Source code for bosdyn.client.data_acquisition_helpers

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

import logging
import ssl
import time
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.error import URLError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct

import bosdyn.client
import bosdyn.client.util
from bosdyn.api import data_acquisition_pb2, data_acquisition_store_pb2
from bosdyn.client.exceptions import ResponseError

# Logger for all the debug information from the tests.
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def issue_acquire_data_request(data_acq_client, acquisition_requests, group_name, action_name, metadata=None, data_timestamp=None): """Sends the data acquisition request without blocking until the acquisition completes. Args: data_acq_client: DataAcquisition client for send the acquisition requests. acquisition_requests: Acquisition requests to include in request message. group_name: Group name for the acquisitions. action_name: Action name for the acquisitions. metadata: Metadata to include in the request message. data_timestamp: Timestamp to use for the acquisitions. If None the timestamp will be generated by the data acquisition client. Returns: The request id (int) and the action id (CaptureActionId). A request id set as None indicates the AcquireData rpc failed. """ # Create action id for the query for this request. action_id = data_acquisition_pb2.CaptureActionId(action_name=action_name, group_name=group_name, timestamp=data_timestamp) # Send an AcquireData request request_id = None try: request_id = data_acq_client.acquire_data(acquisition_requests=acquisition_requests, action_name=action_name, group_name=action_id.group_name, metadata=metadata, data_timestamp=data_timestamp) except ResponseError as err: print("Exception raised by issue_acquire_data_request: " + str(err)) return request_id, action_id
[docs]def acquire_and_process_request(data_acquisition_client, acquisition_requests, group_name, action_name, metadata=None, block_until_complete=True, data_timestamp=None): """Send acquisition request and optionally block until the acquisition completes. If blocking, the GetStatus RPC is used to monitor the status of the acquisition request. Args: data_acquisition_client (DataAcquisitionClient): The client for send the acquisition requests. acquisition_requests(data_acquisition_pb2.AcquisitionRequestList): Acquisition requests to include in request message. group_name(string): Group name for the acquisitions. action_name(string): Action name for the acquisitions. metadata(data_acquisition_pb2.Metadata): Metadata to include in the request message. block_until_complete(Boolean): If true, don't return until the GetStatus completes. data_timestamp: Timestamp to use for the acquisitions. If None the timestamp will be generated by the data acquisition client. Returns: Boolean indicating if the acquisition completed successfully or not. """ # Make the acquire data request. This will return our current request id. request_id, action_id = issue_acquire_data_request(data_acquisition_client, acquisition_requests, group_name, action_name, metadata, data_timestamp) if not request_id: # The AcquireData request failed for some reason. No need to attempt to # monitor the status. return False if not block_until_complete: return True # Monitor the status of the data acquisition. print("Waiting for acquisition (id: %s) to complete." % str(request_id)) while True: get_status_response = None try: get_status_response = data_acquisition_client.get_status(request_id) except ResponseError as err: print("Exception: %s" % str(err)) return False print("Current status is: %s" % data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.Status.Name(get_status_response.status)) if get_status_response.status == data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_COMPLETE: return True if get_status_response.status == data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_TIMEDOUT: print("Unrecoverable request timeout: %s" % get_status_response) return False if get_status_response.status == data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_DATA_ERROR: print("Data error was received: %s" % get_status_response) return False if get_status_response.status == data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_REQUEST_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST: print( "The acquisition request id %s is unknown: %s" % (request_id, get_status_response)) return False time.sleep(0.2) return True
[docs]def cancel_acquisition_request(data_acq_client, request_id): """Cancels an acquisition request based on the request id Args: data_acq_client: DataAcquisition client for send the acquisition requests. request_id: The id number for the AcquireData request to cancel. Returns: None. """ if not request_id: # The incoming request id is invalid. No need to attempt to cancel the request or # monitor the status. return try: is_cancelled_response = data_acq_client.cancel_acquisition(request_id) print("Status of the request to cancel the data-acquisition in progress: " + data_acquisition_pb2.CancelAcquisitionResponse.Status.Name( is_cancelled_response.status)) except ResponseError as err: print("ResponseError raised when cancelling: " + str(err)) # Don't attempt to wait for the cancellation success status. return # Monitor the status of the cancellation to confirm it was successfully cancelled. while True: get_status_response = None try: get_status_response = data_acq_client.get_status(request_id) except ResponseError as err: print("Exception: " + str(err)) break print("Request " + str(request_id) + " status: " + data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.Status.Name(get_status_response.status)) if get_status_response.status == data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_ACQUISITION_CANCELLED: print("The request is fully cancelled.") break
