Source code for bosdyn.client.robot

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Settings common to a user's access to one robot."""
import copy
import logging
import time
from typing import Optional

import bosdyn.api.data_buffer_pb2 as data_buffer_protos
from bosdyn.util import now_sec, timestamp_to_sec

from .auth import AuthClient
from .channel import DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH
from .data_buffer import DataBufferClient
from .data_buffer import log_event as pkg_log_event
from .directory import DirectoryClient
from .directory_registration import DirectoryRegistrationClient
from .estop import EstopClient
from .estop import is_estopped as pkg_is_estopped
from .exceptions import Error
from .lease import LeaseWallet
from .payload_registration import (PayloadAlreadyExistsError, PayloadNotAuthorizedError,
from .power import PowerClient
from .power import is_powered_on as pkg_is_powered_on
from .power import power_off_motors as pkg_power_off
from .power import power_on_motors as pkg_power_on
from .power import safe_power_off_motors as pkg_safe_power_off
from .robot_command import RobotCommandClient
from .robot_id import RobotIdClient
from .robot_state import RobotStateClient
from .robot_state import has_arm as pkg_has_arm
from .time_sync import TimeSyncClient, TimeSyncError, TimeSyncThread
from .token_cache import TokenCache
from .token_manager import TokenManager

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RobotError(Error): """General class of errors to handle non-response non-grpc errors."""
[docs]class UnregisteredServiceError(RobotError): """Full service definition has not been registered in the robot instance."""
[docs]class UnregisteredServiceNameError(UnregisteredServiceError): """Service name has not been registered in the robot instance.""" def __init__(self, service_name): self.service_name = service_name def __str__(self): return 'Service name "{}" has not been registered'.format(self.service_name)
[docs]class UnregisteredServiceTypeError(UnregisteredServiceError): """Service type has not been registered in the robot instance.""" def __init__(self, service_type): self.service_type = service_type def __str__(self): return 'Service type "{}" has not been registered'.format(self.service_type)
[docs]class Robot(object): """Settings common to one user's access to one robot. This is the main point of access to all client functionality. The ensure_client member is used to get any client to a service exposed on the robot. Additionally, many helpers are exposed to provide commonly used functionality without explicitly accessing a particular client object. Note that any rpc call made to the robot can raise an RpcError subclass if there are errors communicating with the robot. Additionally, ResponseErrors will be raised if there was an error acting on the request itself. An InvalidRequestError indicates a programming error, where the request was malformed in some way. InvalidRequestErrors will never be thrown except in the case of client bugs. See also Sdk and BaseClient """ _bootstrap_service_authorities = { AuthClient.default_service_name: '', DirectoryClient.default_service_name: '', DirectoryRegistrationClient.default_service_name: '', PayloadRegistrationClient.default_service_name: '', RobotIdClient.default_service_name: '', } def __init__( self, name=None ): self._name = name self.client_name = None self.address = None self.serial_number = None self.logger = logging.getLogger(self._name or 'bosdyn.Robot') self.user_token = None self.token_cache = TokenCache() self._token_manager = None self._current_user = None self.service_clients_by_name = {} self.channels_by_authority = {} self.authorities_by_name = {} self._robot_id = None self._hardware_config = None self._has_arm = None self._secure_channel_port = _DEFAULT_SECURE_CHANNEL_PORT # Things usually updated from an Sdk object. self.service_client_factories_by_type = {} self.service_type_by_name = {} self.request_processors = [] self.response_processors = [] self.cert = None self.lease_wallet = LeaseWallet() self._time_sync_thread = None # Set default max message length for sending and receiving. These values are used when # creating channels. self.max_send_message_length = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH self.max_receive_message_length = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH def _shutdown(self): """Shut down background threads for tokens and time sync.""" if self._time_sync_thread: self._time_sync_thread.stop() self._time_sync_thread = None if self._token_manager: self._token_manager.stop() self._token_manager = None def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._shutdown() def __enter__(self): return self def __del__(self): self._shutdown() @property def host(self): return self._name def _get_token_id(self, username): return '{}.{}'.format(self.serial_number, username) def _update_token_cache(self, username=None): """Updates the cache with the existing user token. This method also instantiates a token manager to refresh the user token. Furthermore, it should only be called after the token has been retrieved. Raises: token_cache.WriteFailedError: Error saving to the cache. """ self._token_manager = self._token_manager or TokenManager(self) self._current_user = username or self._current_user if self._current_user: key = self._get_token_id(self._current_user) self.token_cache.write(key, self.user_token)
