Source code for bosdyn.client.time_sync

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""A client for the time-sync service.

The time-sync service helps track the difference between the robot's system clock and the
system clock of clients, and sends an estimate of this difference to the client.  The client
uses this information when it needs to send a timestamp to the robot in a request proto.
Timestamps in request protos generally need to be specified relative to the robot's system clock.
import time
from threading import Event, Lock, Thread

from google.protobuf import duration_pb2

from bosdyn.api import time_sync_pb2, time_sync_service_pb2_grpc
from bosdyn.api.time_range_pb2 import TimeRange
from bosdyn.client.robot_command import NoTimeSyncError, _TimeConverter
from bosdyn.util import (RobotTimeConverter, now_nsec, now_sec, nsec_to_timestamp, parse_timespan,
                         set_timestamp_from_nsec, timestamp_to_nsec)

from .common import BaseClient, common_header_errors
from .exceptions import Error

[docs]class TimeSyncError(Error): """General class of errors for TimeSync non-response / non-grpc errors."""
[docs]class NotEstablishedError(TimeSyncError): """Client has not established time-sync with the robot."""
[docs]class TimedOutError(TimeSyncError): """Exceeded deadline to achieve time-sync."""
[docs]class InactiveThreadError(TimeSyncError): """Time-sync thread is no longer running."""
[docs]class TimeSyncClient(BaseClient): """A client for establishing time-sync with a server/robot.""" default_service_name = 'time-sync' service_type = 'bosdyn.api.TimeSyncService' def __init__(self): super(TimeSyncClient, self).__init__(time_sync_service_pb2_grpc.TimeSyncServiceStub)
[docs] def get_time_sync_update(self, previous_round_trip, clock_identifier, **kwargs): """Obtain an initial or updated timesync estimate with server. Args: previous_round_trip (bosdyn.api.TimeSyncRoundTrip): None on first rpc call, then fill out with previous response from server. clock_identifier (string): Empty on first call, assigned by server in first response. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. """ req = self._get_time_sync_update_request(previous_round_trip, clock_identifier) return, req, None, common_header_errors, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_time_sync_update_async(self, previous_round_trip, clock_identifier, **kwargs): """Async version of get_time_sync_update()""" req = self._get_time_sync_update_request(previous_round_trip, clock_identifier) return self.call_async(self._stub.TimeSyncUpdate, req, None, common_header_errors, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _get_time_sync_update_request(previous_round_trip, clock_identifier): return time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncUpdateRequest(previous_round_trip=previous_round_trip, clock_identifier=clock_identifier)
def _get_time_sync_status_value(response): return response.time_sync_status_map
[docs]def robot_time_range_from_nanoseconds(start_nsec, end_nsec, time_sync_endpoint=None): """Generate timespan as a TimeRange proto, in robot time. If time_sync_endpoint is a TimeSyncEndpoint, the time_spec is in the local clock and will be converted to robot_time. If the input times are already in the robot clock, do not specify time_sync_endpoint and the times will not be converted. Args: start_nsec nanoseconds since the Unix epoch or None end_nsec nanoseconds since the Unix epoch or None time_sync_endpoint Either TimeSyncEndpoint or None. Returns: return bosdyn.api.TimeRange time range in robot time """ time_range = TimeRange() converter = time_sync_endpoint.get_robot_time_converter() if time_sync_endpoint else None def _convert_nsec(nsec): timestamp_proto = nsec_to_timestamp(int(nsec)) if not time_sync_endpoint: return timestamp_proto return converter.robot_timestamp_from_local(timestamp_proto) # pylint: disable=no-member if start_nsec: time_range.start.CopyFrom(_convert_nsec(start_nsec)) if end_nsec: time_range.end.CopyFrom(_convert_nsec(end_nsec)) return time_range
[docs]def robot_time_range_from_datetimes(start_datetime, end_datetime, time_sync_endpoint=None): """Generate timespan as a TimeRange proto, in robot time. If time_sync_endpoint is a TimeSyncEndpoint, the time_spec is in the local clock and will be converted to robot_time. If the input times are already in the robot clock, do not specify time_sync_endpoint and the times will not be converted. Args: start_datetime: timestamp.timestamp or None end_datetime: timestamp.timestamp or None time_sync_endpoint: Either TimeSyncEndpoint or None. Returns: return bosdyn.api.TimeRange time range in robot time """ def _datetime_to_nsec(date_time): if date_time: return date_time.timestamp() * 1e9 return None return robot_time_range_from_nanoseconds(_datetime_to_nsec(start_datetime), _datetime_to_nsec(end_datetime), time_sync_endpoint)
