Source code for bosdyn.client.payload_registration

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Client for the payload service.

This allows client code to write to the robot payload registry.

import collections
import logging
import threading
import time

import bosdyn.api.payload_registration_pb2 as payload_registration_protos
import bosdyn.api.payload_registration_service_pb2_grpc as payload_registration_service
from bosdyn.client import (ResponseError, RetryableUnavailableError, TimedOutError,
from bosdyn.client.common import (BaseClient, error_factory, handle_common_header_errors,
                                  handle_lease_use_result_errors, handle_unset_status_error)

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('payload_registration_client')

# Define payload-registration-specific errors
[docs]class PayloadRegistrationResponseError(ResponseError): """General class of errors for PayloadRegistration service."""
[docs]class InvalidPayloadCredentialsError(PayloadRegistrationResponseError): """The payload credentials do not match any payload registered to the robot."""
[docs]class PayloadNotAuthorizedError(PayloadRegistrationResponseError): """The payload is not authorized."""
[docs]class PayloadAlreadyExistsError(PayloadRegistrationResponseError): """A payload with this GUID is already registered on the robot."""
[docs]class PayloadDoesNotExistError(PayloadRegistrationResponseError): """A payload with this GUID is not registered on the robot."""
def _get_token(response): return response.token
[docs]class PayloadRegistrationClient(BaseClient): """A client registering payload configs onto the robot.""" default_service_name = 'payload-registration' service_type = 'bosdyn.api.PayloadRegistrationService' def __init__(self): super(PayloadRegistrationClient, self).__init__(payload_registration_service.PayloadRegistrationServiceStub)
[docs] def register_payload(self, payload, secret, **kw_args): """Register a payload to the robot. Args: payload: The payload protobuf message to register. secret: Unique string to verify payload. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadAlreadyExistsError: A payload with the provided GUID already exists. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.RegisterPayloadRequest() request.payload.CopyFrom(payload) if secret: request.payload_secret = secret return, request, error_from_response=_payload_registration_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def register_payload_async(self, payload, secret, **kw_args): """Register a payload to the robot. Args: payload: The payload protobuf message to register. secret: Unique string to verify payload. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadAlreadyExistsError: A payload with the provided GUID already exists. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.RegisterPayloadRequest() request.payload.CopyFrom(payload) if secret: request.payload_secret = secret return self.call_async(self._stub.RegisterPayload, request, error_from_response=_payload_registration_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def update_payload_version(self, guid, secret, updated_version, **kw_args): """Update an existing payload's version on the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to update. secret: Secret of the payload to update. updated_version: The new version to set this payload to. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionRequest() # Deprecated credential fields. request.payload_guid = guid request.payload_secret = secret # Supported credential fields for 2.4+ robots. request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.updated_version.CopyFrom(updated_version) return, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_version_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def update_payload_version_async(self, guid, secret, updated_version, **kw_args): """Update an existing payload on the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to update. secret: Secret of the payload to update. updated_version: The new version to set this payload to. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionRequest() # Deprecated credential fields. request.payload_guid = guid request.payload_secret = secret # Supported credential fields for 2.4+ robots. request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.updated_version.CopyFrom(updated_version) return self.call_async(self._stub.UpdatePayloadVersion, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_version_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def get_payload_auth_token(self, guid, secret, **kw_args): """Request a limited-access auth token for a payload. Getting the auth token requires payload to be authorized via the web console. Args: guid: The GUID of the registered payload requesting the token. secret: The secret of the registered payload requesting the token. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Returns: A limited-access user token for the robot Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadNotAuthorizedError: The payload with the provided GUID is not authorized and cannot request a token. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The provided GUID + secret combo does not match any existing payload. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.GetPayloadAuthTokenRequest() # Deprecated credential fields. request.payload_guid = guid request.payload_secret = secret # Supported credential fields for 2.4+ robots. request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret return, request, value_from_response=_get_token, error_from_response=_get_payload_auth_token_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def attach_payload(self, guid, secret, **kw_args): """Attach a payload to the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to attach. secret: Secret of the payload to attach. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadNotAuthorizedError: The payload you've requested to change is not yet authorized. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest() request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest.REQUEST_ATTACH return, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_attached_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def attach_payload_async(self, guid, secret, **kw_args): """Attach a payload to the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to attach. secret: Secret of the payload to attach. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadNotAuthorizedError: The payload you've requested to change is not yet authorized. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest() request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest.REQUEST_ATTACH return self.call_async(self._stub.UpdatePayloadAttached, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_attached_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def detach_payload(self, guid, secret, **kw_args): """Detach a payload from the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to detach. secret: Secret of the payload to detach. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadNotAuthorizedError: The payload you've requested to change is not yet authorized. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest() request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest.REQUEST_DETACH return, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_attached_error, **kw_args)
[docs] def detach_payload_async(self, guid, secret, **kw_args): """Detach a payload from the robot. Args: guid: The GUID of the payload to detach. secret: Secret of the payload to detach. kw_args: Extra arguments to pass to grpc call invocation. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. PayloadDoesNotExistError: A payload with the provided GUID does not exist. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The GUID + secret does not match an existing payload. PayloadNotAuthorizedError: The payload you've requested to change is not yet authorized. PayloadRegistrationResponseError: Something went wrong during the payload registration. """ request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest() request.payload_credentials.guid = guid request.payload_credentials.secret = secret request.request = payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedRequest.REQUEST_DETACH return self.call_async(self._stub.UpdatePayloadAttached, request, error_from_response=_update_payload_attached_error, **kw_args)
# Associate proto status errors to python client errors for RegisterPayload _REGISTER_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (ResponseError, None)) _REGISTER_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ payload_registration_protos.RegisterPayloadResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), payload_registration_protos.RegisterPayloadResponse.STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS: (PayloadAlreadyExistsError, PayloadAlreadyExistsError.__doc__), }) # Function to parse all types of errors from payload registration response @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _payload_registration_error(response): """Return a custom exception based on response, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=payload_registration_protos.RegisterPayloadResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_REGISTER_PAYLOAD_STATUS_TO_ERROR) # Associate proto status errors to python client errors for UpdatePayloadVersion _UPDATE_PAYLOAD_VERSION_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (ResponseError, None)) _UPDATE_PAYLOAD_VERSION_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionResponse.STATUS_DOES_NOT_EXIST: (PayloadDoesNotExistError, PayloadDoesNotExistError.__doc__), payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionResponse.STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: (InvalidPayloadCredentialsError, InvalidPayloadCredentialsError.__doc__), }) # Function to parse all types of errors from get update payload version response @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _update_payload_version_error(response): """Return a custom exception based on response, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadVersionResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_UPDATE_PAYLOAD_VERSION_STATUS_TO_ERROR) # Associate proto status errors to python client errors for GetPayloadAuthToken _GET_PAYLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (ResponseError, None)) _GET_PAYLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ payload_registration_protos.GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), payload_registration_protos.GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse.STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: (InvalidPayloadCredentialsError, InvalidPayloadCredentialsError.__doc__), payload_registration_protos.GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse.STATUS_PAYLOAD_NOT_AUTHORIZED: (PayloadNotAuthorizedError, PayloadNotAuthorizedError.__doc__), }) # Function to parse all types of errors from get payload auth token response @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _get_payload_auth_token_error(response): """Return a custom exception based on response, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=payload_registration_protos.GetPayloadAuthTokenResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_GET_PAYLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS_TO_ERROR) # Associate proto status errors to python client errors for UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse _UPDATE_PAYLOAD_ATTACHED_STATUS_TO_ERROR = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (ResponseError, None)) _UPDATE_PAYLOAD_ATTACHED_STATUS_TO_ERROR.update({ payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.STATUS_OK: (None, None), payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.STATUS_DOES_NOT_EXIST: (PayloadDoesNotExistError, PayloadDoesNotExistError.__doc__), payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: (InvalidPayloadCredentialsError, InvalidPayloadCredentialsError.__doc__), payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.STATUS_PAYLOAD_NOT_AUTHORIZED: (PayloadNotAuthorizedError, PayloadNotAuthorizedError.__doc__), }) # Function to parse all types of errors from update payload attached request @handle_common_header_errors @handle_unset_status_error(unset='STATUS_UNKNOWN') def _update_payload_attached_error(response): """Return a custom exception based on response, None if no error.""" return error_factory( response, response.status, status_to_string=payload_registration_protos.UpdatePayloadAttachedResponse.Status.Name, status_to_error=_UPDATE_PAYLOAD_ATTACHED_STATUS_TO_ERROR)
[docs]class PayloadRegistrationKeepAlive(object): """Helper class to keep a payload entry registered. Using a payload keep alive will ensure that a payload automatically re-registers itself with the robot if it is ever forgotten. However, payload registrations on Spot are persistent across power cycles and updates, so in most cases there is no need to send a payload registration request after the first successful payload registration. The use of a payload registration keep alive should only be used when a payload is expected to be regularly reconfigured by forgetting & re-authorizing the payload in the web page. Args: pay_reg_client: Client to the payload registration service. payload: bosdyn.api.payload object that defines the payload to register. secret: String secret for the payload. registration_interval_secs: Number of seconds between payload registration requests. logger: logging.Logger object to log with. Defaults to None, in which case one with the class name is acquired. rpc_timeout_secs: Number of seconds to wait for a pay_reg_client RPC. Defaults to None, for no timeout. """ def __init__(self, pay_reg_client, payload, secret, registration_interval_secs=30, logger=None, rpc_timeout_secs=None): self.pay_reg_client = pay_reg_client self.payload = payload self.secret = secret self._registration_interval_secs = registration_interval_secs self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._rpc_timeout_secs = rpc_timeout_secs # Configure the thread to do re-registration. self._end_reregister_signal = threading.Event() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._periodic_reregister) self._thread.daemon = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.shutdown()
[docs] def start(self): """Register and then kick off thread. Can not be restarted with this method after a shutdown. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. RuntimeError: The thread was attempted to start more than once. """ try: self.pay_reg_client.register_payload(self.payload, self.secret) except PayloadAlreadyExistsError as exc: # If the payload exists, log a warning and continue. self.logger.warning( 'Got a "payload already exists" error: %s\nContinuing to start thread.', str(exc)) else:'Payload registered.') # This will raise an exception if the thread has already started. self._thread.start()
[docs] def is_alive(self): """Are we still periodically re-registering? Returns: A bool stating if still alive """ return self._thread.is_alive()
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Stop the background thread.""" self.logger.debug('Shutting down') self._end_reregister_signal.set() self._thread.join()
def _periodic_reregister(self): """Handles a removal of the payload from the robot payload page while still connected. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. """'Starting registration loop') while True: exec_start = time.time() try: self.pay_reg_client.register_payload(self.payload, self.secret) except PayloadAlreadyExistsError: # Ignore "already exists" errors -- we expect those. pass except RetryableUnavailableError: # Ignore transient availability errors and retry. pass except TimedOutError: self.logger.warning('Timed out, timeout set to "{}"'.format(self._rpc_timeout_secs)) except TooManyRequestsError: self.logger.warning("Too many requests error") except Exception as exc: # Log all other exceptions, but continue looping in hopes that it resolves itself self.logger.exception('Caught general exception.') exec_sec = time.time() - exec_start if self._end_reregister_signal.wait(self._registration_interval_secs - exec_sec): break'Re-registration stopped')