[docs] def setup_token_cache(self, token_cache=None, unique_id=None): """Instantiates a token cache to persist the user token. If the user provides a cache, it will be saved in the robot object for convenience.""" self.serial_number = unique_id or self.serial_number or self.get_id().serial_number self.token_cache = token_cache or self.token_cache
[docs] def update_from(self, other): """Adds to this object's processors, etc. based on other""" self.request_processors = other.request_processors + self.request_processors self.response_processors = other.response_processors + self.response_processors self.service_client_factories_by_type.update(other.service_client_factories_by_type) self.service_type_by_name.update(other.service_type_by_name) # Don't know the types here, so use explicit deepcopy. self.cert = copy.deepcopy(other.cert) self.logger = other.logger.getChild(self._name or 'Robot') self.max_send_message_length = other.max_send_message_length self.max_receive_message_length = other.max_receive_message_length self.client_name = other.client_name self.lease_wallet.set_client_name(self.client_name)
[docs] def ensure_client(self, service_name, channel=None, options=[], service_endpoint=None): """Ensure a Client for a given service. Note: If a new service has been registered with the directory service, this may raise UnregisteredServiceNameError when trying to connect to it until sync_with_directory() is called. Args: service_name: The name of the service. channel: gRPC channel object to use. Default None, in which case the Sdk data is used to generate a channel. The channel will become associated with the client. Raises: UnregisteredServiceNameError: The service is not known. UnregisteredServiceTypeError: The client type for this service was never registered. RpcError: There was an error communicating with the robot. """ # Check if a client with this name is already running if service_name in self.service_clients_by_name: return self.service_clients_by_name[service_name] # Create an instance of the class try: service_type = self.service_type_by_name[service_name] except KeyError: raise UnregisteredServiceNameError(service_name) try: creation_function = self.service_client_factories_by_type[service_type] except KeyError: raise UnregisteredServiceTypeError(service_type) client = creation_function() self.logger.debug('Created client for %s', service_name) if channel is None: channel = self.ensure_channel(service_name, options=options, service_endpoint=service_endpoint) = channel client.update_from(self) # Track service clients that have been created to avoid duplicate clients self.service_clients_by_name[service_name] = client return client
[docs] def shutdown(self): for channel_from_auth in self.channels_by_authority.values(): channel_from_auth.close()
[docs] def get_cached_robot_id(self): """Return the RobotId proto for this robot, querying it from the robot if not yet cached. Raises: RpcError: There as a problem communicating with the robot. """ if not self._robot_id: robot_id_client = self.ensure_client('robot-id') self._robot_id = robot_id_client.get_id() return self._robot_id
[docs] def get_cached_hardware_hardware_configuration(self): """Return the HardwareConfiguration proto for this robot, querying it from the robot if not yet cached. Raises: RpcError: There as a problem communicating with the robot. """ if not self._hardware_config: client = self.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) self._hardware_config = client.get_robot_hardware_configuration() return self._hardware_config
[docs] def ensure_channel(self, service_name, options=[], service_endpoint=None): """Verify the right information exists before calling the ensure_secure_channel method. Args: service_name: Name of the service in the directory. Returns: Existing channel if found, or newly created channel if not found. Raises: RpcError: There was a problem communicating with the robot. UnregisteredServiceNameError: service_name is unknown. """ # If a specific channel was not set, look up the authority so we can get a channel. # Get the authority from either # 1. The bootstrap authority for this client_class, if available # 2. The authority of a registered service with matching service_name in DirectoryService authority = Robot._bootstrap_service_authorities.get(service_name) # Attempt to get authority from the robot Directory Service by name if not authority: authority = self.authorities_by_name.get(service_name) if not authority: self.sync_with_directory() authority = self.authorities_by_name.get(service_name) # If authority still not known, then the service name has not been registered. if not authority: raise UnregisteredServiceNameError(service_name) return self.ensure_secure_channel(authority, options=options)