[docs]def timespec_to_robot_timespan(timespan_spec, time_sync_endpoint=None): """Generate timespan as TimeRange proto, in robot time. If time_sync_endpoint is a TimeSyncEndpoint, the time_spec is in the local clock and will be converted to robot_time. If the input times are already in the robot clock, do not specify time_sync_endpoint and the times will not be converted. Args: timespan_spec '{val}-{val}' or '{val}' time spec string time_sync_endpoint Either TimeSyncEndpoint or None. Returns: return bosdyn.api.TimeRange time range in robot time """ start_datetime, end_datetime = parse_timespan(timespan_spec) return robot_time_range_from_datetimes(start_datetime, end_datetime, time_sync_endpoint)
[docs]def update_time_filter(client, timestamp, timesync_endpoint): """Set or convert fields of the proto that need timestamps in the robot's clock. Args: timestamp (float): Client time, such as from time.time(). timesync_endpoint (TimeSyncEndpoint): A timesync endpoint associated with the robot object. Raises: bosdyn.client.robot_command.NoTimeSyncError: Could not find the timesync endpoint for the robot to convert the time. """ # Input timestamp is a float. (from time.time()) if not timesync_endpoint: raise NoTimeSyncError("[world object service] No timesync endpoint set for the robot.") # Lazy RobotTimeConverter: initialized only if needed to make a conversion. converter = _TimeConverter(client, timesync_endpoint) return converter.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(timestamp)
[docs]def update_timestamp_filter(client, timestamp, timesync_endpoint): """Set or convert fields of the proto that need timestamps in the robot's clock. Args: timestamp (google.protobuf.Timestamp): Client time. timesync_endpoint (TimeSyncEndpoint): A timesync endpoint associated with the robot object. Raises: bosdyn.client.robot_command.NoTimeSyncError: Could not find the timesync endpoint for the robot to convert the time. """ # Input timestamp is a google.protobuf.Timestamp if not timesync_endpoint: raise NoTimeSyncError("[world object service] No timesync endpoint set for the robot.") converter = _TimeConverter(client, timesync_endpoint) converter.convert_timestamp_from_local_to_robot(timestamp) return timestamp
[docs]class TimeSyncEndpoint: """A wrapper that uses a TimeSyncClient object to establish and maintain timesync with a robot. This class manages internal state, including a clock identifier and previous best time sync estimates. This class automatically builds requests passed to the TimeSyncClient, so users don't have to worry about the details of establishing and maintaining timesync. This object is thread-safe. """ def __init__(self, time_sync_client): self._client = time_sync_client self._lock = Lock() # Access these using the lock. # These should be updated by replacement, not mutation so that they may be used # outside the lock after being accessed via the lock. self._locked_previous_round_trip = None self._locked_previous_response = None self._locked_clock_identifier = "" @property def response(self): """The last response message from the time-sync service. Returns: The bosdyn.api.TimeSyncResponse proto last returned by the server, or None if unset. """ with self._lock: return self._locked_previous_response @property def has_established_time_sync(self): """Checks if the client has successfully established time-sync with the robot. Returns: Boolean true if the previous time-sync update returned that time sync is OK. """ response = self.response # pylint: disable=no-member return response and response.state.status == time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncState.STATUS_OK @property def round_trip_time(self): """The previous round trip time. Returns: Round trip time as google.protobuf.Duration proto if available, otherwise None. """ response = self.response if response is None: return None return response.state.best_estimate.round_trip_time @property def clock_identifier(self): """The clock identifier for the instance of the time-sync client. Returns: A unique identifier for this client. Empty if get_new_estimate has not been called. """ with self._lock: return self._locked_clock_identifier @property def clock_skew(self): """The best current estimate of clock skew from the time-sync service. Returns: The google.protobuf.Duration representing the clock skew. Raises: NotEstablishedError: Time sync has not yet been established. """ response = self.response # pylint: disable=no-member if not response or response.state.status != time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncState.STATUS_OK: raise NotEstablishedError return response.state.best_estimate.clock_skew
