# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).
import copy
import json
import logging
import operator
import re
from builtins import str as text
from typing import Dict, Union
import google.protobuf.message
import google.protobuf.struct_pb2
import google.protobuf.text_format
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated
from google.protobuf import message_factory
from bosdyn.api import alerts_pb2, data_acquisition_pb2, geometry_pb2, gripper_camera_param_pb2
from bosdyn.api.autowalk import walks_pb2
from bosdyn.api.docking import docking_pb2
from bosdyn.api.graph_nav import graph_nav_pb2, map_pb2
from bosdyn.api.mission import mission_pb2, nodes_pb2, util_pb2
from bosdyn.client.util import safe_pb_enum_to_string as _bosdyn_client_safe_pb_enum_to_string
from bosdyn.deprecated import moved_to
from bosdyn.mission import constants
# This is a special dummy message we'll use for TYPE_MESSAGE parameters.
DUMMY_MESSAGE = nodes_pb2.Node(name='dummy-message-for-parameterization')
[docs]class Error(Exception):
[docs]class InvalidConversion(Error):
"""Could not convert the provided value to the destination type."""
def __init__(self, original_value, destination_typename):
self.original_value = original_value
self.destination_typename = destination_typename
def __str__(self):
return 'Could not convert "{}" to type "{}"'.format(self.original_value,
_python_identifier_regex = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z_]\w*$')
[docs]def tree_to_string(root, start_level=0, include_status=False):
"""Get a string representation of a Node, interpreted as a tree."""
string = ''
if start_level == 0:
string += '\n'
prefix = '|' + '-' * start_level
string += prefix + text(root) + (' '
if text(root) else '') + '(' + root.__class__.__name__ + ')'
if include_status:
string += '\n' + prefix + 'Status code: [{}]'.format(root.last_result)
for child in root.children:
string += '\n' + tree_to_string(child, start_level=start_level + 1,
return string
[docs]def type_to_field_name(type_name):
"""Use type name to reconstruct field name of bosdyn.api.mission.Node.type
Example: SimpleParallel becomes simple_parallel"""
node_type = str(type_name).split('.')[-1]
field_name = node_type[0].lower()
for char in node_type[1:]:
if char.isupper():
field_name += f'_{char.lower()}'
field_name += char
oneof_field_names = [x.name for x in nodes_pb2.Node.DESCRIPTOR.oneofs_by_name['type'].fields]
assert field_name in oneof_field_names, f'{field_name} is not a field name in bosdyn.api.mission.Node.type'
return field_name
[docs]def proto_from_tuple(tup, pack_nodes=True):
"""Return a bosdyn.api.mission Node from a tuple. EXPERIMENTAL.
('do-A-then-B', bosdyn.api.mission.nodes_pb2.Sequence(always_restart=True),
('A', foo.bar.Command(...), []),
('B', foo.bar.Command(...), []),
would make a Sequence named 'do-A-then-B' that always restarted, executing some Command
named 'A' followed by the Command named 'B'. NOTE: The "List of children tuples" will only
work if the parent node has 'child' or 'children' attributes. See tests/test_util.py for a
longer example.
tup: (Name of node, Instantiated implementation of node protobuf, List of children tuples)
if isinstance(tup, nodes_pb2.Node):
# Sometimes the shorthand doesn't work nicely, and in those cases we allow setting
# The node itself.
return tup
node = nodes_pb2.Node()
name_or_dict, inner_proto, children = tup
if isinstance(name_or_dict, dict):
node.name = name_or_dict.get('name', '')
node.reference_id = name_or_dict.get('reference_id', '')
node.node_reference = name_or_dict.get('node_reference', '')
if 'user_data' in name_or_dict:
for name, pb_type in name_or_dict.get('parameters', {}).items():
parameter = util_pb2.VariableDeclaration(name=name, type=pb_type)
for key, value in name_or_dict.get('parameter_values', {}).items():
parameter_value = util_pb2.KeyValue(key=key)
if isinstance(value, str) and value[0] == '$':
parameter_value.value.parameter.name = value[1:]
# Leave type unspecified, since we can't look it up easily yet.
for key, value in name_or_dict.get('overrides', {}).items():
# Rather than keep this matching the compiler functionality, just omit the check.
# It's not even a CompileError anyway.
#if key not in inner_proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name:
# raise CompileError('Override specified for "{}" but no such field in "{}"'.format(
# key, inner_proto.DESCRIPTOR.full_name))
override = util_pb2.KeyValue(key=key)