[docs] def ensure_secure_channel(self, authority, options=[]): """Get the channel to access the given authority, creating it if it doesn't exist.""" if authority in self.channels_by_authority: return self.channels_by_authority[authority] # Update max send/receive message lengths. if 'grpc.max_receive_message_length' not in [option[0] for option in options]: options.append(('grpc.max_receive_message_length', self.max_receive_message_length)) if 'grpc.max_send_message_length' not in [option[0] for option in options]: options.append(('grpc.max_send_message_length', self.max_send_message_length)) # Channel doesn't exist, so create it. creds =, lambda: self.user_token) channel =, self._secure_channel_port, creds, authority, options=options) self.logger.debug('Created channel to %s at port %i with authority %s', self.address, self._secure_channel_port, authority) self.channels_by_authority[authority] = channel return channel
[docs] def authenticate( self, username, password, timeout=None ): """Authenticate to this Robot with the username/password at the given service. Raises: InvalidLoginError: The username and/or password are not valid. token_cache.WriteFailedError: Authentication succeeded, but failed to update the local token_cache. RpcError: There was a problem communicating with the robot. """ # We cannot use the directory for the auth service until we are authenticated, so hard-code # the authority name. auth_channel = self.ensure_secure_channel( Robot._bootstrap_service_authorities[AuthClient.default_service_name]) auth_client = self.ensure_client(AuthClient.default_service_name, auth_channel) user_token = auth_client.auth(username, password, timeout=timeout) self.update_user_token(user_token, username)
[docs] def authenticate_with_token(self, token, timeout=None): """Authenticate to this Robot with the token at the given service. Raises: InvalidTokenError: The token was incorrectly formed, for the wrong robot, or expired. token_cache.WriteFailedError: Authentication succeeded, but failed to update the local token_cache. RpcError: There was a problem communicating with the robot. """ # We cannot use the directory for the auth service until we are authenticated, so hard-code # the authority name. auth_client = self.ensure_client(AuthClient.default_service_name) user_token = auth_client.auth_with_token(token, timeout=timeout) self.update_user_token(user_token)
[docs] def authenticate_from_cache(self, username, timeout=None): """Authenticate to this Robot with a cached token at the given service. Raises: token_cache.NotInCacheError: No token found for this robot/username. token_cache.WriteFailedError: Authentication succeeded, but failed to update the local token_cache. """ token = # We cannot use the directory for the auth service until we are authenticated, so hard-code # the authority name. auth_client = self.ensure_client(AuthClient.default_service_name) user_token = auth_client.auth_with_token(token, timeout=timeout) self.update_user_token(user_token, username)
[docs] def authenticate_from_payload_credentials(self, guid, secret, payload_registration_client=None, timeout=None): """Authenticate to this Robot with the guid/secret of the hosting payload. This call is used to authenticate to a robot using payload credentials. If a payload is not yet authorized, it will block until the payload is authorized by an operator in the robot web page. Raises: InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The guid and/or secret are not valid. token_cache.WriteFailedError: Authentication succeeded, but failed to update the local token_cache. RpcError: There was a problem communicating with the robot. """ printed_warning = False if payload_registration_client is None: payload_registration_client = self.ensure_client( PayloadRegistrationClient.default_service_name) user_token = None while user_token is None: try: user_token = payload_registration_client.get_payload_auth_token( guid, secret, timeout=timeout) except PayloadNotAuthorizedError: if not printed_warning: printed_warning = True self.logger.warning( 'Payload is not authorized. Authentication will block until an' ' operator authorizes the payload in the Admin Console.') pass time.sleep(0.1) self.update_user_token(user_token)
[docs] def update_user_token(self, user_token, username=None): """Update this Robot with a user token. Raises: token_cache.WriteFailedError: Error saving to the cache. """ self.user_token = user_token self._update_token_cache(username)
[docs] def get_cached_usernames(self): """Return an ordered list of usernames queryable from the cache.""" matches = self.token_cache.match(self.serial_number) usernames = [] for match in matches: _, username = match.split('.') usernames.extend([username]) return sorted(usernames)
[docs] def get_id(self, id_service_name=RobotIdClient.default_service_name): """Get all the information that identifies the robot.""" id_client = self.ensure_client(id_service_name) return id_client.get_id()
[docs] def list_services(self): """Get all the available services on the robot.""" dir_client = self.ensure_client(DirectoryClient.default_service_name) return dir_client.list()
[docs] def sync_with_directory(self): """Update local state with all available services on the robot. Returns: Dict[string, string]: Mapping of service name to service type """ remote_services = self.list_services() return self.sync_with_services_list(remote_services)
[docs] def sync_with_services_list(self, services_list): """Alternate version of sync_with_directory() that takes the list of services directly and does not perform any rpcs. Returns: Dict[string, string]: Mapping of service name to service type """ for service in services_list: self.authorities_by_name[] = service.authority self.service_type_by_name[] = service.type return self.service_type_by_name
[docs] def register_payload_and_authenticate(self, payload, secret, timeout=None): """Register a payload with the robot and request a user_token. This method will block until the payload is authorized by an operator in the robot webpage. Raises: InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The guid and/or secret are not valid. InvalidPayloadCredentialsError: The payload was rejected on the robot web page. token_cache.WriteFailedError: Authentication succeeded, but failed to update the local token_cache. RpcError: There was a problem communicating with the robot. """ payload_registration_client = self.ensure_client( PayloadRegistrationClient.default_service_name) try: payload_registration_client.register_payload(payload, secret, timeout=timeout) except PayloadAlreadyExistsError: pass self.authenticate_from_payload_credentials( payload.GUID, secret, payload_registration_client=payload_registration_client, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def start_time_sync(self, time_sync_interval_sec=None): """Start time sync thread if needed. Args: time_sync_interval_sec (float): The interval (in seconds) that the time-sync estimate should be updated. """ if not self._time_sync_thread: self._time_sync_thread = TimeSyncThread( self.ensure_client(TimeSyncClient.default_service_name)) if time_sync_interval_sec: self._time_sync_thread.time_sync_interval_sec = time_sync_interval_sec if self._time_sync_thread.stopped: self._time_sync_thread.start()
[docs] def stop_time_sync(self): """Stop the time sync thread if needed.""" if not self._time_sync_thread.stopped: self._time_sync_thread.stop()
@property def time_sync(self): """Accessor for the time-sync thread. Creates and starts thread if not already started.""" self.start_time_sync() return self._time_sync_thread
[docs] def time_sec(self): """Get current robot time, seconds. Kicks off background time sync thread if not started. Returns: double: Current robot time, seconds. """ robot_timestamp = self.time_sync.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(now_sec()) return timestamp_to_sec(robot_timestamp)
[docs] def operator_comment(self, comment, timestamp_secs=None, timeout=None): """Send an operator comment to the robot for the robot's log files. Args: comment (string): Operator comment text to be added to the log. timestamp_secs (float): Comment time in seconds since the unix epoch (client clock). If set, this is converted to robot time when sent to the robot. If None and time sync is available, the current time is converted to robot time and sent as the comment timestamp. If None and time sync is unavailable, the logged timestamp will be the time the robot receives this message. timeout (float): Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Raises: NotEstablishedError: timestamp_secs given, but time-sync has not been achieved. RpcError: A problem occurred sending the comment to the robot. """ client = self.ensure_client(DataBufferClient.default_service_name) if timestamp_secs is None: try: robot_timestamp = self.time_sync.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(now_sec()) except TimeSyncError: robot_timestamp = None # Timestamp will be set when robot receives the request msg. else: # This will raise an exception if time-sync is unavailable. robot_timestamp = self.time_sync.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(timestamp_secs) client.add_operator_comment(comment, robot_timestamp=robot_timestamp, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def log_event( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,no-member self, event_type, level, description, start_timestamp_secs, end_timestamp_secs=None, id_str=None, parameters=None, log_preserve_hint=data_buffer_protos.Event.LOG_PRESERVE_HINT_NORMAL): """Add an Event to the Data Buffer. Args: event_type (string): The type of event. level (bosdyn.api.Event.Level): The relative importance of the event. description (string): A human-readable description of the event. start_timestamp_secs (float): Start of the event, in local time. end_timestamp_secs (float): End of the event. start_timestamp_secs is used if None. id_str (string): Unique id for event. A uuid is generated if None. parameters ([bosdyn.api.Parameter]): Parameters to attach to the event. """ return pkg_log_event(self, event_type=event_type, level=level, description=description, start_timestamp_secs=start_timestamp_secs, end_timestamp_secs=end_timestamp_secs, id_str=id_str, parameters=parameters, log_preserve_hint=log_preserve_hint)
