest | GetStoreSequenceRangeResponse | |
GetAbsoluteMetricSnapshot | GetAbsoluteMetricSnapshotRequest | GetAbsoluteMetricSnapshotResponse | |
GetMetrics | GetMetricsRequest | GetMetricsResponse |
A custom signed format. Sequentially laid out:
4 bytes header 20 bytes fingerprint 512 bytes signature X bytes data.
header -> When this format changes, we’ll use the header to deliminate which format was used to generate this data.
fingerprint -> The fingerprint of public key corresponding to the private key that was used to generate the signature. As keys rotate, this will allow the signature verifier to know what key to use to verify the signature.
signature -> signature of the data field.
data -> Contents specified by parent container. Usually contains a serialized protobuf.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | bytes |
Answer one of the outstanding questions.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
question_id | int64 | Identifier of the question being answered. | |
code | int64 | The answer_code from the Question corresponding to the user's choice. | |
custom_params | bosdyn.api.DictParam | The answers for the Question corresponding to custom_params specification from the Question. |
Response from the server after a client has answered one of its questions.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | AnswerQuestionResponse.Status | The result of the AnswerQuestionRequest. | |
custom_param_error | bosdyn.api.CustomParamError | Filled out if status is STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. |
General message describing a node that has failed, for example as part of a PlayMission or LoadMission RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Human-readable name of this node, e.g. "Goto waypoint 1", or "Power On". | |
error | string | The reason why this node failed. May not be provided by all nodes. | |
impl_typename | string | The type of node, e.g. "bosdyn.api.mission.Sequence". May not be provided by all nodes. |
Request mission information. This covers information that stays static until a new mission is loaded.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the currently loaded mission’s information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
mission_info | MissionInfo | Description of the loaded mission's structure. Unset if no mission has been successfully loaded. |
For requesting the mission as it was loaded in LoadMission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Responding with the mission as it was loaded in LoadMission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
root | Node | Root node of the mission loaded. Unset if no mission has been loaded. |
id | int64 | Mission ID as reported in MissionInfo. -1 if no mission has been loaded. |
Get the state of the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
history_upper_tick_bound | google.protobuf.Int64Value | Upper bound on the node state to retrieve, inclusive. Leave unset for the latest data. | |
history_lower_tick_bound | int64 | Tick counter for the lower bound of per-node state to retrieve. | |
history_past_ticks | int64 | Number of ticks to look into the past from the upper bound. |
Response to a GetStateRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
state | State | The requested mission state. |
The LoadMission request specifies a root node for the mission that should be used.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
root | Node | Root node of the mission to load. | |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that will be needed to validate the mission. |
The LoadMission response returns the mission info generated by the service if successfully loaded, and a status and other information if the request fails.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | LoadMissionResponse.Status | Result of loading the mission. | |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Results from any leases that may have been used. As part of mission validation, some of the non-mission leases may have been used. |
mission_info | MissionInfo | Provides the structure of the mission. Set when loading succeeds. | |
failed_nodes | FailedNode | repeated | If certain nodes failed compilation or validation, they will be reported back in this field. |
Static information about the mission. Used to interpret the mission state.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | Mission ID assigned by the server. | |
root | NodeInfo | The root node of the mission. |
Provides children and metadata of a single node within the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | Unique to each node within the LOADED mission. Not guaranteed to be consistent between loads of the same mission. Used to identify the nodes in the State message. |
name | string | Human-readable name of this node, e.g. "Goto waypoint 1", or "Power On". | |
user_data | UserData | Any UserData that was associated with this node. | |
children | NodeInfo | repeated | Info on all children of this node, if any are present. |
The PauseMission request message will pause the mission that is currently executing, if there is one.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | Lease on the mission service. |
The PauseMission response message will return the status of the request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PauseMissionResponse.Status | Result of the pause request. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Result of the lease in the pause request. |
A request to play the currently loaded mission for a fixed amount of time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
pause_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Run the mission until this time. Pause the mission at that time if we have not received a new PlayMissionRequest. This ensures the mission stops relatively quickly if there is an unexpected client drop-out. Clients should regularly send PlayMissionRequests with a pause_time that reflects how often they expect to check in with the mission service. |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that the mission will need, plus the lease on the mission service. |
settings | PlaySettings | Settings active until the next PlayMission or RestartMission request. |
The PlayMission response message will return the status of the play mission request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PlayMissionResponse.Status | The result of the play request. | |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Results from any leases that may have been provided with the play request. |
“Global” settings to use while a mission is running. Some of these settings are not globally applicable. For example, the velocity_limit does not change the speed at which the robot poses the body.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
velocity_limit | bosdyn.api.SE2VelocityLimit | Velocity limits on the robot motion. Example use: limit velocity in "navigate to" nodes. | |
disable_directed_exploration | bool | Disable directed exploration to bypass blocked path sections | |
disable_alternate_route_finding | bool | Disable alternate-route-finding; overrides the per-edge setting in the map. | |
path_following_mode | bosdyn.api.graph_nav.Edge.Annotations.PathFollowingMode | Specifies whether to use default or strict path following mode. | |
ground_clutter_mode | bosdyn.api.graph_nav.Edge.Annotations.GroundClutterAvoidanceMode | Specify whether or not to enable ground clutter avoidance, and which type. | |
planner_mode | bosdyn.api.graph_nav.TravelParams.PathPlannerMode | Specify the path planner mode. |
A question posed by a Prompt node, or by the internal operation of another node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int64 | Identifier of this question, unique across all missions executing on a single host. | |
source | string | What's asking the question. Should be unique in the active mission. | |
text | string | The text of the question itself. | |
options | Prompt.Option | repeated | Options to choose from. Uses the submessage from the "prompt" node message. |
custom_params | bosdyn.api.DictParam.Spec | Custom parameter specification for the answer expected for this question. | |
for_autonomous_processing | bool | Set to true if this question was meant to be answered by some automated system, not a human. Clients should usually avoid generating a UI element to ask such a question. |
severity | bosdyn.api.AlertData.SeverityLevel | Severity for this question. See comment in Prompt message in nodes.proto for a better understanding of what levels mean. |
A request to restart the currently loaded mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
pause_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Run the mission until this time. Pause the mission at that time if we have not received a new PlayMissionRequest. This ensures the mission stops relatively quickly if there is an unexpected client drop-out. Clients should regularly send PlayMissionRequests with a pause_time that reflects how often they expect to check in with the mission service. |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | Leases that the mission will need, plus the lease on the mission service. |
settings | PlaySettings | Settings active until the next PlayMission or RestartMission request. |
The RestartMission response includes the status and any failed nodes for the request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | RestartMissionResponse.Status | The result of the restart request. | |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Results from any leases that may have been used. As part of mission validation, some of the non-mission leases may have been used. |
failed_nodes | FailedNode | repeated | If certain nodes failed validation, they will be reported back in this field. |
State of the mission service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
questions | Question | repeated | What questions are outstanding? |
answered_questions | State.AnsweredQuestion | repeated | History of questions that have been answered. The server will set some limit on the available history. |
history | State.NodeStatesAtTick | repeated | Node states ordered from newest to oldest. history[0] will always be the data from this tick. |
status | State.Status | Current status of the mission. | |
error | string | Describes the unexpected error encountered by the mission service. Only filled out if STATUS_ERROR is set. |
tick_counter | int64 | The mission's tick counter when this state was generated. -1 indicates no mission has been started. |
mission_id | int64 | The mission's ID. -1 indicates no mission has been loaded. |
active_mission_text | MissionText | repeated | MissionText which is currently active. |
A question that has been answered already.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
question | Question | The question that this state information is related to. | |
accepted_answer_code | int64 | The code corresponding to the option answered for this prompt. | |
custom_params | bosdyn.api.DictParam | Custom parameter values answered for this prompt. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tick_counter | int64 | The tick counter when this state was produced. | |
tick_start_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time at which this tick started, in host time basis. | |
node_states | State.NodeStatesAtTick.NodeState | repeated | At this tick, the state of every node that was ticked, in the order they were ticked. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
result | Result | The result of this node's tick. | |
error | string | May be set when the 'result' is RESULT_FAILURE or RESULT_ERROR, this describes why the node failed. Not all nodes will have an error explaining why they failed. |
id | int64 | ID from NodeInfo. | |
blackboard | State.NodeStatesAtTick.NodeState.BlackboardState | Nodes can write and read from the blackboard. Every node has a scoped blackboard. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
variables | KeyValue | repeated |
The StopMission request message will fully stop the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | Lease on the mission service. |
The StopMission response message will return the status of the request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | StopMissionResponse.Status | Result of the stop request. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Result of the lease in the stop request. |
Possible results for answering a question.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Answer accepted. |
STATUS_INVALID_QUESTION_ID | 2 | Question ID is not valid / unknown by the mission service. |
STATUS_INVALID_CODE | 3 | Answer code is not applicable for the question indicated. |
STATUS_ALREADY_ANSWERED | 4 | Question was already answered. |
STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 5 | One or more keys or values in custom_params are unsupported by the question. See the custom_param_error for details. |
STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_ANSWER | 6 | Answer format is not applicable for the question indicated. |
Possible results of loading a mission.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The mission was loaded successfully. |
STATUS_COMPILE_ERROR | 2 | Load-time compilation failed. The mission was malformed. |
STATUS_VALIDATE_ERROR | 3 | Load-time validation failed. Some part of the mission was unable to initialize. |
Possible results of a pause request.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Mission is paused or finished running. |
STATUS_NO_MISSION_PLAYING | 2 | No mission has started playing. NOT returned when two PauseMissionRequests are received back-to-back. In that case, you will get STATUS_OK. |
Possible results for a play request.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Mission is playing, or the mission has already completed. Use GetStateResponse to tell the difference. |
STATUS_NO_MISSION | 2 | Call LoadMission first. |
Possible results of requesting a restart.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Mission has restarted. |
STATUS_NO_MISSION | 2 | Call LoadMission first. |
STATUS_VALIDATE_ERROR | 3 | Validation failed. |
Possible overall status states of the mission.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_FAILURE | 1 | The mission has failed due to a node failure. |
STATUS_RUNNING | 2 | The mission is still running. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 3 | The mission succeeded! |
STATUS_PAUSED | 4 | Execution has been paused. |
STATUS_ERROR | 5 | The mission service itself or the behavior tree encountered an unexpected error, outside of a node failing. |
STATUS_NONE | 6 | No mission has been loaded. |
STATUS_STOPPED | 7 | The mission was stopped before completion. |
Possible results of a stop request.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid status, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Mission is stopped/complete. The mission state may be in any of the "complete states", e.g. if the mission completed successfully before this RPC took effect, the mission will report STATUS_SUCCESS and not STATUS_STOPPED. |
STATUS_NO_MISSION_PLAYING | 2 | No mission has started playing. NOT returned if the mission is already stopped. In that case, you will get STATUS_OK. |
The MissionService can be used to specify high level autonomous behaviors for Spot using behavior trees.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
LoadMission | LoadMissionRequest | LoadMissionResponse | RPCs for loading missions to the robot. NOTE: LoadMission and LoadMissionAsChunks may fail for large missions because the request and response may exceed the maximum message size. Use LoadMissionAsChunks2 instead. |
LoadMissionAsChunks | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | LoadMissionResponse | This RPC may be deprecated in the future, please use LoadMissionAsChunks2 instead. Non-preferred method for loading large missions to the robot because only the request is a streaming RPC. The data chunks are deserialized into a LoadMissionRequest. NOTE: LoadMissionAsChunks may fail for large missions because the response may exceed the maximum message size. |
LoadMissionAsChunks2 | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | Preferred RPC for loading large missions to the robot because both the request and response are streaming RPCs, allowing you to break the message up into multiple streamed messages. The data chunks are deserialized into a LoadMissionRequest and LoadMissionResponse. |
PlayMission | PlayMissionRequest | PlayMissionResponse | Start executing a loaded mission. Will not restart a mission that has run to completion. Use RestartMission to do that. |
PauseMission | PauseMissionRequest | PauseMissionResponse | Pause mission execution. |
StopMission | StopMissionRequest | StopMissionResponse | Stop a running mission. Must use RestartMission, not PlayMission, to begin from the beginning. |
RestartMission | RestartMissionRequest | RestartMissionResponse | Start executing a loaded mission from the beginning. Does not need to be called after LoadMission. |
GetState | GetStateRequest | GetStateResponse | Get the state of the mission. |
GetInfo | GetInfoRequest | GetInfoResponse | RPCs for getting static information regarding the mission. Used to interpret mission state. NOTE: GetInfo may fail for large missions because the response may exceed the maximum message size. Use GetInfoAsChunks instead. |
GetInfoAsChunks | GetInfoRequest | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | Preferred RPC for getting the status of large missions from the robot because the response is a streaming streaming RPC, allowing you to break the message up into multiple streamed messages. THe data chunks are deserialized into a GetInfoResponse. |
GetMission | GetMissionRequest | GetMissionResponse | Download the mission as it was uploaded to the service. |
GetMissionAsChunks | GetMissionRequest | .bosdyn.api.DataChunk stream | Alternative method to download large missions that allows you to break the mission up into multiple streamed requests. Each data chunk message should be deserialized as a GetMissionResponse protobuf message. |
AnswerQuestion | AnswerQuestionRequest | AnswerQuestionResponse | Specify an answer to the question asked by the mission. |
Get the state of the docking service from the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
child | Node | Child node. Children will have access to the state gathered by this node. | |
state_name | string | Name of the bosdyn.api.DockState object in the blackboard. For example, if this is set to "power_status", children can look up "power_status" in the blackboard. |
Get the state of the gripper camera params from the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
child | Node | Child node. Children will have access to the state gathered by this node. | |
state_name | string | Name of the bosdyn.api.GripperCameraParams object in the blackboard. For example, if this is set to "gripper_params", children can look up "gripper_params.camera_mode" in the blackboard. |
Make a robot power request
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
request | bosdyn.api.PowerCommandRequest.Request | The request to make. See the PowerCommandRequest documentation for details. |
Write the QueryStoredCapturesResponse for a given QueryParameters message to the blackboard.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the data acquisition service is registered with. | |
key | string | The key of the variable that the QueryStoredCapturesResponse will be written to. | |
query_params | bosdyn.api.QueryParameters | The QueryParameters message for the QueryStoredCapturesRequest that will be made. | |
capture_action_ids_format | BosdynQueryStoredCaptures.CaptureActionIdFormat | repeated | If specified, these CaptureActionIds will be added to the QueryParameters at runtime. |
Format strings that will be used together with the blackboard to generate a CaptureActionId.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action_name_format | string | ||
group_name_format | string |
Record an APIEvent
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
event | bosdyn.api.Event | The event to be logged. Note that everything should be populated except the id, start_time and end_time. The start and end time will be populated by the mission, using the node's start time. The id field shouldn't be set when the start and end times are the same. |
succeed_early | bool | If set to false, this node will wait for the RecordEvents rpc to complete. If set to true, this node will send the RecordEventsRequest, and then return SUCCESS without waiting for the RecordEventsResponse. |
additional_parameters | BosdynRecordEvent.AdditionalParametersEntry | repeated | In addition to the parameters specified in the event field, this field can be used to specify events only known at runtime. Map key will be parameter label, map value will be evaluated then packed into parameter value. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | Value |
Execute a RobotCommand. These nodes will “succeed” once a feedback response is received indicating success. Any commands that require an “end time” will have that information set based on the end time of the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the directory is running on. | |
command | bosdyn.api.RobotCommand | The command to execute. See the RobotCommand documentation for details. |
Get state from the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
child | Node | Child node. Children will have access to the state gathered by this node. | |
state_name | string | Name of the bosdyn.api.RobotState object in the blackboard. For example, if this is set to "robot", children can look up "robot.power_state.motor_power_state" in the blackboard. |
This node will:
Check if there are behavior faults. If there are none, it will return success.
Check if all behavior faults are clearable. If not, it will return failure.
Try to clear the clearable behavior faults. If it cannot, it will return failure.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
robot_state_blackboard_name | string | Name of a robot state message defined in the blackboard. Usually provided by embedding this node in a [BosdynRobotState] node. |
cleared_cause_fall_blackboard_name | string | Optional blackboard variable name. If specified, this node will write the number of cleared behavior faults that had CAUSE_FALL. |
cleared_cause_hardware_blackboard_name | string | Optional blackboard variable name. If specified, this node will write the number of cleared behavior faults that had CAUSE_HARDWARE. |
cleared_cause_lease_timeout_blackboard_name | string | Optional blackboard variable name. If specified, this node will write the number of cleared behavior faults that had CAUSE_LEASE_TIMEOUT. |
Checks a simple comparison statement.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
lhs | Condition.Operand | Left-hand side of the comparison. | |
rhs | Condition.Operand | Right-hand side of the comparison. | |
operation | Condition.Compare | Comparison operator to compare lhs and rhs. | |
handle_staleness | Condition.HandleStaleness |
Options for where to retrieve values from.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
var | VariableDeclaration | Reference an existing variable. | |
const | ConstantValue | Use a constant value. |
Just returns a constant when calling tick().
Field | Type | Label | Description |
result | Result | This result is always returned when calling tick(). |
Creates a message, puts it in the current tick state messages, then ticks the child node. The MissionText will remain active while the node is ticked and RUNNING. Clients can retrieve active mission text through the GetState RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mission_text | string | The mission text to create. The mission text may contain blackboard variable formatting. | |
severity | bosdyn.api.AlertData.SeverityLevel | Severity level of the text message. Here are guidelines for severity as it pertains to missions: INFO: Normal operation. For example, waiting for charge; waiting on the dock for logs to download. WARN: Something went wrong, but the mission will try to recover autonomously. ERROR: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Intervention is not time sensitive and can be resolved when convenient. CRITICAL: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Human needs to rescue the robot before battery runs out because it's not charging. |
child | Node | Child to tick after creating the mission text The MissionText will be active as long as the child is ticked and RUNNING. |
Trigger the acquisition and storage of data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the data acquisition service is registered with. | |
request | bosdyn.api.AcquireDataRequest | Specification of the data and metadata to store. | |
completion_behavior | DataAcquisition.CompletionBehavior | ||
group_name_format | string | Define a format string that will be used together with the blackboard to generate a group_name. If a value is specified in this field, it will override the group_name value specified in the CaptureActionId of the AcquireDataRequest. Values from the blackboard will replace the keys in braces {}. Example: "teleop-{date}", where "date" is a blackboard variable. Example: "{date}loop{loop_counter}", where "loop_counter" is a blackboard variable from a Repeat node. |
request_name_in_blackboard | string | If populated, name of the variable in the blackboard in which to store the AcquireDataRequest after it's created, and sent to the Data Acquisition service. |
metadata_name_in_blackboard | string | The name of the metadata object in the blackboard to be stored. The metadata object can be any protobuf message. The metadata will be merged with the AcquireDataRequest's metadata field. |
action_name_format | string | Define a format string that will be used together with the blackboard to generate an action_name. If a value is specified in this field, it will override the action_name value specified in the CaptureActionId of the AcquireDataRequest. Values from the blackboard will replace the keys in braces {}. Example: "element 0 attempt {loop_counter}", where "loop_counter" is a blackboard variable from a Retry. |
disable_cancel_on_pause_or_stop | bool | If set to false (default), this node will cancel an outgoing AcquireDataRequest when the node is paused / stopped. When the node is resumed, it will restart the AcquireDataRequest. If set to true, this node will NOT cancel outgoing AcquireDataRequest's when the node is paused / stopped. When the node is resumed, it will check feedback on the original outgoing AcquireDataRequest. |
format_metadata | bool | If true, metadata string values may contain formatted blackboard variables. Please see the documentation in FormatBlackboard for more information about supported string formats. |
Send an AcquireDataRequest to the data acquisition service when the mission is interrupted. Interruptions are anything that causes the mission to stop ticking automatically.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
child | Node | Child to run when node starts. If mission is interrupted while the child is still running, the mission service will send an AcquireDataRequest to the data acquisition service. The child will resume when the mission resumes. The DataAcquisitionOnInterruption node will always return the status of this child node. |
request_when_interrupted | DataAcquisition | Data acquisition request that will be sent if the mission is interrupted. This is not an actual node. It will only be used for the data acquisition request details. The completion_behavior, request_name_in_blackboard, metadata_name_in_blackboard, and format_metadata fields will not be used. |
pause_mission_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: PauseMission RPC called. | |
restart_mission_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: RestartMission RPC called. | |
load_mission_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: LoadMission RPC called. | |
stop_mission_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: StopMission RPC called. | |
lease_use_error_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: Lease use error occurred. | |
play_mission_timeout_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: Play mission timeout exceeded. | |
child_node_error_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: Child node returned an error result. | |
child_node_exception_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | Interruption reason: Child node threw an exception. | |
default_metadata | bosdyn.api.Metadata | This is used if any of the above are empty or if an unexpected interruption occurs. | |
keys_for_lease_use_error_message | string | repeated | If key(s) are specified, the additional information about the lease use error will be stored in the AcquireDataRequest metadata. All given key(s) must be used in order to access the error message reason from the JSON metadata. The last key holds error message. |
Record a datetime string into the blackboard. Writes the date according to ISO8601 format.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | The key of the variable that will be written. |
Defines new blackboard variables within the scope of the child. Shadows blackboard variables in the parent scope.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
blackboard_variables | KeyValue | repeated | The list of variables that should be defined for this subtree, with initial values. Note: Currently the mission service supports blackboard variable keys that contain ".", "[]", and "()". In a future release, this will no longer be supported. Boston Dynamics recommends using letters, numbers, and underscores for blackboard keys. |
child | Node | The blackboard variables will only persist in the subtree defined by this child node. The child's tick() will be called on the child until it returns either SUCCESS or FAILURE. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the docking service is registered with. | |
docking_station_id | uint32 | ||
docking_station_id_blackboard_key | string | Blackboard variable key that contains the docking station id. | |
child | Node | Deprecated. Optional child node. Children will have access to the status variables gathered by this node. If specified, child node will determine success/failure of this node. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Use docking_command_response_blackboard_key and docking_command_feedback_response_blackboard_key instead. |
command_status_name | string | Deprecated. Name of the command status variable in the blackboard. This is the status of the docking command request made to the robot. Please refer to bosdyn.api.docking.DockingCommandResponse.Status for more details. Children can use this name to look up docking command status in the blackboard. If no name is provided, status will not be available. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Use docking_command_response_blackboard_key and docking_command_feedback_response_blackboard_key instead. |
feedback_status_name | string | Deprecated. Name of the feedback status variable in the blackboard. This is the feedback provided while docking is in progress. Please refer to bosdyn.api.docking.DockingCommandFeedbackResponse.Status for a list of possible status values. Children can use this name to look up docking status in the blackboard. If no name is provided, status will not be available. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Use docking_command_response_blackboard_key and docking_command_feedback_response_blackboard_key instead. |
prep_pose_behavior | bosdyn.api.docking.PrepPoseBehavior | Defines how we use the "pre-docking" behavior. | |
docking_command_feedback_response_blackboard_key | string | If provided, this will write the last DockingCommandFeedbackResponse message to a blackboard variable with this name. |
docking_command_response_blackboard_key | string | If provided, this will write the last DockingCommandResponse message to a blackboard variable with this name. |
require_fiducial | bool | Require the detection of the dock's fiducial |
Sends a request to play a choreography sequence with the given name, and then monitors the state of the dancing robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
sequence_name | string | The name of the sequence to play. |
Run this child for a maximum amount of mission execution time. Will exit with child’s status if the child finishes early, FAILURE if the child remains in RUNNING state for too long and no timeout_child is specified, or the status of the timeout_child.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | ||
duration_name_in_blackboard | string | Blackboard variable name that specifies duration. The value of this variable should be of type google.protobuf.Duration. |
child | Node | Child to execute for the duration. | |
time_remaining_name | string | Optional blackboard variable name. If specified, this node will define a blackboard variable that its child has access to, and write the number of seconds remaining as a double to the blackboard under this name. |
timeout_child | Node | Optional node that will run if the child times out. If not specified, this node will return FAILURE when the child times out. If specified, and the child times out, this node will return the status of the timeout_child. The timeout_child does not respect the original timeout. |
Sets a blackboard variable to a formatted string, reading from other blackboard vars.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | The key of the variable that will be written. | |
format | string | Define a format string that will be used together with the blackboard to generate string value. Values from the blackboard will replace the keys in braces {}, i.e. {blackboard_variable_name}. We also allow some string formatting options, namely: 1) Floating point decimal places: {float_variable:.2f} 2) TBD Select examples: Format String: "teleop-{date}" Blackboard: "date" is a blackboard variable with string value: "2021-05-13" Output: "teleop-2021-05-13" Format String: "{date}loop{loop_counter}" Blackboard: "date" is a blackboard variable with string value: "2021-05-13" Blackboard: "loop_counter" is a blackboard variable with integer value: "3" Output: "2021-05-13_loop_3" Format String: "battery charge is: {state.power_state.locomotion_charge_percentage.value}" Blackboard: "state" is a protobuf message in the blackboard from a BosdynRobotState, and the power_state submessage has a charge percentage of 30.2148320923085 Output: "battery charge is: 30.2158320923085" Format String: "battery charge is: {state.power_state.locomotion_charge_percentage.value:.2f}" Blackboard: "state" is a protobuf message in the blackboard from a BosdynRobotState, and the power_state submessage has a charge percentage of 30.2148320923085 Output: "battery charge is: 30.21" Format String: "the value is {x:.0f}" Blackboard: "x" is a blackboard variable with float value: "2.71828" Output: "the value is 3" |
Uploads the given set of animations and choreography sequences to the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine the service is running on. | |
choreography_sequences | | repeated | Choreography sequences to be loaded (required by the mission). |
animated_moves | | repeated | Any animations we need to load if we want to play the sequences. |
Wrapper for a mission node. Contains the basics common to all mission nodes. Specifics of what the node does are contained in the “impl” field.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Human-readable name of this node, e.g. "Goto waypoint 1", or "Power On". | |
user_data | UserData | Collection of user data associated with this node. | |
reference_id | string | Reference identifier of this node. Set iff another node references this one. |
impl | google.protobuf.Any | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 4.0. Implementation of this node. For example, this may be a Sequence. |
node_reference | string | Unique identifier of another node. If this is filled out, rather than the "impl", then the referenced node will be used in place of this one. |
condition | Condition | ||
sequence | Sequence | ||
selector | Selector | ||
repeat | Repeat | ||
retain_lease | RetainLease | ||
retry | Retry | ||
for_duration | ForDuration | ||
bosdyn_dock_state | BosdynDockState | ||
bosdyn_power_request | BosdynPowerRequest | ||
bosdyn_robot_state | BosdynRobotState | ||
bosdyn_robot_command | BosdynRobotCommand | ||
remote_grpc | RemoteGrpc | ||
sleep | Sleep | ||
prompt | Prompt | ||
set_blackboard | SetBlackboard | ||
date_to_blackboard | DateToBlackboard | ||
define_blackboard | DefineBlackboard | ||
format_blackboard | FormatBlackboard | ||
constant_result | ConstantResult | ||
bosdyn_navigate_route | BosdynNavigateRoute | ||
bosdyn_navigate_to | BosdynNavigateTo | ||
bosdyn_graph_nav_state | BosdynGraphNavState | ||
bosdyn_graph_nav_localize | BosdynGraphNavLocalize | ||
bosdyn_record_event | BosdynRecordEvent | ||
simple_parallel | SimpleParallel | ||
spot_cam_ptz | SpotCamPtz | ||
spot_cam_store_media | SpotCamStoreMedia | ||
spot_cam_led | SpotCamLed | ||
spot_cam_focus_state | SpotCamFocusState | ||
spot_cam_reset_autofocus | SpotCamResetAutofocus | ||
store_metadata | StoreMetadata | ||
switch | Switch | ||
data_acquisition | DataAcquisition | ||
data_acquisition_on_interruption | DataAcquisitionOnInterruption | ||
dock | Dock | ||
restart_when_paused | RestartWhenPaused | ||
clear_behavior_faults | ClearBehaviorFaults | ||
bosdyn_gripper_camera_params_state | BosdynGripperCameraParamsState | ||
set_gripper_camera_params | SetGripperCameraParams | ||
parallel_and | ParallelAnd | ||
set_grasp_override | SetGraspOverride | ||
execute_choreography | ExecuteChoreography | ||
mission_upload_choreography | MissionUploadChoreography | ||
create_mission_text | CreateMissionText | ||
bosdyn_query_stored_captures | BosdynQueryStoredCaptures | ||
parameter_values | KeyValue | repeated | Defines parameters, used by this node or its children. The "key" in KeyValue is the name of the parameter being defined. The value can be a constant or another parameter value. |
overrides | KeyValue | repeated | Overwrites a protobuf field in this node's implementation. The "key" in KeyValue is the name of the field to override. The value to write can be sourced from a constant, or a parameter value. |
parameters | VariableDeclaration | repeated | Declares parameters needed at compile time by this node, or children of this node. This is a way for a node to communicate what parameters its implementation and/or children require, without unpacking the entire subtree. |
Run many child nodes together, returning only after they have all completed or an early exit is triggered.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
children | Node | repeated | |
finish_every_node | bool | Boolean to finish every child node. If this is false, if one of the nodes fails, the whole ParallelAnd will stop & return the failure immediately. If this is true, if one of the nodes fails, the ParallelAnd will continue to run until all the children have exited, then report the failure. If a node raises an error, the error will always be reported immediately. Default false. |
Prompt the world at large to answer a question. This node represents a request for information from ANY listeners that may be out there.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
always_reprompt | bool | Should we always re-prompt when this node is started? If false, this node will only ever prompt if it is started and its question is unanswered. This may be used, for example, to ask the user to check the robot after any self-right. If true, this node will prompt whenever it is started. This may be used, for example, to tell the user to perform some one-time action, like open a door for the robot. |
text | string | The text of the question itself. The question text may contain formatted blackboard variables. Please see the documentation in FormatBlackboard for more information about supported string formats. |
source | string | Metadata describing the source of the question. The answer will be written into the state blackboard with this as the variable name. |
options | Prompt.Option | repeated | Deprecated. The set of options that can be chosen for this prompt. |
options_list | Prompt.OptionsList | The set of options that can be chosen for this prompt. | |
options_list_in_blackboard | string | Key to an OptionsList protobuf object on the blackboard. The variable is only read when the node starts meaning options cannot change while the node is running. |
custom_params | bosdyn.api.DictParam.Spec | Custom parameter specification for the answer expected for this prompt. | |
child | Node | Child node, run after the prompt has been responded to. Children will have access to the answer code provided by the response. |
for_autonomous_processing | bool | Hint that Question posed by this Prompt is meant to be answered by some automated system. See the Question message for details. |
severity | bosdyn.api.AlertData.SeverityLevel | Severity for this prompt. Used to determine what sort of alerting this prompt will trigger. Here are guidelines for severity as it pertains to missions: INFO: Normal operation. For example, waiting for charge; waiting on the dock for logs to download. WARN: Something went wrong, but the mission will try to recover autonomously. ERROR: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Intervention is not time sensitive and can be resolved when convenient. CRITICAL: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Human needs to rescue the robot before battery runs out because it's not charging. |
severity_in_blackboard | string | If specified, this node will read the severity out of the blackboard at the specified location. |
question_name_in_blackboard | string | If specified, this node will write its current question (bosdyn.api.mission.Question proto) to the blackboard while it is being ticked. |
Data about the options to choose from.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
text | string | Text associated with this option. Should be displayed to the user. | |
answer_code | int64 | Numeric code corresponding to this option. Passed as part of the answer. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
options | Prompt.Option | repeated |
Call out to another system using the RemoteMission service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
host | string | Host that is running the directory server. Usually, this is just the robot. | |
service_name | string | Name of the service in the directory. | |
timeout | float | Timeout of any single RPC. If the timeout is exceeded, the RPC will fail. The mission service treats each failed RPC differently: - EstablishSession: An error is returned in LoadMission. - Tick: The RPC is retried. - Stop: The error is ignored, and the RPC is not retried. Omit for a default of 60 seconds. |
lease_resources | string | repeated | Resources that we will need leases on. |
inputs | KeyValue | repeated | The list of variables the remote host should receive. Variables given can be available at either run-time or compile-time. The "key" in KeyValue is the name of the variable as used by the remote system. |
group_name_format | string | Define a format string that will be used together with the blackboard to generate a group_name. If a value is specified in this field, it will override the group_name value specified in the group_name of the TickRequest. Values from the blackboard will replace the keys in braces {}. Example: "teleop-{date}", where "date" is a blackboard variable. Example: "{date}loop{loop_counter}", where "loop_counter" is a blackboard variable from a Repeat node. |
params | bosdyn.api.DictParam | Should match the advertised spec for the RemoteMissionService in question. |
Repeat a child node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_starts | int32 | Start the child node exactly this many times. Note that a value of 1 makes the Repeat node a no-op. |
child | Node | Child to repeat max_starts times. | |
start_counter_state_name | string | If set, the node will write the start index to the blackboard. | |
respect_child_failure | bool | If set to false, this repeat node will keep running its child regardless of whether or not the child succeeds or fails. If set to true, this repeat node will only keep running its child when the child succeeds. If the child fails, the repeat node will fail. |
This node will run and return the status of the child node. If the mission is paused while this node is executing, the child will be restarted when the mission is resumed.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
child | Node |
Send RetainLease for every Lease the mission service is given via PlayMissionRequest. Returns RUNNING while there are more leases to retain, SUCCESS once a lease for each resource has been retained, and FAILURE if any one lease cannot be retained.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the lease service is registered with. |
Retry a child node until it succeeds, or exceeds a number of attempts.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_attempts | int32 | Only allow this many attempts. Note that a value of 1 makes this Retry node a no-op. | |
child | Node | Child to retry up to max_attempts. | |
attempt_counter_state_name | string | If set, the node will write the attempt index to the blackboard. |
Run all children in order until a child succeeds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
always_restart | bool | Forces the execution to always begin with the first child. If false, and the Selector ran last tick, it will continue with the node it was ticking. |
children | Node | repeated | List of all children to iterate through. |
Run all children in order until a child fails.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
always_restart | bool | Forces the execution to always begin with the first child. If false, and the Sequence ran last tick, it will continue with the node it was ticking. |
children | Node | repeated | List of all children to iterate through. |
Sets existing blackboard variables within this scope to specific values, returning SUCCESS.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
blackboard_variables | KeyValue | repeated | The key of the KeyValue is the name of the blackboard variable. The value will be dereferenced and converted into a value type at runtime inside this node's tick function. For example, if the value is a runtime variable, that variable will be evaluated at tick time, and then stored into the blackboard. If the value is another blackboard variable, that blackboard variable's value will be copied into the variable specified by the key. Note: Currently the mission service supports blackboard variable keys that contain ".", "[]", and "()". In a future release, this will no longer be supported. Boston Dynamics recommends using letters, numbers, and underscores for blackboard keys. |
Set grasp override and carry state override requests
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the gripper camera param service is registered with. |
grasp_override_request | bosdyn.api.ApiGraspOverrideRequest |
Set gripper camera params
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the gripper camera param service is registered with. |
params_in_blackboard_key | string | ||
new_params | bosdyn.api.GripperCameraParams |
Run two child nodes together, returning the primary child’s result when it completes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
primary | Node | Primary node, whose completion will end the execution of SimpleParallel. The secondary node will be ticked at least once. |
secondary | Node | Secondary node, which will be ticked as long as the primary is still running. | |
run_secondary_node_once | bool | By default, if the secondary node finishes before the primary node, the secondary node will be restarted. If this flag is set to true, and the secondary node completes before the primary node, it will never be restarted. |
When started, begins a sleep timer for X seconds. Returns “success” after the timer elapses, “running” otherwise.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
seconds | float | Number of seconds to sleep for. | |
duration_name_in_blackboard | string | Blackboard variable name that specifies duration. The value of this variable should be of type google.protobuf.Duration. |
restart_after_stop | bool | If this node is stopped, should it restart the timer? |
Set the focus on the Spot CAM PTZ
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the Spot CAM registered with. | |
focus_state | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.PtzFocusState | Focus State to set the Spot CAM PTZ to, from SetPtzFocusStateRequest |
Set the LEDs to a specified brightness
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the Spot CAM registered with. | |
brightnesses | SpotCamLed.BrightnessesEntry | repeated | Brightnesses of the LEDs, from SetLEDBrightnessRequest |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | float |
Point the PTZ to a specified orientation
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the Spot CAM registered with. | |
ptz_position | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.PtzPosition | The rest of the fields are from bosdyn.api.spot_cam.ptz.SetPtzPositionRequest, see that message for details. |
adjust_parameters | SpotCamPtz.AdjustParameters | Setting adjust_parameters will enable auto-adjusting the PTZ pan and tilt at playback time, based on where the robot is, relative to the waypoint. Leave empty to disable auto-adjust features. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
localization_varname | string | Variable name to retrieve the graph nav state from. | |
waypoint_id | string | Waypoint ID where this PTZ configuration was originally set up. | |
waypoint_tform_body | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Pose of body in waypoint frame at the time this PTZ configuration was originally set up. |
Reset the autofocus on the Spot CAM PTZ
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the Spot CAM registered with. |
Store media using the Spot CAM.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the Spot CAM registered with. | |
camera | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.Camera | The rest of the fields are from bosdyn.api.spot_cam.logging.StoreRequest, see that message for details. |
type | bosdyn.api.spot_cam.Logpoint.RecordType | What type of media should be stored from this action. | |
tag | string | Extra metadata to store alongside the captured media. |
Triggers a StoreMetadataRequest to the data acquisition store.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Name of the service to use. | |
host | string | Host machine of the directory server that the data acquisition service is registered with. | |
acquire_data_request_name | string | The name of the blackboard variable that holds the associated AcquireDataRequest. The reference ID that this metadata is associated with will be copied from the request. |
metadata_name | string | The name of the metadata object in the blackboard to be stored. The metadata object can be any protobuf message. |
metadata_json | google.protobuf.Struct | JSON representation of metadata | |
metadata_channel | string | The data buffer channel on which to store the metadata. |
Run a specific child based on a specified pivot_value.
