Source code for bosdyn.client.area_callback_region_handler_base

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

import copy
import logging
from threading import Event, Lock

from bosdyn.api.graph_nav import area_callback_pb2
from bosdyn.api.graph_nav.area_callback_pb2 import (BeginCallbackRequest, BeginCallbackResponse,
                                                    UpdateCallbackRequest, UpdateCallbackResponse)
from bosdyn.client.area_callback_service_utils import AreaCallbackServiceConfig
from bosdyn.client.common import LeaseUseError
from bosdyn.client.robot import Robot

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PathBlocked(Exception): """The callback reports the that path/area it's trying to traverse is blocked and the robot should take another route or action. """
[docs]class IncorrectUsage(Exception): """Error raised by calling a helper function incorrectly. Raised when a call would block forever or has otherwise been used in an incorrect manner. This exception is not intended to be caught, but indicates a programming error. """
[docs]class HandlerError(Exception): """Error base class for errors raised from the internals of the AreaCallbackRegionHandlerBase. This error will be raised when the shutdown_event signal is set, or can be raised by the user to signal an error. A wrapper around the run implementation will catch this exception and report back to a client a UpdateCallbackResponse error. """
[docs]class CallbackEnded(HandlerError): """The callback has already been stopped, via an EndCallback call."""
[docs]class CallbackTimedOutError(HandlerError): """The callback has already been stopped, via passing the end time. If caught, it should be re-raised to make sure the response is set correctly."""
[docs]class RouteChangedResult: """Options for how the helper class should respond to a route change.""" def __init__(self): # Specify that if the callback has stopped (returned or raised from run()) that run() # should be called again. self.rerun_if_stopped = False
[docs]class AreaCallbackRegionHandlerBase: """Base class for implementing a AreaCallbackRegionHandler. A AreaCallbackRegionHandler is an object responsible for running a single instance of an AreaCallback. The AreaCallbackServiceServicer will construct an AreaCallbackRegionHandler object each time GraphNav starts an Area Callback region. The servicer will execute the run() function in a thread and read update_response to send status back to the client. After EndCallback, this object will be discarded and a new AreaCallbackRegionHandlerBase will be constructed to handle the next region. Args: config: The AreaCallbackServiceConfig defining the data for the AreaCallbackInformation response. robot: The Robot object used to create service clients. """ def __init__(self, config: AreaCallbackServiceConfig, robot: Robot): self._lock = Lock() # Set up a response with the default policy self._update_response = UpdateCallbackResponse() self._update_response.policy.at_start = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_STOP self._update_response.policy.at_end = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTINUE self._shutdown_event = Event() self._lease_event = Event() self._end_time = None self.robot = robot self._config = config self._stage = UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_TO_START self._begin_complete = False
[docs] def begin(self, request: BeginCallbackRequest) -> BeginCallbackResponse.Status: """Validates that configuration passed to BeginCallback is valid. Args: request (area_callback_pb2.BeginCallbackRequest): The BeginCallback request. Returns: area_callback_pb2.BeginCallbackResponse.Status: OK when configuration_data is valid. """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived class must implement this function.")
[docs] def run(self): """This function is run on a worker thread after BeginCallback is called.""" raise NotImplementedError("Derived class must implement this function.")
[docs] def end(self): """This function is called after run thread has finished and client calls EndCallback.""" raise NotImplementedError("Derived class must implement this function.")
[docs] def route_changed(self, request: area_callback_pb2.RouteChangeRequest) -> RouteChangedResult: """This function is called when Graph Nav re-routes inside the callback region. In most cases, the callback does not need to do anything for this case and can leave the default implementation""" return RouteChangedResult()
@property def area_callback_information(self) -> area_callback_pb2.AreaCallbackInformation: """Get area_callback_pb2.AreaCallbackInformation.""" return self._config.area_callback_information @property def config(self) -> AreaCallbackServiceConfig: """Get AreaCallbackServiceConfig""" return self._config # Policy functions, which change the policy that the callback is returning to the robot.
[docs] def stop_at_start(self): """Tell graph nav that it should wait at the start of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_start = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_STOP if self.stage == UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_START: self._lease_event.clear()
[docs] def continue_past_start(self): """Tell graph nav that it should continue on past the start of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_start = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTINUE if self.stage == UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_START: self._lease_event.clear()
[docs] def control_at_start(self): """Tell graph nav that it transfer control at the start of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_start = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTROL
[docs] def stop_at_end(self): """Tell graph nav that it should wait at the end of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_end = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_STOP if self.stage == UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_END: self._lease_event.clear()
[docs] def continue_past_end(self): """Tell graph nav that it should continue on past the ends of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_end = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTINUE if self.stage == UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_END: self._lease_event.clear()
[docs] def control_at_end(self): """Tell graph nav that it should transfer control at the end of the region.""" with self._lock: self._update_response.policy.at_end = UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTROL
[docs] def set_complete(self): with self._lock: self._update_response.complete.SetInParent()
[docs] def set_localization_at_end(self): """Set the localization hint to the end of the callback region, indicating that graph nav that navigation should continue from this point. Robot control is required to set this. It should be called after walking to the end of the region, but before ceding control. Raises: IncorrectUsage: When called without robot control. """ if not self.has_control(): raise IncorrectUsage( 'set_localization_at_end should only be called with robot control.') with self._lock: self._update_response.localization.change = \ UpdateCallbackResponse.UpdateLocalization.LOCALIZATION_AT_END
