For clients to use the graph nav recording service
- class bosdyn.client.recording.WaypointRegion(value)[source]
Helper enum to describe the localization region type for a waypoint.
Client for the GraphNav recording service.
Start the recording service to create/update a map.
- Parameters:
lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.
recording_environment – RecordingEnvironment protobuf to be used for the initial waypoint created at start.
require_fiducials – Boolean to show whether a fiducial is needed to start the recording.
- Returns:
The status of the start recording request.
Same as start_recording() but returns a full response
Async version of start_recording().
Async version of start_recording_full().
Stop the recording service.
- Parameters:
lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.
- Returns:
The status of the start recording request.
Async version of stop_recording().
Get the status of the recording service.
- Returns:
The record service status, which indicates the current persistent environment and if it’s recording a map.
Async version of get_record_status().
Set the persistent recording environment.
- Parameters:
lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.
recording_environment – RecordingEnvironment protobuf to be set as the persistent environment.
- Returns:
Nothing unless an error occurs.
Async version of set_recording_environment().
Create a waypoint in the map at the current robot state.
- Parameters:
lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.
waypoint_name – Human readable string for the waypoint name.
recording_environment – RecordingEnvironment protobuf to be used for the waypoint (will overwrite and merge with any persistent env).
- Returns:
The response, which includes the created waypoint and any associated edges created.
Async version of create_waypoint().
Create an edge in the map between two existing waypoints.
- Parameters:
lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.
edge – An edge protobuf, which must include valid from/to waypoint id’s and a from_T_to transform.
- Returns:
The response status.
Async version of create_edge().
Construct a complete recording environment from the waypoint and edge environments.
- Parameters:
name – A string name prefix which will prefix waypoint names (human-readable).
waypoint_env – Waypoint.Annotations protobuf which includes information for the waypoint environment.
edge_env – Edge.Annotations protobuf which includes information for the edge environment.
- Returns:
The API RecordingEnvironment protobuf message.
Create a waypoint environment.
- Parameters:
name – A string name for the waypoint (human-readable).
region – A WaypointRegion enum representing the region in which we are localizing in. This can be either a default region, an empty region (don’t localize to this waypoint), or a circular region.
dist_2d – If the region is circular, then this is set as a distance (meters) representing the number of meters away we can be from the waypoint before scan matching.
client_metadata – Info about the client which will be stored in the waypoints.
- Returns:
The API Waypoint.Annotations protobuf message.
Creates client metadata for recording.
- Parameters:
session_name – User-provided name for this recording “session”. For example, the user may start and stop recording at various times and assign a name to a region that is being recorded. Usually, this will just be the map name.
client_username – If the application recording the map has a special user name, this is the name of that user.
client_software_version – Version string of any client software that generated this object.
client_id – Identifier of any client software that generated this object
client_type – Special tag for the client software which created this object. For example, “Tablet”, “Scout”, “Python SDK”, etc.
Create an edge environment.
- Parameters:
vel_limit – A SE2VelocityLimit to use while traversing the edge. Note this is not a target speed, just a max/min.
direction_constraint – A direction constraints on the robot’s orientation when traversing the edge.
require_alignment – Boolean where if true, the robot must be aligned with the edge in yaw before traversing it.
flat_ground – Boolean where if true, the edge crosses flat ground and the robot shouldn’t try to climb over obstacles.
ground_mu_hint – Terrain coefficient of friction user hint. Suggested values lie between [.4, .8].
grated_floor – Boolean where if true, the edge crosses over grated metal.
- Returns:
The API Edge.Annotations protobuf message.
Create an edge between two waypoint ids.
- Parameters:
from_waypoint_id – A waypoint string id for the from waypoint.
to_waypoint_id – A waypoint string id for the to waypoint.
from_tform_to – An SE3Pose representing the transform of from_waypoint to to_waypoint.
edge_environment – Any edge environment to be associated with the created edge.
- Returns:
The API Edge protobuf message.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.RecordingServiceResponseError(response, error_message=None)[source]
General class of errors for the GraphNav Recording Service.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.CouldNotCreateWaypointError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Service could not create a waypoint.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.NotRecordingError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The recording service has not been started.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.UnknownWaypointError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The edge requested has a waypoint id that is unknown.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.EdgeExistsError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The edge requested with the given ID already exists in the map.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.EdgeMissingTransformError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The edge requested is missing the from_T_to transform in the edge.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.NotLocalizedToEndError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Stop recording failed to localize to the last created waypoint.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.FollowingRouteError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Cannot start recording while the robot is already following a route.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.NotLocalizedToExistingMapError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The robot is not localized to the existing map and cannot start recording.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.TooFarFromExistingMapError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The robot is too far from the existing map and cannot start recording.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.RemoteCloudFailureNotInDirectoryError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Failed to start recording because a remote point cloud (e.g. a LIDAR) is not registered to the service directory.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.RemoteCloudFailureNoDataError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Failed to start recording because a remote point cloud (e.g. a LIDAR) is not delivering data.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.NotReadyYetError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The service is processing the map at its current position. Try again in 1-2 seconds.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.MapTooLargeLicenseError(response, error_message=None)[source]
Map exceeds the size allowed by the license.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.MissingFiducialsError(response, error_message=None)[source]
One or more required fiducials were not detected.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.FiducialPoseError(response, error_message=None)[source]
The pose of one or more required fiducials could not be determined accurately.
- exception bosdyn.client.recording.RobotImpairedError(response, error_message)[source]
Failed to start recording because the robot is impaired.