This node exists because of a subtle implementation detail in Selector(always_restart = true). The astute reader might believe that they can construct a switch node by using a selector with sequences & conditions as children. This is ALMOST true, EXCEPT that a selector (with always_restart = true) can leave multiple children in the running state IF:
A later selector child was RUNNING last tick
An earlier selector child returns RUNNING this tick
Even though the later selector child won’t be ticked, it will still be left in the running state and not restart when the selector advances to it again later. Sometimes this is desirable, sometimes it isn’t. Switch is constrained to only have one child running, and if the switch ever switches children and return to a previously running child, that child will be restarted.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pivot_value | Value | Expresses an integer value that decides which child to run. | |
always_restart | bool | If false, this node will read the pivot_value once when its starts, and execute the specified child until it finishes even if the pivot_value changes. If true, this node will read from the pivot_value every tick, and change which child it's ticking when an underlying blackboard variable changes. |
int_children | Switch.IntChildrenEntry | repeated | List of all children to possibly run. |
default_child | Node | If none of the above cases match, use this child |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | Node |
Comparison operator.
Name | Number | Description |
COMPARE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid, do not use. |
COMPARE_EQ | 1 | Equal. |
COMPARE_NE | 2 | Not equal. |
COMPARE_LT | 3 | Less than. |
COMPARE_GT | 4 | Greater than. |
COMPARE_LE | 5 | Less than or equal. |
COMPARE_GE | 6 | Greater than or equal. |
When comparing runtime values in the blackboard, some values might be “stale” (i.e too old). This defines how the comparator should behave when a read value is stale.
Name | Number | Description |
HANDLE_STALE_UNKNOWN | 0 | acts like READ_ANYWAY for backwards compatibility. |
HANDLE_STALE_READ_ANYWAY | 1 | ignore how stale this data is. |
HANDLE_STALE_RUN_UNTIL_FRESH | 2 | return the RUNNING status until the data being read is not stale. |
HANDLE_STALE_FAIL | 3 | return FAILURE status if stale data is read. |
Name | Number | Description |
COMPLETE_AFTER_SAVED | 1 | Node is complete after all data has been saved. |
COMPLETE_AFTER_ACQUIRED | 2 | Node is complete after all data is acquired, but before processing and storage. This allows the robot to continue on with the mission sooner, but it will be unaware of failures in processing or storage. |
Information to initialize a session to the remote service for a particular mission node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | All leases that the remote service may need. |
inputs | VariableDeclaration | repeated | Deprecated. Use this to provide other data (e.g. from the blackboard). The RemoteGrpc node will provide the name of the node automatically. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please use 'params' in [TickRequest] instead. |
Provide the id to use for the particular mission node to tick this remote service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | EstablishSessionResponse.Status | Result of this establish session request. | |
session_id | string | On success, contains an ID for this session. | |
missing_lease_resources | string | repeated | Need to provide leases on these resources. |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Details about how any leases were used. Allowed to be empty, if leases were not actually used. |
missing_inputs | VariableDeclaration | repeated | Deprecated. The inputs required by the contacted node that were not mentioned in the request. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please use 'params_error' instead. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
custom_params | bosdyn.api.DictParam.Spec | The parameters the service expects to be called at runtime with. |
Used to stop a node that was previously ticked, so that it knows that the next Tick represents a restart rather than a continuation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
session_id | string | Session ID as returned by the EstablishSessionResponse. Used to guarantee coherence between a single client and a servicer. |
Results of attempting to stop a remote node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | StopResponse.Status | Result of the stop request. |
End the session originally established by an EstablishSessionRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
session_id | string | Session ID as returned by the EstablishSessionResponse. Used to guarantee coherence between a single client and a servicer. |
Results of ending a session.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | TeardownSessionResponse.Status | The result of a TeardownSessionRequest. |
Request that the remote tick itself for a particular node in the mission.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
session_id | string | Session ID as returned by the EstablishSessionResponse. Used to guarantee coherence between a single client and a servicer. |
leases | bosdyn.api.Lease | repeated | All leases that the remote service may need. |
inputs | KeyValue | repeated | Inputs provided to the servicer. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please use 'params' instead. |
params | bosdyn.api.DictParam | Parameters set by the client. Depending on the structure of the mission, the value may change during ticking. |
group_name | string | Callbacks can be used to record data using Data Acquisition. The mission can provide a hint to the callback with the current group, so that the data the callback saves is correctly grouped with other data generated by the mission. The value may change during ticking. |
Response with the results of the tick. Remote services should strive to return quickly, even if only returning RUNNING.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | TickResponse.Status | Result of the current tick. | |
missing_lease_resources | string | repeated | Need to provide leases on these resources. |
lease_use_results | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | repeated | Details about how any leases were used. Allowed to be empty, if leases were not actually used. |
missing_inputs | VariableDeclaration | repeated | Filled out when status is STATUS_MISSING_INPUTS, indicating what inputs were not in the request. |
error_message | string | If you need to report other error details, you can use this field. | |
custom_param_error | bosdyn.api.CustomParamError | Filled out if status is STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. |
Possible results of establishing a session.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown/unset. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Provided inputs / outputs are compatible. |
STATUS_MISSING_LEASES | 2 | Remote service needs leases on additional resources. If set, the missing_lease_resources field should contain the resources needed but not provided. |
STATUS_MISSING_INPUTS | 3 | Remote service needs additional inputs. |
Possible results for a StopRequest.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown/unset. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Service stopped. |
STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID | 2 | The request provided an invalid session ID. |
Possible results of ending a session.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown/unset. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Session was torn down -- servicer has probably wiped all associated data / state. |
STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID | 2 | The request provided an invalid session ID. This may mean the session was already torn down. |
Possible results from the node. The FAILURE, RUNNING, and SUCCESS statuses map to the behavior tree terms, all others indicate an error in the TickRequest.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
STATUS_FAILURE | 1 | Node completed but failed. |
STATUS_RUNNING | 2 | Node is processing and may finish in a future tick. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 3 | Node completed and succeeded. |
STATUS_INVALID_SESSION_ID | 4 | The request provided an invalid session ID. |
STATUS_MISSING_LEASES | 5 | The request was missing required leases. |
STATUS_MISSING_INPUTS | 6 | The request was missing required inputs. |
STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 7 | There was another error with the input parameters. See the params_error field for details. |
Interface for mission callbacks. Mission RemoteGrpc nodes will act as clients to this service type, calling out to this service when loaded, ticked, or unloaded.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
EstablishSession | EstablishSessionRequest | EstablishSessionResponse | Call this once at mission load time, once for each node that references this remote service. |
Tick | TickRequest | TickResponse | Call this every time the RemoteGrpc node is ticked. |
Stop | StopRequest | StopResponse | Call this every time the RemoteGrpc node WAS ticked in the previous cycle, but was NOT ticked in this cycle. Signals that the next tick will be a restart, rather than a continuation. |
TeardownSession | TeardownSessionRequest | TeardownSessionResponse | Tells the service it can forget any data associated with the given session ID. Should be called once for every EstablishSession call. |
GetRemoteMissionServiceInfo | GetRemoteMissionServiceInfoRequest | GetRemoteMissionServiceInfoResponse | Asks the service what to describe itself Can be called by clients at mission record time to parameterize a RemoteGrpc node. |
A constant value. Corresponds to the VariableDeclaration Type enum.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
float_value | double | ||
string_value | string | ||
int_value | int64 | ||
bool_value | bool | ||
msg_value | google.protobuf.Any |
Key/Value pair, used in other messages.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | Value |
Nodes can pass arbitrary text back through the mission state.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
text | string | The text of the message. | |
severity | bosdyn.api.AlertData.SeverityLevel | Severity level of the text message. Here are guidelines for severity as it pertains to missions: INFO: Normal operation. For example, waiting for charge; waiting on the dock for logs to download. WARN: Something went wrong, but the mission will try to recover autonomously. ERROR: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Intervention is not time sensitive and can be resolved when convenient. CRITICAL: Something went wrong, and the mission can't recover without human intervention. Human needs to rescue the robot before battery runs out because it's not charging. |
node_id | int64 | The node which produced the update message. |
Data a user can associate with a node.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | string | Identifier. Enables matching the Node uploaded to the MissionService with the NodeInfo downloaded from the MissionService. |
bytestring | bytes | Arbitrary data. We recommend keeping it small, to avoid bloating the size of the mission. | |
source_representation | google.protobuf.Any | The source representation is a high level representation of this mission. By analogy, it is the "source code" to this "compiled" mission. At this time this field can either contain: - Nothing - A [bosdyn.api.autowalk.Walk] if the mission was compiled using the Autowalk service. |
A value of a run-time or compile-time variable.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
constant | ConstantValue | A constant value. | |
runtime_var | VariableDeclaration | Look up a variable provided at run-time. | |
parameter | VariableDeclaration | Look up a Node Parameter. |
Declaration of a run-time or compile-time variable.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Name of the variable, to be used as the key in KeyValue pairs. | |
type | VariableDeclaration.Type | Type that this variable is expected to have. Used to verify assignments and comparisons. |
Results from executing / ticking / running a single node.
Name | Number | Description |
RESULT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid, should not be used. |
RESULT_FAILURE | 1 | The node completed running, but failed. |
RESULT_RUNNING | 2 | The node is still in process and has not completed. |
RESULT_SUCCESS | 3 | The node completed, and succeeded. |
RESULT_ERROR | 4 | The node encountered an operational error while trying to execute. |
Supported types for blackboard or parameter values.
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_FLOAT | 1 | |
TYPE_INT | 3 | |
TYPE_BOOL | 4 | |
The robot command message to specify a basic command that moves the robot.
The feedback for the mobility command that will provide information on the progress of the robot command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
se2_trajectory_feedback | SE2TrajectoryCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the trajectory command. | |
se2_velocity_feedback | SE2VelocityCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the velocity command. | |
sit_feedback | SitCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the sit command. | |
stand_feedback | StandCommand.Feedback | Feedback for the stand command. | |
stance_feedback | StanceCommand.Feedback | ||
stop_feedback | StopCommand.Feedback | ||
follow_arm_feedback | FollowArmCommand.Feedback | ||
status | RobotCommandFeedbackStatus.Status |
The mobility request must be one of the basic command primitives.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
se2_trajectory_request | SE2TrajectoryCommand.Request | Command to move the robot along a trajectory. | |
se2_velocity_request | SE2VelocityCommand.Request | Command to move the robot at a fixed velocity. | |
sit_request | SitCommand.Request | Command to sit the robot down. | |
stand_request | StandCommand.Request | Command to stand up the robot. | |
stance_request | StanceCommand.Request | ||
stop_request | StopCommand.Request | ||
follow_arm_request | FollowArmCommand.Request | ||
params | google.protobuf.Any | Robot specific command parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | ModelData | repeated | Contains model name, class labels, and per-model parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
other_data | google.protobuf.Any | Other data that isn't an image. NetworkComputeBridge service will pass it through to the remote server so you can do computation on arbitrary data. |
model_name | string | Name of the model to be run on the input data. | |
reference_images | ImageCaptureAndSource | repeated | For some computer vision operations a number of reference images are required along with the input image. These images might have been taken months ago, not necessarily taken right now. |
custom_params | DictParam | Input parameters unique to this worker that do not match any of the above fields. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_source | string | When only an image source is specified, network compute bridge will choose default values for other request options. |
image_request | ImageRequest | A full image request with the image source name as well as other options. | |
image_service | string | Image service. If blank, it is assumed to be the robot's default image service. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
server_config | NetworkComputeServerConfiguration | Configuration about which server to use. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
available_models | string | repeated | Deprecated. Provide list of available models. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Replaced by AvailableModels. |
labels | ModelLabels | repeated | Deprecated. Optional information about available classes for each model DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Replaced by AvailableModels. |
models | AvailableModels | Envelope message for repeated ModelData. | |
status | ListAvailableModelsStatus | Command status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
model_name | string | The model name used should match a name specified here. | |
available_labels | string | repeated | List of class labels returned by this model (optional). |
output_image_spec | OutputImageSpec | repeated | An ordered list of what types of outputs this NCB model generates. This can be used by clients to determine which NCB images to display first at action configuration time. It's ok for the NCB worker to return a different set of outputs (more / fewer) than specified here. |
custom_params | DictParam.Spec | Per-model parameters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
model_name | string | Model name. | |
available_labels | string | repeated | List of class labels returned by this model. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_source_and_service | ImageSourceAndService | Image source to collect an image from. | |
image | Image | Image to process, if you are not using an image source. | |
other_data | google.protobuf.Any | Other data that isn't an image. NetworkComputeBridge service will pass it through to the remote server so you can do computation on arbitrary data. |
model_name | string | Name of the model to be run on the input data. | |
min_confidence | float | Minimum confidence [0.0 - 1.0] an object must have to be returned. Detections below this confidence threshold will be suppressed in the response. |
rotate_image | NetworkComputeInputData.RotateImage | Options for rotating the image before processing. When unset, no rotation is applied. Rotation is supported for data from image services that provide a FrameTreeSnapshot defining the sensor's frame with respect to Spot's body and vision frames. Field is ignored for non-image input. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please rotate the image client-side before passing it to NCB worker. |
The network compute bridge will receive this input data, and convert it to a [NetworkComputeInputDataWorker] before sending an RPC to the network compute bridge worker.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_sources_and_services | ImageSourceAndService | repeated | Image sources to collect a number of images from. The ImageResponses will populate the [images] field in [NetworkComputeInputDataWorker]. |
parameters | ComputeParameters |
The network compute bridge worker will receive this input data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
images | ImageCaptureAndSource | repeated | Live images (usually) filled out by NetworkComputeBridge right before NCB worker is called. |
parameters | ComputeParameters | Input data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
input_data | NetworkComputeInputData | Deprecated. Input data. DEPRECATED as of 3.3, use input_data_bridge instead. |
input_data_bridge | NetworkComputeInputDataBridge | ||
server_config | NetworkComputeServerConfiguration | Configuration about which server to use. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
object_in_image | WorldObject | repeated | Deprecated. Detection information. May include bounding boxes, image coordinates, 3D pose information, etc. DEPRECATED as of 4.0. Use object_in_image field in OutputImage instead. |
image_response | ImageResponse | Deprecated. The image we computed the data on. If the input image itself was provided in the request, this field is not populated. This field is not set for non-image input. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Use image_responses instead. |
image_responses | ImageCaptureAndSource | repeated | The image we computed the data on. This field is not set for non-image input. |
image_rotation_angle | double | Deprecated. If the image was rotated for processing, this field will contain the amount it was rotated by (counter-clockwise, in radians). Note that the image returned is not rotated, regardless of if it was rotated for processing. This ensures that all other calibration and metadata remains valid. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Please rotate the image client-side before passing it to NCB worker. |
other_data | google.protobuf.Any | Non image-type data that can optionally be returned by a remote server. | |
status | NetworkComputeStatus | Command status | |
custom_param_error | CustomParamError | Filled out if status is NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. | |
alert_data | AlertData | Deprecated. Optional field to indicate an alert detected by this model. Note that this alert will be reported for this entire response (including all output images). If you have multiple output images and only want to alert on a specific image, use the alert_data field in the associated OutputImage message. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Use alert_data in OutputImage instead. |
output_images | NetworkComputeResponse.OutputImagesEntry | repeated | Optional field to output images generated by this model. Maps name to OutputImage. |
roi_output_data | NetworkComputeResponse.RoiOutputDataEntry | repeated | Deprecated. Information computed about the regions of interest by the worker. DEPRECATED as of 3.3. Support for non-image products will be added in the future. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | OutputImage |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | OutputData |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_name | string | Service name in the robot's Directory for the worker that will process the request. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
metadata | google.protobuf.Struct | Optional metadata related to this image/region. | |
object_in_image | WorldObject | repeated | Optional detection information. May include bounding boxes, image coordinates, 3D pose information, etc. |
alert_data | AlertData | Optional alert related to this image/region. | |
other_data | google.protobuf.Any | Optional data of a custom type. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
image_response | ImageResponse | Annotated image showing process/end results. | |
metadata | google.protobuf.Struct | Optional metadata related to this image. | |
object_in_image | WorldObject | repeated | Optional detection information. May include bounding boxes, image coordinates, 3D pose information, etc. |
alert_data | AlertData | Optional alert related to this image. |
Information about the output of an NCB worker.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | This string corresponds to the key in output_images |
name | string | A human readable name for this output_image. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
input_data | NetworkComputeInputDataWorker |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
other_data | google.protobuf.Any | Non image-type data that can optionally be returned by a remote server. | |
status | NetworkComputeStatus | Command status | |
custom_param_error | CustomParamError | Filled out if status is NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR. | |
output_images | WorkerComputeResponse.OutputImagesEntry | repeated | Output images generated by this model. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | OutputImage |
Name | Number | Description |
LIST_AVAILABLE_MODELS_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
LIST_AVAILABLE_MODELS_STATUS_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | 2 | External service not found in the robot's directory. |
LIST_AVAILABLE_MODELS_STATUS_EXTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 3 | The call to the external server did not succeed. |
Name | Number | Description |
ROTATE_IMAGE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unspecified rotation method. Do not use. |
ROTATE_IMAGE_NO_ROTATION | 3 | No rotation applied. |
ROTATE_IMAGE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL | 1 | Rotate the images so the horizon is not rolled with respect to gravity. |
ROTATE_IMAGE_ALIGN_WITH_BODY | 2 | Rotate the images so that the horizon in the image is aligned with the inclination of the body. For example, when applied to the left body camera this option rotates the image so that the world does not appear upside down when the robot is standing upright, but if the body is pitched up, the image will appear rotated. |
Name | Number | Description |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | 2 | External service not found in the robot's directory. |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_EXTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 3 | The call to the external server did not succeed. |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_ROTATION_ERROR | 4 | The robot failed to rotate the image as requested. |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR | 5 | One or more keys or values in the input custom_params are unsupported by the service. See the custom_param_error for details. |
NETWORK_COMPUTE_STATUS_ANALYSIS_FAILED | 6 | Transient error to indicate that the model failed to analyze the set of input images, but a retry might work. |
RPCs for sending images or other data to networked server for computation.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
NetworkCompute | NetworkComputeRequest | NetworkComputeResponse | |
ListAvailableModels | ListAvailableModelsRequest | ListAvailableModelsResponse |
Set of RPCs for workers of the network compute bridge. This is separate from the RPCs for the on-robot network compute bridge so that if they need to diverge in the future it is possible to do so.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
NetworkCompute | NetworkComputeRequest | NetworkComputeResponse | |
WorkerCompute | WorkerComputeRequest | WorkerComputeResponse | |
ListAvailableModels | ListAvailableModelsRequest | ListAvailableModelsResponse |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mac_address | string | MAC address of the associated station | |
connected_time | google.protobuf.Duration | Time duration since the station last connected. | |
rx_signal_dbm | int32 | Signal strength of last received packet | |
rx_signal_avg_dbm | int32 | Signal strength average | |
rx_beacon_signal_avg_dbm | int32 | Signal strength average for beacons only. | |
expected_bits_per_second | int64 | Expected throughput | |
rx_bytes | int64 | Total received bytes | |
rx_packets | int64 | Total received packets from the associated station | |
rx_bits_per_second | int64 | Last unicast receive rate | |
tx_bytes | int64 | Total transmitted bytes | |
tx_packets | int64 | Total transmitted packets to the associated station | |
tx_bits_per_second | int64 | Current unicast transmit rate | |
tx_retries | int64 | Cumulative retry count to this station, within connected time | |
tx_failed | int64 | Cumulative failed tx packet count to this station, within connected time | |
beacons_received | int64 | Number of beacons received from this peer | |
beacon_loss_count | int64 | Number of times beacon loss was detected |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | WifiDevice.Type | ||
name | string | ||
mac_address | string | ||
ssid | string | ||
tx_power_dbm | int32 | ||
associations | Association | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hostname | string | ||
devices | WifiDevice | repeated |
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
AP | 1 | |
CLIENT | 2 |
A generic parameter message used by the robot state service to describe different, parameterized aspects of the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
label | string | Name of parameter. | |
units | string | Units of parameter value. | |
int_value | int64 | Value of a countable measure. | |
float_value | double | Value of a continuous measure. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | A point in time. | |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | A time duration. | |
string_value | string | Value as a string. | |
bool_value | bool | Value as true/false. | |
uint_value | uint64 | Unsigned integer | |
notes | string | Description of the parameter or its value. |
JointLimits contain hip joint angles where limb to payload collisions occur.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
label | string | Label identifying the respective limb to which these apply [fr,fl,hr,hl] | |
hy | float | repeated | (hy, hx) coordinates outlining the hip joint limits where collisions occur between robot hip and payload. Paired vectors must be of equal length. Angles are measured with actual contact. Appropriate margin will be provided in software. Radians. Left legs must have hx > 0. Right legs must have hx < 0. |
hx | float | repeated | All legs must have hy > 1.3. |
The ListPayloads request message sent to the robot to get all known payloads.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The ListPayloads response message returns all payloads registered in the robot’s directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
payloads | Payload | repeated | The returned list of payloads registered in the directory. |
Structure describing the moment of inertia of a body. The xx, yy, zz fields are the diagonal of the MOI tensor, and the xy, xz, and yz fields are the off diagonal terms.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
xx | float | ||
yy | float | ||
zz | float | ||
xy | float | ||
xz | float | ||
yz | float |
A Payload describes a single payload installed on the Spot platform. It includes all external information necessary to represent the payload to the user as a single record.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
GUID | string | A unique id provided by the payload or auto-generated by the website. | |
name | string | A human readable name describing this payload. It is provided by the payload as part of the payload announcement system. |
description | string | A human-readable description string providing more context as to the function of this payload. It is displayed in UIs. |
label_prefix | string | repeated | A list of labels used to indicate what type of payload this is. |
is_authorized | bool | Set true once the payload is authorized by the administrator in the payload webpage. Must be set to false at registration time. |
is_enabled | bool | Set true if the payload is attached to the robot. Must be set to false at registration time. |
is_noncompute_payload | bool | Set true for payloads registered without their own computers. These records are all manually entered. |
version | SoftwareVersion | Payload version details. | |
body_tform_payload | SE3Pose | The pose of the payload relative to the body frame. | |
mount_tform_payload | SE3Pose | The pose of the payload relative to the mount frame. | |
mount_frame_name | MountFrameName | Optional - mount frame_name (if not included, payload is assumed to be in the body mount frame) |
liveness_timeout_secs | double | Number of seconds to wait between heartbeats before assuming payload is no longer live If unset (0) liveness checks will be disabled for this service. |
ipv4_address | string | IP address of the payload for the robot to ping If left empty, assume that the payload will send heartbeats |
link_speed | int32 | In mbps (10, 100, 1000, etc) | |
mass_volume_properties | PayloadMassVolumeProperties | The mass and volume properties of the payload. | |
preset_configurations | PayloadPreset | repeated | A list of possible physical configurations for the payload. |
PayloadMassVolumeProperties contain mass and volume information for the payload in the format that the user interacts with it. It is transmitted to the control and perception systems and processed there to inform those systems.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
total_mass | float | Total mass of payload in kg. | |
com_pos_rt_payload | Vec3 | Position of the center of mass of the payload in the payload frame. Meters. | |
moi_tensor | MomentOfIntertia | The moment of inertia of the payload, represented about the payload center of mass, in the payload frame. Units in [kg*m^2]. |
bounding_box | Box3WithFrame | repeated | Zero or more bounding boxes indicating the occupied volume of the payload. These boxes must be represented in the payload frame by specifying Must have Box3WithFrame.frame_name == "payload". |
joint_limits | JointLimits | repeated | Joint limits defining limits to range of motion of the hips of the robot, in order to prevent collisions with the payload. This field is optional and is only recommended for advanced development purposes. |
The physical configurations for the payload.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
preset_name | string | A human readable name describing this configuration. It is displayed in the admin console, but will not overwrite the top level payload name. |
description | string | A human-readable description providing context on this configuration. It is displayed in the admin console. |
mount_tform_payload | SE3Pose | The pose of the payload relative to the body frame. | |
mount_frame_name | MountFrameName | Optional - mount frame_name (if not included, payload is assumed to be in the body mount frame) |
mass_volume_properties | PayloadMassVolumeProperties | The mass and volume properties of the payload. | |
label_prefix | string | repeated | A list of labels used to indicate what type of payload this is. |
Payloads are defined relative to a frame on the robot. These are the possible frames.
