Source code for bosdyn.client.data_acquisition_plugin_service

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""A set of helper functions for implementing a Data Acquisition plugin service.

The DataAcquisitionPluginService class in this module is the recommended way to create a
plugin service for data acquisition.  To use it, you must define a function for performing the
data collection with the following signature:

``def data_collect_fn(request:AcquirePluginDataRequest, store_helper: DataAcquisitionStoreHelper)``

This function is responsible for collecting all of your plugin's data, and storing it with through
the store_helper. The store_helper (DataAcquisitionStoreHelper) kicks off asynchronous data store calls
for each piece of data, metadata, or images. The plugin service class has an internal helper function
which calls DataAcquisitionStoreHelper.wait_for_Stores_complete method that blocks until all saving
to the data acquisition store is finished. The helper class will monitor the futures for completion and
update the state status and errors appropriately.

If errors occur during the data collection+saving process, use state.add_errors to report which
intended DataIdentifiers had problems:

``state.add_errors([DataIdentifiers], 'Failure to collect data 1')``

Long-running acquisitions should be sure to call state.cancel_check() occasionally to exit early
and cleanly if the acquisition has been cancelled by the user or a timeout. If your plugin has
extra cleanup that it needs to perform in the event of a cancelled request, wrap your check
in a try-except block that can catch the RequestCancelledError thrown by the cancel_check function,
then perform the cleanup and re-raise the exception. For example::

        # Data collection and storage here
    except RequestCancelledError:
        # Perform cleanup here

Note, the data acquisition plugin service helper class will monitor and respond to the GetStatus RPC.
However, the data_collect_fn function should update the status to STATUS_SAVING when it transitions to
storing the data.

import concurrent.futures
import logging
import threading
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from bosdyn.api import data_acquisition_pb2, data_acquisition_plugin_service_pb2_grpc, header_pb2
from bosdyn.api.data_acquisition_pb2 import DataAcquisitionCapability as Capability
from bosdyn.client import Robot
from bosdyn.client.data_acquisition_store import DataAcquisitionStoreClient
from bosdyn.client.data_buffer import DataBufferClient
from bosdyn.client.server_util import ResponseContext, populate_response_header
from bosdyn.client.service_customization_helpers import create_value_validator

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# How long should completed requests be queryable?
kDefaultRequestExpiration = 30

