Log Status

Client for the log-status service.

This allows client code to start, extend or terminate experiment logs and start retro logs.

exception bosdyn.client.log_status.LogStatusResponseError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: ResponseError

Error in Log Status RPC

exception bosdyn.client.log_status.ExperimentAlreadyRunningError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: LogStatusResponseError

The log status request could not be started, an experiment is already running.

exception bosdyn.client.log_status.RequestIdDoesNotExistError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: LogStatusResponseError

The provided request id does not exist or is invalid.

exception bosdyn.client.log_status.InactiveLogError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: LogStatusResponseError

The log has already terminated and cannot be updated.

exception bosdyn.client.log_status.ConcurrencyLimitReachedError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: LogStatusResponseError

The limit of concurrent retro logs has be reached, a new log cannot be started.

class bosdyn.client.log_status.LogStatusClient[source]

Bases: BaseClient

A client for interacting with robot logs.

default_service_name = 'log-status'
service_type = 'bosdyn.api.log_status.LogStatusService'
get_log_status(id, **kwargs)[source]

Synchronously get status of a log.


id (string) – Id of log to retrieve


RequestIdDoesNotExistError – Id was not found on robot

get_log_status_async(id, **kwargs)[source]

Asynchronously get status of a log.


Synchronously retrieve status of active logs.


Asynchronously retrieve status of active logs.

start_experiment_log(seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Start an experiment log, to run for a specified duration.


seconds – Number of seconds to gather data for the experiment log


ExperimentAlreadyRunningError – Only 1 experiment log can be run at a time

start_experiment_log_async(seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Start an experiment log, to run for a specified duration.

start_retro_log(seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Start a retro log, to run for a specified duration.


seconds – Number of seconds to gather data for the retro log

start_retro_log_async(seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Start a retro log, to run for a specified duration.

update_experiment(id, seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Update an experiment log to run for a specified duration.

  • id (string) – Id of log to retrieve

  • seconds (float) – Number of seconds to gather data for the experiment log

update_experiment_async(id, seconds, **kwargs)[source]

Update an experiment log to run for a specified duration.

terminate_log(id, **kwargs)[source]

Terminate an experiment log.


id (string) – Id of log to terminate


RequestIdDoesNotExistError – Id was not found on robot

terminate_log_async(id, **kwargs)[source]

Terminate an experiment log.


Return a custom exception based on the GetLogStatus response, None if no error.


Return a custom exception based on the GetActiveLogStatuses response, None if no error.


Return a custom exception based on the StartExperimentLog response, None if no error.


Return a custom exception based on the StartRetroLog response, None if no error.


Return a custom exception based on the UpdateExperimentLog response, None if no error.


Return a custom exception based on the TerminateLog response, None if no error.