Name | Number | Description |
MOUNT_FRAME_UNKNOWN | 0 | This is the default. For backwards compatibility, we assume unknown means body mount frame. |
MOUNT_FRAME_BODY_PAYLOAD | 1 | The body payload mount frame, as defined in documentation. |
MOUNT_FRAME_GRIPPER_PAYLOAD | 2 | The gripper payload mount frame, as defined in documentation. |
MOUNT_FRAME_WR1 | 3 | The wrist link frame, as defined in the gripper CAD and documentation. |
Command the robot to stand and execute a routine to estimate the mass properties of an unregistered payload attached to the robot.
The PayloadEstimationCommand provides several pieces of feedback:
If the routine is finished running (and its current progress).
If the routine encountered any errors while running.
The resulting payload estimated by the routine.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | PayloadEstimationCommand.Feedback.Status | Status of the estimation routine. | |
progress | float | The approximate progress of the routine, range [0-1]. | |
error | PayloadEstimationCommand.Feedback.Error | Error status of the estimation routine. | |
estimated_payload | Payload | The resulting payload estimated by the estimation routine. |
PayloadEstimation command request takes no additional arguments. The estimation routine takes about ~1min to run. Subsequent PayloadEstimationCommand requests issued while the routine is in progress are ignored until the routine is completed.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | No error has occurred. |
ERROR_FAILED_STAND | 2 | Robot failed to stand/change stance. |
ERROR_NO_RESULTS | 3 | Failed to calculate results. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_COMPLETED | 1 | Completed estimation routine successfully; estimated_payload is populated. |
STATUS_SMALL_MASS | 2 | Completed estimation routine successfully, but estimated mass is small enough to not significantly impact mobility; estimated_payload is empty. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 3 | Estimation routine is currently running; estimated_payload is empty. |
STATUS_ERROR | 4 | Error occurred during the routine; estimated_payload is empty. |
Request a user token from the robot A token will only be provided after the registered payload has been enabled by an admin. The returned user token will have limited access to the services necessary for a simple payload.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
payload_credentials | PayloadCredentials | Payload credentials. | |
payload_guid | string | Deprecated. The GUID to identify which payload to get the auth token for. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Please use payload_credentials instead. |
payload_secret | string | Deprecated. The payload secret for the specified payload. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Please use payload_credentials instead. |
The GetPayloadAuthToken response message that returns the token for the payload.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
token | string | A limited-access user token provided on successful payload registration |
PayloadCredentials are used to authorize a payload.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
guid | string | The GUID of the payload. | |
secret | string | The secret of the payload. |
The RegisterPayload request message contains the payload information and secret to be able to register it to the directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
payload | Payload | The payload to register, which must have, at minimum, GUID specified correctly. The admin console can be used to verify that the payload definition is valid after registration. |
payload_secret | string | A private string provided by the payload to verify identity for auth. |
The RegisterPayload response message contains the status of whether the payload was successfully registered to the directory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | RegisterPayloadResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
Attach/detach the payload with the matching GUID. The existing payload must have a secret set and the request must provide the secret for access. GUID is immutable and cannot be updated.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
payload_credentials | PayloadCredentials | Payload credentials, used to identify the payload and authorize the changes. | |
request | UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest.Request | Attach or detach the payload. |
The UpdatePayloadAttached response message contains the status of whether the update was successful.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
Update the payload definition of the payload with matching GUID. The existing payload must have a secret set and the request must provide the secret for access. GUID and is_authorized fields are immutable and cannot be updated.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
payload_credentials | PayloadCredentials | Payload credentials. | |
payload_guid | string | Deprecated. The GUID of the payload to be updated. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Please use payload_credentials instead. |
payload_secret | string | Deprecated. The payload secret for the specified payload. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0. Please use payload_credentials instead. |
updated_version | SoftwareVersion | The new software version that the payload is being updated to. |
The UpdatePayloadVersion response message contains the status of whether the update was successful.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | UpdatePayloadVersionResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal PayloadRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The token is available. |
STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 2 | GetPayloadAuthToken failed because the payload guid & secret do not match any registered payloads. |
STATUS_PAYLOAD_NOT_AUTHORIZED | 3 | GetPayloadAuthToken failed because the payload has not been authorized by an admin. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal PayloadRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The new service record is available. |
STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS | 2 | RegisterPayload failed because a payload with this GUID already exists. |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal PayloadRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The payload version has been updated. |
STATUS_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 2 | UpdatePayloadAttached failed because a payload with this GUID does not yet exist. |
STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 3 | UpdatePayloadAttached failed because the payload guid & secret do not match any registered payloads. |
STATUS_PAYLOAD_NOT_AUTHORIZED | 4 | UpdatePayloadAttached failed because the requested payload has not yet been authorized. Authorize the payload in the webserver first, then try again. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal PayloadRegistrationService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The payload version has been updated. |
STATUS_DOES_NOT_EXIST | 2 | UpdatePayload failed because a payload with this GUID does not yet exist. |
STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 3 | UpdatePayload failed because the payload guid & secret do not match any registered payloads. |
This service provides a way to register new payloads.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RegisterPayload | RegisterPayloadRequest | RegisterPayloadResponse | Register a payload with the directory. |
UpdatePayloadVersion | UpdatePayloadVersionRequest | UpdatePayloadVersionResponse | Update the version for the registered payload. |
GetPayloadAuthToken | GetPayloadAuthTokenRequest | GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse | Get the authentication token information associated with a given payload. |
UpdatePayloadAttached | UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest | UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse | Tell the robot whether the specified payload is attached.. |
This service provides a way to query for the currently-registered payloads.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListPayloads | ListPayloadsRequest | ListPayloadsResponse | List all payloads the robot knows about. |
The GetPointCloud request message to ask a specific point cloud service for data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point_cloud_requests | PointCloudRequest | repeated | Sources to retrieve from. The service will return a response for each PointCloudRequest. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
point_cloud_responses | PointCloudResponse | repeated | The resulting point clouds for each requested source. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The GetPointCloud response message which returns any point cloud data associated with that service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response Header. | |
point_cloud_sources | PointCloudSource | repeated | The set of PointCloudSources available from this service. May be empty if the service serves no point clouds (e.g., if no sensors were found on startup). |
Data from a point-cloud producing sensor or process.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
source | PointCloudSource | The sensor or process that produced the point cloud. | |
num_points | int32 | The number of points in the point cloud. | |
encoding | PointCloud.Encoding | Representation of the underlying point cloud data. | |
encoding_parameters | PointCloud.EncodingParameters | Constants needed to decode the point cloud. | |
data | bytes | Raw byte data representing the points. |
Parameters needed to decode the point cloud.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
scale_factor | int32 | Used in the remapping process from bytes to metric units. (unitless) | |
max_x | double | In XYZ_4SC and XYZ_5SC, the point cloud is assumed to lie inside a box centered in the data frame. max_x, max_y, max_z are half the dimensions of that box. These dimensions should be assumed to be meters. |
max_y | double | max_y is half the dimensions of the assumed box (for XYZ_4SC and XYZ_5SC). These dimensions should be assumed to be meters. |
max_z | double | max_z is half the dimensions of the assumed box (for XYZ_4SC and XYZ_5SC). These dimensions should be assumed to be meters. |
remapping_constant | double | Used in the remapping process from bytes to metric units. (unitless) For XYZ_4SC and XYZ_5C, this should equal 127. |
bytes_per_point | int32 | Number of bytes in each point in this encoding. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
point_cloud_source_name | string | Name of the point cloud source to request from. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | PointCloudResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
point_cloud | PointCloud | The current point cloud from the service. |
Information about a sensor or process that produces point clouds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the point cloud source. This is intended to be unique across all point cloud sources, and should be human readable. |
frame_name_sensor | string | The frame name of the sensor. The transformation from vision_tform_sensor can be computed by traversing the tree in the FrameTreeSnapshot. |
acquisition_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time that the data was produced on the sensor in the robot's clock. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to the point cloud data frame and the point cloud sensor frame. |
Point clouds may be encoded in different ways to preserve bandwidth or disk space.
Name | Number | Description |
ENCODING_UNKNOWN | 0 | The point cloud has an unknown encoding. |
ENCODING_XYZ_32F | 1 | Each point is x,y,z float32 value (12 bytes, little-endian) stored sequentially. This allows the point cloud to be expressed in any range and resolution represented by floating point numbers, but the point cloud will be larger than if one of the other encodings is used. |
ENCODING_XYZ_4SC | 2 | Each point is 3 signed int8s plus an extra shared signed int8s (4 byte). byte layout: [..., p1_x, p1_y, p1_z, x, ...] Each coordinate is mapped to a value between -1 and +1 (corresponding to a minimum and maximum range). The resulting point is: P = remap(p1 * f + p2, c * f, m) Where: p1 = the highest byte in each dimension of the point. p2 = a vector of "extra" bytes converted to metric units. = [mod (x, f), mod(x/f, f), mod(x/(f^2), f)] - f/2 x = the "extra" byte for each point. f = An integer scale factor. m = [max_x, max_y, max_z], the point cloud max bounds in meters. c = a remapping constant. And: remap(a, b, c) = (a + b)/(2 * b) - c Point clouds use 1/3 the memory of XYZ_32F, but have limits on resolution and range. Points must not lie outside of the box of size [-m, m]. Within that box, the resolution of the point cloud will depend on the encoding parameters. For example if m = [10, 10, 10], and f = 5 with c = 127 the resolution is approximately 1.5 cm per point. |
ENCODING_XYZ_5SC | 3 | Each point is 3 signed int8s plus two extra shared signed int8s (5 byte). The encoding is the same as XYZ_4SC, except the "extra" value x is a 16 bit integer. This encoding has roughly double the resolution of XYZ_4SC, but takes up an additional byte for each point. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. An internal PointCloudService issue has happened if UNKNOWN is set. None of the other fields are filled out. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Call succeeded at filling out all the fields. |
STATUS_SOURCE_DATA_ERROR | 2 | Failed to fill out PointCloudSource. All the other fields are not filled out. |
STATUS_POINT_CLOUD_DATA_ERROR | 3 | There was a problem with the point cloud data. Only the PointCloudSource is filled out. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_SOURCE | 4 | Provided point cloud source was not found. One |
The point cloud service provides access to one or more point cloud sources, for example from a lidar. It supports querying the list of available sources provided by the service and it supports requesting the latest point cloud data for each source by name.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListPointCloudSources | ListPointCloudSourcesRequest | ListPointCloudSourcesResponse | Obtain the list of PointCloudSources for this given service. Note that there may be multiple PointCloudServices running, each with their own set of sources The name field keys access to individual point clouds when calling GetPointCloud. |
GetPointCloud | GetPointCloudRequest | GetPointCloudResponse | Request point clouds by source name. |
The PowerCommandFeedback request message, which can get the feedback for a specific power command id number.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command of which feedback is desired. |
The PowerCommandFeedback response message, which contains the progress of the power command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | FanPowerCommandFeedbackResponse.Status | Current status of specified command. | |
desired_end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Based on duration, the time that this command was intended to stop being in effect. If stopped/overridden prematurely, early_stop_time will reflect the actual time the command stopped being in effect |
early_stop_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | If the command was stopped or overridden before its desired end time, the time at which it was stopped. If command succeeded, this time is empty. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
percent_power | int32 | What percent power does the user want the fans to run at? Range is 0 to 100, with 0 being off and 100 being full power |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | How long the user wants control of the fans May not be duration the command is actually in effect for if temperature gets too high |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | FanPowerCommandResponse.Status | Current feedback of specified command. | |
desired_end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Based on received duration, the time when this command will stop being in effect | |
command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, If empty, was not accepted. |
The PowerCommandFeedback request message, which can get the feedback for a specific power command id number.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
power_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command of which feedback is desired. |
The PowerCommandFeedback response message, which contains the progress of the power command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PowerCommandStatus | Current status of specified command. | |
blocking_faults | SystemFault | repeated | Optional list of active faults blocking success of the PowerCommandRequest |
The PowerCommand request which specifies a change in the robot’s motor power.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
request | PowerCommandRequest.Request |
The PowerCommand response message which contains a unique identifier that can be used to get feedback on the progress of a power command from the power service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | PowerCommandStatus | Current feedback of specified command. | |
power_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, If empty, was not accepted. | |
license_status | LicenseInfo.Status | License check status | |
blocking_faults | SystemFault | repeated | Optional list of active faults blocking success of the PowerCommandRequest |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
safety_stop_type | ResetSafetyStopRequest.SafetyStopType |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | ResetSafetyStopResponse.Status | Current feedback of specified command. |
Feedback on the current state of a fan power command on the robot.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_COMPLETE | 1 | Fan Power command succeeded for entire requested duration and is now done. |
STATUS_RUNNING | 2 | Fan command is still in effect due to requested duration but has succeeded so far |
STATUS_TEMPERATURE_STOP | 3 | ERROR: Command stopped before finish due to temperature becoming too high |
STATUS_OVERRIDDEN_BY_COMMAND | 4 | ERROR: A newer Fan Power Request took over before the full duration of this request was up. |
Feedback on the current state of a fan power command on the robot.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Fan Power command succeeded. May still get overridden later in duration |
STATUS_TEMPERATURE_TOO_HIGH | 2 | ERROR: Fan Power command rejected because temperature above safe threshold |
Commands for the robot to execute. Note that not all Spot robots are compatible with all these commands. Check your robot’s HardwareConfiguration in bosdyn.api.robot_state.
Name | Number | Description |
REQUEST_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid request; do not use. |
REQUEST_OFF | 1 | Cut power to motors immediately. |
REQUEST_ON | 2 | Turn on power to the robot motors. |
REQUEST_OFF_MOTORS | 1 | Cut power to motors immediately. |
REQUEST_ON_MOTORS | 2 | Turn on power to the robot motors. |
REQUEST_OFF_ROBOT | 3 | Turn off the robot. Same as physical switch. |
REQUEST_CYCLE_ROBOT | 4 | Power cycle the robot. Same as physical switch. |
REQUEST_OFF_PAYLOAD_PORTS | 5 | Cut power to the payload ports. |
REQUEST_ON_PAYLOAD_PORTS | 6 | Turn on power to the payload ports. |
REQUEST_OFF_WIFI_RADIO | 7 | Cut power to the hardware Wi-Fi radio. |
REQUEST_ON_WIFI_RADIO | 8 | Power on the hardware Wi-Fi radio. |
Feedback on the current state of a power command on the robot.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 1 | Power command is executing. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 2 | Power command succeeded. |
STATUS_SHORE_POWER_CONNECTED | 3 | ERROR: Robot cannot be powered on while on wall power. |
STATUS_BATTERY_MISSING | 4 | ERROR: Battery not inserted into robot. |
STATUS_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESS | 5 | ERROR: Power command cant be overwritten. |
STATUS_ESTOPPED | 6 | ERROR: Cannot power on while estopped. A robot may have multiple estops. Inspect EStopState for additional info. |
STATUS_FAULTED | 7 | ERROR: Cannot power due to a fault. Inspect FaultState for more info. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 8 | ERROR: Internal error occurred, may be clear-able by issuing a power off command. |
STATUS_LICENSE_ERROR | 9 | ERROR: License check failed. Check license_status field for details. |
INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWARE_ERROR | 10 | ERROR: The Spot hardware is not compatible with the request request. |
STATUS_OVERRIDDEN | 11 | ERROR: Robot has overridden the power command and disabled motor power. In the case of a commanded power OFF, robot will report SUCCESS if power is disabled. |
STATUS_KEEPALIVE_MOTORS_OFF | 12 | ERROR: Cannot power on while a Keepalive policy with a motors-off action is active. See the Keepalive API service for more details. |
Types of safety stop commands the robot can execute.
Name | Number | Description |
SAFETY_STOP_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid request; do not use. |
SAFETY_STOP_PRIMARY | 1 | Primary safety stop. |
SAFETY_STOP_REDUNDANT | 2 | Redundant safety stop. |
Feedback on the reset safety stop command.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status is not specified. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Reset safety stop command succeeded. |
STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_HARDWARE_ERROR | 2 | ERROR: Reset safety stop command failed due to incompatible hardware. |
STATUS_FAILED | 3 | ERROR: Reset safety stop command was run and failed. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_STOP_TYPE | 4 | ERROR: Reset safety stop command failed due to unknown stop type. |
The power service for the robot that can power on/off the robot’s motors.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
PowerCommand | PowerCommandRequest | PowerCommandResponse | Starts a power command on the robot. A robot can only accept one power command at once. Power commands, are not interruptible. Once a command is issued, it must complete before another command can be issued. |
PowerCommandFeedback | PowerCommandFeedbackRequest | PowerCommandFeedbackResponse | Check the status of a power command. |
FanPowerCommand | FanPowerCommandRequest | FanPowerCommandResponse | Separate RPC for toggling fan power due to need for time/percent power parameters |
FanPowerCommandFeedback | FanPowerCommandFeedbackRequest | FanPowerCommandFeedbackResponse | Check the status of a fan power command. |
ResetSafetyStop | ResetSafetyStopRequest | ResetSafetyStopResponse | Reset the safety stop bit on SRSF-configured robots. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | RayIntersection.Type | Type of the raycast intersection that was performed. | |
hit_position_in_hit_frame | Vec3 | Position of ray cast hit in the RaycastResponse hit_frame. | |
distance_meters | double | Distance of hit from ray origin. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
ray_frame_name | string | The ray's coordinate frame. When unset, this will default to vision frame. | |
ray | Ray | The ray, containing and origin and an direction. | |
min_intersection_distance | float | Ignore intersections closer than this location on the ray. Defaults to 0 if not provided. |
intersection_types | RayIntersection.Type | repeated | Type of the raycast you want to perform. If multiple are set, the result will wait until all raycasts are complete and return a single result proto. If this field is left empty, all available sources are used. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | RaycastResponse.Status | Return status for a request. | |
message | string | Human-readable error description. Not for programmatic analysis. | |
hit_frame_name | string | The frame raycast hits are returned in. Generally this should be the same frame the client initially requested in. |
hits | RayIntersection | repeated | Ray cast hits, sorted with the closest hit first along the ray's extent. |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each of the returned world objects in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are taken at the time when the request is received. Note that each object's frame names are defined within the properties submessage e.g. "frame_name". |
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | TYPE_UNKNOWN should not be used. |
TYPE_GROUND_PLANE | 1 | Intersected against estimated ground plane. |
TYPE_TERRAIN_MAP | 2 | Intersected against the terrain map. |
TYPE_VOXEL_MAP | 3 | Intersected against the full 3D voxel map. |
TYPE_HAND_DEPTH | 4 | Intersected against the hand depth data. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Request was accepted. |
STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST | 2 | [Programming Error] Request was invalid / malformed in some way. |
STATUS_INVALID_INTERSECTION_TYPE | 3 | [Programming Error] Requested source not valid for current robot configuration. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_FRAME | 4 | [Frame Error] The frame_name for a command was not a known frame. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Raycast | RaycastRequest | RaycastResponse | Asks robot to cast the desired ray against its map of the surrounding environment to find the nearest intersection point. |
A ClearBehaviorFault request message has the associated behavior fault id to be cleared.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
behavior_fault_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the error |
A ClearBehaviorFault response message has status indicating whether the service cleared the fault or not.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | ClearBehaviorFaultResponse.Status | Return status for a request. | |
behavior_fault | BehaviorFault | Echo back the behavior fault if it was active at the time of request. | |
blocking_system_faults | SystemFault | repeated | Blocking hardware faults for an unclearable behavior fault. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
joint_command | JointCommand.UpdateRequest | Joint command details | |
contact_advice | JointCommand.ContactAdvice | Optional contact advice which may improve kinematic odometry. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | JointControlStreamResponse.Status | Return status for the stream. | |
message | string | Human-readable error description. Not for programmatic analysis. |
A command for a robot to execute. The server decides if a set of commands is valid for a given robot and configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
full_body_command | FullBodyCommand.Request | Commands which require control of entire robot. | |
synchronized_command | SynchronizedCommand.Request | A synchronized command, for partial or full control of robot. |
Command specific feedback. Distance to goal, estimated time remaining, probability of success, etc. Note that the feedback should directly mirror the command request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
full_body_feedback | FullBodyCommand.Feedback | Commands which require control of entire robot. | |
synchronized_feedback | SynchronizedCommand.Feedback | A synchronized command, for partial or full control of robot. |
The RobotCommandFeedback request message, which can get the feedback for a specific robot command id number.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
robot_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, provided by StartRequest. |
The RobotCommandFeedback response message, which contains the progress of the robot command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
feedback | RobotCommandFeedback | Command specific feedback. |
A RobotCommand request message includes the lease and command as well as a clock identifier to ensure timesync when issuing commands with a fixed length.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
command | RobotCommand | A command for a robot to execute. A command can be comprised of several subcommands. | |
clock_identifier | string | Identifier provided by the time sync service to verify time sync between robot and client. |
The RobotCommand response message contains a robot command id that can be used to poll the robot command service for feedback on the state of the command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | RobotCommandResponse.Status | Return status for a request. | |
message | string | Human-readable error description. Not for programmatic analysis. | |
robot_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, If empty, command was not accepted. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_CLEARED | 1 | The BehaviorFault has been cleared. |
STATUS_NOT_CLEARED | 2 | The BehaviorFault could not be cleared. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Steam was accepted and ended normally |
STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST | 2 | [Programming Error] Request was invalid / malformed in some way. |
STATUS_INACTIVE | 3 | The robot is not in joint control mode. |
STATUS_EXPIRED | 4 | [Timesync Error] The command was received after its end_time had already passed. |
STATUS_TOO_DISTANT | 5 | The command end time was too far in the future. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Request was accepted. |
STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST | 2 | [Programming Error] Request was invalid / malformed in some way. |
STATUS_UNSUPPORTED | 3 | The robot does not understand this command. |
STATUS_NO_TIMESYNC | 4 | [Timesync Error] Client has not done timesync with robot. |
STATUS_EXPIRED | 5 | The command was received after its end_time had already passed. |
STATUS_TOO_DISTANT | 6 | The command end time was too far in the future. |
STATUS_NOT_POWERED_ON | 7 | [Hardware Error] The robot must be powered on to accept a command. |
STATUS_BEHAVIOR_FAULT | 9 | [Robot State Error] The robot must not have behavior faults. |
STATUS_DOCKED | 10 | The robot cannot be docked for certain commands. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_FRAME | 8 | [Frame Error] The frame_name for a command was not a known frame. |
The robot command service allows a client application to control and move the robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
RobotCommand | RobotCommandRequest | RobotCommandResponse | Starts a behavior command on the robot. Issuing a new command overrides the active command. Each command is issued a UID for feedback retrieval. |
RobotCommandFeedback | RobotCommandFeedbackRequest | RobotCommandFeedbackResponse | A client queries this RPC to determine a robot's progress towards completion of a command. This updates the client with metrics like "distance to goal." The client should use this feedback to determine whether the current command has succeeded or failed, and thus send the next command. |
ClearBehaviorFault | ClearBehaviorFaultRequest | ClearBehaviorFaultResponse | Clear robot behavior fault. |
This service is used to stream high rate commands to the robot once they have been activated using RobotCommandService.RobotCommand This service is in BETA and may undergo changes in future releases.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
JointControlStream | JointControlStreamRequest stream | JointControlStreamResponse | Command updates for joint control |
Robot identity information, which should be static while robot is powered-on.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
serial_number | string | A unique string identifier for the particular robot. | |
species | string | Type of robot. E.g., 'spot'. | |
version | string | Robot version/platform. | |
software_release | RobotSoftwareRelease | Version information about software running on the robot. | |
nickname | string | Optional, customer-supplied nickname. | |
computer_serial_number | string | Computer Serial Number. Unlike serial_number, which identifies a complete robot, the computer_serial_number identifies the computer hardware used in the robot. |
The RobotId request message sent to a robot to learn it’s basic identification information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request/response header. |
The RobotId response message, including the ID information for a robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common request/response header. | |
robot_id | RobotId | The requested RobotId information. |
Description of the software release currently running on the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
version | SoftwareVersion | The software version, e.g., 2.0.1 | |
name | string | The name of the robot, e.g., '20190601' | |
type | string | Kind of software release. | |
changeset_date | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp of the changeset. | |
changeset | string | Changeset hash. | |
api_version | string | API version. E.g., 2.14.5. | |
build_information | string | Extra information associated with the build. | |
install_date | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Date/time when release was installed. | |
parameters | Parameter | repeated | Other information about the build. |
The software versioning number for a release.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
major_version | int32 | Significant changes to software. | |
minor_version | int32 | Normal changes to software. | |
patch_level | int32 | Fixes which should not change intended capabilities or affect compatibility. |
RobotIdService provides mostly static identifying information about a robot. User authentication is not required to access RobotIdService to assist with early robot discovery.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetRobotId | RobotIdRequest | RobotIdResponse | Get the robot id information. The ID contains basic information about a robot which is made available over the network as part of robot discovery without requiring user authentication. |
The battery state for the robot. This includes information about the charge or the battery temperature.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
identifier | string | An identifier for this battery (could be a serial number or a name. subject to change). | |
charge_percentage | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Number from 0 (empty) to 100 (full) indicating the estimated state of charge of the battery. | |
estimated_runtime | google.protobuf.Duration | An estimate of remaining runtime. Note that this field might not be populated. | |
current | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Measured current into (charging, positive) or out of (discharging, negative) the battery in Amps. |
voltage | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Measured voltage of the entire battery in Volts. | |
temperatures | double | repeated | Measured temperature measurements of battery, in Celsius. Temperatures may be measured in many locations across the battery. |
status | BatteryState.Status | Current state of the battery. |
The details of what the behavior fault consists of, and the id for the fault. The unique behavior_fault_id can be used to clear the fault in robot command service ClearBehaviorFault rpc.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
behavior_fault_id | uint32 | Behavior fault unique id | |
onset_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time of robot local clock at time of the error | |
cause | BehaviorFault.Cause | The potential cause of the fault. | |
status | BehaviorFault.Status | Information about the status/what can be done with the fault. |
This describes any current behavior faults on the robot, which would block any robot commands from going through. These can be cleared using the ClearBehaviorFault rpc in the robot command service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
faults | BehaviorFault | repeated | Current errors potentially blocking commands on robot |
The current state of the behavior
Field | Type | Label | Description |
state | BehaviorState.State |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acquisition_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
position | float | repeated | The ordering of joints in these repeated fields follows the order defined by the enum. |
velocity | float | repeated | |
load | float | repeated |
The current comms information, including what comms the robot is using and the current status of the comms network.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
wifi_state | WiFiState | The communication state is WiFi. |
The robot’s current E-Stop states and endpoints. A typical robot has several different E-Stops, all which must be “NOT_ESTOPPED” in order to run the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
name | string | Name of the E-Stop | |
type | EStopState.Type | What kind of E-Stop this message describes. | |
state | EStopState.State | The state of the E-Stop (is it E-Stopped or not?) | |
state_description | string | Optional description of E-Stop status. |
Information about the foot positions and contact state, on a per-foot basis.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
foot_position_rt_body | Vec3 | The foot position described relative to the body. | |
contact | FootState.Contact | Is the foot in contact with the ground? | |
terrain | FootState.TerrainState |
Foot specific terrain data. Data may not be valid if the contact state is not CONTACT_MADE.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ground_mu_est | double | Estimated ground coefficient of friction for this foot. | |
frame_name | string | Reference frame name for vector data. | |
foot_slip_distance_rt_frame | Vec3 | Foot slip distance rt named frame | |
foot_slip_velocity_rt_frame | Vec3 | Foot slip velocity rt named frame | |
ground_contact_normal_rt_frame | Vec3 | Ground contact normal rt named frame | |
visual_surface_ground_penetration_mean | double | Mean penetration (meters) of the foot below the ground visual surface. For penetrable terrains (gravel/sand/grass etc.) these values are positive. Negative values would indicate potential odometry issues. |
visual_surface_ground_penetration_std | double | Standard deviation of the visual surface ground penetration. |
Robot Hardware Configuration, described with the robot skeleton.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
skeleton | Skeleton | Robot link and joint description. | |
can_power_command_request_off_robot | bool | Turn off the robot. Same as physical switch. | |
can_power_command_request_cycle_robot | bool | Power cycle the robot. Same as physical switch. | |
can_power_command_request_payload_ports | bool | Control power to the payload ports. | |
can_power_command_request_wifi_radio | bool | Control power to the hardware Wi-Fi radio. | |
has_audio_visual_system | bool | Robot has audio visual system installed. | |
redundant_safety_stop_enabled | bool | Robot is configured with redundant safety stop. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
packet_rate | double | Frequency at which IMU packets are expected to arrive. | |
packets | ImuState.Packet | repeated | A set of data packets since the last message. |
identifier | string | Name for this imu. | |
mounting_link_name | string | Name of the link the IMU is mounted on. This name matches a link listed in RobotState.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot. |
position_imu_rt_link | Vec3 | Position of the IMU in the mounting link frame expressed in the mounting link's frame (m). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acceleration_rt_odom_in_link_frame | Vec3 | Linear acceleration of the imu relative to the odom frame expressed in the mounting link's frame (m/s^2). |
angular_velocity_rt_odom_in_link_frame | Vec3 | Angular velocity of the imu relative to the odom frame expressed in the mounting link's frame (rad/s). |
odom_rot_link | Quaternion | Rotation from mounting link to odom frame as reported by the IMU. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Packet timestamp. Note that a given state update may contain many imu packets so this timestamp will be different than the header timestamp for the state message. |
Proto containing the state of a joint on the robot. This can be used with the robot skeleton to update the current view of the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | This name maps directly to the joints in the URDF. | |
position | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | This is typically an angle in radians as joints are typically revolute. However, for translational joints this could be a distance in meters. |
velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The joint velocity in [m/s]. | |
acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The joint acceleration in [m/s^2]. | |
load | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | This is typically a torque in Newton meters as joints are typically revolute. However, for translational joints this could be a force in Newtons. |
The kinematic state of the robot describes the current estimated positions of the robot body and joints throughout the world. It includes a transform snapshot of the robot’s current known frames as well as joint states and the velocity of the body.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_states | JointState | repeated | Joint state of all robot joints. |
acquisition_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations. See for conceptual documentation on frames. The snapshot will include the following frames: “odom”: An inertial frame that estimates the fixed location in the world (relative to where the robot is booted up) using the kinematics of the robot. “vision”: An inertial frame that estimates the fixed location in the world (relative to where the robot is booted up), and is calculated using visual analysis of the world and the robot’s odometry. “body”: A frame describing the robot body’s position and orientation. The frame’s origin is at the geometric center of the hips with the x-axis pointing from the hip center to the middle of the front hips. “flat_body”: A gravity-aligned frame describing the robot body’s position and orientation. The position is at the robot’s center, and the x/y-axes lie flat in the “odom” frame x-y plane. Specifically, the x-axis is the normalized projection of the robot’s “body” frame x-axis to the “odom” x-y plane. "gpe”: A frame that represents the robot’s ground plane estimate. The full SE(3) pose can be converted into a plane (a point and normal). “feet_center”: A gravity-aligned frame representing the robot's footprint. The position is at the geometric center of the robot's feet. The x-axis is aligned such that it points from the center of the rear feet to the center of the front feet in the x-y plane. For robots with a SpotArm attached, see conceptual documentation on SpotArm specific frames. The snapshot will also include the following frames: "hand": The hand frame is used by many of the ArmCommand requests available in the API. The origin is slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate and its orientation is aligned with 'arm0.link_wr1'. "arm0.link_wr1": A frame describing the robot's distal wrist link's position and orientation. The origin of the frame is at the end of the link on its rotational axis. It's x-axis is aligned with the rotational axis. All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of kinematic state. |
velocity_of_body_in_vision | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the body frame with respect to vision frame and expressed in vision frame. The linear velocity is applied at the origin of the body frame. |
velocity_of_body_in_odom | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the body frame with respect to odom frame and expressed in odom frame. Again, the linear velocity is applied at the origin of the body frame. |
Additional state published if an arm is attached to the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
gripper_open_percentage | double | How open the gripper is, measured in percent. 0 = fully closed, 100 = fully open. |
is_gripper_holding_item | bool | Will be true if the gripper is holding an item, false otherwise. | |
estimated_end_effector_force_in_hand | Vec3 | The estimated force on the end-effector expressed in the hand frame. | |
stow_state | ManipulatorState.StowState | Information on if the arm is stowed, or deployed. | |
velocity_of_hand_in_vision | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the hand frame with respect to vision frame and expressed in vision frame. The linear velocity is applied at the origin of the hand frame. |
velocity_of_hand_in_odom | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the hand frame with respect to odom frame and expressed in odom frame. Again, the linear velocity is applied at the origin of the hand frame. |
carry_state | ManipulatorState.CarryState |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Name of the affected motor of the robot, specified by the joint name and degree of freedom. | |
temperature | double | Measured temperature of the motor, in Celsius. |
The power state for the robot. If a robot is not in the POWER OFF state, if is not safe to approach. The robot must not be E-Stopped to enter the POWER_ON state.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
motor_power_state | PowerState.MotorPowerState | The motor power state of the robot. | |
shore_power_state | PowerState.ShorePowerState | The shore power state of the robot. | |
robot_power_state | PowerState.RobotPowerState | The payload ports power state of the robot. | |
payload_ports_power_state | PowerState.PayloadPortsPowerState | The payload ports power state of the robot. | |
wifi_radio_power_state | PowerState.WifiRadioPowerState | The hardware radio power state of the robot. | |
locomotion_charge_percentage | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Number from 0 (empty) to 100 (full) indicating the estimated state of charge. This field provides a summary of the BatteryStates that provide power for motor and/or base compute power, both of which are required for locomotion. |
locomotion_estimated_runtime | google.protobuf.Duration | An estimate of remaining runtime. Note that this field might not be populated. This field provides a summary of the BatteryStates that provide power for motor and/or base compute power, both of which are required for locomotion. |
The RobotHardwareConfiguration request message to get hardware configuration, described by the robot skeleton and urdf.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The RobotHardwareConfiguration response message, which returns the hardware config from the time the request was received.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
hardware_configuration | HardwareConfiguration | The requested RobotState. |
Keeps track of why the robot is not able to drive autonomously.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
impaired_status | RobotImpairedState.ImpairedStatus | If the status is ROBOT_IMPAIRED, this is specifically why the robot is impaired. | |
system_faults | SystemFault | repeated | If impaired_status is STATUS_SYSTEM_FAULT, these are the faults which caused the robot to stop. |
service_faults | ServiceFault | repeated | If impaired_status is STATUS_SERVICE_FAULT, these are the service faults which caused the robot to stop. |
behavior_faults | BehaviorFault | repeated | If impaired_status is STATUS_BEHAVIOR_FAULT, these are the behavior faults which caused the robot to stop. |
The RobotLinkModel request message uses a link name returned by the RobotHardwareConfiguration response to get the associated OBJ file.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
link_name | string | The link name of which the OBJ file should represent. |
The RobotLinkModel response message returns the OBJ file for a specific robot link.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
link_model | Skeleton.Link.ObjModel | The requested RobotState skeleton obj model. |
Key robot metrics (e.g., Gait cycles (count), distance walked, time moving, etc…).
Field | Type | Label | Description |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot timestamp corresponding to these metrics. | |
metrics | Parameter | repeated | Key tracked robot metrics, such as distance walked, runtime, etc. |
The RobotMetrics request message to get metrics and parameters from the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The RobotMetrics response message, which returns the metrics information from the time the request was received.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
robot_metrics | RobotMetrics | The requested robot metrics. |
The current state of the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
power_state | PowerState | Power state (e.g. motor power). | |
battery_states | BatteryState | repeated | Battery state (e.g. charge, temperature, current). |
comms_states | CommsState | repeated | Communication state (e.g. type of comms network). |
system_fault_state | SystemFaultState | Different system faults for the robot. | |
estop_states | EStopState | repeated | Because there may be multiple E-Stops, and because E-Stops may be supplied with payloads, this is a repeated field instead of a hardcoded list. |
kinematic_state | KinematicState | Kinematic state of the robot (e.g. positions, velocities, other frame information). | |
behavior_fault_state | BehaviorFaultState | Robot behavior fault state. | |
foot_state | FootState | repeated | The foot states (and contact information). |
manipulator_state | ManipulatorState | State of the manipulator, only populated if an arm is attached to the robot. | |
service_fault_state | ServiceFaultState | Service faults for services registered with the robot. | |
terrain_state | TerrainState | Relevant terrain data beneath and around the robot | |
system_state | SystemState | Temperature data for the motors. | |
behavior_state | BehaviorState | Robot behavior states |
The RobotState request message to get the current state of the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
The RobotState response message, which returns the robot state information from the time the request was received.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
robot_state | RobotState | The requested RobotState. |
The RobotStateStream request message to get the current state of the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
joint_states | CombinedJointStates | Joint state of all robot joints. | |
inertial_state | ImuState | IMU state | |
kinematic_state | RobotStateStreamResponse.KinematicState | ||
contact_states | FootState.Contact | repeated | Foot contact state, see FootState above for details. |
last_command | RobotStateStreamResponse.CommandState | For determining latency information about the last command received is provided. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
user_command_key | uint32 | ||
received_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
acquisition_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Robot clock timestamp corresponding to these readings. | |
odom_tform_body | SE3Pose | Transform representing the pose of the body frame in the odom frame. | |
vision_tform_body | SE3Pose | Transform representing the pose of the body frame in the vision frame. | |
velocity_of_body_in_vision | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the body frame with respect to vision frame. See KinematicState above for details. |
velocity_of_body_in_odom | SE3Velocity | Velocity of the body frame with respect to odom frame and expressed in odom frame. See KinematicState above for details. |
The current state of each service fault the robot is experiencing. An “active” fault indicates a fault currently in a service. A “historical” fault indicates a, now cleared, service problem.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
faults | ServiceFault | repeated | Currently active faults |
historical_faults | ServiceFault | repeated | Service faults that have been cleared. Acts as a ring buffer with size of 50. |
aggregated | ServiceFaultState.AggregatedEntry | repeated | Aggregated service fault data. Maps attribute string to highest severity level of any active fault containing that attribute string. This provides a very quick way of determining if there any "locomotion" or "vision" faults above a certain severity level. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | ServiceFault.Severity |
Kinematic model of the robot skeleton.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
links | Skeleton.Link | repeated | The list of links that make up the robot skeleton. |
urdf | string | URDF description of the robot skeleton. |
Each link of the robot skeleton.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The link name, which matches those used in the urdf. | |
obj_model | Skeleton.Link.ObjModel | The OBJ file representing the model of this link. |
Model to draw, expressed as an obj file. Note: To limit the size of responses, obj_file_contents might be omitted.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
file_name | string | Name of the file. | |
file_contents | string | The contents of the file. |
The current system faults for a robot. A fault is an indicator of a hardware or software problem on the robot. An active fault may indicate the robot may fail to comply with a user request. The exact response a fault may vary, but possible responses include: failure to enable motor power, loss of perception enabled behavior, or triggering a fault recovery behavior on robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Name of the fault. | |
onset_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time of robot local clock at fault onset. | |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | Time elapsed since onset of the fault. | |
code | int32 | Error code returned by a fault. The exact interpretation of the fault code is unique to each variety of fault on the robot. The code is useful for Boston Dynamics support staff to diagnose hardware/software issues on robot. |
uid | uint64 | Fault UID | |
error_message | string | User visible description of the fault (and possibly remedies.) | |
attributes | string | repeated | Fault attributes Each fault may be flagged with attribute metadata (strings in this case.) These attributes are useful to communicate that a particular fault may have significant effect on robot operations. Some potential attributes may be "robot", "imu", "vision", or "battery". These attributes would let us flag a fault as indicating a problem with the base robot hardware, gyro, perception system, or battery respectively. A fault may have, zero, one, or more attributes attached to it, i.e. a "battery" fault may also be considered a "robot" fault. |
severity | SystemFault.Severity | Fault severity, how bad is the fault? The severity level will have some indication of the potential robot response to the fault. For example, a fault marked with "battery" attribute and severity level SEVERITY_WARN may indicate a low battery state of charge. However a "battery" fault with severity level SEVERITY_CRITICAL likely means the robot is going to shutdown immediately. |
The current state of each system fault the robot is experiencing. An “active” fault indicates a hardware/software currently on the robot. A “historical” fault indicates a, now cleared, hardware/software problem. Historical faults are useful to diagnose robot behavior subject to intermittent failed states.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
faults | SystemFault | repeated | Currently active faults |
historical_faults | SystemFault | repeated | Inactive faults that cleared within the last 10 minutes |
aggregated | SystemFaultState.AggregatedEntry | repeated | Aggregated fault data. This provides a very quick way of determining if there any "battery" or "vision" faults above a certain severity level. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | SystemFault.Severity |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
motor_temperatures | MotorTemperature | repeated | Temperature of the robot motors. |
Relevant terrain data beneath and around the robot
Field | Type | Label | Description |
is_unsafe_to_sit | bool | Is the terrain immediately under the robot such that sitting or powering off the robot may cause the robot to be in an unstable position? |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
current_mode | WiFiState.Mode | Current WiFi mode. | |
essid | string | Essid of robot (master mode) or connected network. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | The battery is in an unknown / unexpected state. |
STATUS_MISSING | 1 | The battery is not plugged in or otherwise not talking. |
STATUS_CHARGING | 2 | The battery is plugged in to shore power and charging. |
STATUS_DISCHARGING | 3 | The battery is not plugged into shore power and discharging. |
STATUS_BOOTING | 4 | The battery was just plugged in and is booting up= 3; |
Name | Number | Description |
CAUSE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown cause of error |
CAUSE_FALL | 1 | Error caused by mobility failure or fall |
CAUSE_HARDWARE | 2 | Error caused by robot hardware malfunction |
CAUSE_LEASE_TIMEOUT | 3 | A lease has timed out |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown clearable status |
STATUS_CLEARABLE | 1 | Fault is clearable |
STATUS_UNCLEARABLE | 2 | Fault is currently not clearable |
Name | Number | Description |
STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown behavior state |
STATE_NOT_READY | 1 | The robot is not ready to move |
STATE_TRANSITION | 2 | The robot is in transition from sit to stand or from stand to sit |
STATE_STANDING | 3 | The robot is standing in place |
STATE_STEPPING | 4 | The robot is stepping |
Name | Number | Description |
STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | No E-Stop information is present. Only happens in an error case. |
STATE_ESTOPPED | 1 | E-Stop is active -- robot cannot power its actuators. |
STATE_NOT_ESTOPPED | 2 | E-Stop is released -- robot may be able to power its actuators. |
Name | Number | Description |
TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown type of E-Stop. Do not use this field. |
TYPE_HARDWARE | 1 | E-Stop is a physical button |
TYPE_SOFTWARE | 2 | E-Stop is a software process |
Name | Number | Description |
CONTACT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown contact. Do not use. |
CONTACT_MADE | 1 | The foot is currently in contact with the ground. |
CONTACT_LOST | 2 | The foot is not in contact with the ground. |
The stowing behavior is modified as a function of the Carry State. If holding an item, the stowing behavior will be modified as follows: NOT_CARRIABLE - The arm will not stow, instead entering stop CARRIABLE - The arm will not stow, instead entering stop CARRIABLE_AND_STOWABLE - The arm will stow while continuing to grasp the item The comms loss behavior of the arm is also modified as follows: NOT_CARRIABLE - The arm will release the item and stow CARRIABLE - The arm will not stow, instead entering stop CARRIABLE_AND_STOWABLE - The arm will stow while continuing to grasp the item
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown motor power state. Do not use this field. |
STATE_OFF | 1 | Motors are off, the robot is safe to approach. |
STATE_ON | 2 | The motors are powered. |
STATE_POWERING_ON | 3 | The robot has received an ON command, and is turning on. |
STATE_POWERING_OFF | 4 | In the process of powering down, not yet safe to approach. |
STATE_ERROR | 5 | The robot is in an error state and must be powered off before attempting to re-power. |
State describing if the payload port has power.
Name | Number | Description |
PAYLOAD_PORTS_POWER_STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown payload port power state. Do not use this field. |
PAYLOAD_PORTS_POWER_STATE_ON | 1 | The payload port is powered on. |
PAYLOAD_PORTS_POWER_STATE_OFF | 2 | The payload port does not have power. |
State describing if the robot has power.
Name | Number | Description |
ROBOT_POWER_STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown robot power state. Do not use this field. |
ROBOT_POWER_STATE_ON | 1 | The robot is powered on. |
ROBOT_POWER_STATE_OFF | 2 | The robot does not have power. Impossible to get this response, as the robot cannot respond if it is powered off. |
State describing if robot is connected to shore (wall) power. Robot can’t be powered on while on shore power
Name | Number | Description |
STATE_UNKNOWN_SHORE_POWER | 0 | Unknown shore power state. Do not use. |
STATE_ON_SHORE_POWER | 1 | The robot is connected to shore power. The robot will not power on while connected to shore power. |
STATE_OFF_SHORE_POWER | 2 | The robot is disconnected from shore power and motors can be powered up. |
State describing if the robot Wi-Fi router has power.
Name | Number | Description |
WIFI_RADIO_POWER_STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown radio power state. Do not use this field. |
WIFI_RADIO_POWER_STATE_ON | 1 | The radio is powered on. |
WIFI_RADIO_POWER_STATE_OFF | 2 | The radio does not have power. |
If the robot is stopped due to being impaired, this is the reason why.
Name | Number | Description |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown/unexpected error. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_OK | 1 | The robot is able to drive. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_NO_ROBOT_DATA | 2 | The autonomous system does not have any data from the robot state service. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_SYSTEM_FAULT | 3 | There is a system fault which caused the robot to stop. See system_fault for details. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_NO_MOTOR_POWER | 4 | The robot's motors are not powered on. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_REMOTE_CLOUDS_NOT_WORKING | 5 | The autonomous system is expected to have a remote point cloud (e.g. a LIDAR), but this is not working. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_SERVICE_FAULT | 6 | A remote service the autonomous system depends on is not working. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_BEHAVIOR_FAULT | 7 | A behavior fault caused the robot to stop. See behavior_faults for details. |
IMPAIRED_STATUS_ENTITY_DETECTOR_NOT_WORKING | 8 | The autonomous system expected to have a payload providing an entity detector. The detector is either not present, or not working. Note that if the detector exists but is throwing a system fault, the status will be IMPAIRED_STATUS_SYSTEM_FAULT. |
Name | Number | Description |
SEVERITY_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown severity |
SEVERITY_INFO | 1 | No hardware problem |
SEVERITY_WARN | 2 | Robot performance may be degraded |
SEVERITY_CRITICAL | 3 | Critical fault |
Name | Number | Description |
MODE_UNKNOWN | 0 | The robot's comms state is unknown, or no user requested mode. |
MODE_ACCESS_POINT | 1 | The robot is acting as an access point. |
MODE_CLIENT | 2 | The robot is connected to a network. |
The robot state service tracks all information about the measured and computed states of the robot at the current time.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetRobotState | RobotStateRequest | RobotStateResponse | Get robot state information (such as kinematic state, power state, or faults). |
GetRobotMetrics | RobotMetricsRequest | RobotMetricsResponse | Get different robot metrics and parameters from the robot. |
GetRobotHardwareConfiguration | RobotHardwareConfigurationRequest | RobotHardwareConfigurationResponse | Get the hardware configuration of the robot, which describes the robot skeleton and urdf. |
GetRobotLinkModel | RobotLinkModelRequest | RobotLinkModelResponse | Returns the OBJ file for a specific robot link. Intended to be called after GetRobotHardwareConfiguration, using the link names returned by that call. |
This service is in BETA and may undergo changes in future releases.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetRobotStateStream | RobotStateStreamRequest | RobotStateStreamResponse stream | Lightweight Streaming version of RobotState |
A boolean parameter.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | bool | The value sent by a client. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
default_value | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Default value. If unset, UIs can pick their own default OR force user to make a selection. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dict_value | DictParam | ||
list_value | ListParam | ||
int_value | Int64Param | ||
double_value | DoubleParam | ||
string_value | StringParam | ||
roi_value | RegionOfInterestParam | ||
bool_value | BoolParam | ||
one_of_value | OneOfParam |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dict_spec | DictParam.Spec | This parameter is actually a set of sub-parameters. Useful for setting up a parameter hierarchy, e.g. param A / \ / \ param A.B param A.C |
list_spec | ListParam.Spec | This parameter is a list of things. | |
int_spec | Int64Param.Spec | ||
double_spec | DoubleParam.Spec | ||
string_spec | StringParam.Spec | ||
roi_spec | RegionOfInterestParam.Spec | ||
bool_spec | BoolParam.Spec | ||
one_of_spec | OneOfParam.Spec |
Collection of both specifications and values. Meant to be used as a snapshot of specifications offered by a service, and the values chosen by a user.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
specs | DictParam.Spec | ||
values | DictParam |
Errors specific to the use of custom parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | CustomParamError.Status | ||
error_messages | string | repeated | List of error messages from this parameter and its children |
A dictionary of parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
values | DictParam.ValuesEntry | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spec | CustomParam.Spec | ||
ui_info | UserInterfaceInfo |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
specs | DictParam.Spec.SpecsEntry | repeated | Each element can have its own type. Dictionaries can even contain dictionaries! |
is_hidden_by_default | bool | Whether the dict should initially appear hidden/collapsed. For example an "Advanced" section that users infrequently access. The client may ignore this value if there is sufficient screen space. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | DictParam.ChildSpec |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | CustomParam |
A 64-bit floating point parameter. Wraps specification-related messages, and contains fields for the value sent by a client.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | double | Value should be provided in the same units as defined by the spec. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
default_value | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Default value. If unspecified, UIs can pick their own default OR force user to make a selection. Units of value, default_value, and min_max. |
units | Units | ||
min_value | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | A value sent by the client must be within this minimum and maximum (inclusive). If unset, only limited by system representation. ERROR: It is an error to specify a min_value larger than the max_value. |
max_value | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
A 64-bit integer parameter. Wraps specification-related messages, and contains fields for the value sent by a client.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | int64 | Value should be provided in the same units as defined by the spec. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
default_value | google.protobuf.Int64Value | Default value. If unspecified, UIs can pick their own default OR force user to make a selection. |
units | Units | Units of value, default_value, min_value, min_value. | |
min_value | google.protobuf.Int64Value | A value sent by the client must be within this minimum and maximum (inclusive). If unset, only limited by system representation. ERROR: It is an error to specify a min_value larger than the max_value. |
max_value | google.protobuf.Int64Value |
A list of elements of given types.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
values | CustomParam | repeated |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
element_spec | CustomParam.Spec | Each element in the list must follow the specification of the matching type. For example, if element_specs.int_spec is filled out, all values should follow that specification. If element_specs.string_spec is filled out, all values should follow that specification. |
min_number_of_values | google.protobuf.Int64Value | Minimum and maximum number of values the client may send (inclusive). If min_number_of_values is 0, the parameter is optional. 0 <= min_number_of_values <= max_number_of_values |
max_number_of_values | google.protobuf.Int64Value |
A selected param from one of several options. Can be useful to specify parameters that have correlations.
Example 1 - A camera that advertises an “exposure” parameter: OneOf Option 1: Auto exposure [no additional parameters] OneOf Option 2: Manual exposure [additional exposure double parameter from 0 - 100 ms]
Example 2 - A NCB worker that will alert if temperature outside a specified bound: OneOf Option 1: No alert [no additional parameters] OneOf Option 2: Alert if above max [additional max_temp parameter] OneOf Option 3: Alert if below min [additional min_temp parameter] OneOf Option 4: Alert if above max or below min [additional max_temp and min_temp parameters]
In the above examples, the service advertises a OneOf spec, the UI lets user PICK which child of the OneOf they want, and then the UI lets the user specify any child specific parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
values | OneOfParam.ValuesEntry | repeated | The values of the chosen spec will is guaranteed to be at value[key]. The values of the other specs might at value[that_specs_key], but no guarantees. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
spec | DictParam.Spec | ||
ui_info | UserInterfaceInfo |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
specs | OneOfParam.Spec.SpecsEntry | repeated | What options are available. Only one will be specified by the user. If an option has no additional parameters, its spec should be an empty DictParam.Spec. |
default_key | string | Which option to start selected. If left blank, UI will pick one for you. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | OneOfParam.ChildSpec |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | DictParam |
Region of Interest parameter, region is associated with a specific image.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
area | AreaI | ||
service_and_source | RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource | The name of the image service and source the UI had the user specify the ROI on. | |
image_cols | int32 | Width of the image (in pixels) when the ROI was specified. This should be used to ensure that the ROI is applied to an image with the same size / aspect ratio. |
image_rows | int32 | Height of the image (in pixels). This should be used to ensure that the ROI is applied to an image with the same size / aspect ratio. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service | string | ||
source | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
service_and_source | RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource | Sometimes, which image the ROI will reference is obvious: - Image services - Network compute bridge workers that accept a single image Other times, it might not be clear which image an ROI is supposed to reference. In those cases, the Spec for the ROI can advertise which image it wants. |
default_area | AreaI | Default value. If unset, UIs can pick their own default OR force user to make a selection. |
allows_rectangle | bool | Area may eventually contain many shape primitives. In that case, services can constrain which primitives they accept. These will be opt in, so that adding new primitive types won't be automatically advertised by older services. |
A text parameter. Wraps specification-related messages, and contains fields for the value sent by a client.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | string | The value sent by a client. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
options | string | repeated | A value sent by the client must be equal to one of these. |
editable | bool | Whether or not this parameter accepts a freeform string. If set to true, clients can pick one of the given options OR type their own value. If set to false, clients have to pick one of the given options. If no options are specified, clients should type their own value (ignoring this bool). |
default_value | string | Default value. If empty, UIs can pick their own default OR force user to make a selection. |
is_multiline | bool | A hint to the UI to use a textarea / multiline EditText. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
display_name | string | This string is an optional display name for the UI. If left unset, UI will use the DictParam key to label the corresponding UI element. DictParam key is meant to be machine readable, and shouldn't change across releases. display_name is meant to be human readable, and can change from release to release if needed. |
description | string | An optional description that provides additional information about the parameter. Use in combination with display_name. |
display_order | int64 | This is an optional sorting hint. UI elements will likely be shown in a list, and Dictionary children will be sorted by [display_order, display_name, dictionary key], in ascending numerical order and alphabetical string order. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | No problems! |
STATUS_INVALID_COMBINATION | 2 | The combination of parameters was invalid. |
STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER | 3 | One or more of the children parameters is unsupported by the service. |
STATUS_INVALID_VALUE | 4 | One or more of the parameters had an invalid value. |
STATUS_INVALID_TYPE | 5 | One or more of the parameters had an invalid type (e.g. a string when an int was needed). |
Clear a service fault from the robot’s ServiceFaultState (in robot_state.proto). The active ServiceFault to clear will be determined by matching fault_name and service_name/payload_guid, specified in the ServiceFaultId message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
fault_id | ServiceFaultId | Identifying information of the fault to clear. | |
clear_all_service_faults | bool | Clear all faults that are associated with the same service_name. Use carefully. | |
clear_all_payload_faults | bool | Clear all faults that are associated with the same payload_guid. Use carefully. |
The ClearServiceFault response message contains a header indicating success.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | ClearServiceFaultResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
The current service faults for services registered with the robot. A fault is an indicator of a problem with a service or payload registered with the robot. An active fault may indicate a service may fail to comply with a user request. If the name, service_name, and payload_guid of a newly triggered ServiceFault matches an already active ServiceFault the new fault will not be added to the active fault list. The oldest matching fault will be maintained.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fault_id | ServiceFaultId | Identifying information of the fault. | |
error_message | string | User visible description of the fault (and possibly remedies). Will be displayed on tablet. |
attributes | string | repeated | Fault attributes Each fault may be flagged with attribute metadata (strings in this case.) These attributes are useful to communicate that a particular fault may have significant effect on the operations of services. Some potential attributes may be "autowalk", "Spot CORE", "vision", or "gauge detection". These attributes enable the caller to flag a fault as indicating a problem with particular robot abstractions. A fault may have, zero, one, or more attributes attached to it. |
severity | ServiceFault.Severity | The severity level will have some indication of the potential breakage resulting from the fault. For example, a fault associated with payload X and severity level SEVERITY_INFO may indicate the payload is in an unexpected state but still operational. However, a fault with severity level SEVERITY_CRITICAL may indicate the payload is no longer operational. |
onset_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time of robot local clock at fault onset. Set by robot-state service. | |
duration | google.protobuf.Duration | Time elapsed since onset of the fault. Set by robot-state service. |
Information necessary to uniquely specify a service fault. A service fault typically is associated with a service running on the robot or a payload. Occasionally, the fault may pertain to a payload but no specific service on the payload. In that situation, no service_name should not be specified and instead a payload_guid should be specified. Otherwise, in the standard case of a service originating fault, only the service_name should be specified and the payload_guid will be populated automatically by the fault service on robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fault_name | string | Name of the fault. | |
service_name | string | Name of the registered service associated with the fault. Optional. Service name does not need to be specified if this is a payload-level fault with no associated service. |
payload_guid | string | GUID of the payload associated with the faulted service. Optional. If not set, it will be assigned to the payload associated with the service_name. |
Trigger a new service fault that will be reported in the robot ServiceFaultState. These faults will be displayed in the tablet. Developers should be careful to avoid overwhelming operators with dozens of minor messages.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
fault | ServiceFault | The fault to report in ServiceFaultState. |
The TriggerServiceFault response message contains a header indicating success.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | TriggerServiceFaultResponse.Status | Return status for the request. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The fault has been cleared. |
STATUS_FAULT_NOT_ACTIVE | 2 | ServiceFaultId not found in active faults. |
Name | Number | Description |
SEVERITY_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown severity |
SEVERITY_INFO | 1 | Service still functional |
SEVERITY_WARN | 2 | Service performance may be degraded |
SEVERITY_CRITICAL | 3 | Critical service fault |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | UNKNOWN should never be used. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Success. The fault has been triggered. |
STATUS_FAULT_ALREADY_ACTIVE | 2 | ServiceFaultId already in active faults. |
Ex 3: “Critical Condition” (boolean signal)
alert_data.severity: SEVERITY_LEVEL_CRITICAL
condition: false If the value is false, then SEVERITY_LEVEL_CRITICAL.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
alert_data | AlertData | Indicate severity if thresholds are met or exceeded. | |
min | double | If the signal value is <= the min, the condition is met. | |
max | double | If the signal value is >= the max, the condition is met. | |
bounds | Bounds | If the signal value is >= the lower bound and <= the upper bound, the condition is met. | |
condition | bool | If boolean signal value is false, and the condition is false, the condition is met. |
Sensor output specification.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bounds | Bounds | Min and max (lower and upper) range of the sensor. Ex: 0.0 - 100.0 psia |
resolution | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Ex: 0.02 (+/-) | |
units | Units | The units of the sensor data. Ex: "psia" |
sample_rate | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The sample rate of the sensor. Ex: 0.5 Hz |
The signal specification and the recorded data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
signal_spec | SignalSpec | ||
signal_data | SignalData |
The recorded signal data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | SignalData.Data | ||
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Optional timestamp for when the data was collected. If unset, the RPC time will be used. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
double | double | ||
int | int64 | ||
string | string | ||
bool | bool |
Signal display information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Optional display name typically used for signal acronyms or abbreviations. Ex: "PT1" (short name) If unset, no name will be displayed. |
description | string | An optional description that provides additional information about the signal. Ex: "Pressure Transducer 1" (long name) If unset, no description will be displayed. |
order | int64 | This is an optional sorting hint for how to display a set of signals. If unset, the list will be sorted alphabetically by name or id. |
The signal specification.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
info | SignalDisplayInfo | ||
sensor | SensorOutputSpec | ||
alerts | AlertConditionSpec | repeated | A signal can have multiple alert conditions. If multiple conditions are simultaneously met, the higher severity condition or first in the list will be the accepted alert state. |
A point of interest in an image expressed as a pixel coordinate with associated metadata.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
coordinates | Vec2 | The image pixel coordinates of the keypoint. | |
binary_descriptor | bytes | A binary descriptor representing the keypoint. | |
score | float | The score of this keypoint from the underlying keypoint detector, if applicable. | |
size | float | The diameter in pixels of the local neighborhood used to construct the descriptor. | |
angle | float | The orientation of the keypoint, if applicable. |
A pair of keypoint sets containing only features in common that have been matched.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reference_keypoints | KeypointSet | The set of common keypoints in a first ("reference") image. | |
live_keypoints | KeypointSet | The set of common keypoints in a second ("live") image. | |
matches | Match | repeated | Indices of pairs of matches in the two KeypointSets and their distance measure. |
type | KeypointMatches.MatchType | The algorithm used to compute these matches. |
A set of keypoints detected in a single image.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
keypoints | Keypoint | repeated | A set of detected keypoints and associated metadata. |
type | KeypointSet.KeypointType | The algorithm used to compute this keypoint and its descriptor. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
reference_index | int32 | The index in the reference KeypointSet of the keypoint in the matching pair. | |
live_index | int32 | The index in the live KeypointSet of the keypoint in the matching pair. | |
distance | float | The distance in descriptor space between the two keypoints. |
Name | Number | Description |
MATCH_ORB | 1 | Keypoints matched by the ORB feature matching algorithm (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF). |
MATCH_LIGHTGLUE | 2 | Keypoints matched by the LightGlue matching algorithm. |
Name | Number | Description |
KEYPOINT_SIMPLE | 1 | Keypoints that consist only of image coordinates. Simple keypoints do not have descriptors. |
KEYPOINT_ORB | 2 | Keypoints detected by the ORB feature extraction algorithm (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF). |
KEYPOINT_DISK | 3 | Keypoints detected by the DISK feature extraction algorithm (Discrete Keypoints). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
animation_name | string | The name of the animated move. There are no default values/bounds associated with this field. | |
body_entry_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many slices to smoothly transition from previous pose to animation. | |
body_exit_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many slices to return from animation to nominal pose. Zero indicates to keep final animated pose. |
translation_multiplier | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Multiplier for animated translation by axis to exaggerate or suppress motion along specific axes. |
rotation_multiplier | EulerZYXValue | Multiplier for the animated orientation by axis to exaggerate or suppress motion along specific axes. |
arm_entry_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many slices to smoothly transition from previous pose to animation. | |
shoulder_0_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Joint angle offsets in radians for the arm joints. | |
shoulder_1_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_0_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_1_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_0_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_1_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
gripper_offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
speed | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How fast to playback. 1.0 is normal speed. larger is faster. | |
offset_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How late into the nominal script to start. | |
gripper_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Multiply all gripper angles by this value. | |
gripper_strength_fraction | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How hard the gripper can squeeze. Fraction of full strength. | |
arm_dance_frame_id | google.protobuf.Int32Value | Which dance frame to use as a reference for workspace arm moves. Including this parameter overrides the animation frame. |
body_tracking_stiffness | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How hard to try to track the animated body motion. Only applicable to animations that control both the body and the legs. On a scale of 1 to 10 (11 for a bit extra). Higher will result in more closely tracking the animated body motion, but possibly at the expense of balance for more difficult animations. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
animation_name | google.protobuf.StringValue | ||
enable_animation_duration | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
enable_leg_timing | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
enable_stance_shape | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
enable_body_offset | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
enable_body_motion | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
body_x_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
body_y_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
body_z_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
body_roll_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
body_pitch_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
body_yaw_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
enable_swings_xy | google.protobuf.BoolValue |
Parameters specific to ArmMove move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
shoulder_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Joint angles in radians for the arm joints. | |
shoulder_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
easing | Easing | How the motion should be paced. | |
gripper | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Movement for the gripper. |
Parameters specific to the BodyHold move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotation | EulerZYXValue | The robot will rotate its body to the specified orientation (roll/pitch/yaw) [rad]. | |
translation | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | The positional offset to the robot's current location [m]. | |
entry_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many "slices" (beats or sub-beats) are allowed before reaching the desired pose. | |
exit_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many "slices" (beats or sub-beats) are allowed for the robot to return to the original pose. |
Parameters for the Bourree move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
velocity | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | The speed at which we should bourree [m/s]. X is forward. Y is left. | |
yaw_rate | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How fast the bourree should turn [rad/s]. | |
stance_length | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far apart front and hind feet should be. [m] |
Parameters specific to the ButtCircle DanceMove.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
radius | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How big a circle the robutt will move in. Described in meters. | |
beats_per_circle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The number of beats that elapse while performing the butt circle. | |
number_of_circles | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The number of circles that will be performed. If non-zero, takes precedence over beats_per_circle. |
pivot | Pivot | The pivot point the butt circles should be centered around. | |
clockwise | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Which way to rotate. | |
starting_angle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Where to start. Zero is up. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
note | BuzzerNoteParams.Note | ||
sharp | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
flat | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
octave | google.protobuf.Int32Value |
Parameters specific to the chicken head move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bob_magnitude | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Bobs the head in this direction in the robot footprint frame. | |
beats_per_cycle | google.protobuf.Int32Value | How fast to bob the head. | |
follow | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we move the frame when the robot steps? |
Parameters specific to clapping.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
direction | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Direction in a gravity-aligned body frame of clapping motion. A typical value for the location is (0, 1, 0). |
location | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Location in body frame of the clap. A typical value for the location is (0.4, 0, -0.5). | |
speed | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Speed of the clap [m/s]. | |
clap_distance | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far apart the limbs are before clapping [m]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
red | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
green | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
blue | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters for the robot’s crawling gait.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
swing_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The number of slices (beats/sub-beats) the duration of a leg swing in the crawl gait should be. |
