Source code for bosdyn.client.world_object

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
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# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""For clients to use the world object service"""

from bosdyn.api import geometry_pb2 as geom
from bosdyn.api import world_object_pb2, world_object_service_pb2
from bosdyn.api import world_object_service_pb2_grpc as world_object_service
from bosdyn.client.common import BaseClient, common_header_errors
from bosdyn.client.frame_helpers import *
from bosdyn.client.robot_command import NoTimeSyncError
from bosdyn.client.time_sync import update_time_filter, update_timestamp_filter
from bosdyn.util import now_timestamp

[docs]class WorldObjectClient(BaseClient): """Client for World Object service.""" default_service_name = 'world-objects' service_type = 'bosdyn.api.WorldObjectService' def __init__(self): super(WorldObjectClient, self).__init__(world_object_service.WorldObjectServiceStub) self._timesync_endpoint = None
[docs] def update_from(self, other): super(WorldObjectClient, self).update_from(other) # Grab a timesync endpoint if it is available. try: self._timesync_endpoint = other.time_sync.endpoint except AttributeError: pass # other doesn't have a time_sync accessor
@property def timesync_endpoint(self): """Accessor for timesync-endpoint that is grabbed via 'update_from()'. Raises: bosdyn.client.robot_command.NoTimeSyncError: Could not find the timesync endpoint for the robot. """ if not self._timesync_endpoint: raise NoTimeSyncError("[world object service] No timesync endpoint set for the robot") return self._timesync_endpoint
[docs] def list_world_objects(self, object_type=None, time_start_point=None, **kwargs): """Get a list of World Objects. Args: object_type (list of bosdyn.api.WorldObjectType): Specific types to include in the response, all other types will be filtered out. time_start_point (float): A client timestamp to filter objects in the response. All objects will have a timestamp after this time. Returns: The response message, which includes the filtered list of all world objects. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. bosdyn.client.robot_command.NoTimeSyncError: Couldn't convert the timestamp into robot time. """ if time_start_point is not None: time_start_point = update_time_filter(self, time_start_point, self.timesync_endpoint) req = world_object_pb2.ListWorldObjectRequest(object_type=object_type, timestamp_filter=time_start_point) return, req, value_from_response=_get_world_object_value, error_from_response=common_header_errors, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_world_objects_async(self, object_type=None, time_start_point=None, **kwargs): """Async version of list_world_objects().""" if time_start_point is not None: time_start_point = update_time_filter(self, time_start_point, self.timesync_endpoint) req = world_object_pb2.ListWorldObjectRequest(object_type=object_type, timestamp_filter=time_start_point) return self.call_async(self._stub.ListWorldObjects, req, value_from_response=_get_world_object_value, error_from_response=common_header_errors, copy_request=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def mutate_world_objects(self, mutation_req, **kwargs): """Mutate (add, change, delete) world objects. Args: mutation_req (world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest): The request including the object to be mutated and the type of mutation. Returns: The response, which includes the id of the mutated object. Raises: RpcError: Problem communicating with the robot. bosdyn.client.robot_command.NoTimeSyncError: Couldn't convert the timestamp into robot time. """ if mutation_req.mutation.object.HasField("acquisition_time"): # Ensure the mutation request's object's time of detection is in robot time. client_timestamp = mutation_req.mutation.object.acquisition_time mutation_req.mutation.object.acquisition_time.CopyFrom( update_timestamp_filter(self, client_timestamp, self.timesync_endpoint)) return, mutation_req, value_from_response=_get_status, error_from_response=common_header_errors, **kwargs)
