
Sdk is a repository for settings typically common to a single developer and/or robot fleet.

exception bosdyn.client.sdk.SdkError[source]

Bases: Error

General class of errors to handle non-response non-rpc errors.

exception bosdyn.client.sdk.UnsetAppTokenError[source]

Bases: SdkError

Path to app token not set.

exception bosdyn.client.sdk.UnableToLoadAppTokenError[source]

Bases: SdkError

Cannot load the provided app token path.


Returns a descriptive client name for API clients with an optional prefix.

bosdyn.client.sdk.create_standard_sdk(client_name_prefix, service_clients=None, cert_resource_glob=None)[source]

Return an Sdk with the most common configuration.

  • client_name_prefix – prefix to pass to generate_client_name()

  • service_clients – List of service client classes to register in addition to the defaults.

  • cert_resource_glob – Glob expression matching robot certificate(s). Default None to use distributed certificate.


IOError – Robot cert could not be loaded.

class bosdyn.client.sdk.Sdk(name=None)[source]

Bases: object

Repository for settings typically common to a single developer and/or robot fleet. See also Robot for robot-specific settings.


name – Name to identify the client when communicating with the robot.

create_robot(address, name=None)[source]

Get a Robot initialized with this Sdk, creating it if it does not yet exist.

  • address – Network-resolvable address of the robot, e.g. ‘’

  • name – A unique identifier for the robot, e.g. ‘My First Robot’. Default None to use the address as the name.


A Robot initialized with the current Sdk settings.


Updates the send and receive max message length values in all the clients/channels created from this point on.


max_message_length (int) – Max message length value to use for sending and receiving messages.



register_service_client(creation_func, service_type=None, service_name=None)[source]

Tell the Sdk how to create a specific type of service client.

  • creation_func – Callable that returns a client. Typically just the class.

  • service_type – Type of the service. If None (default), will try to get the name from creation_func.

  • service_name – Name of the service. If None (default), will try to get the name from creation_func.


Load the SSL certificate for the robot.


resource_path_glob – Optional path to certificate resource(s). If None, will load the certificate in the ‘resources’ package. Otherwise, should be a glob expression to match certificates. Defaults to None.


IOError – Robot cert could not be loaded.


Remove all cached Robot instances. Subsequent calls to create_robot() will return newly created Robots. Existing robot instances will continue to work, but their time sync and token refresh threads will be stopped.


Decodes a JWT token without verification.


token – A string representing a token.


Dictionary containing information about the token. Empty dictionary if failed to load token.


UnableToLoadAppTokenError – If the token cannot be read.

Deprecated since version 3.0.1: Decoding tokens is no longer supported in the sdk. Use pyjwt directly instead.


Log the time remaining until app token expires.


token – A jwt token


UnableToLoadAppTokenError – If the token expiration information cannot be retrieved.

Deprecated since version 3.0.1: Decoding tokens is no longer supported in the sdk. Use pyjwt directly instead.