[docs]class RequestCancelledError(Exception): """The request has been cancelled and should no longer be handled."""
[docs]def make_error(data_id, error_msg, error_data=None): """Helper to simplify creating a DataError to send to RequestState.add_errors. Args: data_id (DataIdentifier): The proto for the data identifier which has an error. error_msg (string): The error message to associate with the data id. error_data (google.protobuf.Any): Additional data to be packed with the error. Returns: The DataError protobuf message for this errored data id. """ proto = data_acquisition_pb2.DataError(data_id=data_id, error_message=error_msg) if error_data is not None: proto.error_data.Pack(error_data) return proto
[docs]class RequestState(object): """Interface for a data collection to update its state as it proceeds. Each AcquireData RPC made to the plugin service will create an instance of RequestState to manage the incoming acquisition request's overall state, including if it has been cancelled, any errors that occur, and the current status of the request. """ # Statuses for the GetStatus RPC which indicate the data acquisition and saving is still # in progress and has not completed or failed. kNonError = { data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_ACQUIRING, data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_SAVING } def __init__(self): self._lock = threading.Lock() # Boolean indicating if a CancelAcquisition RPC has been received for this acquisition request. self._cancelled = False # The current status of the request, including any data errors. self._status_proto = data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse( status=data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_ACQUIRING) # The time which the acquisition request completes; used by the RequestManager for cleanup. self._completion_time = None
[docs] def set_status(self, status): """Update the status of the request. Args: status (GetStatusResponse.Status): An updated status enum to be set in the stored GetStatusResponse. """ with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked() self._status_proto.status = status
[docs] def set_complete_if_no_error(self, logger=None): """Mark that everything is complete.""" with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked() if self._status_proto.status in self.kNonError: self._status_proto.status = self._status_proto.STATUS_COMPLETE return True if logger: # Intentionally doing the formatting here while we're holding the lock. logger.error('Error encountered during request:\n{}'.format(self._status_proto)) return False
[docs] def add_saved(self, data_ids): """Record that some data was saved successfully. Args: data_ids (Iterable[DataId]): Data IDs that have been successfully saved. """ with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked() self._status_proto.data_saved.extend(data_ids)
[docs] def add_errors(self, data_errors): """Report that some errors have occurred during the data capture. Use the make_error function to simplify creating data errors. Args: data_errors (Iterable[DataError]): data errors to include as errors in the status. """ with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked() self._status_proto.data_errors.extend(data_errors) self._status_proto.status = data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse.STATUS_DATA_ERROR _LOGGER.error('Errors occurred during acquisition:\n%s', data_errors)
[docs] def has_data_errors(self): """Return True if any data errors have been added to this status.""" with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked() return bool(self._status_proto.data_errors)
[docs] def cancel_check(self): """Raises RequestCancelledError if the request has already been cancelled.""" with self._lock: self._cancel_check_locked()
[docs] def is_cancelled(self): """Query if the request is already cancelled.""" with self._lock: return self._cancelled
def _cancel_check_locked(self): if self._cancelled: raise RequestCancelledError
[docs]class DataAcquisitionStoreHelper(object): """This class simplifies the management of data acquisition stores for a single request. Request state will be updated according to store progress. Args: store_client (bosdyn.client.DataAcquisitionStoreClient): A data acquisition store client. state (RequestState): state of the request, to be modified with errors or completion. cancel_interval (float): How often to check for cancellation of the request while waiting for the futures to complete. Attributes: store_client (bosdyn.client.DataAcquisitionStoreClient): A data acquisition store client. state (RequestState): state of the request, to be modified with errors or completion. cancel_interval (float): How often to check for cancellation of the request while waiting for the futures to complete. data_id_future_pairs (List[Pair(DataIdentifier, Future)]): The data identifier and the associated future which results from the async store data rpc. """ def __init__(self, store_client, state, cancel_interval=1): self.store_client = store_client self.state = state self.cancel_interval = cancel_interval self.data_id_future_pairs = []
[docs] def store_metadata(self, metadata, data_id): """Store metadata with the data acquisition store service. Args: metadata (bosdyn.api.AssociatedMetadata): Metadata message to store. data_id (bosdyn.api.DataIdentifier) : Data identifier to use for storing this data. Raises: RPCError: Problem communicating with the robot. """ future = self.store_client.store_metadata_async(metadata, data_id) self.data_id_future_pairs.append((data_id, future))
[docs] def store_image(self, image_capture, data_id): """Store an image with the data acquisition store service. Args: image_capture (bosdyn.api.ImageCapture): Image to store. data_id (bosdyn.api.DataIdentifier) : Data identifier to use for storing this data. Raises: RPCError: Problem communicating with the robot. """ future = self.store_client.store_image_async(image_capture, data_id) self.data_id_future_pairs.append((data_id, future))
[docs] def store_data(self, message, data_id, file_extension=None): """Store a data message with the data acquisition store service. Args: message (bytes): Data to store. data_id (bosdyn.api.DataIdentifier) : Data identifier to use for storing this data. file_extension (string) : File extension to use for writing the data to a file. Raises: RPCError: Problem communicating with the robot. """ future = self.store_client.store_data_async(message, data_id, file_extension) self.data_id_future_pairs.append((data_id, future))
[docs] def cancel_check(self): """Raises RequestCancelledError if the request has already been cancelled.""" self.state.cancel_check()