velocity | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | The speed at which we should crawl [m/s]. X is forward. Y is left. | |
stance_width | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The distance between the robot's left and right feet [m]. | |
stance_length | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The distance between the robot's front and back feet [m]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
drive_velocity_body | bosdyn.api.SE2Velocity | Locomotion velocity in the horizontal plane in robot body frame. (m/s, m/s, rad/s) | |
finished | bool | When true, robot will transition to a stand, then continue the sequence. Until then, the sequence will keep looping through this move. |
body_translation_offset | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | How much to offset the body pose. Additive with other offsets. Meters. |
body_orientation_offset | EulerZYX | Radians. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
maximum_drive_velocity_body | bosdyn.api.SE2Velocity | Maximum absolute value of locomotion velocity in the horizontal plane in robot body frame. (m/s, m/s, rad/s) |
maximum_body_translation_offset | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | Maximum absolute value of the body offsets. Meters. |
maximum_body_orientation_offset | EulerZYX | Radians. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
max_velocity | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Maximum steering commands that will be accepted. | |
max_yaw_rate | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
acceleration_scaling | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much to limit steering acceleration. 1 is normal. Smaller is less acceleration. | |
cycle_duration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Gait pattern. When to liftoff and touchdown each leg. | |
fl_swing | SwingPhases | ||
two_fl_swings | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
second_fl_swing | SwingPhases | ||
fr_swing | SwingPhases | ||
two_fr_swings | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
second_fr_swing | SwingPhases | ||
hl_swing | SwingPhases | ||
two_hl_swings | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
second_hl_swing | SwingPhases | ||
hr_swing | SwingPhases | ||
two_hr_swings | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
second_hr_swing | SwingPhases | ||
show_stance_shape | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Relative positions of feet. | |
stance_shape | StanceShape | ||
com_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Constant posture. For a phase-dependent posture, combine with a Body move. Actually hip height regardless of payload configuration. |
body_translation_offset | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | ||
body_rotation_offset | EulerZYXValue | ||
low_speed_body_fraction | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
general_swing_params | SwingParams | Modify the path the foot takes between liftoff and touchdown. General swing parameters apply to legs that are not configured to have their own parameter set. |
use_fl_swing_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Individual legs can have their own parameters or use the general swing parameters. | |
fl_swing_params | SwingParams | ||
use_fr_swing_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
fr_swing_params | SwingParams | ||
use_hl_swing_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
hl_swing_params | SwingParams | ||
use_hr_swing_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
hr_swing_params | SwingParams | ||
stand_in_place | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Stand rather than stepping in place when not moving. | |
standard_final_stance | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Go back to a standard rectangular stance when ending the gait. Otherwise maintains the customized stance shape. |
show_stability_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Parameters that impact the stability of the gait rather than its appearance. | |
mu | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Friction coefficient between the feet and the ground. | |
timing_stiffness | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much the robot is allowed to deviate from the specified timing. 0 means no deviation. Otherwise: large values mean less deviation and small values mean more is acceptable. Too much timing adjustment (low, non-zero values) may make the gait unstable. At least a little timing adjustment is recommended for gaits with flight phases (periods with 0 feet on the ground). |
step_position_stiffness | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much the robot is allowed to deviate from the specified stance shape. 0 means no deviation. Otherwise: large values mean less deviation and small values mean more is acceptable. Too much position adjustment (low, non-zero values) may make the gait unstable. |
enable_perception_obstacle_avoidance | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Enable/disable various aspects of perception. | |
obstacle_avoidance_padding | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
enable_perception_terrain_height | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
enable_perception_step_placement | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
maximum_stumble_distance | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far the robot should stumble before giving up and freezing. | |
trip_sensitivity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How sensitive we should be to trip detection. On the range [0, 1], where 1 is normal sensitivity and 0 is ignoring all trips. Useful for very aggressive gaits or when a costume is restricting leg motion. |
show_animated_cycle_params | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Using an animated cycle to define the gait style | |
animated_cycle_params | AnimatedCycleParams |
Euler Angle rates (yaw->pitch->roll) vector that uses wrapped values so we can tell which elements are set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roll | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
pitch | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Euler Angle (yaw->pitch->roll) vector.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roll | double | ||
pitch | double | ||
yaw | double |
Euler Angle (yaw->pitch->roll) vector that uses wrapped values so we can tell which elements are set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
roll | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
pitch | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
top_color | Color | ||
bottom_color | Color | ||
fade_in_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fade_out_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
preset | FidgetStandParams.FidgetPreset | ||
min_gaze_pitch | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
max_gaze_pitch | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
gaze_mean_period | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
gaze_center_cfp | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | ||
shift_mean_period | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
shift_max_transition_time | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
breath_min_z | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
breath_max_z | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
breath_max_period | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
leg_gesture_mean_period | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
gaze_slew_rate | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
gaze_position_generation_gain | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | ||
gaze_roll_generation_gain | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
width | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
beats_per_cycle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_id | google.protobuf.Int32Value | ||
fiducial_number | google.protobuf.Int32Value | ||
include_front_left_leg | FrameSnapshotParams.Inclusion | ||
include_front_right_leg | FrameSnapshotParams.Inclusion | ||
include_hind_left_leg | FrameSnapshotParams.Inclusion | ||
include_hind_right_leg | FrameSnapshotParams.Inclusion | ||
compensated | google.protobuf.BoolValue |
Parameters specific to FrontUp move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mirror | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we raise the hind feet instead. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
relative | google.protobuf.BoolValue | If true, motion is specified relative to location at move start. If false, motion is specified in the dance frame. |
absolute_position | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Ignored if absolute = false. | |
absolute_yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
relative_position | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Ignored if absolute = true; | |
relative_yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
step_position_stiffness | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
duty_cycle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
link_to_next | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we combine with the next move into a smooth trajectory. |
Parameters for open/close of gripper.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
angle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Angle in radians at which the gripper is open. Note that a 0 radian angle correlates to completely closed. |
speed | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Speed in m/s at which the gripper should open/close to achieve the desired angle. |
Parameters specific to Hop move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
velocity | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | The velocity of the hop gait (X is forward; y is left)[m/s]. | |
yaw_rate | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How fast the hop gait should turn [rad/s]. | |
stand_time | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How long the robot should stand in between each hop. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
top_left | Color | ||
upper_mid_left | Color | ||
lower_mid_left | Color | ||
bottom_left | Color | ||
top_right | Color | ||
upper_mid_right | Color | ||
lower_mid_right | Color | ||
bottom_right | Color | ||
fade_in_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fade_out_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters for the robot making a jump.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The amount in radians that the robot will turn while in the air. | |
flight_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The amount of time in slices (beats) that the robot will be in the air. | |
stance_width | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The distance between the robot's left and right feet [m]. | |
stance_length | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The distance between the robot's front and back feet [m]. | |
translation | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | How far the robot should jump [m]. | |
split_fraction | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much it should lo/td the first pair of lets ahead of the other pair. In fraction of flight time. |
lead_leg_pair | JumpParams.Lead | ||
yaw_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we turn to a yaw in choreography sequence frame? | |
translation_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we translate in choreography sequence frame? | |
absolute_yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The direction the robot should face upon landing relative to pose at the start of the dance. [rad] |
absolute_translation | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Where the robot should land relative to the pose at the start of the dance. [m] | |
swing_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Deprecated. Deprecation Warning *** DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0: The absolute field has been deprecated and split into the yaw_is_absolute and translation_is_absolute fields. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
Parameters specific to the kneel_circles move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
location | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Location in body frame of the circle center. A typical value for the location is (0.4, 0, -0.5). |
beats_per_circle | google.protobuf.Int32Value | How beats per circle. One or two are reasonable values. | |
number_of_circles | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How many circles to perform. Mutually exclusive with beats_per_circle. | |
offset | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far apart the feet are when circling [m]. | |
radius | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Size of the circles [m]. | |
reverse | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Which way to circle. |
Parameters specific to KneelLegMove2 move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
left_hip_x | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Joint angles of the front left leg in radians. | |
left_hip_y | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
left_knee | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
right_hip_x | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Joint angles of the front right leg in radians. | |
right_hip_y | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
right_knee | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
easing | Easing | How the motion should be paced. | |
link_to_next | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we combine with the next move into a smooth trajectory. |
Parameters specific to KneelLegMove move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hip_x | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Joint angles of the left front leg in radians. If mirrored, the joints will be flipped for the other leg. |
hip_y | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
knee | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
mirror | google.protobuf.BoolValue | If mirrored is true, the joints will be flipped for the leg on the other side (right vs left) of the body. |
easing | Easing | How the motion should be paced. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fl_hx | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fl_hy | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fl_kn | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fr_hx | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fr_hy | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fr_kn | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hl_hx | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hl_hy | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hl_kn | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hr_hx | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hr_hy | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
hr_kn | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters specific to pace translation.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
motion | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | How far to move relative to starting position. [m] | |
absolute_motion | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Where to move relative to position at start of script. [m] | |
motion_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Is motion specified relative to pose at start of dance? | |
swing_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Swing parameters to describe the footstep pattern during the pace translation gait. Note, a zero (or nearly zero) value will be considered as an unspecified parameter. |
swing_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far to turn, described in radians with a positive value representing a turn to the left. | |
absolute_yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Orientation to turn to, relative to the orientation at the start of the script. [rad] | |
yaw_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we turn to a yaw in choreography sequence frame? | |
absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Deprecation Warning *** DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0: The absolute field has been deprecated and split into the yaw_is_absolute and translation_is_absolute fields. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
Parameters specific to the RandomRotate move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
amplitude | EulerZYXValue | The amplitude [rad] of the rotation in each axis. | |
speed | EulerRateZYXValue | The speed [rad/s] of the motion in each axis. | |
speed_variation | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | The amount of variation allowed in the speed of the random rotations [m/s]. Note, this must be a positive value. |
num_speed_tiers | google.protobuf.Int32Value | The specified speed values will be split into this many number of tiers between the bounds of [speed - speed_variation, speed + speed variation]. Then a tier (with a specified speed) will be randomly chosen and performed for each axis. |
tier_variation | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much can the output speed vary from the chosen tiered speed. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
main | Color | ||
secondary | Color | ||
pattern | RippleColorParams.Pattern | ||
light_side | RippleColorParams.LightSide | ||
increment_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters for the robot rotating the body.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotation | EulerZYXValue | The robot will rotate its body to the specified orientation (roll/pitch/yaw). | |
return_to_start_pose | google.protobuf.BoolValue | If true, the robot will transition back to the initial pose we started at before this choreography sequence move begin execution, and otherwise it will remain in whatever pose it is in after completing the choreography sequence move. |
Parameters specific to RunningMan move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
velocity | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | ||
swing_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How high to pick up the forward-moving feet [m]. | |
spread | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far to spread the contralateral pair of feet [m]. | |
reverse | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we reverse the motion? | |
pre_move_cycles | google.protobuf.Int32Value | How many full running man cycles should the robot complete in place before starting to move with the desired velocity. |
speed_multiplier | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Do the move at some multiple of the dance cadence. | |
duty_cycle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | What fraction of the time to have feet on the ground. | |
com_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How high to hold the center of mass above the ground on average. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
front_center_color | Color | ||
all_same_as_center | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
status_left_color | Color | ||
status_right_color | Color | ||
front_left_color | Color | ||
front_right_color | Color | ||
back_left_color | Color | ||
back_right_color | Color | ||
fade_in_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fade_out_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
front_center_color | Color | ||
all_same_as_center | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
front_left_color | Color | ||
front_right_color | Color | ||
back_left_color | Color | ||
back_right_color | Color | ||
fade_in_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fade_out_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
left_color | Color | ||
right_same_as_left | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
right_color | Color | ||
fade_in_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
fade_out_slices | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters for moves that can go to either side.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
side | SideParams.Side |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
length | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
width | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
front_wider_than_hind | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
left_longer_than_right | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
left_forward_of_right | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
foot | Leg | Which foot to use (FL = 1, FR = 2, HL = 3, HR = 4). | |
offset | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Offset of the foot from it's nominal position, in meters. | |
second_foot | Leg | Should we use a second foot? (None = 0, FL = 1, FR = 2, HL = 3, HR = 4). | |
swing_waypoint | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | Where should the swing foot go? This vector should be described in a gravity-aligned body frame relative to the center-point of the swing. If set to {0,0,0}, uses the default swing path. |
swing_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Parameters for altering swing. Note that these will have no effect if swing_waypoint is specified. As well, a zero (or nearly zero) value will be considered as an unspecified parameter. meters |
liftoff_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | m/s | |
touchdown_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | m/s | |
mirror_x | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we mirror the offset for the second foot? Ignored if second_foot is set to None |
mirror_y | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
mirror | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Deprecated. Deprecation Warning *** DEPRECATED as of 2.3.0: The mirror field has been deprecated in favor for a more descriptive break down to mirror_x and mirror_y. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
waypoint_dwell | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | What fraction of the swing should be spent near the waypoint. | |
touch | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we touch the ground and come back rather than stepping to a new place? | |
touch_offset | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value |
Parameters specific to Sway move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vertical | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far to move up/down [m]. | |
horizontal | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far to move left/right [m]. | |
roll | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How much to roll [rad]. | |
pivot | Pivot | What point on the robot's body should the swaying be centered at. For example, should the head move instead of the butt? |
style | SwayParams.SwayStyle | What style motion should we use? | |
pronounced | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How pronounced should the sway-style be? The value is on a scale from [0,1.0]. | |
hold_zero_axes | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should the robot hold previous values for the vertical, horizontal, and roll axes if the value is left unspecified (value of zero). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
liftoff_speed | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
vertical_speed | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
vertical_acceleration | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
overlay_outside | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
overlay_forward | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
low_speed_fraction | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
liftoff_phase | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
touchdown_phase | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Parameters specific to turning.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far to turn, described in radians with a positive value representing a turn to the left. | |
absolute_yaw | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Orientation to turn to, relative to the orientation at the start of the script. [rad] | |
yaw_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Should we turn to a yaw in choreography sequence frame? | |
swing_height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Swing parameters to describe the footstep pattern during the turning [height in meters]. Note, a zero (or nearly zero) value will be considered as an unspecified parameter. |
swing_velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Swing parameter to describe the foot's swing velocity during the turning [m/s]. Note, a zero (or nearly zero) value will be considered as an unspecified parameter. |
motion | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | How far to move relative to starting position. [m] | |
absolute_motion | bosdyn.api.Vec2Value | Where to move relative to position at start of script. [m] | |
motion_is_absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Is motion specified relative to pose at start of dance? | |
absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Deprecated. Deprecation Warning *** DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0: The absolute field has been deprecated and split into the yaw_is_absolute and translation_is_absolute fields. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
Parameters specific to twerking
Field | Type | Label | Description |
height | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | How far the robot should twerk in meters. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rotation | EulerZYXValue | The robot will rotate its body to the specified orientation (roll/pitch/yaw) [rad]. | |
translation | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | The positional offset to the robot's current location [m]. | |
absolute | google.protobuf.BoolValue | Go to an absolute position/orientation? Otherwise, relative to starting pose. | |
frame | ArmMoveFrame | What frame is the motion specified in. | |
easing | Easing | How the motion should be paced. | |
dance_frame_id | google.protobuf.Int32Value | If we're using the dance frame, which one? |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
NOTE_C | 1 | |
NOTE_D | 2 | |
NOTE_E | 3 | |
NOTE_F | 4 | |
NOTE_G | 5 | |
NOTE_A | 6 | |
NOTE_B | 7 |
Enum to describe the type of easing to perform for the slices at either (or both) the beginning and end of a move.
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
If split_fraction is non-zero, which legs to lift first.
Name | Number | Description |
LEAD_AUTO | 1 | |
LEAD_FRONT | 2 | |
LEAD_HIND | 3 | |
LEAD_LEFT | 4 | |
Name | Number | Description |
Enum to describe which leg is being referenced in specific choreography sequence moves.
Name | Number | Description |
LEG_NO_LEG | -1 |
Enum for the pivot point for certain choreography sequence moves.
Name | Number | Description |
PIVOT_HIND | 2 | |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
SIDE_LEFT | 1 | |
The type of motion used by the Sway sequence move.
Name | Number | Description |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
move | MoveParams | Any parameters that had to be adjusted into the legal range will have their adjusted values. | |
custom_gait_command_limits | CustomGaitCommandLimits |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_angles | ArmJointAngles | Full arm joint angle specification. | |
hand_pose | AnimateArm.HandPose | The hand position in the animation frame |
An SE3 Pose for the hand where orientation is specified using either a quaternion or euler angles
Field | Type | Label | Description |
position | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | ||
euler_angles | EulerZYXValue | The hand's orientation described with euler angles (yaw, pitch, roll). | |
quaternion | bosdyn.api.Quaternion | The hand's orientation described with a quaternion. |
The AnimateBody keyframe describes the body’s position and orientation. At least one dimension of the body must be specified.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
body_pos | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | The body position in the animation frame. | |
com_pos | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | The body's center of mass position in the animation frame. | |
euler_angles | EulerZYXValue | The body's orientation described with euler angles (yaw, pitch, roll). | |
quaternion | bosdyn.api.Quaternion | The body's orientation described with a quaternion. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
gripper_angle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
The AnimateLegs keyframe describes each leg using either joint angles or the foot position.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fl | AnimateSingleLeg | Front left leg. | |
fr | AnimateSingleLeg | Front right leg. | |
hl | AnimateSingleLeg | Hind left leg. | |
hr | AnimateSingleLeg | Hind right leg. |
A single leg keyframe to describe the leg motion.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_angles | LegJointAngles | Full leg joint angle specification. | |
foot_pos | bosdyn.api.Vec3Value | The foot position of the leg in the animation frame. | |
stance | google.protobuf.BoolValue | If true, the foot is in contact with the ground and standing. If false, the foot is in swing. If unset, the contact will be inferred from the leg joint angles or foot position. |
Represents an animated dance move that can be used within choreographies after uploading.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | The name of the animated move, which is how it will be referenced in choreographies. | |
animation_keyframes | AnimationKeyframe | repeated | The animated move is composed of animation keyframes, which specify the duration of each frame. The keyframe describes the position of the body/arms/gripper. |
controls_arm | bool | Indicators as to which parts of the robot that the move controls. | |
controls_legs | bool | ||
controls_body | bool | ||
controls_gripper | bool | ||
track_swing_trajectories | bool | Track animated swing trajectories. Otherwise, takes standard swings between animated liftoff and touchdown locations. |
assume_zero_roll_and_pitch | bool | For moves that control the legs, but not the body. If legs are specified by joint angles, we still need body roll and pitch to know the foot height. If assume_zero_roll_and_pitch is true, they needn't be explicitly specified. |
arm_playback | Animation.ArmPlayback | ||
bpm | double | Optional bpm that the animation is successful at. | |
retime_to_integer_slices | bool | When true, rescales the time of each keyframe slightly such that the move takes an integer number of slices. If false/absent, the move will be padded or truncated slightly to fit an integer number of slices. |
minimum_parameters | AnimateParams | The different parameters (minimum, default, and maximum) that can change the move. The min/max bounds are used by Choreographer to constrain the parameter widget, and will also be used when uploading a ChoreographySequence containing the animation to validate that the animated move is allowed. |
default_parameters | AnimateParams | ||
maximum_parameters | AnimateParams | ||
truncatable | bool | Indicates if the animated moves can be shortened (the animated move will be cut off). Not supported for leg moves. |
extendable | bool | Indicates if the animated moves can be stretched (animated move will loop). Not supported for leg moves. |
neutral_start | bool | Indicates if the move should start in a neutral stand position. | |
precise_steps | bool | Step exactly at the animated locations, even at the expense of balance. By default, the optimizer may adjust step locations slightly. |
precise_timing | bool | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.3.0: The boolean field has been replaced by the more fine-grained control of timing_adjustability. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
timing_adjustability | double | How much the optimizer is allowed to adjust the timing. On the range [-1, 1]. -1: Everything will be timed exactly as animated, even at the expense of balance. 0: Default value: some timing adjust allowed. 1: Timing can be adjusted drastically. |
arm_required | bool | If set true, this animation will not run unless the robot has an arm. | |
arm_prohibited | bool | If set true, this animation will not run unless the robot has no arm. | |
no_looping | bool | If the animation completes before the move's duration, freeze rather than looping. | |
starts_sitting | bool | If the animation starts from a sit pose. Default starting pose is stand. | |
custom_gait_cycle | bool | If true, this animation can be used as direct input to custom gait to define the gait style |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
time | double | Time from the start of the animation for this frame. | |
gripper | AnimateGripper | Different body parts the animated move can control. It can control multiple body parts at once. |
arm | AnimateArm | ||
body | AnimateBody | ||
legs | AnimateLegs |
The AnimateArm keyframe describes the joint angles of the arm joints in radians. Any joint not specified, will hold the previous angle it was at when the keyframe begins. At least one arm joint must be specified.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
shoulder_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
shoulder_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
elbow_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_0 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | ||
wrist_1 | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Information for the Choreographer to display.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
color | ChoreographerDisplayInfo.Color | ||
markers | int32 | repeated | For the GUI, these are marked events in steps. For example if the move puts a foot down, the mark might be exactly when the foot is placed on the ground, relative to the start of the move. |
description | string | Textual description to be displayed in the GUI. | |
image | string | Image path (local to the UI) to display as an icon. May be an animated gif. | |
category | ChoreographerDisplayInfo.Category |
Color of the object. Set it to override the default category color.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r | int32 | RGB values for color ranging from [0,255]. | |
g | int32 | ||
b | int32 | ||
a | double | Alpha value for the coloration ranges from [0,1]. |
Describes the metadata and information only used by the Choreographer GUI, which isn’t used in the API
Field | Type | Label | Description |
choreography_sequence | ChoreographySequence | The main ChoreographySequence that makes up the dance and is sent to the robot. | |
music_file | string | If specified this is the UI local path of the music to load. | |
music_start_slice | double | UI specific member that describes exactly when the music should start, in slices. This is for time sync issues. |
choreography_start_slice | double | The start slice for the choreographer save. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
commands | MoveCommand | repeated | Commands intended for individual moves. Repeated because multiple moves may be playing simultaneously and we may want to command multiple of them. |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot body. | |
command_end_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | When the commands expire. In the robot's clock. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | ||
status | ChoreographyCommandResponse.Status | repeated | One status for each command sent. |
Describes metadata for the Choreography sequence that can be used for a number of different UIs
Field | Type | Label | Description |
labels | string | repeated | the list of user assigned categories that the sequence belongs to |
Represents a particular choreography sequence, made up of MoveParams.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Display name or file name associated with the choreography sequence. | |
slices_per_minute | double | Number of slices per minute in the choreography sequence. Typically a slice will correspond to 1/4 a beat. |
moves | MoveParams | repeated | All of the moves in this choreography sequence. |
choreography_info | ChoreographyInfo | Metadata associated with the sequence. | |
entrance_state | MoveInfo.TransitionState | Can be used to specify an explicit entrance_state in the case where the first legs-track move accepts multiple entrance_states. Will also be used if the sequence contains no legs-track moves. Can otherwise be left unset. If set and not within the set of acceptable entrance_states for the first legs-track move, the Sequence will be considered invalid. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key_frames | LoggedStateKeyFrame | repeated | A set of key frames recorded at a high rate. The key frames can be for the duration of an executing choreography or for the duration of a manual recorded log (triggered by the StartRecordingState and StopRecordingState RPCs). The specific set of keyframes is specified by the LogType when requesting to download the data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | ChoreographyStatusResponse.Status | ||
execution_id | int32 | If dancing (or preparing to dance), the unique execution_id matching the one from ExecuteChoreographyResponse. If not dancing, 0. |
current_slice | double | Where we are in the script. (slice = 1/4 beat; standard unit of "time" within Choreography) | |
active_moves | ActiveMove | repeated | All of the moves currently executing. |
sequence_slices | int32 | Length of the current sequence. | |
sequence_slices_per_minute | double | Cadence of the current sequence. | |
validity_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | When this was true in robot time. | |
sequence_name | string | Name of the active sequence, None if the robot is not in a dance state. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
override_start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The absolute time to start the choreography at. This start time will override the start time defined in an ExecuteChoreographyRequest if it fits within the limits defined by the acceptable_time_difference and the override_validity_time. This should be in the robot's clock. |
acceptable_time_difference | google.protobuf.Duration | The maximum difference in time, in seconds, between an ExecuteChoreography start time and the override time where the override start time will used instead of the ExecuteChoreography start time. If the difference between the override time and the ExecuteChoreographyRequest time is bigger than the acceptable_time_difference value, the override time will not be used. When specified the acceptable_time_difference can be at most 2 minutes. If not specified, the acceptable_time_difference will be 20 seconds. |
validity_time | google.protobuf.Duration | For what period of time, in seconds from the current moment, should this override start time be considered valid. override start times that are further in the future than the override validity period won't be accepted when received. When specified, override_validity_time can be at most 5 minutes past the current time. If not specified override_validity_time will be 60 seconds. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | ChoreographyTimeAdjustResponse.Status | ||
warnings | string | repeated | If certain parameters didn't fall within the correct limits warning messages describing those issues will be populated here to indicate those problems. If there were issues with parameters other than the override_start_time there may be warnings even if the response status was STATUS_OK. |
Reset to a clean slate with no retained files by deleting all non-permanent choreography related files
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | ClearAllSequenceFilesResponse.Status |
Delete the retained file for a choreography sequence so the sequence will be forgotten on reboot
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
sequence_name | string | Name of the sequence to delete. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | DeleteSequenceResponse.Status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
log_type | DownloadRobotStateLogRequest.LogType | Which data should we download. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | DownloadRobotStateLogResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
chunk | bosdyn.api.DataChunk | Chunk of data to download. Responses are sent in sequence until the data chunk is complete. After receiving all chunks, concatenate them into a single byte string. Then, deserialize the byte string into an ChoreographyStateLog object. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
choreography_sequence_name | string | The string name of the ChoreographySequence to use. | |
start_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The absolute time to start the choreography at. This should be in the robot's clock so we can synchronize music playing and the robot's choreography. |
choreography_starting_slice | double | The slice (betas/sub-beats) that the choreography should begin execution at. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot body. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | ||
status | ExecuteChoreographyResponse.Status | ||
execution_id | int32 | Unique ID for the execution. Will increment whenever an ExecuteChoreographyRequest is received. Will reset upon robot boot. |
Request an Animation proto using a given animation name.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
name | string | Name of the requested animated move. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetAnimationResponse.Status | ||
animated_move | Animation | Animation with the name of the requested animation. |
Request all the information needed to play a choreography sequence, this includes the sequence itself and any animations the sequence uses.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
sequence_name | string | Name of the requested sequence. | |
return_animation_names_only | bool | If true, skip returning the animation protos and only return the names of the required animations. Individual Animations can be requested with GetAnimationRequest. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | GetChoreographySequenceResponse.Status | ||
choreography_sequence | ChoreographySequence | ChoreographySequence with the name of the requested sequence. | |
animated_moves | Animation | repeated | All Animations used in the returned ChoreographySequence. |
animation_names | string | repeated | The string names of all the animations used in the choreography sequence. |
Description of each leg joint angle (hip x/y and knee) in radians.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hip_x | double | ||
hip_y | double | ||
knee | double |
Request a list of all possible moves and the associated parameters (min/max values).
