Network Request Callback

Network requests can be used to trigger external devices such as doors or elevators, query a machine status, or interact with payloads along with many other possibilities. This remote mission service provides a callback that queries a network endpoint and then checks if the response contains a particular String.

The callback expects the following user parameters. These should be added manually after starting the service.

User Parameter Type Description
Url String The address which receives the network request
MustContain String The string which the response must contain for the action to succeed.

Network Request Callback

For example, if Spot has internet access, this can be used to query the weather using a service like the one at The action requires two User Parameters to be defined: Url and MustContain. Url is the network address and MustContain is the substring that is required to be included in the response. If the reponse does not include the MustContain string, then the action will fail.

In this example, Spot can avoid running a mission in poor weather. The response from after setting up an API key is:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
  <city id="4941935" name="Lexington">
    <coord lon="-71.2409" lat="42.4116"/>
    <sun rise="2022-06-27T09:09:49" set="2022-06-28T00:26:02"/>
  <temperature value="295.71" min="293.98" max="297.49" unit="kelvin"/>
  <feels_like value="296.14" unit="kelvin"/>
  <humidity value="81" unit="%"/>
  <pressure value="1010" unit="hPa"/>
    <speed value="3.09" unit="m/s" name="Light breeze"/>
    <direction value="240" code="WSW" name="West-southwest"/>
  <clouds value="100" name="overcast clouds"/>
  <visibility value="3219"/>
  <precipitation value="3.76" mode="rain" unit="1h"/>
  <weather number="501" value="moderate rain" icon="10d"/>
  <lastupdate value="2022-06-27T15:31:12"/>

Rain is expected in the response above, but the MustContain user parameter can be set to precipitation mode="no". The user parameter for Url is set to:<insert your latitude>&lon=<insert your longitude>&appid=<insert your appid>&mode=xml