[docs] def wait_for_stores_complete(self): """Block and wait for all stores to complete. Update state with store success/failures. Raises: RequestCancelledError: The data acquisition request was cancelled. """ self.state.cancel_check() # Block until all futures are done. while not all(future.done() for _, future in self.data_id_future_pairs): time.sleep(self.cancel_interval) self.state.cancel_check() # Check each future status and update the status saved and errors. for data_id, future in self.data_id_future_pairs: if future.exception() is None: self.state.add_saved([data_id]) else: self.state.add_errors( [make_error(data_id, 'Failed to store data: {}'.format(future.exception()))]) return not self.state.has_data_errors()
[docs]class DataAcquisitionPluginService( data_acquisition_plugin_service_pb2_grpc.DataAcquisitionPluginServiceServicer): """Implementation of a data acquisition plugin. It relies on the provided data_collect_fn to implement the heart of the data collection and storage. Args: robot: Authenticated robot object. capabilities: List of DataAcquisitionCapability that describe what this plugin can do. data_collect_fn: Function that performs the data collection and storage. Ordered input arguments (to data_collect_fn): data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataRequest, DataAcquisitionStoreHelper. Output(to data_collect_fn): None acquire_response_fn: Optional function that can validate a request and provide a timeout deadline. Function returns a boolean indicating if the request is valid; if False, the response is returned immediately without calling the data collection function or saving any data. Ordered input arguments (to acquire_response_fn): data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataRequest, data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataResponse. Output (to data_collect_fn): Boolean live_response_fn: Optional function that sends signals data to the robot for purposes of displaying it on the tablet and Orbit during teleoperation. Input argument (to live_response_fn): data_acquisition_pb2.LiveDataRequest. executor: Optional thread pool. Attributes: logger (logging.Logger): Logger used by the service. capabilities (List[DataAcquisitionCapability]): List of capabilities that describe what this plugin can do. data_collect_fn: Function that performs the data collection and storage. acquire_response_fn: Function that can validate a request and provide a timeout deadline. live_response_fn: Function that sends signals data to the robot for purposes of displaying it on the tablet and Orbit during teleoperation. request_manager (RequestManager): Helper class which manages the RequestStates created with each acquisition RPC. executor (ThreadPoolExecutor): Thread pool to run the plugin service on. robot (Robot): Authenticated robot object. store_client (DataAcquisitionStoreClient): Client for the data acquisition store service. """ service_type = 'bosdyn.api.DataAcquisitionPluginService' def __init__(self, robot, capabilities, data_collect_fn, acquire_response_fn=None, executor=None, logger=None, live_response_fn=None): super(DataAcquisitionPluginService, self).__init__() self.logger = logger or _LOGGER self.capabilities = capabilities self.value_validators = { create_value_validator(capture.custom_params) for capture in self.capabilities } self.data_collect_fn = data_collect_fn self.acquire_response_fn = acquire_response_fn self.live_response_fn = live_response_fn self.request_manager = RequestManager() self.executor = executor or ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) self.robot = robot self.store_client = robot.ensure_client(DataAcquisitionStoreClient.default_service_name) self.data_buffer_client = robot.ensure_client(DataBufferClient.default_service_name)
[docs] def validate_params(self, request, response): """Validate that any parameters set in the request are valid according the spec.""" for capture in request.acquisition_requests.data_captures: try: error = self.value_validators[](capture.custom_params) if error is not None: response.custom_param_error.CopyFrom(error) response.status = response.STATUS_CUSTOM_PARAMS_ERROR return False except KeyError: response.status = response.STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAPTURE_TYPE return False return True
def _data_collection_wrapper(self, request_id, request, state): """Helper function which initiates the data collection and storage in sequence. Args: request_id (int): The request_id for the acquisition request being inspected. request (DataAcquisitionPluginRequest): The data acquisition request. state (RequestState): The associated internal request state for the data. """ try: store_helper = DataAcquisitionStoreHelper(self.store_client, state) self.data_collect_fn(request, store_helper) store_helper.wait_for_stores_complete() state.set_complete_if_no_error(logger=self.logger) except RequestCancelledError: # Cannot use set_status because it will raise the exception again. with state._lock: state._status_proto.status = state._status_proto.STATUS_ACQUISITION_CANCELLED'Request %d cancelled', request_id) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.exception("Failed during call to user function") with state._lock: state._status_proto.status = state._status_proto.STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR state._status_proto.header.error.message = str(e) finally: self.request_manager.mark_request_finished(request_id)'Finished request %d', request_id)
[docs] def AcquirePluginData(self, request, context): """Trigger a data acquisition and store results in the data acquisition store service. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataRequest): The data acquisition request. context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information. Returns: An AcquirePluginDataResponse containing a request_id to use with GetStatus. """ response = data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataResponse() with ResponseContext(response, request, self.data_buffer_client): self._start_plugin_acquire(request, response) return response
def _start_plugin_acquire(self, request, response): """Initiates the data collection function and mutates the AcquirePluginDataResponse rpc. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataRequest): The data acquisition request. response (data_acquisition_pb2.AcquirePluginDataResponse): The data acquisition response. Returns: Mutates the AcquirePluginDataResponse proto and also returns it. """ if not self.validate_params(request, response): return response if self.acquire_response_fn is not None: try: if not self.acquire_response_fn(request, response): return response except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('Failed during call to user acquire response function') populate_response_header(response, request, error_code=header_pb2.CommonError.CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, error_msg=str(e)) return response self.request_manager.cleanup_requests() response.request_id, state = self.request_manager.add_request()'Beginning request %d for %s', response.request_id, [ for capture in request.acquisition_requests.data_captures]) self.executor.submit(self._data_collection_wrapper, response.request_id, request, state) response.status = data_acquisition_pb2.AcquireDataResponse.STATUS_OK populate_response_header(response, request) return response