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header |
Response for ListAllMoves that defines the list of available moves and their parameter types.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
moves | MoveInfo | repeated | List of moves that the robot knows about. |
move_param_config | string | A copy of the MoveParamsConfig.txt that the robot is using. |
Request a list of all playable choreography sequences that the robot knows about
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
known_sequences | string | repeated | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.2.0: The string list of known sequence names has been deprecated and replaced by the repeated field sequence_info. |
sequence_info | SequenceInfo | repeated | List of choreography sequences the robot knows about. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fr_contact | bool | Boolean indicating whether or not the robot's foot is in contact with the ground. | |
fl_contact | bool | ||
hr_contact | bool | ||
hl_contact | bool |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fl | LegJointAngles | front left leg joint angles. | |
fr | LegJointAngles | front right leg joint angles. | |
hl | LegJointAngles | hind left leg joint angles. | |
hr | LegJointAngles | hind right leg joint angles. | |
arm | ArmJointAngles | Full set of joint angles for the arm and gripper. | |
gripper_angle | google.protobuf.DoubleValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
joint_angles | LoggedJoints | Full set of joint angles for the robot. | |
foot_contact_state | LoggedFootContacts | Foot contacts for the robot. | |
animation_tform_body | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The current pose of the robot body in animation frame. The animation frame is defined based on the robot's footprint when the log first started recording. |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | The timestamp (in robot time) for the key frame. |
Edit the metadata of a choreography sequence and update any retained files for that sequence with the new metadata
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
sequence_name | string | Name of the sequence to be modified | |
add_labels | string | repeated | Labels to be added to the sequence's metadata |
remove_labels | string | repeated | Labels to be removed from the sequence's metadata |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | ModifyChoreographyInfoResponse.Status |
Either, both, or neither of move_type and move_id can be used to specify which move this command is intended for.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
move_type | string | Name of the move type this command is intended for. | |
move_id | int32 | ID of the move this command is intended for. | |
custom_gait_command | CustomGaitCommand |
Defines properties of a choreography move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Unique ID of the move type. | |
move_length_slices | int32 | The duration of this move in slices (usually 1/4 beats). | |
move_length_time | double | The duration of this move in seconds. If specified, overrides move_length_slices. | |
is_extendable | bool | If true, the duration may be adjusted from the default specified by move_length_slices or move_length_time. |
min_move_length_slices | int32 | Bounds on the duration may be adjusted in slices (usually 1/4 beats). These apply to extendable moves, but may also override move_length_time for some BPM. |
max_move_length_slices | int32 | ||
min_time | double | Bounds on the duration in time. These apply to extendable moves, but may also override move_length_slices for some BPM. |
max_time | double | ||
entrance_states | MoveInfo.TransitionState | repeated | The admissible states the robot can be in currently for this move to execute. |
exit_state | MoveInfo.TransitionState | The state of the robot after the move is complete. | |
controls_arm | bool | Indicators as to which parts of the robot that the move controls. | |
controls_legs | bool | ||
controls_body | bool | ||
controls_gripper | bool | ||
controls_lights | bool | Controls the face (status) lights. | |
controls_annotations | bool | ||
controls_audio_visual_lights | bool | ||
controls_audio_visual_buzzer | bool | ||
is_looping | bool | ||
display | ChoreographerDisplayInfo | Information for the GUI tool to visualize the sequence move info. | |
animated_move_generated_id | google.protobuf.StringValue | Unique ID for the animated moves. This is sent with the UploadAnimatedMove request and use to track which version of the animated move is currently saved on robot. The ID can be unset, meaning the RPC which uploaded the animation did not provide an identifying hash. |
Defines varying parameters for a particular instance of a move.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Unique ID of the move type that these params are associated with. | |
start_slice | int32 | How many slices since the start of the song this move should be executed at. | |
requested_slices | int32 | The number of slices (beats/sub-beats) that this move is supposed to last for. If the move was extendable, then this corresponds to the number of slices that the user requested. |
id | int32 | The ID number can be optionally set by the client as part of the UploadChoreographyRequest. If not set by the client, the robot will assign an id to each move that is unique within the sequence. The ID (either set by the client or the robot) will be reported in the ActiveMoves in the ChoreographyStatusResponse. The ID can be used to specify which move a Command is intended for. |
jump_params | JumpParams | ||
rotate_body_params | RotateBodyParams | ||
step_params | StepParams | ||
butt_circle_params | ButtCircleParams | ||
turn_params | TurnParams | ||
pace_2step_params | Pace2StepParams | ||
twerk_params | TwerkParams | ||
chicken_head_params | ChickenHeadParams | ||
clap_params | ClapParams | ||
front_up_params | FrontUpParams | ||
sway_params | SwayParams | ||
body_hold_params | BodyHoldParams | ||
arm_move_params | ArmMoveParams | ||
kneel_leg_move_params | KneelLegMoveParams | ||
running_man_params | RunningManParams | ||
kneel_circle_params | KneelCircleParams | ||
gripper_params | GripperParams | ||
hop_params | HopParams | ||
random_rotate_params | RandomRotateParams | ||
crawl_params | CrawlParams | ||
side_params | SideParams | ||
bourree_params | BourreeParams | ||
workspace_arm_move_params | WorkspaceArmMoveParams | ||
figure8_params | Figure8Params | ||
kneel_leg_move2_params | KneelLegMove2Params | ||
fidget_stand_params | FidgetStandParams | ||
goto_params | GotoParams | ||
frame_snapshot_params | FrameSnapshotParams | ||
set_color_params | SetColorParams | ||
ripple_color_params | RippleColorParams | ||
fade_color_params | FadeColorParams | ||
independent_color_params | IndependentColorParams | ||
custom_gait_params | CustomGaitParams | ||
set_audio_visual_color_params | SetAudioVisualColorParams | ||
set_all_color_params | SetAllColorParams | ||
buzzer_note_params | BuzzerNoteParams | ||
leg_joint_params | LegJointParams | ||
animate_params | AnimateParams |
Write a choreography sequence as a file to robot memory so it will be retained through reboot
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
sequence_name | string | Name of the sequence to be added to the selection of retained sequences | |
add_labels | string | repeated | List of labels to add to the sequence when it is being saved |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | SaveSequenceResponse.Status |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | ||
labels | string | repeated | |
saved_state | SequenceInfo.SavedState | Use temporary sequences during development with choreographer, and then tell the robot to retain the final version of the sequence so that it can be played back later from other interfaces, like the tablet |
exit_state | MoveInfo.TransitionState | The exit transition state of the sequence. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
continue_recording_duration | google.protobuf.Duration | How long should the robot record for if no stop RPC is sent. A recording session can be extended by setting the recording_session_id below to a non-zero value matching the ID for the current recording session. For both start and continuation commands, the service will stop recording at end_time = (system time when the Start/Continue RPC is received) + (continue_recording_duration), unless another continuation request updates this end time. The robot has an internal maximum recording time of 5 minutes for the complete session log. |
recording_session_id | uint64 | Provide the unique identifier of the recording session to extend the recording end time for. If the recording_session_id is 0, then it will create a new session and the robot will clear the recorded robot state buffer and restart recording. If this is a continuation of an existing recording session, than the robot will continue to record until the specified end time. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | StartRecordingStateResponse.Status | ||
recording_session_id | uint64 | Unique identifier for the current recording session |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header | |
animated_move_generated_id | google.protobuf.StringValue | Unique ID for the animated moves. This will be automatically generated by the client and is used to uniquely identify the entire animation by creating a hash from the Animation protobuf message after serialization. The ID will be conveyed within the MoveInfo protobuf message in the ListAllMoves RPC. This ID allows the choreography client to only reupload animations that have changed or do not exist on robot already. |
animated_move | Animation | AnimatedMove to upload to the robot and create a dance move from. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | UploadAnimatedMoveResponse.Status | ||
warnings | string | repeated | If the uploaded animated move is invalid (will throw a STATUS_ANIMATION_VALIDATION_FAILED), then warning messages describing the failure cases will be populated here to indicate which parts of the animated move failed. Note: there could be some warning messages even when an animation is marked as ok. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
choreography_sequence | ChoreographySequence | ChoreographySequence to upload and store in memory | |
non_strict_parsing | bool | Should we run a sequences that has correctable errors? If true, the service will fix any correctable errors and run the corrected choreography sequence. If false, the service will reject a choreography sequence that has any errors. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. If the dance upload is invalid, the header INVALID request error will be set, which means that the choreography did not respect bounds of the parameters or has other attributes missing or incorrect. |
warnings | string | repeated | If the uploaded choreography is invalid (will throw a header InvalidRequest status), then certain warning messages will be populated here to indicate which choreography moves or parameters violated constraints of the robot. |
Mode for hand trajectory playback
Name | Number | Description |
ARM_PLAYBACK_DEFAULT | 0 | Playback as specified. Arm animations specified with joint angles playback in jointspace and arm animations specified as hand poses playback in workspace. |
ARM_PLAYBACK_JOINTSPACE | 1 | Playback in jointspace. Arm animation will be most consistent relative to the body |
ARM_PLAYBACK_WORKSPACE | 2 | Playback in workspace. Hand pose animation will be most consistent relative to the current footprint. Reference frame is animation frame. |
ARM_PLAYBACK_WORKSPACE_DANCE_FRAME | 3 | Playback in workspace with poses relative to the dance frame. hand pose animation will be most consistent relative to a fixed point in the world. |
Move Category affects the grouping in the choreographer list view, as well as the color it’s displayed with.
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown. Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The adjusted time value was accepted and stored. |
STATUS_BEFORE_CURRENT_TIME | 2 | The adjusted time was not stored, time requested is too far in the past. |
STATUS_EXCEEDS_VALIDITY_TIME | 3 | The override time was not stored, time requested exceeded the validity time limit. |
STATUS_OVERRIDE_TIME_UNSET | 4 | No override start time was provided. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | All retained sequences were successfully removed from robot memory |
STATUS_FAILED_TO_DELETE | 2 | Deletion of all retained files failed |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The sequence was successfully deleted |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCE | 2 | The sequence does not exist |
STATUS_ALREADY_TEMPORARY | 3 | The sequence is already temporary and will be removed at the next reboot. |
STATUS_PERMANENT_SEQUENCE | 4 | Permanent sequences cannot be deleted |
Name | Number | Description |
LOG_TYPE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown. Do not use. |
LOG_TYPE_MANUAL | 1 | The robot state information recorded from the time of the manual start RPC (StartRecordingState) to either {the time of the manual stop RPC (StopRecordingState), the time of the download logs RPC, or the time of the internal service's buffer filling up}. |
LOG_TYPE_LAST_CHOREOGRAPHY | 2 | The robot will automatically record robot state information for the entire duration of an executing choreography in addition to any manual logging. This log type will download this information for the last completed choreography. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown. Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The log data downloaded successfully and is complete. |
STATUS_NO_RECORDED_INFORMATION | 2 | Error where there is no robot state information logged in the choreography service. |
STATUS_INCOMPLETE_DATA | 3 | Error where the complete duration of the recorded session caused the service's recording buffer to fill up. When full, the robot will stop recording but preserve whatever was recorded until that point. The robot has an internal maximum recording time of 5 minutes. The data streamed in this response will go from the start time until the time the buffer was filled. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Finding + returning the animation succeeded. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_ANIMATION | 2 | The requested sequence was not found. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Finding + returning the sequence succeeded. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCE | 2 | The requested sequence was not found. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The sequence was successfully modified |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCE | 2 | The sequence does not exist |
STATUS_PERMANENT_SEQUENCE | 3 | Permanent sequences cannot be modified |
STATUS_FAILED_TO_UPDATE | 4 | The changes were made, but the retained sequence file was not updated and changes were reverted |
The state that the robot is in at the start or end of a move.
Name | Number | Description |
TRANSITION_STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown or unset state. |
TRANSITION_STATE_STAND | 1 | The robot is in a normal (standing) state. |
TRANSITION_STATE_KNEEL | 2 | The robot is kneeling down. |
TRANSITION_STATE_SIT | 3 | The robot is sitting. |
TRANSITION_STATE_SPRAWL | 4 | The robot requires a self-right. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The sequence was successfully saved |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCE | 2 | The requested sequence was not found |
STATUS_PERMANENT_SEQUENCE | 3 | This sequence is already saved in the release |
STATUS_FAILED_TO_SAVE | 4 | We failed to save a file with the sequence information to robot |
Name | Number | Description |
SAVED_STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown; do not use |
SAVED_STATE_TEMPORARY | 1 | Sequence will be forgotten on reboot |
SAVED_STATE_RETAINED | 2 | A file for this sequence is stored on the robot; the sequence will be loaded to memory each time the robot boots |
SAVED_STATE_PERMANENT | 3 | Sequence was built into the release and can't be deleted |
The status for the start recording request.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status unknown; do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | The request succeeded and choreography has either started, or continued with an extended duration based on if a session_id was provided. |
STATUS_UNKNOWN_RECORDING_SESSION_ID | 2 | The provided recording_session_id is unknown: it must either be 0 (start a new recording log) or it can match the current recording session id returned by the most recent start recording request. |
STATUS_RECORDING_BUFFER_FULL | 3 | The Choreography Service's internal buffer is filled. It will record for a maximum of 5 minutes. It will stop recording, but save the recorded data until |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Uploading + parsing the animated move succeeded. |
STATUS_ANIMATION_VALIDATION_FAILED | 2 | The animated move is considered invalid, see the warnings. |
STATUS_PING_RESPONSE | 3 | Treated this message as a ping. Responding to demonstrate connectivity. |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListAllMoves | ListAllMovesRequest | ListAllMovesResponse | List the available dance moves and their parameter information. |
ListAllSequences | ListAllSequencesRequest | ListAllSequencesResponse | List the available choreography sequences currently on the robot. |
GetChoreographySequence | GetChoreographySequenceRequest | GetChoreographySequenceResponse | Return the ChoreographySequence with the given name and any requested animation data. |
GetAnimation | GetAnimationRequest | GetAnimationResponse | Return the full Animation message with the given name. |
DeleteSequence | DeleteSequenceRequest | DeleteSequenceResponse | Delete a retained choreography sequence from the collection of user uploaded choreography sequences. |
SaveSequence | SaveSequenceRequest | SaveSequenceResponse | Save a user uploaded choreography sequence to the robots collection of retained choreography sequences. |
ModifyChoreographyInfo | ModifyChoreographyInfoRequest | ModifyChoreographyInfoResponse | Modify the metadata of a choreography sequence. |
ClearAllSequenceFiles | ClearAllSequenceFilesRequest | ClearAllSequenceFilesResponse | Clear all retained choreography sequence files from robot memory. |
UploadChoreography | UploadChoreographyRequest | UploadChoreographyResponse | Upload a dance to the robot. |
UploadAnimatedMove | UploadAnimatedMoveRequest | UploadAnimatedMoveResponse | Upload an animation to the robot. |
ExecuteChoreography | ExecuteChoreographyRequest | ExecuteChoreographyResponse | Execute the uploaded dance. |
StartRecordingState | StartRecordingStateRequest | StartRecordingStateResponse | Manually start (or continue) recording the robot state. |
StopRecordingState | StopRecordingStateRequest | StopRecordingStateResponse | Manually stop recording the robot state. |
DownloadRobotStateLog | DownloadRobotStateLogRequest | DownloadRobotStateLogResponse stream | Download log of the latest recorded robot state information. |
ChoreographyStatus | ChoreographyStatusRequest | ChoreographyStatusResponse | Report the status of a dancing robot. |
ChoreographyCommand | ChoreographyCommandRequest | ChoreographyCommandResponse | Commands intended for individual dance moves that are currently executing. |
ChoreographyTimeAdjust | ChoreographyTimeAdjustRequest | ChoreographyTimeAdjustResponse | Adjust the time when a robot should start dancing within a tolerance. |
Door Command specific request and Feedback.
The robot searches along a ray for the door handle and automatically grasp it before executing door opening.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_name | string | The name of the frame that the following fields are expressed in. | |
search_ray_start_in_frame | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The start of the ray the robot searches along for the door handle. | |
search_ray_end_in_frame | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The end of the ray the robot searches along for the door handle. | |
hinge_side | DoorCommand.HingeSide | The side of the hinge with respect to the robot when facing the door. | |
swing_direction | DoorCommand.SwingDirection | The direction the door moves with respect to the robot. |
Open doors that do not require a grasp, just a push. This could be a door with no latching mechanism that just requires a push, or a door with a pushbar. The robot will automatically push the door open and walk through.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_name | string | The name of the frame that the following fields are expressed in. | |
push_point_in_frame | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The point that the robot will push on. | |
hinge_side | DoorCommand.HingeSide | The side of the hinge with respect to the robot when facing the door. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | DoorCommand.Feedback.Status | Current status of the command. | |
distance_past_threshold | double | This is the distance the robot (i.e. the origin of the 'body' frame) is past the door frame threshold. When it's negative the robot is on the starting side of the door, 0 when the robot is in the middle of the door, and positive when the robot is on the finishing side. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
auto_grasp_command | DoorCommand.AutoGraspCommand | ||
warmstart_command | DoorCommand.WarmstartCommand | ||
auto_push_command | DoorCommand.AutoPushCommand |
The robot is already grasping the door handle and will continue opening the door based on user specified params.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
hinge_side | DoorCommand.HingeSide | The side of the hinge with respect to the robot when facing the door. | |
swing_direction | DoorCommand.SwingDirection | The direction the door moves with respect to the robot. | |
handle_type | DoorCommand.HandleType | The type of handle on the door. |
A door command for the robot to execute plus a lease.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. | |
door_command | DoorCommand.Request | The command to execute. |
Response to the door command request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | OpenDoorCommandResponse.Status | Return status for a request. | |
message | string | Human-readable error description. Not for programmatic analysis. | |
door_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, If empty, command was not accepted. |
A request for feedback of a specific door command.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
door_command_id | uint32 | Unique identifier for the command, provided by OpenDoorResponse. |
Feedback for a specific door command. This RPC reports the robot’s progress opening a door.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | bosdyn.api.RobotCommandFeedbackStatus.Status | Generic robot command feedback. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used (unset if unknown). | |
feedback | DoorCommand.Feedback | Specific door full body command feedback. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | STATUS_UNKNOWN should never be used. If used, an internal error has happened. |
STATUS_COMPLETED | 1 | Robot has finished opening the door. |
STATUS_IN_PROGRESS | 2 | Robot is attempting to open the door. |
STATUS_STALLED | 3 | The robot has stopped making progress in opening and going through the door. It will keep trying but may stay in this state indefinitely. |
STATUS_NOT_DETECTED | 4 | The robot could not detect the door. It will keep trying but may stay in this state indefinitely. |
Specify type of door handle.
Name | Number | Description |
Specify if the hinge is on the left or right side of the door, when looking at the door, relative to the door handle.
Name | Number | Description |
Specify if the door is push or pull, when looking at the door.
Name | Number | Description |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | An unknown / unexpected error occurred. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Request was accepted. |
STATUS_ROBOT_COMMAND_ERROR | 2 | Error sending command to RobotCommandService. |
STATUS_DOOR_PLANE_NOT_DETECTED | 3 | The plane of the door could not be detected. |
At record time, the robot is only physically required to go through the door in one direction, but the command for both directions must be recorded.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
forward_command | DoorCommand.Request | The door command issued for going through the door in the recorded direction | |
reverse_command | DoorCommand.Request | The door command for going through the door in the reverse to recorded direction |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
OpenDoor | OpenDoorCommandRequest | OpenDoorCommandResponse | |
OpenDoorFeedback | OpenDoorFeedbackRequest | OpenDoorFeedbackResponse |
Request a solution to an inverse kinematics problem for Spot (or an indication that a solution could not be found). This message can be used to make both reachability and stance-selection queries. When filling out the request, the caller specifies one option from each of the following categories:
stance specifications (fixed foot positions or feet on a ground plane),
tool specifications (wrist-mounted), and
task specifications (tool pose or gaze) When evaluating potential robot configurations, the service considers joint limits, and static stability in addition to the requirements specified in the request.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
root_frame_name | string | The root frame is the parent for the optional scene frame. The root frame must be either “vision" or “odom”. |
root_tform_scene | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The task frame as well as body and foot related fields below are specified in this optional scene frame. If unset, it defaults to the identity transform and all scene quantities are therefore expressed in the root frame. This frame is useful in cases where the inverse kinematics problem is most easily defined relative to some other frame (e.g. the frame defined by a fiducial detection next to a piece of equipment). |
scene_tform_task | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Tool related fields below are specified in this optional task frame. If unset it defaults to the identity transform and all task frame quantities are therefore expressed in the scene frame. |
nominal_arm_configuration | InverseKinematicsRequest.NamedArmConfiguration | The solver will prefer arm configurations close to the specified named configuration. Defaults to ARM_CONFIG_CURRENT. |
nominal_arm_configuration_overrides | bosdyn.api.ArmJointPosition | Entries override the nominal joint positions for the specified arm joints. Unspecified joints will use the values specified by nominal_arm_configuration. |
scene_tform_body_nominal | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The solver will prefer configurations that put the body close to this pose. Default to the current body pose. |
fixed_stance | InverseKinematicsRequest.FixedStance | ||
on_ground_plane_stance | InverseKinematicsRequest.OnGroundPlaneStance | ||
wrist_mounted_tool | InverseKinematicsRequest.WristMountedTool | ||
body_mounted_tool | InverseKinematicsRequest.BodyMountedTool | ||
tool_pose_task | InverseKinematicsRequest.ToolPoseTask | The tool will be constrained to be at the desired pose. | |
tool_gaze_task | InverseKinematicsRequest.ToolGazeTask | The tool's x-axis will be constrained to point at a target point while the solver will prefer configurations that put the tool frame closer to the desired pose. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
body_tform_tool | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The tool pose relative to the parent link (body). Defaults to identity, making the tool frame coincident with the body frame |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fl_rt_scene | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The feet will be constrained to the specified positions relative to the scene frame. If unspecified, these will default to the current positions of the feet. |
fr_rt_scene | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | ||
hl_rt_scene | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | ||
hr_rt_scene | bosdyn.api.Vec3 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
scene_tform_ground | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The feet will be constrained to lie on the XY-plane of the ground frame. If unspecified the ground plane will be the robot's current ground plane estimate. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target_in_task | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | The point to “look at” with the x-axis of the tool frame. Defaults to the zero vector. | |
task_tform_desired_tool | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Optional desired pose of the tool expressed in the task frame. Will be constrained to 'look at' the target regardless of the requested orientation. If unset, only the “look at” constraint will be applied. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
task_tform_desired_tool | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The desired pose of the tool expressed in the task frame. Defaults to identity. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
wrist_tform_tool | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The tool pose relative to the parent link (wrist). Defaults to [0.19557 0 0] [1 0 0 0] a frame with its origin slightly in front of the gripper's palm plate aligned with the wrist's orientation. |
Response type for InverseKinematicsRequest. If a solution was found (STATUS_OK) the robot_configuration field will contain that solution. Otherwise robot_configuration will be empty.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
status | InverseKinematicsResponse.Status | Return status of the request. | |
robot_configuration | bosdyn.api.KinematicState | The transforms_snapshot subfield will include the root, scene, and task frames of the request as well as the body, tool, and foot frames in the solved configuration. The joint_states subfield will include the name and position for each joint in the solved configuration. |
Name | Number | Description |
ARM_CONFIG_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown arm configuration |
ARM_CONFIG_CURRENT | 1 | The current configuration of the arm joints |
ARM_CONFIG_READY | 2 | The configuration of the arm joints in the ready position. The ready position is defined with the hand directly in front of and slightly above the body, with the hand facing forward in the robot body +X direction. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | |
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
InverseKinematics | InverseKinematicsRequest | InverseKinematicsResponse |
Parameters for offsetting the body from the normal default.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
base_offset_rt_footprint | bosdyn.api.SE3Trajectory | Desired base offset relative to the footprint pseudo-frame. The footprint pseudo-frame is a gravity aligned frame with its origin located at the geometric center of the feet in the X-Y axis, and at the nominal height of the hips in the Z axis. The yaw of the frame (wrt the world) is calculated by the average foot locations, and is aligned with the feet. |
body_assist_for_manipulation | BodyControlParams.BodyAssistForManipulation | The base will adjust to assist with manipulation, adjusting its height, pitch, and yaw as a function of the hand's location. Note, manipulation assisted body control is only available for ArmCommand requests that control the end-effector, and are expressed in an inertial frame. For example, sending a ArmCartesianCommand request with root_frame_name set to "odom" will allow the robot to compute a body adjustment. However, sending a ArmCartesianCommand request with root_frame_name set to "body" or sending an ArmJointMoveCommand request is incompatible, and the body will reset to default height and orientation. |
body_pose | BodyControlParams.BodyPose | An absolute desired position and orientation of the robot body origin. Command may be saturated to achievable or safe postures on receipt. Note: This parameter only has effect when coupled with a StandCommand. For other commands, the robot will fall back to defaults. |
rotation_setting | BodyControlParams.RotationSetting | The rotation setting for the robot body. Ignored if body_assist_for_manipulation or body_pose are enabled. |
Instead of directly specify the base offset trajectory, these options allow the robot to calculate offsets based on the hand’s location. If the robot does not have a SpotArm attached, sending this request will have no effect.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enable_body_yaw_assist | bool | Enable the use of body yaw to assist with manipulation. | |
enable_hip_height_assist | bool | Enable use of hip height (e.g. body height/pitch) to assist with manipulation. |
An SE3 based desired body pose trajectory with a specified base frame.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
root_frame_name | string | The root frame for the desired pose, e.g. "vision" or "odom" | |
base_offset_rt_root | bosdyn.api.SE3Trajectory | The SE3 pose trajectory |
External Force on robot body parameters. This is a beta feature and still can have some odd behaviors. By default, the external force estimator is disabled on the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
external_force_indicator | BodyExternalForceParams.ExternalForceIndicator | The type of external force described by the parameters. | |
frame_name | string | The frame name for which the external_force_override is defined in. The frame must be known to the robot. |
external_force_override | bosdyn.api.Vec3 | Specifies a force that the body should expect to feel. This allows the robot to "lean into" an external force. Be careful using this override, since incorrect information can cause the robot to fall over. For example, if the robot is leaning against a wall in front of it, the force override would be in the negative x dimension. If the robot was pulling something directly behind it, the force override would be in the negative x dimension as well. |
Params common across spot movement and mobility.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
vel_limit | bosdyn.api.SE2VelocityLimit | Max allowable velocity at any point in trajectory. | |
body_control | BodyControlParams | Parameters for controlling Spot's body during motion. | |
locomotion_hint | LocomotionHint | Desired gait during locomotion | |
stair_hint | bool | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.2.0: The boolean field has been replaced by the field stairs_mode. The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
stairs_mode | MobilityParams.StairsMode | The selected option for stairs mode. If unset, will use the deprecated stair_hint instead. If falling back on stair_hint, false will map to STAIRS_MODE_OFF. This will be changed to STAIRS_MODE_AUTO in a future release. |
allow_degraded_perception | bool | Allow the robot to move with degraded perception when there are perception faults. | |
obstacle_params | ObstacleParams | Control of obstacle avoidance. | |
swing_height | SwingHeight | Swing height setting | |
terrain_params | TerrainParams | Ground terrain parameters. | |
disallow_stair_tracker | bool | Prevent the robot from using StairTracker even if in stairs mode. | |
disable_stair_error_auto_descent | bool | Prevent the robot from automatically walking off a staircase in the case of an error (ex: e-stop settle_then_cut, critical battery level) |
external_force_params | BodyExternalForceParams | Robot Body External Force parameters | |
disallow_non_stairs_pitch_limiting | bool | Prevent the robot from pitching to get a better look at rearward terrain except in stairs mode. |
disable_nearmap_cliff_avoidance | bool | Disable the secondary nearmap-based cliff avoidance that runs while on stairs. | |
disable_missing_data_cliffs | bool | When true, allows the robot to traverse large areas with no stereo data. When false, these regions of missing data are assumed to be cliffs which the robot avoids. |
hazard_detection_mode | MobilityParams.HazardDetectionMode | The selected option for hazard detection. |
Parameters for obstacle avoidance types.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
disable_vision_foot_obstacle_avoidance | bool | Use vision to make the feet avoid obstacles by swinging higher? | |
disable_vision_foot_constraint_avoidance | bool | Use vision to make the feet avoid constraints like edges of stairs? | |
disable_vision_body_obstacle_avoidance | bool | Use vision to make the body avoid obstacles? | |
obstacle_avoidance_padding | double | Desired padding around the body to use when attempting to avoid obstacles. Described in meters. Must be >= 0. |
disable_vision_foot_obstacle_body_assist | bool | Prevent the robot body from raising above nominal height to avoid lower-leg collisions with the terrain. |
disable_vision_negative_obstacles | bool | Use vision to make the robot avoid stepping into negative obstacles? |
Ground contact parameters that describe the terrain.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ground_mu_hint | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Terrain coefficient of friction user hint. This value must be positive and will be clamped if necessary on the robot side. Best suggested values lie in the range between 0.4 and 0.8 (which is the robot's default.) |
enable_grated_floor | bool | Deprecated. Deprecation Warning *** DEPRECATED as of 3.0.0: The boolean field has been replaced by the field grated_surfaces_mode The following field will be deprecated and moved to 'reserved' in a future release. |
grated_surfaces_mode | TerrainParams.GratedSurfacesMode | The selected option for grated surfaces mode |
Setting for how the robot interprets base offset pitch & roll components. In the default case (ROTATION_SETTING_OFFSET) the robot will naturally align the body to the pitch of the current terrain. In some circumstances, the user may wish to override this value and try to maintain alignment with respect to gravity. Be careful with this setting as it may likely degrade robot performance in complex terrain, e.g. stairs, platforms, or slopes of sufficiently high grade.
Name | Number | Description |
ROTATION_SETTING_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
ROTATION_SETTING_OFFSET | 1 | Pitch & Roll are offset with respect to orientation of the footprint. |
ROTATION_SETTING_ABSOLUTE | 2 | Pitch & Roll are offset with respect to gravity. |
Indicates what external force estimate/override the robot should use. By default, the external force estimator is disabled on the robot.
Name | Number | Description |
EXTERNAL_FORCE_NONE | 0 | No external forces considered. |
EXTERNAL_FORCE_USE_ESTIMATE | 1 | Use external forces estimated by the robot |
EXTERNAL_FORCE_USE_OVERRIDE | 2 | Use external forces specified in an override vector. |
The locomotion hint specifying the gait of the robot.
Name | Number | Description |
HINT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
HINT_AUTO | 1 | No hint, robot chooses an appropriate gait (typically trot.) |
HINT_TROT | 2 | Most robust gait which moves diagonal legs together. |
HINT_SPEED_SELECT_TROT | 3 | Trot which comes to a stand when not commanded to move. |
HINT_CRAWL | 4 | Slow and steady gait which moves only one foot at a time. |
HINT_SPEED_SELECT_CRAWL | 10 | Crawl which comes to a stand when not commanded to move. |
HINT_AMBLE | 5 | Four beat gait where one foot touches down at a time. |
HINT_SPEED_SELECT_AMBLE | 6 | Amble which comes to a stand when not commanded to move. |
HINT_JOG | 7 | Demo gait which moves diagonal leg pairs together with an aerial phase. |
HINT_HOP | 8 | Demo gait which hops while holding some feet in the air. |
HINT_AUTO_TROT | 3 | HINT_AUTO_TROT is deprecated due to the name being too similar to the Spot Autowalk feature. It has been replaced by HINT_SPEED_SELECT_TROT. Keeping this value in here for now for backwards compatibility, but this may be removed in future releases. |
HINT_AUTO_AMBLE | 6 | HINT_AUTO_AMBLE is deprecated due to the name being too similar to the Spot Autowalk feature. It has been replaced by HINT_SPEED_SELECT_AMBLE. Keeping this value in here for now for backwards compatibility, but this may be removed in future releases. |
Semantic hazard detection can detect and classify objects or regions in the world as obstacles or areas to avoid that would not normally be classified as such. Obstacle avoidance still needs to be on for the robot to avoid these additional hazards. A CORE I/O is necessary for semantic hazard detection. Using HAZARD_DETECTION_MODE_COST will prevent detected hazards from becoming blocking obstacles, and instead add areas to try and avoid when navigating autonomously.
Name | Number | Description |
Stairs are only supported in trot gaits. Enabling stairs mode will override some user defaults in order to optimize stair behavior.
Name | Number | Description |
STAIRS_MODE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
STAIRS_MODE_AUTO | 3 | Robot will automatically turn mode on or off. |
STAIRS_MODE_PROHIBITED | 4 | Stairs will be detected and avoided. |
The type of swing height for a step.
Name | Number | Description |
SWING_HEIGHT_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
SWING_HEIGHT_LOW | 1 | Low-stepping. Robot will try to only swing legs a few cm away from ground. |
SWING_HEIGHT_MEDIUM | 2 | Default for most cases, use other values with caution. |
SWING_HEIGHT_HIGH | 3 | High-stepping. Possibly useful with degraded vision operation. |
SWING_HEIGHT_AUTO | 4 | Swing height is automatically adjusted depending on the current state |
Options for Grated Surfaces Mode. When Grated Surfaces Mode is on, the robot assumes the ground below it is made of grated metal or other repeated pattern. When on, the robot will make assumptions about the environment structure and more aggressively filter noise in perception data.
Name | Number | Description |
GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid; do not use. |
GRATED_SURFACES_MODE_AUTO | 3 | Robot will automatically turn mode on or off |
Request for the CameraCalibrationCommand service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. Lease is required for all cal commands. | |
command | CameraCalibrationCommandRequest.Command | Command to start/stop the calibration. |
Response for the CameraCalibrationCommand service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. |
Request for the CameraCalibrationFeedback service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response for the CameraCalibrationFeedback service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | CameraCalibrationFeedbackResponse.Status | Status of camera calibration procedure. | |
progress | float | The approximate progress of the calibration routine, range [0-1]. Status takes precedence over progress value. |
Results from camera check.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | DepthPlaneSpotCheckResult.Status | Return status for the request. | |
severity_score | float | Higher is worse. Above 100 means the camera is severely out of calibration. |
Results from foot height checks.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | FootHeightCheckResult.Status | Return status for the request. | |
foot_height_error_from_mean | float | The difference between foot height and mean feet height (m). |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | HipRangeOfMotionResult.Error | ||
hx | float | repeated | The measured angles (radians) of the HX and HY joints where the obstruction was detected |
hy | float | repeated |
Kinematic calibration results
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | JointKinematicCheckResult.Error | A flag to indicate if results has an error. | |
offset | float | The current offset [rad] | |
old_offset | float | The previous offset [rad] | |
health_score | float | Joint calibration health score. range [0-1] 0 indicates an unhealthy kinematic joint calibration 1 indicates a perfect kinematic joint calibration Typically, values greater than 0.8 should be expected. |
Results from leg pair checks..
Field | Type | Label | Description |
status | LegPairCheckResult.Status | Return status for the request. | |
leg_pair_distance_change | float | The change in estimated distance between two feet from tall to short stand (m) |
Results from load cell check.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | LoadCellSpotCheckResult.Error | A flag to indicate if results has an error. | |
zero | float | The current loadcell zero as fraction of full range [0-1] | |
old_zero | float | The previous loadcell zero as fraction of full range [0-1] |
Results of payload check.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
error | PayloadCheckResult.Error | A flag to indicate if configuration has an error. | |
extra_payload | float | Indicates how much extra payload (in kg) we think the robot has Positive indicates robot has more payload than it is configured. Negative indicates robot has less payload than it is configured. |
Request for the SpotCheckCommand service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
lease | bosdyn.api.Lease | The Lease to show ownership of the robot. Lease required to issue any SpotCheck command. | |
command | SpotCheckCommandRequest.Command | The command describing what the spot check service should do. |
Response for the SpotCheckCommand service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
lease_use_result | bosdyn.api.LeaseUseResult | Details about how the lease was used. | |
status | SpotCheckCommandResponse.Status | Command status | |
message | string | Human-readable description if an error occurred. |
Request for the SpotCheckFeedback service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response for the SpotCheckFeedback service.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
state | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.State | The state of the spot check routine. | |
last_command | SpotCheckCommandRequest.Command | The last command executed by Spotcheck. When SpotCheck is in state WAITING_FOR_COMMAND, the last command has completed. |
error | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.Error | The specifics of the error for the SpotCheck service. | |
camera_results | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.CameraResultsEntry | repeated | Results from camera check. The key string is the location of the camera (e.g. frontright, frontleft, left, ...) |
load_cell_results | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.LoadCellResultsEntry | repeated | Results from load cell calibration. The key string is the location of the joint (e.g. fl.hxa, fl.hya, fl.kna, ...) |
kinematic_cal_results | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.KinematicCalResultsEntry | repeated | Results from output position sensor calibration. The key string is the location of the joint (e.g. fl.hx, fl.hy,, ...) |
payload_result | PayloadCheckResult | Result from the payload check | |
hip_range_of_motion_results | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse.HipRangeOfMotionResultsEntry | repeated | Results of the hip range of motion check The key string is the name of the leg (e.g. fl, fr, hl, ...) |
progress | float | The approximate progress of the spot check routine, range [0-1]. | |
last_cal_timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp for the most up-to-date calibration |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | DepthPlaneSpotCheckResult |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | HipRangeOfMotionResult |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | JointKinematicCheckResult |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | string | ||
value | LoadCellSpotCheckResult |
Name | Number | Description |
COMMAND_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
COMMAND_START | 1 | Start calibration routine. |
COMMAND_CANCEL | 2 | Cancel calibration routine. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
STATUS_PROCESSING | 1 | The robot is actively running calibration routine. |
STATUS_SUCCESS | 2 | The robot successfully ran calibration routine and is ready to use again. |
STATUS_USER_CANCELED | 3 | API client canceled calibration. |
STATUS_POWER_ERROR | 4 | The robot is not powered on. |
STATUS_LEASE_ERROR | 5 | Ownership error during calibration. |
STATUS_ROBOT_COMMAND_ERROR | 7 | Robot encountered an error while trying to move around the calibration target. Robot possibly encountered a fault. Check robot state for more details |
STATUS_CALIBRATION_ERROR | 8 | Calibration procedure produced an invalid result. This may occur in poor lighting conditions or if calibration target moved during calibration procedure. |
STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR | 9 | Something extraordinary happened. Try power cycling robot or contact BD. |
STATUS_CAMERA_FOCUS_ERROR | 14 | Camera focus issue detected. This is a hardware issue. |
STATUS_TARGET_NOT_CENTERED | 6 | Target partially, but not fully, in view when starting calibration. |
STATUS_TARGET_NOT_IN_VIEW | 11 | Target not visible when starting calibration. |
STATUS_TARGET_NOT_GRAVITY_ALIGNED | 12 | Target not aligned with gravity when starting calibration. |
STATUS_TARGET_UPSIDE_DOWN | 13 | Target upside down when starting calibration. |
STATUS_NEVER_RUN | 10 | Calibration routine has never been run. No feedback to give. |
STATUS_CAMERA_NOT_DETECTED | 15 | One of the cameras is not detected on the USB bus. |
STATUS_INTRINSIC_WRITE_FAILED | 16 | Failed to write intrinsic calibration. |
STATUS_EXTRINSIC_WRITE_FAILED | 17 | Failed to write extrinsic calibration. |
STATUS_CALIBRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED | 18 | Spotcheck failed after the camera calibration. |
Errors reflect an issue with camera hardware.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | No detected calibration error. |
STATUS_WARNING | 2 | Possible calibration error detected. |
STATUS_ERROR | 3 | Error with robot calibration. |
Errors reflect an issue with robot calibration.
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | No detected calibration error. |
STATUS_WARNING | 2 | Possible calibration error detected. |
STATUS_ERROR | 3 | Error with robot calibration. |
Errors reflect an issue with hip range of motion
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | |
Errors reflect an issue with robot hardware.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | No hardware error detected. |
ERROR_CLUTCH_SLIP | 2 | Error detected in clutch performance. |
ERROR_INVALID_RANGE_OF_MOTION | 3 | Error if a joint has an incorrect range of motion. |
ERROR_ENCODER_SHIFTED | 4 | Error if the measured endstops shifted from kin cal. |
ERROR_COLLISION | 5 | Error if checking the joint would have a collision. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | No detected calibration error. |
STATUS_WARNING | 2 | Possible calibration error detected. |
STATUS_ERROR | 3 | Error with robot calibration. |
Errors reflect an issue with robot hardware.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | No hardware error detected. |
ERROR_ZERO_OUT_OF_RANGE | 2 | Load cell calibration failure. |
Errors reflect an issue with payload configuration.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | No error found in the payloads. |
ERROR_MASS_DISCREPANCY | 2 | There is a mass discrepancy between the registered payload and what is estimated. |
Name | Number | Description |
COMMAND_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
COMMAND_START | 1 | Start spot check joint calibration and camera checks. |
COMMAND_ABORT | 2 | Abort spot check joint calibration and camera check. |
COMMAND_REVERT_CAL | 3 | Revert joint calibration back to the previous values. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Request was accepted. |
STATUS_ERROR | 2 | An error occurred. |
If SpotCheck experienced an error, specific error details reported here. This reflects an error in the routine.
Name | Number | Description |
ERROR_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
ERROR_NONE | 1 | No error has occurred. |
ERROR_UNEXPECTED_POWER_CHANGE | 2 | Unexpected motor power state transition. |
ERROR_INIT_IMU_CHECK | 3 | Robot body is not flat on the ground. |
ERROR_INIT_NOT_SITTING | 4 | Robot body is not close to a sitting pose |
ERROR_LOADCELL_TIMEOUT | 5 | Timeout during loadcell calibration. |
ERROR_POWER_ON_FAILURE | 6 | Error enabling motor power. |
ERROR_ENDSTOP_TIMEOUT | 7 | Timeout during endstop calibration. |
ERROR_FAILED_STAND | 8 | Robot failed to stand. |
ERROR_CAMERA_TIMEOUT | 9 | Timeout during camera check. |
ERROR_GROUND_CHECK | 10 | Flat ground check failed. |
ERROR_POWER_OFF_FAILURE | 11 | Robot failed to power off. |
ERROR_REVERT_FAILURE | 12 | Robot failed to revert calibration. |
ERROR_FGKC_FAILURE | 13 | Robot failed to do flat ground kinematic calibration. |
ERROR_GRIPPER_CAL_TIMEOUT | 14 | Timeout during gripper calibration. |
ERROR_ARM_CHECK_COLLISION | 15 | Arm motion would cause collisions (eg. w/ a payload). |
ERROR_ARM_CHECK_TIMEOUT | 16 | Timeout during arm joint check. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATE_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unused enum. |
STATE_USER_ABORTED | 1 | SpotCheck is aborted by the user. |
STATE_STARTING | 2 | SpotCheck is initializing. |
STATE_LOADCELL_CAL | 3 | Load cell calibration underway. |
STATE_ENDSTOP_CAL | 4 | Endstop calibration underway. |
STATE_CAMERA_CHECK | 5 | Camera check underway. |
STATE_BODY_POSING | 6 | Body pose routine underway. |
STATE_FINISHED | 7 | Spot check successfully finished. |
STATE_REVERTING_CAL | 8 | Reverting calibration to previous values. |
STATE_ERROR | 9 | Error occurred while running spotcheck. Inspect error for more info. |
STATE_WAITING_FOR_COMMAND | 10 | Waiting for user command. |
STATE_HIP_RANGE_OF_MOTION_CHECK | 11 | Hip range of motion check underway. |
STATE_GRIPPER_CAL | 12 | Gripper calibration underway. |
STATE_SIT_DOWN_AFTER_RUN | 13 | Sitting down after run. |
STATE_ARM_JOINT_CHECK | 14 | Arm joint endstops and cross error check underway. |
RPCs for monitoring robot health and recalibration various sensors. These procedures should be run periodically in order to keep the system running in the best possible condition.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SpotCheckCommand | SpotCheckCommandRequest | SpotCheckCommandResponse | Send a command to the SpotCheck service. The spotcheck service is responsible to both recalibrating actuation sensors and checking camera health. |
SpotCheckFeedback | SpotCheckFeedbackRequest | SpotCheckFeedbackResponse | Check the status of the spot check procedure. After procedure completes, this reports back results for specific joints and cameras. |
CameraCalibrationCommand | CameraCalibrationCommandRequest | CameraCalibrationCommandResponse | Send a camera calibration command to the robot. Used to start or abort a calibration routine. |
CameraCalibrationFeedback | CameraCalibrationFeedbackRequest | CameraCalibrationFeedbackResponse | Check the status of the camera calibration procedure. |
Joint indexing
Name | Number | Description |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_SH0 | 12 | |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_SH1 | 13 | |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_EL0 | 14 | |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_EL1 | 15 | |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_WR0 | 16 | |
JOINT_INDEX_A0_WR1 | 17 | |
Name | Number | Description |
HX | 0 | |
HY | 1 | |
KN | 2 |
Leg indexing
Name | Number | Description |
LEG_INDEX_FL | 0 | |
LEG_INDEX_FR | 1 | |
LEG_INDEX_HL | 2 | |
Request the current state of LEDs on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Describes the current brightnesses of all LEDs.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
brightnesses | float | repeated | Brightness [0, 1] of the LED located at indices [0, 3]. |
Set individual LED brightnesses.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
brightnesses | SetLEDBrightnessRequest.BrightnessesEntry | repeated | Brightness [0, 1] to assign to the LED located at indices [0, 3]. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
key | int32 | ||
value | float |
Response with any errors setting LED brightnesses.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Remove a loaded sound from the library of loaded sounds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
sound | Sound | The sound identifier as uploaded by LoadSoundRequest or listed in ListSoundsResponse. |
Result of deleting a sound from the library.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Request to get the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Result of getting the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
channel | AudioCaptureChannel |
Request to get the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
channel | AudioCaptureChannel |
Result of getting the audio capture gain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
gain | double | Gain for microphone, range from 0.0 to 1.0 |
Query the current volume level of the system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the current volume level of the system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
volume | float | volume, as a percentage of maximum. |
Request for all sounds present on the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
List of all sounds present on the robot.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
sounds | Sound | repeated | All sounds currently loaded. |
Load a new sound onto the robot for future playback.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
sound | Sound | Identifier for the sound. If the same identifier is used as a previously loaded sound, that sound will be overwritten with the new data. |
data | bosdyn.api.DataChunk | WAV bytes to be joined. |
Result of uploading a sound.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Begin playing a loaded sound from the robot’s speakers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
sound | Sound | The sound identifier as uploaded by LoadSoundRequest or listed in ListSoundsResponse. | |
gain | google.protobuf.FloatValue | If the gain field is populated, then volume of the sound is multiplied by this value. Does not modify the system volume level. |
Result of staring playback of a sound.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Request to set the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
channel | AudioCaptureChannel |
Result of setting the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Request to set the audio capture channel
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
channel | AudioCaptureChannel | ||
gain | double | Gain for microphone, range from 0.0 to 1.0 |
Result of setting the audio capture gain
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Set the desired volume level of the system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
volume | float | volume, as a percentage of maximum. |
Result of changing the system volume level.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Identifier for a playable sound.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | internally, sounds are stored in a flat table. This name is the identifier of a sound effect |
Audio capture channel
Name | Number | Description |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Identifier for the camera. | |
resolution | bosdyn.api.Vec2 | Resolution of the sensor, where x = width and y = height. | |
base_frame_name | string | The frame name for the parent frame of this camera. This frame will show up in the FrameTreeSnapshot grabbed from the payload registration service. |
base_tfrom_sensor | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Deprecated. 'base_tfrom_sensor' defines the transform from the specific camera to the named base from. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.1 in favor of 'base_tform_sensor' which follows the intended naming convention and FrameTree directionality convention of the Spot system as defined in geometry.proto. |
base_tform_sensor | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The transform from the named base frame to this specific camera | |
pinhole | Camera.PinholeIntrinsics | Physical cameras | |
spherical | Camera.SphericalLimits | Only synthetic spherical panoramas |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
focal_length | bosdyn.api.Vec2 | Focal_length in pixels | |
center_point | bosdyn.api.Vec2 | Center point in pixels | |
k1 | float | The following 4 parameters are radial distortion coefficients to 4 orders. See: If all 4 of these values are 0, do not apply any correction. |
k2 | float | ||
k3 | float | ||
k4 | float |
Spherical limits are the minimum and maximum angle of the image. IE the upper left pixel is at min_angle.x, min_angle.y and the lower right pixel is at max_angle.x, max_angle.y for a full-FOV image this will be (-180, 90) and (180, -90)
Field | Type | Label | Description |
min_angle | bosdyn.api.Vec2 | ||
max_angle | bosdyn.api.Vec2 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
map | IrColorMap |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
overlay | IrMeterOverlay |
Request the current screen in use.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Specify which screen is currently being displayed in the video stream.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
name | string | Identifier of the current screen. |
Request information about the current cameras in the video stream.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Description of the parameters and locations of each camera in the current video stream.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
streams | GetVisibleCamerasResponse.Stream | repeated | List of all camera streams visible in the current video stream. |
The location and camera parameters for a single camera.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
window | GetVisibleCamerasResponse.Stream.Window | The location of this camera stream within the larger stream. | |
camera | Camera | The name field in this camera member is of the form 'c:w', where c is the name of the camera and w is the name of the window that's projecting it. |
The location of a sub-image within a larger image.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
xoffset | int32 | ||
yoffset | int32 | ||
width | int32 | The image should be cropped out of the stream at this resolution, and then scaled to the resolution described in the 'camera' member, below. once that scaling takes place, the intrinsics will be valid. |
height | int32 |
the colormap is a mapping of radiometric data to color, to make the images easier for people to look at in real time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
colormap | IrColorMap.ColorMap | ||
scale | IrColorMap.ScalingPair | ||
auto_scale | google.protobuf.BoolValue | if auto_scale is true, then the min and max values are derived from the data itself, and the settings above are ignored |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
min | double | the minimum value to do color mapping, in degrees Celsius | |
max | double | the maximum value to do color mapping, in degrees Celsius |
the ir meter overlay allows for pixel-accurate measurements to be taken and displayed to the user
Field | Type | Label | Description |
enable | bool | If enable isn't true, don't overlay any IR meter | |
coords | IrMeterOverlay.NormalizedCoordinates | Deprecated. DEPRECATED as of 3.3.0. | |
meter | IrMeterOverlay.NormalizedCoordinates | repeated | |
unit | IrMeterOverlay.TempUnit | ||
delta | IrMeterOverlay.DeltaPair | repeated |
each delta pair should be a pair of indices in the above ‘meter’ list that need to have deltas generated
Field | Type | Label | Description |
a | int32 | ||
b | int32 |
these coordinates, normalized from 0-1, are within the ir camera ‘window’ note: if the coordinates lie within an ‘invalid’ region of the window, then the meter will be disabled.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
x | double | ||
y | double |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
value | IrMeterOverlay.TempUnit.TempUnitType |
Request the different screen layouts available.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response with all screen layouts available.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
screens | ScreenDescription | repeated | List of all screen layouts that can be selected. |
A “Screen” represents a particular layout of camera images used by the video stream.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Unique identifier for a screen. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
map | IrColorMap |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
overlay | IrMeterOverlay |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Switch the camera layout in the video stream to the one specified.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
name | string | Identifier as specified in ListScreensResponse. |
Result of setting the camera layout.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
name | string | Identifier of the screen used. |
Name | Number | Description |
COLORMAP_GREYSCALE | 1 | the greyscale colormap maps the minimum value (defined below) to black and the maximum value (defined below) to white |
COLORMAP_JET | 2 | the jet colormap uses blues for values closer to the minimum, and red values for values closer to the maximum. |
COLORMAP_INFERNO | 3 | the inferno colormap maps the minimum value to black and the maximum value to light yellow RGB(252, 252, 164). It is also easier to view by those with color blindness |
COLORMAP_TURBO | 4 | the turbo colormap uses blues for values closer to the minimum, red values for values closer to the maximum, and addresses some short comings of the jet color map such as false detail, banding and color blindness |
Name | Number | Description |
Clear Built-in Test events.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Response to clearing built-in test events.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Request the status of all built-in tests.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Data on the current status of built-in tests.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
events | bosdyn.api.SystemFault | repeated | Fault events that have been reported. |
degradations | GetBITStatusResponse.Degradation | repeated | List of system states that may effect performance. |
Degradations are not necessarily faults; a unit with no installed mechanical PTZ will behave differently, but nothing’s actually wrong.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | GetBITStatusResponse.Degradation.DegradationType | System affected. | |
description | string | Description of the kind of degradation being experienced. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
data | bosdyn.api.DataChunk |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
temps | Temperature | repeated | List of all temperatures measured. |
The temperature of a particular component.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
channel_name | string | Identifier of the hardware measured. | |
temperature | int64 | Temperature is expressed in millidegrees C. |
Systems that can experience performance degradations.
Name | Number | Description |
STORAGE | 0 | |
PTZ | 1 | |
LED | 2 |
Change debug logging settings on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
enable_temperature | bool | Set true to enable logging of temperature data; | |
enable_humidity | bool | Set true to enable logging of humidity data; | |
enable_BIT | bool | Set true to enable logging of BIT events; BIT events are always recorded to volatile memory and can be viewed (and cleared) with the Health service, but this enables writing them to disk. |
enable_shock | bool | Set true to enable logging of Shock data; this is on by default. |
enable_system_stat | bool | Set to true to enable logging of system load stats cpu, gpu, memory, and network utilization Nowow a BIT, set true to enable logging of led driver status. bool enable_led_stat = 7; |
Response with any errors for debug setting changes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Delete a log point from the store.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point | Logpoint | Log point to delete. Only the name is used. |
Response to a deletion with any errors that occurred.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Request for status about the current stage of data acquisition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point | Logpoint | Log point to query. Only the name is used. |
Provide an update on the stage of data acquisition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
point | Logpoint | The logpoint returned here can be used to add a tag to the Logpoint later |
Request the available cameras.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provide the list of available cameras.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
cameras | Camera | repeated | List of all cameras which can be used in a StoreRequest. |
List all available log points, whether they have completed or not.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provide all log points in the system.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
logpoints | Logpoint | repeated | List of all the individual log points concatenated into a list. This stream may take a long time to complete if there are a lot of stored images. |
A representation of a stored data acquisition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Unique identifier for a data acquisition event. | |
type | Logpoint.RecordType | Type of data held in this log point. | |
status | Logpoint.LogStatus | Current stage of acquisition. | |
queue_status | Logpoint.QueueStatus | Only filled out when status == QUEUED | |
tag | string | An arbitrary string to be stored with the log data. | |
timestamp | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time of acquisition. | |
image_params | Logpoint.ImageParams | Image format of the stored data. | |
calibration | Logpoint.Calibration | repeated | Camera data for all sub-images contained within the image data. |
Data describing the camera intrinsics and extrinsics for a window of the image.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
xoffset | int32 | ||
yoffset | int32 | ||
width | int32 | ||
height | int32 | ||
base_frame_name | string | ||
base_tfrom_sensor | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | Deprecated. 'base_tfrom_sensor' defines the transform from the specific camera to the named base from. DEPRECATED as of 3.0.1 in favor of 'base_tform_sensor' which follows the intended naming convention and FrameTree directionality convention of the Spot system as defined in geometry.proto. |
base_tform_sensor | bosdyn.api.SE3Pose | The transform from the named base frame to this specific camera | |
intrinsics | Camera.PinholeIntrinsics |
Description of image format.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
width | int32 | ||
height | int32 | ||
format | bosdyn.api.Image.PixelFormat |
Retrieve the binary data associated with a log point, with no processing applied. Storing a panorama will retrieve tiled individual images. For IR, the temperature at each pixel is 0.1 * the int value in Kelvin.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point | Logpoint | Log point to retrieve. Only the name is used. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
logpoint | Logpoint | Log point retrieved. | |
data | bosdyn.api.DataChunk | Data chunk bytes field should be concatenated together to recover the binary data. |
Retrieve the binary data associated with a log point.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point | Logpoint | Log point to retrieve. Only the name is used. |
Provide the data stored at a log point. Store() dictates what processing happens in this response. c0 -> c4 will return the raw (rgb24) fisheye image of the camera at that index. Storing a panorama will process the data into a stitched image.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
logpoint | Logpoint | Log point retrieved. | |
data | bosdyn.api.DataChunk | Data chunk bytes field should be concatenated together to recover the binary data. |
Set encryption for the disk.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
passphrase | string | After setting the passphrase, please reboot the system to remount the encrypted filesystem layer. |
Response from setting the disk encryption. After setting the passphrase, please reboot the system to remount the encrypted filesystem layer.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Trigger a data acquisition.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
camera | Camera | Which camera to capture. | |
type | Logpoint.RecordType | Type of data capture to perform. | |
tag | string | Metadata to associate with the store. |
Result of data acquisition trigger.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
point | Logpoint | The log point returned here can be used to add a tag to the Logpoint later It will very likely be in th 'QUEUED' state. |
Add tag metadata to an existing log point.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
point | Logpoint | Logpoint to add metadata to. Name and tag are used. |
Result of adding tag metadata to a log point.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Possible stages of data acquisition.
Name | Number | Description |
FAILED | 0 | |
QUEUED | 1 | the logpoint has been queued to be downloaded from the renderer |
COMPLETE | 2 | the logpoint is written to the disk |
UNKNOWN | -1 |
Name | Number | Description |
QUEUED_RENDER | 1 | The logpoint has been queued to be downloaded from the renderer |
QUEUED_DISK | 2 | The logpoint is in general ram, and will be written to the disk when |
Possible types of media that can be stored.