[docs] def mutate_world_objects_async(self, mutation_req, **kwargs): """Async version of mutate_world_objects().""" if mutation_req.mutation.object.HasField("acquisition_time"): # Ensure the mutation request's object's time of detection is in robot time. client_timestamp = mutation_req.mutation.object.acquisition_time mutation_req.mutation.object.acquisition_time.CopyFrom( update_timestamp_filter(self, client_timestamp, self.timesync_endpoint)) return self.call_async(self._stub.MutateWorldObjects, mutation_req, value_from_response=_get_status, error_from_response=common_header_errors, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw_sphere(self, name, x_rt_frame_name, y_rt_frame_name, z_rt_frame_name, frame_name, radius=0.05, rgba=(255, 0, 0, 1), list_objects_now=True): """Create a drawable sphere world object that will be sent to the world object service with a mutation request. Args: name (string): The human-readable name of the world object. x_rt_frame_name,y_rt_frame_name,z_rt_frame_name (int): The coordinate position (x,y,z) of the drawable sphere. frame_name (string): the frame in which the sphere's position is described. radius (float): The radius for the drawn sphere. rgba (4 valued tuple): The RGBA color, where RGB are int values in [0,255] and A is a float in [0,1]. list_objects_now (boolean): Should the ListWorldObjects request be made after creating the sphere world object. Returns: The MutateWorldObjectResponse for the addition of the sphere world object. """ vision_tform_drawable = geom.SE3Pose( position=geom.Vec3(x=x_rt_frame_name, y=y_rt_frame_name, z=z_rt_frame_name), rotation=geom.Quaternion(w=1, x=0, y=0, z=0)) # Create a map between the child frame name and the parent frame name/SE3Pose parent_tform_child edges = {} # Create an edge in the frame tree snapshot that includes vision_tform_drawable drawable_frame_name = name edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_drawable, frame_name, drawable_frame_name) snapshot = geom.FrameTreeSnapshot(child_to_parent_edge_map=edges) # Set the acquisition time for the sphere using a function to get google.protobuf.Timestamp of the current system time. time_now = now_timestamp() # Create the sphere drawable object sphere = world_object_pb2.DrawableSphere(radius=radius) draw_color = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties.Color(r=rgba[0], g=rgba[1], b=rgba[2], a=rgba[3]) sphere_drawable_prop = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties( color=draw_color, label=name, wireframe=False, sphere=sphere, frame_name_drawable=drawable_frame_name) # Create the complete world object with transform information, a unique name, and the drawable sphere properties. sphere_to_add = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(name=name, transforms_snapshot=snapshot, acquisition_time=time_now, drawable_properties=[sphere_drawable_prop]) # Add the sphere to the robot's world object service add_sphere = make_add_world_object_req(sphere_to_add) resp = self.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_sphere) if list_objects_now: # Request a listing of the world objects so that the sphere shows up in the log. self.list_world_objects() return resp
[docs] def draw_oriented_bounding_box(self, name, drawable_box_frame_name, frame_name, frame_name_tform_drawable_box, size_ewrt_box_vec3, rgba=(255, 0, 0, 1), wireframe=True, list_objects_now=False): """Create a drawable 3D box world object that will be sent to the world object service with a mutation request. Args: name (string): The human-readable name of the world object. drawable_box_frame_name (string): The frame name for the drawable box frame. frame_name (string): The frame name which the drawable box is described relative to. frame_name_tform_drawable_box (geometry_pb2.SE3Pose): the SE3 pose of the drawable box relative to frame name. size_ewrt_box_vec3 (float): The size of the box (x,y,z) expressed with respect to the drawable box frame. rgba (4 valued tuple): The RGBA color, where RGB are int values in [0,255] and A is a float in [0,1]. wireframe (boolean): Should this be drawn as a wireframe [wireframe=true] or a solid object [wireframe=false]. list_objects_now (boolean): Should the ListWorldObjects request be made after creating the sphere world object. Returns: The MutateWorldObjectResponse for the addition of the sphere world object. """ # Create a map between the child frame name and the parent frame name/SE3Pose parent_tform_child edges = {} # Create an edge in the frame tree snapshot that includes frame_tform_box drawable_frame_name = name edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, frame_name_tform_drawable_box, frame_name, drawable_frame_name) snapshot = geom.FrameTreeSnapshot(child_to_parent_edge_map=edges) # Set the acquisition time for the box using a function to get google.protobuf.Timestamp of the current system time. time_now = now_timestamp() # Create the box drawable object box = world_object_pb2.DrawableBox(size=size_ewrt_box_vec3) draw_color = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties.Color(r=rgba[0], g=rgba[1], b=rgba[2], a=rgba[3]) box_drawable_prop = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties( color=draw_color, label=name, wireframe=wireframe, box=box, frame_name_drawable=drawable_box_frame_name) # Create the complete world object with transform information, a unique name, and the drawable box properties. box_to_add = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(name=name, transforms_snapshot=snapshot, acquisition_time=time_now, drawable_properties=[box_drawable_prop]) # Add the box to the robot's world object service add_box = make_add_world_object_req(box_to_add) resp = self.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_box) if list_objects_now: # Request a listing of the world objects so that the box shows up in the log. self.list_world_objects() return resp
