# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).
"""A FileIndexer is an object which keeps an index of series and blocks within series"""
import struct
from hashlib import sha1
import bosdyn.api.bddf_pb2 as bddf
from .common import AddSeriesError, DataFormatError, SeriesNotUniqueError
def _hasher_to_uint64(hasher):
return struct.unpack('>Q', hasher.digest()[0:8])[0]
[docs]class FileIndexer:
"""An object which keeps an index of series and blocks within series.
It can write a block index at the end of a data file.
def __init__(self):
# DescriptorBlock proto for the FileIndex
self._descriptor_index = bddf.DescriptorBlock()
self._series_descriptors = [] # series_idx -> SeriesDescriptor
self._series_block_indexes = [] # series_index -> SeriesBlockIndex
def file_index(self):
"""Get the FileIndex proto used which describes how to access data in the file."""
return self._descriptor_index.file_index # pylint: disable=no-member
def descriptor_index(self):
"""Get the Descriptor proto containing the FileIndex."""
return self._descriptor_index
def series_block_indexes(self):
"""Returns the current list of SeriesBlockIndexes: series_index -> SeriesBlockIndex."""
return self._series_block_indexes
[docs] def series_descriptor(self, series_index):
"""Return SeriesDescriptor for given series index."""
return self._series_descriptors[series_index]
[docs] @staticmethod
def series_identifier_to_hash(series_identifier):
"""Given a SeriesIdentifier, return a 64-bit hash."""
hasher = sha1()
for key in sorted(series_identifier.spec.keys()):
return _hasher_to_uint64(hasher)
[docs] def add_series_descriptor(self, series_descriptor, series_block_file_offset):
"""Add the given series_descriptor to the index, with the given file offset.
series_descriptor SeriesDescriptor to add to the index
series_block_file_offset Location in file where SeriesDescriptor will be written, or
was read from.
assert series_descriptor.series_index == len(self._series_descriptors)
# Update the file index.
[docs] def add_series( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self, series_type, series_spec, message_type, pod_type, annotations,
additional_index_names, writer):
"""Register a new series for messages for a DataWriter.
series_type: the kind of spec, corresponding to the set of keys expected in series_spec.
series_spec: dict of {key (string) -> value (string)} describing the series.
message_type: MessageTypeDescriptor (need EITHER this OR pod_type)
pod_type: PodTypeDescriptor (need EITHER this OR pod_type)
annotations: optional dict of key (string) -> value (string) pairs to
associate with the message channel
additional_index_names: names of additional timestamps to store with
each message (list of string).
writer: BlockWriter owned by the DataWriter.
Returns series id (int).
Raises SeriesNotUniqueError if a series matching series_spec is already added.
# pylint: disable=no-member
series_index = len(self._series_descriptors)
# Write the descriptor block.
descriptor = bddf.DescriptorBlock()
series_descriptor = descriptor.series_descriptor
series_descriptor.series_index = series_index
series_identifier = series_descriptor.series_identifier
series_identifier.series_type = series_type
series_descriptor.identifier_hash = self.series_identifier_to_hash(series_identifier)
# Ensure the series_spec is unique in the file.
for prev_series_identifier in self.file_index.series_identifiers:
if prev_series_identifier.spec == series_identifier.spec:
raise SeriesNotUniqueError(
"Spec %s is not unique within the data file" % series_identifier.spec)
if message_type:
if pod_type:
raise AddSeriesError("Specified both message_type ({}) and pod_type ({})".format(
message_type, pod_type))
if not pod_type:
raise AddSeriesError("Specified neither message_type nor pod_type")
if annotations:
if additional_index_names:
for name in additional_index_names:
series_block_file_offset = writer.tell()
self.add_series_descriptor(series_descriptor, series_block_file_offset)
return series_index
[docs] def index_data_block( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self, series_index, timestamp_nsec, file_offset, nbytes, additional_indexes):
"""Add an entry to the data block index of the series identified by series_index."""
series_block_index = self._series_block_indexes[series_index]
block_entry = series_block_index.block_entries.add(file_offset=file_offset)
series_block_index.total_bytes += nbytes
if additional_indexes:
for idx_val in additional_indexes:
block_entry.additional_indexes.append(idx_val) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def make_data_descriptor(self, series_index, timestamp_nsec, additional_indexes):
"""Return DataDescriptor for writing a data block, and add the block to the series index."""
series_descriptor = self._series_descriptors[series_index]
data_descriptor = bddf.DataDescriptor(series_index=series_index)
data_descriptor.timestamp.FromNanoseconds(timestamp_nsec) # pylint: disable=no-member
additional_indexes = additional_indexes or []
if len(additional_indexes) != len(series_descriptor.additional_index_names):
raise DataFormatError('Series {} needs {} additional indexes, but {} provided.'.format(
series_descriptor, len(series_descriptor.additional_index_names),
if additional_indexes:
for idx_val in additional_indexes:
data_descriptor.additional_indexes.append(idx_val) # pylint: disable=no-member
return data_descriptor
[docs] def write_index(self, block_writer):
"""Write all the indexes of the data file, and the file end."""
# Write all the block indexes
for block_index in self.series_block_indexes:
# Record the location of the block index.
# Write the block index.
block = bddf.DescriptorBlock()
block.series_block_index.CopyFrom(block_index) # pylint: disable=no-member
index_offset = block_writer.tell()