override.value.parameter.name = value
# We do need the final field for setting the type accurately...
#override.value.parameter.type = field_desc_to_pb_type(inner_proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[key])
node.name = name_or_dict
if node.node_reference:
return node
num_children = len(children)
inner_type = inner_proto.DESCRIPTOR.name
# Do some sanity checking on the children.
if hasattr(inner_proto, 'children'):
if num_children == 0:
raise Error('Proto "{}" of type "{}" has no children!'.format(node.name, inner_type))
for child_tup in children:
child_node = proto_from_tuple(child_tup)
elif hasattr(inner_proto, 'child'):
if isinstance(inner_proto, nodes_pb2.ForDuration) and num_children == 2:
elif num_children == 1:
raise Error('Proto "{}" of type "{}" has {} children!'.format(
node.name, inner_type, num_children))
elif num_children != 0:
raise Error('Proto "{}" of type "{}" was given {} children, but I do not know how to add'
' them!'.format(node.name, inner_type, num_children))
if pack_nodes:
getattr(node, type_to_field_name(inner_type)).CopyFrom(inner_proto)
return node
[docs]def python_var_to_value(var):
"""Returns a ConstantValue with the appropriate oneof set."""
value = util_pb2.ConstantValue()
if isinstance(var, bool):
value.bool_value = var
elif isinstance(var, int):
value.int_value = var
elif isinstance(var, float):
value.float_value = var
elif isinstance(var, str):
value.string_value = var
elif isinstance(var, google.protobuf.message.Message):
raise Error('Invalid type "{}"'.format(type(var)))
return value
[docs]def python_type_to_pb_type(var):
"""Returns the protobuf-schema variable type that corresponds to the given variable."""
if isinstance(var, bool):
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_BOOL
elif isinstance(var, int):
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_INT
elif isinstance(var, float):
# Python floating point is typically a C double.
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_FLOAT
elif isinstance(var, str):
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_STRING
elif isinstance(var, google.protobuf.message.Message):
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_MESSAGE
raise InvalidConversion(var, util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.Type.DESCRIPTOR.full_name)
[docs]def is_string_identifier(string):
if hasattr(string, 'isidentifier'):
return string.isidentifier()
return bool(_python_identifier_regex.match(string))
[docs]def field_desc_to_pb_type(field_desc):
"""Returns the protobuf-schema variable type that corresponds to the given descriptor."""
if field_desc.type in (field_desc.TYPE_UINT32, field_desc.TYPE_UINT64, field_desc.TYPE_FIXED32,
field_desc.TYPE_FIXED64, field_desc.TYPE_INT32, field_desc.TYPE_INT64,
field_desc.TYPE_SFIXED64, field_desc.TYPE_SINT32, field_desc.TYPE_SINT64,
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_INT
elif field_desc.type in (field_desc.TYPE_DOUBLE, field_desc.TYPE_FLOAT):
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_FLOAT
elif field_desc.type == field_desc.TYPE_BOOL:
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_BOOL
elif field_desc.type == field_desc.TYPE_STRING:
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_STRING
elif field_desc.type == field_desc.TYPE_MESSAGE:
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.TYPE_MESSAGE
raise InvalidConversion(field_desc.type, util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.Type.DESCRIPTOR.full_name)
[docs]def safe_pb_type_to_string(pb_type):
"""Return the stringified VariableDeclaration.Type, or "<unknown>" if the type is invalid."""
return util_pb2.VariableDeclaration.Type.Name(pb_type)
except ValueError:
return '<unknown>'
[docs]def one_line_str(msg):
return google.protobuf.text_format.MessageToString(msg, as_one_line=True)
[docs]def node_spec_to_short_string(node_spec, maxlen=15):
if node_spec.name:
string = node_spec.name
string = one_line_str(node_spec)
if len(string) > maxlen:
return string[0:maxlen - 3] + '...'
return string
[docs]class ResultFromProto:
results_from_proto = {
util_pb2.RESULT_FAILURE: constants.Result.FAILURE,
util_pb2.RESULT_RUNNING: constants.Result.RUNNING,
util_pb2.RESULT_SUCCESS: constants.Result.SUCCESS,
util_pb2.RESULT_ERROR: constants.Result.ERROR,
proto_from_results = {v: k for k, v in results_from_proto.items()}
[docs]def proto_enum_to_result_constant(proto_msg):
"""Returns a Result enum from a util_pb2.Result, or throws InvalidConversion error."""
return ResultFromProto.results_from_proto[proto_msg]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidConversion(proto_msg, 'constants.Result')
[docs]def result_constant_to_proto_enum(result):
"""Returns a protobuf version of the Result enum, RESULT_UNKNOWN on error."""