[docs]def clean_filename(filename): """Removes bad characters in a filename. Args: filename(string): Original filename to clean. Returns: Valid filename with removed characters :*?<>| """ return "".join(i for i in filename if i not in ":*?<>|")
[docs]def make_time_query_params(start_time_secs, end_time_secs, robot): """Create time-based query params for the download request. Args: start_time_secs(float): The start time for the download data range. end_time_secs(float): The end time for the download range. robot (Robot): The robot object, used to acquire timesync and convert the times to robot time. Returns: The query params (data_acquisition_store_pb2.DataQueryParams) for the time-range download. """ from_timestamp = robot.time_sync.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(start_time_secs) to_timestamp = robot.time_sync.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(end_time_secs) print(from_timestamp.ToJsonString(), to_timestamp.ToJsonString()) query_params = data_acquisition_store_pb2.DataQueryParams( time_range=data_acquisition_store_pb2.TimeRangeQuery(from_timestamp=from_timestamp, to_timestamp=to_timestamp)) return query_params
[docs]def make_time_query_params_from_group_name(group_name, data_store_client): """Create time-based query params for the download request using the group name. Args: group_name(string): The group name for the data to be downloaded. data_store_client(DataAcquisitionStoreClient): The data store client, used to get the action ids for the group name. Returns: The query params (data_acquisition_store_pb2.DataQueryParams) for the time-range download. """ action_id = data_acquisition_pb2.CaptureActionId(group_name=group_name) query_params = data_acquisition_store_pb2.DataQueryParams( action_ids=data_acquisition_store_pb2.ActionIdQuery(action_ids=[action_id])) saved_capture_actions = [] try: saved_capture_actions = data_store_client.list_capture_actions(query_params) except Exception as err: _LOGGER.error("Failed to list the capture action ids for group_name %s: %s", group_name, err) return None # Filter all the CaptureActionIds for the start/end time. These end times are already in # the robots clock and do not need to be converted using timesync. start_time = (None, None) end_time = (None, None) for action_id in saved_capture_actions: timestamp = action_id.timestamp time_secs = timestamp.seconds + timestamp.nanos / 1e9 if time_secs == 0: # The plugin captures don't seem to set a timestamp, so ignore them when determining # the start/end times for what to download. continue if start_time[0] is None or time_secs < start_time[0]: start_time = (time_secs, timestamp) if end_time[0] is None or time_secs > end_time[0]: end_time = (time_secs, timestamp) if not (start_time and end_time): _LOGGER.error("Could not find a start/end time from the list of capture action ids: %s", saved_capture_actions) return None # Ensure the timestamps are ordered correctly and the assert start_time[0] <= end_time[0] # Adjust the start/end time by a few seconds each to give buffer room. start_time[1].seconds -= 3 end_time[1].seconds += 3"Downloading data with a start time of %s seconds and end time of %s seconds.", start_time[0], end_time[0]) # Make the download data request with a time query parameter. query_params = data_acquisition_store_pb2.DataQueryParams( time_range=data_acquisition_store_pb2.TimeRangeQuery(from_timestamp=start_time[1], to_timestamp=end_time[1])) return query_params
[docs]def download_data_REST(query_params, hostname, token, destination_folder='.', additional_params=None): """Retrieve all data for a query from the DataBuffer REST API and write it to files. Args: query_params(bosdyn.api.DataQueryParams): Query parameters to use to retrieve metadata from the DataStore service. Must be time-based query parameters only. hostname(string): Hostname to specify in URL where the DataBuffer service is running. token(string): User token to specify in https GET request for authentication. destination_folder(string): Folder where to download the data. additional_params(dict): Additional GET parameters to append to the URL. Returns: Boolean indicating if the data was downloaded successfully or not. """ try: url = 'https://{}/v1/data-buffer/daq-data/'.format(hostname) absolute_path = Path(destination_folder).absolute() folder = Path(absolute_path.parent, clean_filename(, 'REST') folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)} get_params = additional_params or {} if query_params.HasField('time_range'): get_params.update({ 'from_nsec': query_params.time_range.from_timestamp.ToNanoseconds(), 'to_nsec': query_params.time_range.to_timestamp.ToNanoseconds() }) chunk_size = 10 * (1024**2) # This value is not guaranteed. url = url + '?{}'.format(urlencode(get_params)) request = Request(url, headers=headers) context = ssl._create_unverified_context() with urlopen(request, context=context) as resp: print("Download request HTTPS status code: %s" % resp.status) # This is the default file name used to download data, updated from response. if resp.status == 204: print("No content available for the specified download time range (in seconds): " "[%d, %d]" % (query_params.time_range.from_timestamp.ToNanoseconds() / 1.0e9, query_params.time_range.to_timestamp.ToNanoseconds() / 1.0e9)) return False download_file = Path(folder, "") content = resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] if not content or len(content) < 2: print("ERROR: Content-Disposition is not set correctly") return False else: start_ind = content.find('\"') if start_ind == -1: print("ERROR: Content-Disposition does not have a \"") return False else: start_ind += 1 download_file = Path(folder, clean_filename(content[start_ind:-1])) with open(str(download_file), 'wb') as fid: while True: chunk = if len(chunk) == 0: break print('.', end='', flush=True) fid.write(chunk) except URLError as rest_error: print("REST Exception:\n") print(rest_error) return False except IOError as io_error: print("IO Exception:\n") print(io_error) return False # Data downloaded and saved to local disc successfully. return True