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  1. Acquire an LTE sim with a static IP and corresponding apn settings or a wifi dongle

  2. Setup LTE on core using the instructions found here: https://support.bostondynamics.com/s/article/Spot-CORE-I-O-User-Guide#FiveGsetup


  1. Currently only wifi networks that can be authorized via the nmcli network interface: https://developer-old.gnome.org/NetworkManager/stable/nmcli.html - are supported. Generally any network that only requires a password falls in this category.

  2. Acquire a supported Linux-compatible USB WiFi adapter such as one from Panda Wireless: https://www.pandawireless.com/

  3. A. Plug in the wifi dongle

  4. B. Use the link here to set default internet route for the core to the wifi dongle - https://support.bostondynamics.com/s/article/How-To-Configure-Spot-WIFI-Network-Settings

Building the CoreIO Extension

  1. Navigate to metrics_over_coreio in the public api directory

  2. Run

python3 ../extensions/build_extension.py --dockerfile-paths Dockerfile --build-image-tags metrics_over_coreio:arm64  --image-archive  metrics_over_coreio.tar.gz --icon ./extension/icon.png --package-dir ./extension/  --spx ~/Downloads/metric_over_coreio.spx
  • Note: Please see helper messages in build_extension.py to customize file paths as needed.

  • Note you will need the appropriate Spot Python packages installed including bosdyn-core>=4.0,bosdyn-client>=4.0 and bosdyn-api>=4.0. This can be found here

  1. Load generated .spx file from where downloaded to the core through the intended extension console


At a high level, src contains the fundamental code to pull metrics from the robot and upload them to the bosdyn server. The root folder contains the Dockerfile and base script to generate the extension, and extension contains supporting files to be included directly in the spx, such as the docker compose file.

Most of the logic is contained in src/metric_over_coreio.py,src/metric_over_coreio.py and src/metric_over_coreio.py. In these file, we have the following classes:

  1. MetricFileGroup: Manages querying and writing metric files to the core I/O file system.

  2. Uploader: Manages uploading metrics. Sends the latest metric on the core, recieves missing metrics sequence numbers and uploads them.

  3. MetricManager: Manages switching between savin and loading metrics. Does some basic state checks and manages the threads running.