[docs] def GetStatus(self, request, context): """Query the status of a data acquisition by ID. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusRequest): The get status request. context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information. Returns: An GetStatusResponse containing the details of the data acquisition. """ response = data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse() with ResponseContext(response, request, self.data_buffer_client): try: # Note: this needs to be a copy from and not '=' such that the response that is logged # in the request context gets updated. response.CopyFrom(self.request_manager.get_status_proto(request.request_id)) except KeyError: response.status = response.STATUS_REQUEST_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST populate_response_header(response, request) return response
[docs] def GetServiceInfo(self, request, context): """Get a list of data acquisition capabilities. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.GetServiceInfoRequest): The get service info request. context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information. Returns: An GetServiceInfoResponse containing the list of data acquisition capabilities for the plugin. """ response = data_acquisition_pb2.GetServiceInfoResponse() with ResponseContext(response, request, self.data_buffer_client): response.capabilities.data_sources.extend(self.capabilities) populate_response_header(response, request) return response
[docs] def CancelAcquisition(self, request, context): """Cancel a data acquisition by ID. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.CancelAcquisitionRequest): The cancel acquisition request. context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information. Returns: An CancelAcquisitionResponse containing the status of the cancel operation. """ response = data_acquisition_pb2.CancelAcquisitionResponse() with ResponseContext(response, request, self.data_buffer_client): try: self.request_manager.mark_request_cancelled(request.request_id)'Cancelling request %d', request.request_id) except KeyError: response.status = response.STATUS_REQUEST_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST else: response.status = response.STATUS_OK populate_response_header(response, request) return response
[docs] def GetLiveData(self, request, context): """Get the live data available from this plugin. Args: request (data_acquisition_pb2.LiveDataRequest): The live data request with params. context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information (unused). Returns: response (data_acquisition_pb2.LiveDataResponse): Result of live_response_fn. """ response = data_acquisition_pb2.LiveDataResponse() with ResponseContext(response, request, self.data_buffer_client): try: if self.live_response_fn is not None: response = self.live_response_fn(request) populate_response_header(response, request) else: populate_response_header( response, request, error_code=header_pb2.CommonError.CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg="live_response_fn is None") except Exception as general_error: # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught self.logger.exception("Failed during call to user live response function") populate_response_header( response, request, error_code=header_pb2.CommonError.CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_msg=str(general_error)) return response
# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]class RequestManager: """Manage request lifecycles and status. The RequestManager manages some internals of the RequestState class, so it will access its protected variables. We leave those variables protected so that users of the RequestState class are less tempted to fiddle with them incorrectly, but we turn off the linting for the rest of this file. """ def __init__(self): self._lock = threading.Lock() self._requests = {} self._counter = 0
[docs] def add_request(self): """Create a new request to manage""" with self._lock: self._counter += 1 state = RequestState() self._requests[self._counter] = state return self._counter, state
[docs] def get_request_state(self, request_id): """Get the RequestState object for managing a request. Args: request_id (int): The request_id for the acquisition request being inspected. """ with self._lock: return self._requests[request_id]
[docs] def get_status_proto(self, request_id): """Get a copy of the current status for the specified request. Args: request_id (int): The request_id for the acquisition request being inspected. """ state = self.get_request_state(request_id) status = data_acquisition_pb2.GetStatusResponse() with state._lock: status.CopyFrom(state._status_proto) return status
[docs] def mark_request_cancelled(self, request_id): """Mark a request as cancelled, and no longer able to be updated. Args: request_id (int): The request_id for the acquisition request being cancelled. """ state = self.get_request_state(request_id) with state._lock: state._cancelled = True state._status_proto.status = state._status_proto.STATUS_CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS
[docs] def mark_request_finished(self, request_id): """Mark a request as finished, and able to be removed later. Args: request_id (int): The request_id for the acquisition request being completed. """ state = self.get_request_state(request_id) with state._lock: state._completion_time = time.time()
[docs] def cleanup_requests(self, older_than_time=None): """Remove all requests that were completed farther in the past than older_than_time. Defaults to removing anything older than 30 seconds. Args: older_than_time (float): Optional time (in seconds) that requests will be removed after. """ older_than_time = older_than_time or time.time() - kDefaultRequestExpiration with self._lock: # Grab the contents to iterate through outside of the lock requests = list(self._requests.items()) to_remove = [] for request_id, state in requests: with state._lock: if state._completion_time is not None and state._completion_time < older_than_time: to_remove.append(request_id) with self._lock: for key in to_remove: # Won't fail even if the key was already removed self._requests.pop(key, None)