def _get_world_object_value(response): return response def _get_status(response): if (response.status != world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_OK): if (response.status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_INVALID_MUTATION_ID ): print("Object id not found, and could not be mutated.") if (response.status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_NO_PERMISSION): print( "Cannot change/delete objects detected by Spot's perception system, only client objects." ) return response ''' Static helper methods for constructing and sending mutation requests for a given world object. '''
[docs]def make_add_world_object_req(world_obj): """Add a world object to the scene. Args: world_obj (WorldObject): The world object to be added into the robot's perception scene. Returns: A MutateWorldObjectRequest where the action is to "add" the object to the scene. """ add_obj = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.Mutation( action=world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.ACTION_ADD, object=world_obj) req = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest(mutation=add_obj) return req
[docs]def make_delete_world_object_req(world_obj): """Delete a world object from the scene. Args: world_obj (WorldObject): The world object to be deleted in the robot's perception scene. The object must be a client-added object and have the correct world object id returned by the service after adding the object. Returns: A MutateWorldObjectRequest where the action is to "delete" the object to the scene. """ del_obj = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.Mutation( action=world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.ACTION_DELETE, object=world_obj) req = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest(mutation=del_obj) return req
[docs]def make_change_world_object_req(world_obj): """Change/update an existing world object in the scene. Args: world_obj (WorldObject): The world object to be changed/updated in the robot's perception scene. The object must be a client-added object and have the correct world object id returned by the service after adding the object. Returns: A MutateWorldObjectRequest where the action is to "change" the object to the scene. """ change_obj = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.Mutation( action=world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest.ACTION_CHANGE, object=world_obj) req = world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectRequest(mutation=change_obj) return req
[docs]def send_add_mutation_requests(world_object_client, world_object_array): """ Create and send an "add" mutation request for each world object in an array. Return a matching array of the object id's that are assigned when the object is created, so that each object we add can be identified and removed individually (if desired) later. Args: world_object_client (WorldObjectClient): Client for World Object service. world_object_array (List): List of objects to add. Returns: A List containing the object ids associated with the objects created. """ obj_id = [-1] * len(world_object_array) for i, obj in enumerate(world_object_array): add_req = make_add_world_object_req(obj) add_resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_req) obj_id[i] = add_resp.mutated_object_id return obj_id
[docs]def send_delete_mutation_requests(world_object_client, delete_object_id_array): """ Create and send a "delete" mutation request for each world object successfully identified from a given list of object id's. Args: world_object_client (WorldObjectClient): Client for World Object service. delete_object_id_array (List): List of object id's to send delete requests for. """ world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects for obj in world_objects: this_object_id = if isinstance(delete_object_id_array, int): delete_object_id_array = [delete_object_id_array] for i in range(len(delete_object_id_array)): delete_id = delete_object_id_array[i] if this_object_id == delete_id: del_req = make_delete_world_object_req(obj) del_resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=del_req) continue