Name | Number | Description |
Request the servers used for ICE resolution.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the ICE resolution servers.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
servers | ICEServer | repeated | List of servers used for ICE resolution. |
Retrieve current network configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the current network configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
settings | NetworkTuple | Current network configuration. |
Request the SSL certificate currently in use.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the SSL certificate currently in use.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
certificate | string | An ASCII-armored representation of the SSL certificate |
Servers used in the ICE resolution process.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | ICEServer.servertype | STUN or TURN server. | |
address | string | Network address of the server. | |
port | uint32 | Only the least significant 16 bits are used. | |
transport | ICEServer.icetransport | ||
auth | ICEServer.auth_params | auth is optional, and is only used for TURN |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
username | google.protobuf.StringValue | username is optional, and is only used for authenticated TURN servers | |
oauth | ICEServer.auth_params.oauth_pair | ||
password | google.protobuf.StringValue |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
MACKey | string | ||
AccessToken | string |
Network configuration data.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | google.protobuf.UInt32Value | a big-endian representation of an IPv4 address | |
netmask | google.protobuf.UInt32Value | The mask used for defining the system's subnet | |
gateway | google.protobuf.UInt32Value | A global routing is set up for the address defined below (if present) | |
mtu | google.protobuf.UInt32Value | If MTU is present, and <16 bits wide, then it is set for the ethernet interface's MTU if not, the MTU is set to 1500 |
Modify the ICE configuration. Note: this configuration replaces any configuration currently present. It is not appended. This may also cause existing connections to close.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
servers | ICEServer | repeated | List of servers used for ICE resolution. |
Result of modifying the ICE configuration.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Name | Number | Description |
Possible types of servers
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
STUN | 1 | |
TURN | 2 |
Turn components off and then back on without needing two separate requests.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
status | PowerStatus | status indicates the devices for which cycle-power is requested 'true' for cycle-power, else no effect power cycle will not be performed on a given device if its state is power-off prior to this call |
Result of power cycling components.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PowerStatus | status indicates the power status of the controllable devices after a successful power cycle 'true' for power-on, 'false' for power-off |
Request component power status.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the power status of all components.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PowerStatus | status indicates the power status of the controllable devices 'true' for power-on, 'false' for power-off |
Power on or off of components of the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ptz | google.protobuf.BoolValue | these switches are 'true' for power-on, 'false' for power-off | |
aux1 | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
aux2 | google.protobuf.BoolValue | ||
external_mic | google.protobuf.BoolValue |
Turn components on or off.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
status | PowerStatus | status indicates the requested power status of the controllable devices 'true' for power-on, 'false' for power-off |
Result of turning components on or off.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
status | PowerStatus | status indicates the requested changes upon success 'true' for power-on, 'false' for power-off |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | ||
focus_state | PtzFocusState |
Request the current position of a ptz.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
ptz | PtzDescription | Only the name is used. |
Provides the current measured position.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
position | PtzPosition | Current position of the mechanism. |
Request the velocity of a ptz
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
ptz | PtzDescription | Only the name is used. |
Provides the current measured velocity.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
velocity | PtzVelocity | Current velocity of the mechanism. |
Command to reset PTZ autofocus
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common response header. |
Result of a InitializeLensRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. |
Request all available ptzs on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provide all available ptz on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
ptzs | PtzDescription | repeated | List of ptzs, real and virtual. |
PtzDescription provides information about a given PTZ. The name is usually all that’s required to describe a PTZ, but ListPtzResponse will include more information.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Identifier of a particular controllable PTZ mechanism (real or virtual). | |
pan_limit | PtzDescription.Limits | If a limit is not set, all positions are valid Limits in degrees. |
tilt_limit | PtzDescription.Limits | Limits in degrees. | |
zoom_limit | PtzDescription.Limits | Limits in zoom level. |
Limits for a single axis.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
min | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Units depend on the axis being controlled. | |
max | google.protobuf.FloatValue | Units depend on the axis being controlled. |
focus commands only affect the mech EO camera
Field | Type | Label | Description |
mode | PtzFocusState.PtzFocusMode | ||
focus_position | google.protobuf.Int32Value | focus_position only settable in PTZ_FOCUS_MANUAL mode this represents a precise lens position for the camera for repeatable operations |
approx_distance | google.protobuf.FloatValue | approx_distance only settable in PTZ_FOCUS_MANUAL mode approx_distance is most accurate between 1.2m and 20m approx_distance is ignored on a Set operation if focus_position is included |
Doubles as a description of current state, or a command for a new position.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ptz | PtzDescription | The "mech" ptz can pan [0, 360] degrees, tilt approximately [-30, 100] degrees where 0 is the horizon, IR and PTZ models differ and zoom between 1x and 30x. |
pan | google.protobuf.FloatValue | degrees | |
tilt | google.protobuf.FloatValue | degrees | |
zoom | google.protobuf.FloatValue | zoom level |
Doubles as a description of current state, or a command for a new velocity.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ptz | PtzDescription | The "mech" ptz cannot be used with Velocity. | |
pan | google.protobuf.FloatValue | degrees/second | |
tilt | google.protobuf.FloatValue | degrees/second | |
zoom | google.protobuf.FloatValue | zoom level/second |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
focus_state | PtzFocusState |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Command the ptz to move to a position.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
position | PtzPosition | Desired position to achieve. |
Result of a SetPtzPositionRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
position | PtzPosition | Applied desired position. |
Command a velocity for a ptz.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
velocity | PtzVelocity | Desired velocity to achieve. |
Result of a SetPtzVelocityRequest.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
velocity | PtzVelocity | Applied desired position. |
Name | Number | Description |
Upload and play sounds over the SpotCam’s speakers.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
PlaySound | PlaySoundRequest | PlaySoundResponse | Given a soundRequest that identifies a single sound present in the system's sound effects table, PlaySound executes the sound effect. |
LoadSound | LoadSoundRequest stream | LoadSoundResponse | LoadSound loads a sound effect into the system's sound table. The stream must contain a wav file, with a RIFF header describing it. The argument is a stream, to allow for sounds that are bigger then the MTU of the network; in this case, the complete stream must contain the entire sound. If the stream ends early, an error will be returned. The header and sound fields of the entire stream must be the same. |
DeleteSound | DeleteSoundRequest | DeleteSoundResponse | Delete the sound identified in the argument from the system's sound table. |
ListSounds | ListSoundsRequest | ListSoundsResponse | ListSounds returns a list of all of the sound effects that the system knows about. |
SetVolume | SetVolumeRequest | SetVolumeResponse | Set the overall volume level for playing sounds. |
GetVolume | GetVolumeRequest | GetVolumeResponse | Set the overall volume level for playing sounds. |
SetAudioCaptureChannel | SetAudioCaptureChannelRequest | SetAudioCaptureChannelResponse | |
GetAudioCaptureChannel | GetAudioCaptureChannelRequest | GetAudioCaptureChannelResponse | |
SetAudioCaptureGain | SetAudioCaptureGainRequest | SetAudioCaptureGainResponse | |
GetAudioCaptureGain | GetAudioCaptureGainRequest | GetAudioCaptureGainResponse |
Change the layout of of the video stream between available presets.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetScreen | SetScreenRequest | SetScreenResponse | SetScreen changes the current view that is streamed over the network |
GetScreen | GetScreenRequest | GetScreenResponse | GetScreen returns the currently-selected screen |
ListScreens | ListScreensRequest | ListScreensResponse | ListScreens returns a list of available screens |
GetVisibleCameras | GetVisibleCamerasRequest | GetVisibleCamerasResponse | GetVisibleCameras returns a list of currently visible windows, with any available metadata |
SetIrColormap | SetIrColormapRequest | SetIrColormapResponse | set the mapping between radiometric IR samples to color, for video |
GetIrColormap | GetIrColormapRequest | GetIrColormapResponse | get the mapping between radiometric IR samples to color, for video |
SetIrMeterOverlay | SetIrMeterOverlayRequest | SetIrMeterOverlayResponse | apply settings for the 'ir meter overlay' |
GetIrMeterOverlay | GetIrMeterOverlayRequest | GetIrMeterOverlayResponse | retrieve settings for the 'ir meter overlay' |
Query temperature and built-in test results.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetTemperature | GetTemperatureRequest | GetTemperatureResponse | GetTemperature returns a list of thermometers in the system, and the temperature that they measure. |
GetBITStatus | GetBITStatusRequest | GetBITStatusResponse | GetBitStatus returns two lists; a list of system events, and a list of ways that the system is degraded; for instance, a degradation may include a missing PTZ unit, or a missing USB storage device. |
ClearBITEvents | ClearBITEventsRequest | ClearBITEventsResponse | ClearBitEvents clears out the events list of the BITStatus structure. |
GetSystemLog | GetSystemLogRequest | GetSystemLogResponse stream | GetSystemLog retrieves an encrypted log of system events, for factory diagnosis of possible issues. The data streamed back should be concatenated to a single file, before sending to the manufacturer. |
Change the brightness level of individual LEDs.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetLEDBrightness | SetLEDBrightnessRequest | SetLEDBrightnessResponse | |
GetLEDBrightness | GetLEDBrightnessRequest | GetLEDBrightnessResponse |
Trigger data acquisitions, and retrieve resulting data.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Store | StoreRequest | StoreResponse | Store queues up a Logpoint, which is a bit of media that the user wishes to store to disk (still images are supported for now, more media types will be supported in the future) |
GetStatus | GetStatusRequest | GetStatusResponse | GetStatus reads the 'name' field of the Logpoint contained in GetStatusRequest, and fills in the rest of the fields. Mainly useful for getting the 'state' of the logpoint. |
Tag | TagRequest | TagResponse | Tag updates the 'tag' field of the Logpoint that's passed, which must exist. |
EnableDebug | DebugRequest | DebugResponse | EnableDebug starts the periodic logging of health data to the database; this increases disk utilization, but will record data that is useful post-mortem |
ListCameras | ListCamerasRequest | ListCamerasResponse | ListCameras returns a list of strings that identify valid cameras for logging |
RetrieveRawData | RetrieveRawDataRequest | RetrieveRawDataResponse stream | Retrieve returns all raw data associated with a given logpoint |
Retrieve | RetrieveRequest | RetrieveResponse stream | Retrieve returns all data associated with a given logpoint |
Delete | DeleteRequest | DeleteResponse | Delete removes a Logpoint from the system |
ListLogpoints | ListLogpointsRequest | ListLogpointsResponse stream | ListLogpoints returns a list of all logpoints in the database. Warning: this may be a lot of data. |
SetPassphrase | SetPassphraseRequest | SetPassphraseResponse | SetPassphrase sets the eCryptFS passphrase used by the filesystem. there is no symmetry here, because key material is write-only This rpc is now deprecated as of the switch from EXT4 to NTFS and returns UnimplementedError |
Modify or query network settings of the SpotCam and ICE resolution servers.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetICEConfiguration | SetICEConfigurationRequest | SetICEConfigurationResponse | SetICEConfiguration sets up parameters for ICE, including addresses for STUN and TURN services |
GetICEConfiguration | GetICEConfigurationRequest | GetICEConfigurationResponse | GetICEConfiguration retrieves currently set parameters for ICE, including addresses for STUN and TURN services |
Turn hardware components’ power on or off.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetPowerStatus | SetPowerStatusRequest | SetPowerStatusResponse | Turn components' power on or off. This should not be used to power cycle a component Turning PTZ power off for too long will cause the video stream to fail |
GetPowerStatus | GetPowerStatusRequest | GetPowerStatusResponse | Get current status of a component |
CyclePower | CyclePowerRequest | CyclePowerResponse | Cycle power for a component |
Control real and virtual ptz mechanisms.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetPtzPosition | SetPtzPositionRequest | SetPtzPositionResponse | SetPosition points the referenced camera to a given vector (in PTZ-space) |
GetPtzPosition | GetPtzPositionRequest | GetPtzPositionResponse | GetPosition returns the current settings of the referenced camera |
SetPtzVelocity | SetPtzVelocityRequest | SetPtzVelocityResponse | |
GetPtzVelocity | GetPtzVelocityRequest | GetPtzVelocityResponse | |
ListPtz | ListPtzRequest | ListPtzResponse | |
InitializeLens | InitializeLensRequest | InitializeLensResponse | Reinitializes PTZ autofocus |
SetPtzFocusState | SetPtzFocusStateRequest | SetPtzFocusStateResponse | |
GetPtzFocusState | GetPtzFocusStateRequest | GetPtzFocusStateResponse |
Set quality parameters for the stream, such as compression and image postprocessing settings.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
SetStreamParams | SetStreamParamsRequest | SetStreamParamsResponse | |
GetStreamParams | GetStreamParamsRequest | GetStreamParamsResponse | |
EnableCongestionControl | EnableCongestionControlRequest | EnableCongestionControlResponse |
Query the version of the software release running on the SpotCam.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
GetSoftwareVersion | GetSoftwareVersionRequest | GetSoftwareVersionResponse |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | ||
enable_congestion_control | bool | A boolean 'true' enables receiver congestion control while 'false' disables it |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader |
Request the current video stream parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provides the current video stream parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
params | StreamParams | Current video stream parameters. |
Modify the video stream parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
params | StreamParams | Set only the fields that should be modified. |
Result of setting video stream parameters.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
params | StreamParams | Applied video stream parameters. |
Parameters for how the video stream should be processed and compressed.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
targetbitrate | google.protobuf.Int64Value | The compression level in target BPS | |
refreshinterval | google.protobuf.Int64Value | How often should the entire feed be refreshed? (in frames) Note: the feed is refreshed on a macroblock level; there are no full I-frames |
idrinterval | google.protobuf.Int64Value | How often should an IDR message get sent? (in frames) | |
awb | StreamParams.AwbMode | Optional setting of automatic white balancing mode. | |
auto_exposure | StreamParams.AutoExposure | the AutoExposure option runs exposure independently on each of the ring cameras | |
sync_exposure | StreamParams.SyncAutoExposure | the SyncAutoExposure option runs a single autoexposure algorithm that takes into account data from all ring cameras |
manual_exposure | StreamParams.ManualExposure | manual exposure sets an exposure for all ring cameras. |
Wrapper for AwbModeEnum to allow it to be optionally set.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
awb | StreamParams.AwbModeEnum |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
exposure | google.protobuf.Duration | duration is required, and may be clamped depending on the parameters of the camera |
gain | google.protobuf.FloatValue | if gain is omitted, it is assumed to be 1.0 |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
brightness_target | google.protobuf.Int32Value | brightness_target is a value between 0 and 255 which controls the setpoint for the exposure control algorithm if brightness_target is not set, a sensible default is chosen by the system |
Options for automatic white balancing mode.
Name | Number | Description |
OFF | 0 | |
AUTO | 1 | |
DAYLIGHT | 5 | |
CLOUDY | 6 | |
TWILIGHT | 7 | |
SHADE | 8 | |
DARK | 9 |
Request the software version running on the SpotCam.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.RequestHeader | Common request header. |
Provide the SpotCam’s software release version.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | bosdyn.api.ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
version | bosdyn.api.SoftwareVersion | Version of the software currently running on the SpotCam. | |
detail | string | Extra detail about the version of software running on spotcam. May contain metadata about build dates and configuration. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
frame_tform_stairs | SE3Pose | The staircase origin is the bottom-center of the first rise. X-axis is oriented pointing up the stairs. Y-axis is oriented to the left when facing up the stairs. Z-axis is oriented facing up (opposite gravity). |
frame_name | string |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
knowledge_type | Staircase.KnowledgeType | How do we know about this staircase. | |
stair_tform | StairTransform | Location of the stairs origin relative to some named frame. Origin defined as the center of the bottom of the lowest riser. |
number_of_steps | int32 | Deprecated. Number of vertical risers. DEPRECATED as of 4.0. Use the length of the steps field instead. |
average_rise | double | Average vertical height of each step in meters. | |
average_run | double | Average horizontal distance between risers in meters. | |
average_width | Staircase.Width | Average width. | |
steps | Staircase.Step | repeated | The individual steps ordered from lowest to highest. |
id | string | Unique identifier used to equate staircases shared across edges and externally. This should be randomly generated. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
point | Vec3 | Center of edge in stairs frame. | |
north | Vec2 | Unit vector pointing up the stairs in stairs frame, perpendicular to edge. | |
width | Staircase.Width | Width of stairs at this step. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
width | double | The distance in meters between the left and right side of the staircase. | |
bounded_width | Staircase.Width.BoundedWidth |
Landing associated with a staircase
Field | Type | Label | Description |
stairs_tform_landing_center | SE3Pose | Pose of the landing's center relative to the stairs frame. | |
landing_extent_x | double | The half-size of the box representing the landing in the x axis. | |
landing_extent_y | double | The half-size of the box representing the landing in the y axis. |
Stairs and their associated landings.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
bottom_landing | StaircaseLanding | ||
staircase | Staircase | ||
top_landing | StaircaseLanding |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
from_ko_tform_stairs | SE3Pose | It is expressed in ko frame of the from_waypoint. This field is only used in GraphNav. |
tform | StairTransform | Outside GraphNav, this field specifies the stair origin. | |
stairs | StraightStaircase.Stair | repeated | Each stair should be rise followed by run. The last stair will have zero run. |
bottom_landing | StraightStaircase.Landing | The lowermost landing of the stairs. The robot will try to align itself to the stairs while on this landing. |
top_landing | StraightStaircase.Landing | The uppermost landing of the stairs. |
Straight staircases have two landings, one at the top and one at the bottom. Landings are areas of free space before and after the stairs, and are represented as oriented bounding boxes.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
stairs_tform_landing_center | SE3Pose | Pose of the landing's center relative to the stairs frame. | |
landing_extent_x | double | The half-size of the box representing the landing in the x axis. | |
landing_extent_y | double | The half-size of the box representing the landing in the y axis. |
A single stair from a staircase.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
rise | float | Height of each stair. | |
run | float | Depth of each stair. |
Name | Number | Description |
KNOWLEDGE_TYPE_MAPPED | 1 | A staircase that was in a map (e.g. an AutoWalk edge annotation). Dimensions are expected to be accurate, but location is subject to localization accuracy. |
KNOWLEDGE_TYPE_TRACKED_ONGOING | 2 | A staircase that we are currently tracking. Location should be accurate, but the farther-away portions may be inaccurate. |
KNOWLEDGE_TYPE_TRACKED_COMPLETED | 3 | A recently-traversed staircase that we tracked during the traversal. This should be accurate in both dimensions and location, but behind us. |
KNOWLEDGE_TYPE_OTHER | 4 | Something else? |
The two sides of a staircase are designated “east” and “west” as if north is up. The “west” side is the left when facing up the stairs and the right when facing down. The “east” side is the right when facing up the stairs and the left when facing down.
Name | Number | Description |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arm_command_feedback | ArmCommand.Feedback | ||
mobility_command_feedback | MobilityCommand.Feedback | ||
gripper_command_feedback | GripperCommand.Feedback |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arm_command | ArmCommand.Request | ||
mobility_command | MobilityCommand.Request | ||
gripper_command | GripperCommand.Request |
Representation of a time range from a start time through an end time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
start | google.protobuf.Timestamp | ||
end | google.protobuf.Timestamp |
Estimate of network speed and clock skew. Both for the last complete sample and a recent average. Populated by the server.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
round_trip_time | google.protobuf.Duration | Observed network delay (excludes processing between server_rx and server_tx). If zero, this estimate is unpopulated. |
clock_skew | google.protobuf.Duration | Add the skew to the client system clock to get the server clock. |
Timestamp information from a full GRPC call round-trip. These are used to estimate the round-trip communication time and difference between client and server clocks.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
client_tx | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Client system time when the message was sent, if not zero. | |
server_rx | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Server system time when the message was received, if not zero. | |
server_tx | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Server system time when the response was sent, if not zero. | |
client_rx | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Client time when the response was received, if not zero. |
Current best estimate status of time sync.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
best_estimate | TimeSyncEstimate | Best clock synchronization estimate currently available, if any. | |
status | TimeSyncState.Status | STATUS_OK once time sync is established. | |
measurement_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time of best estimate, in server time. |
Request message for a time-sync Update RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header. | |
previous_round_trip | TimeSyncRoundTrip | Round-trip timing information from the previous Update request. | |
clock_identifier | string | Identifier to verify time sync between robot and client. If unset, server will assign one to client. |
Request message for a time-sync Update RPC.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header. | |
previous_estimate | TimeSyncEstimate | Clock synchronization estimate from the previous RPC round-trip, if available. | |
state | TimeSyncState | Current best clock synchronization estimate according to server. | |
clock_identifier | string | Identifier to verify time sync between robot and client. Assigned upon first Request and echoed with each subsequent request. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid, do not use. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Clock skew is available. |
STATUS_MORE_SAMPLES_NEEDED | 2 | More updates are required to establish a synchronization estimate. |
STATUS_SERVICE_NOT_READY | 3 | Server still establishing time sync internally. |
The time-sync service estimates the difference between server and client clocks. Time synchronization is a tool which allows applications to work in a unified timebase with precision. It is useful in cases where a precise time must be set, independently of network communication lag. In distributed systems and robotics, hardware, system-level, and per-process approaches can be used to obtain synchronization. This service implements a stand alone time synchronization service. It enables clients to establish a per-process offset between two processes which may be on separate systems.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
TimeSyncUpdate | TimeSyncUpdateRequest | TimeSyncUpdateResponse | See the exchange documentation in time_sync.proto. This call makes one client/server round trip toward clock synchronization. |
A 2D pose trajectory, which specified multiple points and the desired times the robot should reach these points.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | SE2TrajectoryPoint | repeated | The points in trajectory |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectories specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
interpolation | PositionalInterpolation | Parameters for how trajectories will be interpolated on robot. |
A SE2 pose that can be used as a point within a trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pose | SE2Pose | Required pose the robot will try and achieve. | |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration to reach the point relative to the trajectory reference time. |
A 3D pose trajectory, which specified multiple poses (and velocities for each pose) and the desired times the robot should reach these points.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | SE3TrajectoryPoint | repeated | The points in trajectory |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectories specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
pos_interpolation | PositionalInterpolation | Parameters for how trajectories will be interpolated on robot. | |
ang_interpolation | AngularInterpolation |
A SE3 pose and velocity that can be used as a point within a trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
pose | SE3Pose | Required pose the robot will try and achieve. | |
velocity | SE3Velocity | Optional velocity (linear and angular) the robot will try and achieve. Linear and angular velocity is expressed with respect to the base frame of the pose. |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration to reach the point relative to the trajectory reference time. |
A Point trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | ScalarTrajectoryPoint | repeated | The points in trajectory |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectories specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
interpolation | PositionalInterpolation | Parameters for how trajectories will be interpolated on robot. (Note: ignored for ClawGripperCommand.Request, which will automatically select between cubic interpolation or a minimum time trajectory) |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
point | double | Required position at the trajectory point's reference time. | |
velocity | google.protobuf.DoubleValue | Optional speed at the trajectory point's reference time. | |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration to reach the point relative to the trajectory reference time. |
A 3D point trajectory, described by 3D points, a starting and ending velocity, and a reference time.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | Vec3TrajectoryPoint | repeated | The points in trajectory. |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectories specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
pos_interpolation | PositionalInterpolation | Parameters for how trajectories will be interpolated on robot. | |
starting_velocity | Vec3 | Velocity at the starting point of the trajectory. | |
ending_velocity | Vec3 | Velocity at the ending point of the trajectory. |
A 3D point (and linear velocity) that can be used as a point within a trajectory.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
point | Vec3 | The point 3D position. | |
linear_speed | double | These are all optional. If nothing is specified, good defaults will be chosen server-side. |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration to reach the point relative to the trajectory reference time. |
A time-based trajectories of wrenches.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | WrenchTrajectoryPoint | repeated | The wrenches in the trajectory |
reference_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | All trajectories specify times relative to this reference time. The reference time should be in robot clock. If this field is not included, this time will be the receive time of the command. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
wrench | Wrench | The wrench to apply at this point in time. | |
time_since_reference | google.protobuf.Duration | The duration to reach the point relative to the trajectory reference time. |
Parameters for how angular trajectories will be interpolated on robot.
Name | Number | Description |
ANG_INTERP_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown interpolation, do not use. |
ANG_INTERP_LINEAR | 1 | Linear interpolation for angular data. |
ANG_INTERP_CUBIC_EULER | 2 | Cubic interpolation (using Euler method) for angular data. |
Parameters for how positional trajectories will be interpolated on robot.
Name | Number | Description |
POS_INTERP_UNKNOWN | 0 | Unknown interpolation, do not use. |
POS_INTERP_LINEAR | 1 | Linear interpolation for positional data. |
POS_INTERP_CUBIC | 2 | Cubic interpolation for positional data. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
name | string | Use this field if the desired unit is not a supported enum. | |
temp | TemperatureEnum | ||
press | PressureEnum | ||
is_relative | bool | If a service wants an absolute temperature threshold between 0 C and 100 C, that would show up as 32 F to 212 F on any Fahrenheit loving clients IF is_relative is set to false. Note the change from 0 C to 32 F. If a service wants a relative temperate threshold (region A must be no more than X degrees hotter than region B), between 0 and 100 C, that would show up as 0 F to 180 F on any Fahrenheit loving clients IF is_relative is set to true. Note that 0 C now maps to 0 F. NOTE: Only relevant for units with non equal zero points. |
Name | Number | Description |
PRESSURE_PSI | 1 | Pound-force per square inch |
PRESSURE_KPA | 2 | KiloPascal |
PRESSURE_BAR | 3 | Bar |
Name | Number | Description |
World object properties describing a fiducial object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
tag_id | int32 | Consistent integer id associated with a given apriltag. April Tag detections will be from the tag family 36h11. |
dimensions | Vec2 | Apriltag size in meters, where x is the row/width length and y is the height/col length of the tag |
frame_name_fiducial | string | The frame name for the raw version of this fiducial. This will be included in the transform snapshot. |
fiducial_pose_status | AprilTagProperties.AprilTagPoseStatus | Status of the pose estimation of the unfiltered fiducial frame. | |
frame_name_fiducial_filtered | string | The frame name for the filtered version of this fiducial. This will be included in the transform snapshot. |
fiducial_filtered_pose_status | AprilTagProperties.AprilTagPoseStatus | Status of the pose estimation of the filtered fiducial frame. | |
frame_name_camera | string | The frame name for the camera that detected this fiducial. | |
detection_covariance | SE3Covariance | A 6 x 6 Covariance matrix representing the marginal uncertainty of the last detection. The rows/columns are: rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz which represent incremental rotation and translation along the x, y, and z axes of the given frame, respectively. This is computed using the Jacobian of the pose estimation algorithm. |
detection_covariance_reference_frame | string | The frame that the detection covariance is expressed in. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
size_ewrt_frame | Vec3 | An Oriented Bounding Box, with position and orientation at the frame provided in the transforms snapshot. The size of the box is expressed with respect to the frame. |
frame | string | Frame the size is expressed with respect to. |
World object properties describing a dock
Field | Type | Label | Description |
dock_id | uint32 | Consistent id associated with a given dock. | |
type | docking.DockType | Type of dock. | |
frame_name_dock | string | The frame name for the location of dock origin. This will be included in the transform snapshot. |
unavailable | bool | Availability if the dock can be used | |
from_prior | bool | The dock is an unconfirmed prior detection |
A directed arrow drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
direction | Vec3 | ||
radius | double |
A three dimensional box drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
size | Vec3 |
A oval-like capsule drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
direction | Vec3 | ||
radius | double |
A cylinder drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
direction | Vec3 | ||
radius | double |
A coordinate frame drawing object, describing how large to render the arrows.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
arrow_length | double | ||
arrow_radius | double |
A line strip drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | Vec3 |
A set of points drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
points | Vec3 | repeated |
The drawing and visualization information for a world object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
color | DrawableProperties.Color | Color of the object. | |
label | string | Label to be drawn at the origin of the object. | |
wireframe | bool | Drawn objects in wireframe. | |
frame | DrawableFrame | A drawable frame (oneof drawable field). | |
sphere | DrawableSphere | A drawable sphere (oneof drawable field). | |
box | DrawableBox | A drawable box (oneof drawable field). | |
arrow | DrawableArrow | A drawable arrow (oneof drawable field). | |
capsule | DrawableCapsule | A drawable capsule (oneof drawable field). | |
cylinder | DrawableCylinder | A drawable cylinder (oneof drawable field). | |
linestrip | DrawableLineStrip | A drawable linestrip (oneof drawable field). | |
points | DrawablePoints | A drawable set of points (oneof drawable field). | |
frame_name_drawable | string | The frame name for the drawable object. This will optionally be included in the frame tree snapshot. |
RGBA values for color ranging from [0,255] for R/G/B, and [0,1] for A.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
r | int32 | Red value ranging from [0,255]. | |
g | int32 | Green value ranging from [0,255]. | |
b | int32 | Blue value ranging from [0,255]. | |
a | double | Alpha (transparency) value ranging from [0,1]. |
A sphere drawing object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
radius | double |
Properties related to GPS measurements of our location with respect to the Earth.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
registration | gps.Registration |
World object properties describing image coordinates associated with an object or scene.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
camera_source | string | Camera Source of such as "back", "frontleft", etc. | |
coordinates | Polygon | Image coordinates of the corners of a polygon (pixels of x[row], y[col]) in either clockwise/counter clockwise order |
keypoints | KeypointSet | A set of keypoints and their associated metadata. | |
image_source | ImageSource | Camera parameters. | |
image_capture | ImageCapture | Image that produced the data. | |
frame_name_image_coordinates | string | Frame name for the object described by image coordinates. |
The ListWorldObject request message, which can optionally include filters for the object type or timestamp.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
object_type | WorldObjectType | repeated | Optional filters to apply to the world object request Specific type of object; can request multiple different properties |
timestamp_filter | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Timestamp to filter objects based on. The time should be in robot time All objects with header timestamps after (>) timestamp_filter will be returned |
The ListWorldObject response message, which contains all of the current world objects in the robot’s perception scene.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
world_objects | WorldObject | repeated | The currently perceived world objects. |
The MutateWorldObject request message, which specifies the type of mutation and which object the mutation should be applied to.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | RequestHeader | Common request header | |
mutation | MutateWorldObjectRequest.Mutation | The mutation for this request. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
action | MutateWorldObjectRequest.Action | The action (add, change, or delete) to be applied to a world object. | |
object | WorldObject | World object to be mutated. If an object is being changed/deleted, then the world object id must match a world object id known by the service. |
The MutateWorldObject response message, which includes the world object id for the object that the mutation was applied to if the request succeeds.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
header | ResponseHeader | Common response header | |
status | MutateWorldObjectResponse.Status | Return status for the request. | |
mutated_object_id | int32 | ID set by the world object service for the mutated object |
A box or circle no-go region
Field | Type | Label | Description |
box | Box2WithFrame | ||
circle | CircleWithFrame | ||
disable_foot_obstacle_generation | bool | If set true, will NOT create a foot obstacle for this region. | |
disable_body_obstacle_generation | bool | If set true, will NOT create a body obstacle for this region. | |
disable_foot_obstacle_inflation | bool | If set true, and a foot obstacle is being generated, will make the foot obstacle the exact size specified in the "region" field and NOT inflate by approx. robot foot width. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
ray | Ray | Ray, usually pointing from the camera to the object. | |
frame | string | Frame the ray is expressed with respect to. |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
staircase | Staircase |
The world object message is used to describe different objects seen by a robot. It contains information about the properties of the object in addition to a unique id and the transform snapshot. The world object uses “properties” to describe different traits about the object, such as image coordinates associated with the camera the object was detected in. A world object can have multiple different properties that are all associated with the single object.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
id | int32 | Unique integer identifier that will be consistent for the duration of a robot's battery life The id is set internally by the world object service. |
name | string | A human readable name for the world object. Note that this differs from any frame_name's associated with the object (since there can be multiple frames describing a single object). |
acquisition_time | google.protobuf.Timestamp | Time in robot time clock at which this object was most recently detected and valid. | |
transforms_snapshot | FrameTreeSnapshot | A tree-based collection of transformations, which will include the transformations to each of the returned world objects in addition to transformations to the common frames ("vision", "body", "odom"). All transforms within the snapshot are at the acquisition time of the world object. Note that each object's frame names are defined within the properties submessage. For example, the apriltag frame name is defined in the AprilTagProperties message as "frame_name_fiducial" |
object_lifetime | google.protobuf.Duration | Duration of time after which the obstacle expires. If this field is left blank, the object will expire according to a default time set in the world object service. The duration is relative to the acquisition_time if filled out, or relative to the time the object is added to the world object service if acquisition_time is left blank. |
drawable_properties | DrawableProperties | repeated | The drawable properties describe geometric shapes associated with an object. |
apriltag_properties | AprilTagProperties | The apriltag properties describe any fiducial identifying an object. | |
nogo_region_properties | NoGoRegionProperties | Property for a user no-go | |
image_properties | ImageProperties | The image properties describe any camera and image coordinates associated with an object. | |
dock_properties | DockProperties | Properties describing a dock | |
ray_properties | RayProperties | A ray pointing at the object. Useful in cases where position is unknown but direction is known. |
bounding_box_properties | BoundingBoxProperties | Bounding box in the world, oriented at the location provided in the transforms_snapshot. | |
staircase_properties | StaircaseProperties | The staircase properties provide information that helps the robot traverse or see a staircase. |
gps_properties | GpsProperties | Information about the Earth relative to the robot, localized by GPS. | |
additional_properties | google.protobuf.Any | An extra field for application-specific object properties. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_OK | 1 | No known issues with the pose estimate. |
STATUS_AMBIGUOUS | 2 | The orientation of the tag is ambiguous. |
STATUS_HIGH_ERROR | 3 | The pose may be unreliable due to high reprojection error. |
Name | Number | Description |
ACTION_UNKNOWN | 0 | Invalid action. |
ACTION_ADD | 1 | Add a new object. |
ACTION_CHANGE | 2 | Change an existing objected (ID'd by integer ID number). This is only allowed to change objects added by the API-user, and not objects detected by Spot's perception system. |
ACTION_DELETE | 3 | Delete the object, ID'd by integer ID number. This is only allowed to change objects added by the API-user, and not objects detected by Spot's perception system. |
Name | Number | Description |
STATUS_UNKNOWN | 0 | Status of request is unknown. Check the status code of the response header. |
STATUS_OK | 1 | Request was accepted; GetObjectListResponse must still be checked to verify the changes. |
STATUS_INVALID_MUTATION_ID | 2 | The mutation object's ID is unknown such that the service could not recognize this object. This error applies to the CHANGE and DELETE actions, since it must identify the object by it's id number given by the service. |
STATUS_NO_PERMISSION | 3 | The mutation request is not allowed because it is attempting to change or delete an object detected by Spot's perception system. |
STATUS_INVALID_WORLD_OBJECT | 4 | The mutation request is not allowed because some aspect of the world object is invalid. For example, something could be defined in an unallowed reference frame. |
A type for the world object, which is associated with whatever properties the world object includes. This can be used to request specific kinds of objects; for example, a request for only fiducials.
Name | Number | Description |
The world object service provides a way to track and store objects detected in the world around the robot.
Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
ListWorldObjects | ListWorldObjectRequest | ListWorldObjectResponse | Request a list of all the world objects in the robot's perception scene. |
MutateWorldObjects | MutateWorldObjectRequest | MutateWorldObjectResponse | Mutate (add, change, or delete) the world objects. |