if not isinstance(result, constants.Result):
raise InvalidConversion(result, util_pb2.Result.DESCRIPTOR.full_name)
return ResultFromProto.proto_from_results[result]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidConversion(result, util_pb2.Result.DESCRIPTOR.full_name)
[docs]def most_restrictive_travel_params(travel_params, vel_limit=None,
disable_alternate_route_finding=False, path_following_mode=None,
if travel_params is None:
travel_params = graph_nav_pb2.TravelParams()
travel_params = copy.deepcopy(travel_params)
def take_limiting(mine, other, compare):
# This is basically a hack to deal with proto3's handling of unset POD.
# All float and integer fields that are unset in a message will have a value of 0.
if other == 0:
return mine
if mine == 0:
return other
if compare(mine, other):
return other
return mine
def take_velocity_limit(returned, other):
# Look at max_vel using >=, then min_vel using <=.
for min_max, comp in (('max_vel', operator.ge), ('min_vel', operator.le)):
# If the other doesn't even have this field, skip to the next one.
if not other.HasField(text(min_max)):
lim_returned = getattr(returned, min_max)
lim_other = getattr(other, min_max)
lim_returned.linear.x = take_limiting(lim_returned.linear.x, lim_other.linear.x, comp)
lim_returned.linear.y = take_limiting(lim_returned.linear.y, lim_other.linear.y, comp)
lim_returned.angular = take_limiting(lim_returned.angular, lim_other.angular, comp)
if vel_limit is not None:
take_velocity_limit(travel_params.velocity_limit, vel_limit)
travel_params.disable_directed_exploration = travel_params.disable_directed_exploration or disable_directed_exploration
travel_params.disable_alternate_route_finding = travel_params.disable_alternate_route_finding or disable_alternate_route_finding
if path_following_mode == map_pb2.Edge.Annotations.PATH_MODE_STRICT:
travel_params.path_following_mode = path_following_mode
if ground_clutter_mode == map_pb2.Edge.Annotations.GROUND_CLUTTER_FROM_FOOTFALLS:
travel_params.ground_clutter_mode = ground_clutter_mode
return travel_params
[docs]def get_value_from_constant_value_message(const_proto):
field = const_proto.WhichOneof('value')
if field is None:
raise AttributeError('Did not have a value set!')
value = getattr(const_proto, field)
return value
[docs]def get_value_from_value_message(node, blackboard, value_msg, is_validation=False):
if value_msg.HasField(text("constant")):
constant = value_msg.constant
return get_value_from_constant_value_message(constant)
elif value_msg.HasField(text("runtime_var")):
return blackboard.read(node, value_msg.runtime_var.name)
raise AttributeError("Value must be a runtime variable or constant.")
safe_pb_enum_to_string = moved_to(_bosdyn_client_safe_pb_enum_to_string, version='4.0.0')
[docs]def create_value(
var: Union[bool, int, float, str, google.protobuf.message.Message]) -> util_pb2.Value:
"""Returns a Value message containing a ConstantValue with the appropriate oneof set.
return util_pb2.Value(constant=python_var_to_value(var))
[docs]def define_blackboard(dict_values: Dict[str, util_pb2.Value]) -> nodes_pb2.DefineBlackboard:
"""Returns a DefineBlackboard protobuf message for the key-value pairs in `dict_values`.
node_to_return = nodes_pb2.DefineBlackboard()
for (key, value) in dict_values.items():
node_to_return.blackboard_variables.add().CopyFrom(util_pb2.KeyValue(key=key, value=value))
return node_to_return
[docs]def set_blackboard(dict_values: Dict[str, util_pb2.Value],
subfield_values: Dict[str, util_pb2.Value] = {}) -> nodes_pb2.SetBlackboard:
"""Returns a SetBlackboard protobuf message for the key-value pairs in `dict_values`.
node_to_return = nodes_pb2.SetBlackboard()
for (key, value) in dict_values.items():
node_to_return.blackboard_variables.add().CopyFrom(util_pb2.KeyValue(key=key, value=value))
for (key, value) in subfield_values.items():
util_pb2.KeyValue(key=key, value=value))
return node_to_return
# A critical mission prompt or text message does not indicate a critical robot failure,
# and is usually expected depending on how a mission plays out. For this reason, we
# reduce the severity from CRITICAL to ERROR for logs.
# See Prompt.severity in nodes.proto for more info.
[docs]def severity_to_log_level(text_level):
"""Converts alert data severity enum to a logger level for printing purposes."""
return _SEVERITY_TO_LOG_LEVEL.get(text_level, logging.INFO)
# We want to be able to port spotcam-ptz missions to the argos-ptz sensor.
[docs]def append_alternate_sensor_names(sensor_names):
if "argos-ptz" in sensor_names: