Source code for bosdyn.client.directory_registration

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
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# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Client for the directory registration service.

A DirectoryRegistrationClient allows a client to modify information about other API services
available on a robot.
import collections
import logging
import threading
import time

from bosdyn.api import (directory_pb2, directory_registration_pb2,
from bosdyn.client.common import (BaseClient, error_factory, error_pair,
                                  handle_common_header_errors, handle_unset_status_error)

from .exceptions import ResponseError, RetryableUnavailableError, TimedOutError

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DirectoryRegistrationResponseError(ResponseError): """General class of errors for directory registration responses."""
[docs]class ServiceAlreadyExistsError(DirectoryRegistrationResponseError): """The service already exists on the robot."""
[docs]class ServiceDoesNotExistError(DirectoryRegistrationResponseError): """The specified service does not exist on the robot."""
[docs]class DirectoryRegistrationClient(BaseClient): """Write off-robot services and modify their information.""" default_service_name = 'directory-registration' service_type = 'bosdyn.api.DirectoryRegistrationService' def __init__(self): super(DirectoryRegistrationClient, self).__init__( directory_registration_service_pb2_grpc.DirectoryRegistrationServiceStub)
[docs] def register( self, name, service_type, authority, host_ip, port, user_token_required=True, liveness_timeout_secs=0, **kwargs): """Register a service routing with the robot. If service name already registered, no change will be applied and will raise ServiceAlreadyExistsError. Every request received by the robot will serve as a heartbeat and update the service last_update field. Args: name: The name of the service. Must be unique. service_type: The GRPC service definition defining the calls to/from this service. (authority, service_type) must be unique in the directory. authority: The authority used to direct calls to this service. (authority, service_type) must be unique in the directory. host_ip: The ip address of the system that the service is being hosted on. port: The port number the service can be accessed through on the host system. user_token_required: If a user token should be verified to access the service. liveness_timeout_secs: Number of seconds without directory heartbeat before timeout fault. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceAlreadyExistsError: The service already exists. DirectoryRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the directory registration. """ service_entry = directory_pb2.ServiceEntry( name=name, type=service_type, authority=authority, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs) return self._call_register_rpc(service_entry, host_ip, port, **kwargs)
def _call_register_rpc(self, service_entry, host_ip, port, **kwargs): """Helper function to register a service definition. Args: service_entry (directory_pb2.ServiceEntry): Service definition to register. host_ip: The ip address of the system that the service is being hosted on. port: The port number the service can be accessed through on the host system. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceAlreadyExistsError: The service already exists. DirectoryRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the directory registration. """ endpoint = directory_pb2.Endpoint(host_ip=host_ip, port=port) req = directory_registration_pb2.RegisterServiceRequest(service_entry=service_entry, endpoint=endpoint) return, req, error_from_response=_directory_register_error, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def update( self, name, service_type, authority, host_ip, port, user_token_required=True, liveness_timeout_secs=0, **kwargs): """Update a service definition of an existing service that matches the service name. If service name is not registered, will raise ServiceDoesNotExistError. Every request received by the robot will serve as a heartbeat and update the service last_update field. Args: name: The name of the service to be updated. service_type: The GRPC service definition defining the calls to/from this service. (authority, service_type) must be unique in the directory. authority: The authority used to direct calls to this service. (authority, service_type) must be unique in the directory. host_ip: The ip address of the system that the service is being hosted on. port: The port number the service can be accessed through on the host system. user_token_required: If a user token should be verified to access the service. liveness_timeout_secs: Number of seconds without directory heartbeat before timeout fault. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceDoesNotExistError: The service does not exist. DirectoryRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the directory registration. """ service_entry = directory_pb2.ServiceEntry( name=name, type=service_type, authority=authority, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs) return self._call_update_rpc(service_entry, host_ip, port, **kwargs)
def _call_update_rpc(self, service_entry, host_ip, port, **kwargs): """Helper function to update a service definition of an existing service that matches the service name. Args: service_entry (directory_pb2.ServiceEntry): Service definition to update. host_ip: The ip address of the system that the service is being hosted on. port: The port number the service can be accessed through on the host system. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceDoesNotExistError: The service does not exist. DirectoryRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the directory registration. """ endpoint = directory_pb2.Endpoint(host_ip=host_ip, port=port) req = directory_registration_pb2.UpdateServiceRequest(service_entry=service_entry, endpoint=endpoint) return, req, error_from_response=_directory_update_error, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def unregister(self, name, **kwargs): """Remove a service routing with the robot. Args: name: The name of the service to be removed. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceDoesNotExistError: The service does not exist. DirectoryRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the directory registration. """ req = directory_registration_pb2.UnregisterServiceRequest(service_name=name) return, req, error_from_response=_directory_unregister_error, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
_REGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (DirectoryRegistrationResponseError, None)) _REGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ directory_registration_pb2.RegisterServiceResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), directory_registration_pb2.RegisterServiceResponse.STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS: error_pair(ServiceAlreadyExistsError), }) @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _directory_register_error(response): """Return an exception based on response from Register RPC, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=directory_registration_pb2.RegisterServiceResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_REGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR) _UPDATE_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (DirectoryRegistrationResponseError, None)) _UPDATE_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ directory_registration_pb2.UpdateServiceResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), directory_registration_pb2.UpdateServiceResponse.STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SERVICE: error_pair(ServiceDoesNotExistError), }) @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _directory_update_error(response): """Return an exception based on response from Update RPC, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=directory_registration_pb2.UpdateServiceResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_UPDATE_STATUS_TO_ERROR) _UNREGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (DirectoryRegistrationResponseError, None)) _UNREGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ directory_registration_pb2.UnregisterServiceResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), directory_registration_pb2.UnregisterServiceResponse.STATUS_NONEXISTENT_SERVICE: error_pair(ServiceDoesNotExistError), }) @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _directory_unregister_error(response): """Return an exception based on response from Unregister RPC, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=directory_registration_pb2.UnregisterServiceResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_UNREGISTER_STATUS_TO_ERROR)
[docs]def reset_service_registration( directory_registration_client, name, service_type, authority, host_ip, port, user_token_required=True, liveness_timeout_secs=0): """Reset a service registration by unregistering the service and then re-registering it. This is useful when a program wants to register a new service but there may be an old entry in the robot directory from a previous instance of the program. If the service does not already exist, the exception will be suppressed and a new registration will still be performed. Unregistering the service has the advantage of clearing all service faults, if any existed. """ try: directory_registration_client.unregister(name) except ServiceDoesNotExistError: pass directory_registration_client.register( name, service_type, authority, host_ip, port, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs)
[docs]class DirectoryRegistrationKeepAlive(object): """Helper class to keep a directory entry updated. Assuming the directory itself is hosted on the robot, and the service being registered in the directory is on a payload, use of this class streamlines the following cases: 1) The payload, or the payload-hosted service, is restarted. 2) The robot is restarted. 3) On-robot processes clear out the directory. This can happen in rare cases. This class will also maintain liveness status with the robot directory, if enabled for this service, by sending a registration/update request at the specified interval. Args: dir_reg_client: Client to the directory registration service. logger: logging.Logger object to log with. Defaults to None, in which case one with the class name is acquired. rpc_timeout_seconds: Number of seconds to wait for a dir_reg_client RPC. Defaults to None, for no timeout. rpc_interval_seconds: Interval at which to request service registrations. """ def __init__(self, dir_reg_client, logger=None, rpc_timeout_seconds=None, rpc_interval_seconds=30): self.authority = None self.directory_name = None = None self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.port = None self.service_type = None self.dir_reg_client = dir_reg_client self._end_reregister_signal = threading.Event() self._lock = threading.Lock() self._rpc_timeout = rpc_timeout_seconds self._reregister_period = rpc_interval_seconds # Configure the thread to do re-registration. self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._periodic_reregister) self._thread.daemon = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.shutdown() self.unregister()
[docs] def start( self, directory_name, service_type, authority, host, port, liveness_timeout_secs=None, user_token_required=True, reset_service=True): """Register, optionally update, and then kick off thread. Can not be restarted with this method after a shutdown. Args: directory_name: See directory.proto for details. service_type: See directory.proto for details. authority: See directory.proto for details. host: See directory.proto for details. port: See directory.proto for details. liveness_timeout_secs: See directory.proto for details. Defaults to 2.5x rpc_interval_seconds. user_token_required: See directory.proto for details. reset_service: Fully reset the service registration before the periodic registrations. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. """ if liveness_timeout_secs is None: liveness_timeout_secs = self._reregister_period * 2.5 if reset_service: reset_service_registration( self.dir_reg_client, directory_name, service_type, authority, host, port, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs) else: try: self.dir_reg_client.register( directory_name, service_type, authority, host, port, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs) except ServiceAlreadyExistsError as exc: self.dir_reg_client.update( directory_name, service_type, authority, host, port, user_token_required=user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=liveness_timeout_secs)'{} service registered/updated.'.format(directory_name)) self.authority = authority self.directory_name = directory_name = host self.port = port self.service_type = service_type self.user_token_required = user_token_required self.liveness_timeout_secs = liveness_timeout_secs # This will raise an exception if the thread has already started. self._thread.start() return self
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Are we still periodically re-registering? Returns: A bool stating if still alive """ return self._thread.is_alive()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Stop the background thread."""'Shutting down {} keep alive'.format(self.directory_name)) self._end_reregister_signal.set() self._thread.join()
[docs] def unregister(self): """Remove service from the directory. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. ServiceDoesNotExistError: The service does not exist. """'Unregistering {} from directory'.format(self.directory_name)) self.dir_reg_client.unregister(self.directory_name, timeout=self._rpc_timeout)
def _periodic_reregister(self): """Handles an accidental removal of the service from the directory. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. """'Starting directory registration loop for {}'.format(self.directory_name)) while True: exec_start = time.time() try: self.dir_reg_client.register( self.directory_name, self.service_type, self.authority,, self.port, user_token_required=self.user_token_required, liveness_timeout_secs=self.liveness_timeout_secs, timeout=self._rpc_timeout) except ServiceAlreadyExistsError: # Ignore "already registered" errors -- we expect those. # We do not allow anyone to change the directory parameters with an "update" call, # because we assume that the lifespan of this thread matches the lifespan of the # service being registered. pass except RetryableUnavailableError: # Ignore transient availability errors and retry. pass except TimedOutError: self.logger.warning('Timed out, timeout set to "{}"'.format(self._rpc_timeout)) except Exception: # Log all other exceptions, but continue looping in hopes that it resolves itself self.logger.exception('Caught general exception') exec_sec = time.time() - exec_start if self._end_reregister_signal.wait(self._reregister_period - exec_sec): break