# Blocking functions to check for a particular event.
[docs] def block_until_control(self): """Block waiting for the robot to pass the sublease to this callback. Raises: HandlerError: When a shutdown is requested before a lease is received. """ if not self._begin_complete: raise IncorrectUsage('block_until_control should only be called from within run()') if not self.will_get_control(): raise IncorrectUsage( 'block_until_control should only be called if the callback will be given control. ' 'The current stage is {} and the policy is {}'.format(self.stage, self.update_response.policy)) while not self._lease_event.wait(0.1): self.check()
[docs] def has_control(self): """Check in a non-blocking way if the callback has been given a sublease. Returns: True if the callback is now in control of the robot. """ return self._lease_event.is_set()
[docs] def block_until_arrived_at_start(self) -> bool: """Block until the robot arrives at the start of the area callback. If the robot is already past the start, this will return immediately. Returns: True if the robot is at the start, False if the robot is already beyond the start. Raises: HandlerError: When a shutdown is requested before the robot reaches the start of the region. """ if not self._begin_complete: raise IncorrectUsage( 'block_until_arrived_at_start should only be called from within run()') while self._stage < UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_START: self.safe_sleep(0.1) return self._stage == UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_START
[docs] def block_until_arrived_at_end(self): """Block until the robot arrives at the end of the area callback. Raises: HandlerError: When a shutdown is requested before the robot reaches the end of the region. """ if not self._begin_complete: raise IncorrectUsage( 'block_until_arrived_at_end should only be called from within run()') while self._stage < UpdateCallbackRequest.STAGE_AT_END: self.safe_sleep(0.1)
@property def stage(self): """Check the current stage of traversal in a non-blocking way. Returns: bosdyn.api.UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage enum of the current stage of crossing the region. """ return self._stage
[docs] def safe_sleep(self, sleep_time_secs: float): """Run impl should use this sleep function to make sure thread does not hang. Args: sleep_time_secs (float): Time to sleep, in seconds. Raises: HandlerError: When a shutdown is requested during the sleep time. """ if self.robot.time_sec() > self._end_time: raise CallbackTimedOutError() if self._shutdown_event.wait(sleep_time_secs): raise CallbackEnded() if self.robot.time_sec() > self._end_time: raise CallbackTimedOutError()
[docs] def check(self): """Check if callback shutdown has been requested via client call to EndCallback or passing the end time. The run thread is responsible for checking and cleanly exiting. Raises: HandlerError: If the thread should shut down. """ if self.robot.time_sec() > self._end_time: raise CallbackTimedOutError() if self._shutdown_event.is_set(): raise CallbackEnded()
@property def update_response(self): """Get current UpdateCallbackResponse.""" with self._lock: return copy.deepcopy(self._update_response)
[docs] def will_get_control(self): """Determine if the current policy and stage mean that the callback will eventually be given control without any further action on its part""" response = self.update_response # Check if the policy wants control at the start, and we haven't passed the start. want_control_at_start = (response.policy.at_start == UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTROL and self.stage <= UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage.STAGE_AT_START) # Check if the policy wants control at the end, # and we've either passed the start or we're set to continue past it. want_control_at_end = ( response.policy.at_end == UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTROL and (self.stage > UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage.STAGE_AT_START or response.policy.at_start == UpdateCallbackResponse.NavPolicy.OPTION_CONTINUE)) return want_control_at_start or want_control_at_end
# All following functions will be called by the AreaCallbackServiceServicer, # and should not be called by subclasses.
[docs] def internal_begin_complete(self): """The handler finished BeginCallback and is ready to start run(). Blocking calls may now be used.""" self._begin_complete = True
[docs] def internal_set_stage(self, stage: UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage): """Update the stage via an incoming UpdateCallbackRequest.""" if stage != self._stage:'Stage changed from %s to %s', UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage.Name(self._stage), UpdateCallbackRequest.Stage.Name(stage)) self._stage = stage
[docs] def internal_set_end_time(self, end_time: float): """Update the end time from an incoming request.""" self._end_time = end_time
[docs] def internal_give_control(self): """Set Event indicating region handler has been given control. Lease is available in wallet. """ self._lease_event.set()
[docs] def internal_run_wrapper(self, shutdown_event): """Wrapper around the run function which catches exceptions and set update response. Args: shutdown_event (Event): Event that signals the run thread to shut down. """ self._shutdown_event = shutdown_event'Beginning callback') try: with self._lock: if not self._update_response.HasField("error"): self._update_response.complete.SetInParent() except PathBlocked: _LOGGER.warning('run() reported the path is blocked.') with self._lock: self._update_response.error.error = UpdateCallbackResponse.Error.ERROR_BLOCKED except LeaseUseError as lease_use_error: _LOGGER.warning('Something else has taken control, aborting.') error = UpdateCallbackResponse.Error() error.error = UpdateCallbackResponse.Error.ERROR_LEASE if hasattr(lease_use_error.response, "lease_use_result"): error.lease_use_results.add().CopyFrom(lease_use_error.response.lease_use_result) elif hasattr(lease_use_error.response, "lease_use_results"): error.lease_use_results.extend(lease_use_error.response.lease_use_results) with self._lock: self._update_response.error.CopyFrom(error) except CallbackTimedOutError: # The callback already passed the end time, which is an error. _LOGGER.warning( 'The callback did not receive an UpdateCallback for too long, aborting.') with self._lock: self._update_response.error.error = UpdateCallbackResponse.Error.ERROR_TIMED_OUT except CallbackEnded: # This was raised to cause run() to stop due to EndCallback. This is not an error. self.set_complete() except IncorrectUsage: raise # We want to keep running and just report an error regardless of what run() raises. except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception('Failed during run(): %s', str(e)) with self._lock: self._update_response.error.error = UpdateCallbackResponse.Error.ERROR_CALLBACK_FAILED'Callback ended')