[docs] def power_on(self, timeout_sec=20, update_frequency=1.0, timeout=None): """Power on robot. This function blocks until robot powers on. Args: timeout_sec (float): Max time this function will block for. update_frequency (float): Frequency at which power status is checked. timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Raises: PowerResponseError: Problem with the power on sequence. RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. power_client.CommandTimedOutError: The robot did not power on within timeout_sec """ service_name = PowerClient.default_service_name client = self.ensure_client(service_name) pkg_power_on(client, timeout_sec, update_frequency, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def power_off(self, cut_immediately=False, timeout_sec=20, update_frequency=1.0, timeout=None): """Power off robot. This function blocks until robot powers off. By default, this will attempt to put the robot in a safe state before cutting power. Args: cut_immediately (bool): True to cut power to the robot immediately. False to issue a safe power off command to the robot. timeout_sec (float): Max time this function will block for. update_frequency (float): Frequency at which power status is checked. timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. power_client.CommandTimedOutError: The robot did not power off within timeout_sec PowerResponseError: If cut_immediately, raised on problems with the power on sequence. RobotCommandResponseError: If not cut_immediately, raised on problems with the safe power off. """ if cut_immediately: power_client = self.ensure_client(PowerClient.default_service_name) pkg_power_off(power_client, timeout_sec, update_frequency, timeout=timeout) else: # Ideally we wouldn't need a state client, and all feedback could come from command # service. For V1, we should either implement this, or remove feedback from the proto # we are releasing. See bugzilla bug 4111 for more details. command_client = self.ensure_client(RobotCommandClient.default_service_name) state_client = self.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) pkg_safe_power_off(command_client, state_client, timeout_sec, update_frequency, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def is_powered_on(self, timeout=None): """Check the power state of the robot. Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Returns: bool: Returns True if robot is powered on, False otherwise. Raises: RpcError: A problem occurred trying to communicate with the robot. """ state_client = self.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) return pkg_is_powered_on(state_client, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def is_estopped(self, timeout=None): """Check if the robot is estopped, usually indicating if an external application has not registered and held an estop endpoint. Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Returns: bool: Returns True if robot is estopped, False otherwise. Raises: RpcError: A problem occurred trying to communicate with the robot. """ estop_client = self.ensure_client(EstopClient.default_service_name) return pkg_is_estopped(estop_client, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_frame_tree_snapshot(self, timeout=None): """Get the current frame tree snapshot from the robot state client. Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Returns: An instance of the bosdyn.api.FrameTreeSnapshot that contains data from the latest robot state. Raises: RpcError: A problem occurred sending the comment to the robot. """ client = self.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) current_state = client.get_robot_state(timeout=timeout) return current_state.kinematic_state.transforms_snapshot
[docs] def has_arm(self, timeout=None): """Check if the robot has an arm attached. Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for RPC response. Returns: bool: Returns True if robot has an arm, False otherwise. Raises: RpcError: A problem occurred trying to communicate with the robot. """ if self._has_arm: return self._has_arm state_client = self.ensure_client(RobotStateClient.default_service_name) self._has_arm = pkg_has_arm(state_client, timeout=timeout) return self._has_arm
[docs] def update_secure_channel_port(self, secure_channel_port): """Update the port used for creating secure channels, instead of using the default 443. Calling this method does not change existing channels. It only affects secure channels created after this method is called. Args: secure_channel_port: New port to use for creating secure channels. """ self._secure_channel_port = secure_channel_port