[docs] def establish_timesync(self, max_samples=25, break_on_success=False): """Perform time-synchronization until time sync established. Args: max_samples (int): The maximum number of times to attempt to establish time-sync through time-synchronization. break_on_success (bool): If true, stop performing the time-synchronization after time-sync is established. Return: Boolean true if valid timesync has been established. """ counter = 0 while counter < max_samples: if break_on_success and self.has_established_time_sync: return True self.get_new_estimate() counter += 1 return self.has_established_time_sync
def _get_update(self): round_trip = None clock_identifier = None with self._lock: # Only add a round trip to the request along with a clock identifier, otherwise # the sever will respond with an invalid request error. # Responses with errors may not contain a clock identifier. # This may happen, for example, if the service was not yet ready at the time of # the request. if self._locked_clock_identifier: round_trip = self._locked_previous_round_trip clock_identifier = self._locked_clock_identifier return self._client.get_time_sync_update(previous_round_trip=round_trip, clock_identifier=clock_identifier)
[docs] def get_new_estimate(self): """Perform an update-cycle toward achieving time-synchronization. Return: Boolean true if valid timesync has been established. """ response = self._get_update() rx_time = now_nsec() # Record the timing information for this GRPC call to pass to the next update round_trip = time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncRoundTrip() # pylint: disable=no-member round_trip.client_tx.CopyFrom(response.header.request_header.request_timestamp) round_trip.server_rx.CopyFrom(response.header.request_received_timestamp) round_trip.server_tx.CopyFrom(response.header.response_timestamp) set_timestamp_from_nsec(round_trip.client_rx, rx_time) with self._lock: self._locked_previous_round_trip = round_trip # Store the response to get clock-skew estimate, etc. self._locked_previous_response = response self._locked_clock_identifier = response.clock_identifier return self.has_established_time_sync
[docs] def get_robot_time_converter(self): """Get a RobotTimeConverter for current estimate for robot clock skew from local time. Returns: An instance of RobotTimeConvertor for the time-sync client. Raises: NotEstablishedError: If time sync has not yet been established. """ return RobotTimeConverter(timestamp_to_nsec(self.clock_skew))
[docs] def robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(self, local_time_secs): """Convert a local time in seconds to a timestamp proto in robot time. Args: local_time_secs (float): Timestamp in seconds since the unix epoch (e.g., from time.time()). Returns: google.protobuf.Timestamp representing local_time_secs in robot clock, or None if local_time_secs is None. Raises: NotEstablishedError: Time sync has not yet been established. """ if not local_time_secs: return None converter = self.get_robot_time_converter() return converter.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(local_time_secs)
[docs]class TimeSyncThread: """Background thread for achieving and maintaining time-sync to the robot.""" # After achieving time sync, update estimate every minute. DEFAULT_TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL_SEC = 60 # When time-sync service is not yet ready, poll it at this interval TIME_SYNC_SERVICE_NOT_READY_INTERVAL_SEC = 5 def __init__(self, time_sync_client, time_sync_endpoint=None): self._time_sync_endpoint = time_sync_endpoint or TimeSyncEndpoint(time_sync_client) self._lock = Lock() self._locked_time_sync_interval_sec = self.DEFAULT_TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL_SEC self._locked_should_exit = False # Used to tell the thread to stop running. self._locked_thread_exception = None # Stores any exception which ends the thread. self._event = Event() # Used to wait for next time sync, or until thread should exit. self._thread = None def __del__(self): # Stop the thread when this object is deleted. self.stop()
[docs] def start(self): """Start the thread.""" with self._lock: if self._thread and self._thread.is_alive(): return self._locked_should_exit = False self._locked_thread_exception = None self._event.clear() self._thread = Thread(target=self._timesync_thread) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Shut down the thread if it is running.""" if self._thread: with self._lock: self._locked_should_exit = True # Signal the thread to exit. self._event.set() # Stop the thread's wait for the next time-sync update. self._thread.join() # Join the thread after it exits. self._thread = None
@property def time_sync_interval_sec(self): """Returns interval at which time-sync is updated in the thread.""" with self._lock: return self._locked_time_sync_interval_sec @time_sync_interval_sec.setter def time_sync_interval_sec(self, val): """Set interval at which time-sync is updated in the thread after sync is established. Args: val (float): The interval (in seconds) that the time-sync estimate should be updated. """ with self._lock: self._locked_time_sync_interval_sec = val self._event.set() @property def should_exit(self): """Returns True if thread should stop iterating.""" with self._lock: return self._locked_should_exit
[docs] def wait_for_sync(self, timeout_sec=3.0): """Wait for up to the given timeout for time-sync to be achieved Args: timeout_sec (float): Maximum time (seconds) to wait for time-sync to be achieved. Raises: InactiveThreadError: Thread is not running. time_sync.TimedOutError: Deadline to achieve time-sync is exceeded. Threading Exceptions: Errors from threading the processes. """ if self.has_established_time_sync: return end_time_sec = now_sec() + timeout_sec while not self.stopped: if self.endpoint.has_established_time_sync: return if now_sec() > end_time_sec: raise TimedOutError time.sleep(0.1) thread_exc = self.thread_exception if thread_exc: raise thread_exc raise InactiveThreadError
@property def has_established_time_sync(self): """Checks if the client has successfully established time-sync with the robot. Returns: Boolean true if the previous time-sync update returned that time sync is OK. """ return self.endpoint.has_established_time_sync @property def stopped(self): """Returns True if thread is no longer running.""" with self._lock: return not self._thread or not self._thread.is_alive() @property def thread_exception(self): """Return any exception which ended the time-sync thread.""" with self._lock: return self._locked_thread_exception @property def endpoint(self): """Return the TimeSyncEndpoint used by this thread.""" return self._time_sync_endpoint
[docs] def get_robot_clock_skew(self, timesync_timeout_sec=0): """Get current estimate for robot clock skew from local time. Args: timesync_timeout_sec (float): Time to wait for timesync before doing conversion. Returns: Clock skew as a google.protobuf.Duration object Raises: InactiveThreadError: Time-sync thread exits before time-sync. time_sync.TimedOutError: Deadline to achieve time-sync is exceeded. Threading Exceptions: Errors from threading the processes. """ self.wait_for_sync(timeout_sec=timesync_timeout_sec) return self.endpoint.clock_skew
[docs] def get_robot_time_converter(self, timesync_timeout_sec=0): """Get a RobotTimeConverter for current estimate for robot clock skew from local time. Args: timesync_timeout_sec (float): Time to wait for timesync before doing conversion. Raises: InactiveThreadError: Time-sync thread exits before time-sync. time_sync.TimedOutError: Deadline to achieve time-sync is exceeded. Threading Exceptions: Errors from threading the processes. """ self.wait_for_sync(timeout_sec=timesync_timeout_sec) return self.endpoint.get_robot_time_converter()
[docs] def robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(self, local_time_secs, timesync_timeout_sec=0): """Convert a local time in seconds to a timestamp proto in robot time. Args: local_time_secs (float): Timestamp in seconds since the unix epoch (e.g., from time.time()). timesync_timeout_sec (float): Time to wait for timesync before doing conversion. Returns: google.protobuf.Timestamp representing local_time_secs in robot clock, or None if local_time_secs is None. Raises: InactiveThreadError: Time-sync thread exits before time-sync. time_sync.TimedOutError: Deadline to achieve time-sync is exceeded. Threading Exceptions: Errors from threading the processes. """ if not local_time_secs: return None converter = self.get_robot_time_converter(timesync_timeout_sec) return converter.robot_timestamp_from_local_secs(local_time_secs)
def _timesync_thread(self): """Background thread which communicates with the time-sync service on robot. The purpose of this thread is to achieve and maintain time-sync, which is an estimate of the difference between the robot's and client's system clocks. """ try: while not self.should_exit: response = self._time_sync_endpoint.response # pylint: disable=no-member if (not response or response.state.status == time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncState.STATUS_MORE_SAMPLES_NEEDED): # No wait between updates while time-sync is not established. pass elif response.state.status == time_sync_pb2.TimeSyncState.STATUS_SERVICE_NOT_READY: # Wait a few seconds between updates while waiting for time-sync service # to be ready. self._event.wait(self.TIME_SYNC_SERVICE_NOT_READY_INTERVAL_SEC) else: # When sync has been established, use default wait time. self._event.wait(self.time_sync_interval_sec) self._event.clear() # Do RPC call to update time-sync information. if not self.should_exit: self._time_sync_endpoint.get_new_estimate() # For now, on GRPC error, store the error object and exit the thread. except Error as err: with self._lock: self._locked_thread_exception = err