# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from bosdyn.api.image_geometry_pb2 import AreaI
from bosdyn.api.service_customization_pb2 import (BoolParam, CustomParam, CustomParamError,
DictParam, DoubleParam, Int64Param, ListParam,
OneOfParam, RegionOfInterestParam, StringParam,
from bosdyn.api.units_pb2 import Units
[docs]class InvalidCustomParamSpecError(ValueError):
"""Error indicating that the defined custom parameter Spec is invalid,
with a list of error messages explaining why the spec is invalid"""
[docs]class InvalidCustomParamValueError(ValueError):
"""Error indicating that the defined custom parameter value does not match
the associated Spec, with a list of error messages explaining why."""
def __init__(self, proto_error: CustomParamError):
self.proto_error = proto_error
[docs]def validate_dict_spec(dict_spec: DictParam.Spec) -> None:
Checks that a DictParam.Spec is valid
dict_spec (service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec): Spec to be validated
None for a valid spec
InvalidCustomParamSpecError with a list of error messages for invalid specs.
return _DictParamValidator(dict_spec).validate_spec()
[docs]def create_value_validator(
dict_spec: DictParam.Spec) -> Callable[[DictParam], Optional[CustomParamError]]:
Checks if the DictParam.Spec is value and if so, returns a function that can be used to validate any DictParam value
dict_spec (service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec): Spec to be validated and validate values against
InvalidCustomParamSpecError with a list of error messages if the dict_spec is invalid
A validate_value function that can be called on any value to verify it against this Spec.
The returned function will itself return None if called on a valid value, and a CustomParamError
with a status besides STATUS_OK for an invalid spec
validator = _DictParamValidator(dict_spec)
# Raises an error if the Spec itself is invalid
return validator.validate_value
[docs]def dict_params_to_dict(dict_param: DictParam, dict_spec: DictParam.Spec,
validate: bool = True) -> Dict:
if validate:
validator = create_value_validator(dict_spec)
validate_res = validator(dict_param)
if validate_res:
raise InvalidCustomParamValueError(validate_res)
values = {}
for (key, custom_param) in dict_param.values.items():
value_field = custom_param.WhichOneof("value")
spec_field = dict_spec.specs[key].spec.WhichOneof("spec")
param_value = getattr(custom_param, value_field)
param_spec = getattr(dict_spec.specs[key].spec, spec_field)
if value_field == 'dict_value':
values[key] = dict_params_to_dict(param_value, param_spec, validate=False)
elif value_field == 'list_value':
values[key] = list_params_to_list(param_value, param_spec, validate=False)
elif value_field == 'one_of_value':
values[key] = oneof_param_to_dict(param_value, param_spec, validate=False)
elif value_field == 'roi_value':
values[key] = param_value
elif value_field in ['int_value', 'double_value', 'string_value', 'bool_value']:
values[key] = param_value.value
raise NotImplementedError(
f'No handler for conversion of {value_field} from dict members.')
return values
[docs]def list_params_to_list(list_param: ListParam, list_spec: ListParam.Spec,
validate: bool = True) -> List:
if validate:
validator = _ListParamValidator(list_spec)
validate_res = validator.validate_value(list_param)
if validate_res:
raise InvalidCustomParamValueError(validate_res)
values = []
for (ind, custom_param) in enumerate(list_param.values):
value_field = custom_param.WhichOneof("value")
spec_field = list_spec.element_spec.WhichOneof("spec")
param_value = getattr(custom_param, value_field)
param_spec = getattr(list_spec.element_spec, spec_field)
if value_field == 'dict_value':
values.append(dict_params_to_dict(param_value, param_spec, validate=False))
elif value_field == 'list_value':
values.append(list_params_to_list(param_value, param_spec, validate=False))
elif value_field == 'one_of_value':
values.append(oneof_param_to_dict(param_value, param_spec, validate=False))
elif value_field == 'roi_value':
elif value_field in ['int_value', 'double_value', 'string_value', 'bool_value']:
raise NotImplementedError(
f'No handler for conversion of {value_field} from list members.')
return values
[docs]def oneof_param_to_dict(oneof_param: OneOfParam, oneof_spec: OneOfParam.Spec,
validate: bool = True) -> Dict:
if validate:
validator = _OneOfParamValidator(oneof_spec)
validate_res = validator.validate_value(oneof_param)
if validate_res:
raise InvalidCustomParamValueError(validate_res)
dict_param = oneof_param.values[oneof_param.key]
dict_spec = oneof_spec.specs[oneof_param.key].spec
return dict_params_to_dict(dict_param, dict_spec)
[docs]def check_types_match(param, proto_type):
if type(param) != proto_type:
return CustomParamError(
f"Param {param} has type {type(param)}" \
f" but the spec requires {proto_type}."
return None
class _ParamValidatorInterface(ABC):
""" Class providing a common structure and interface to validate parameter types.
Specifically, a <Type>ParamValidator class can be used to validate a service_customization_pb2.<Type>Param.Spec
via a validate_spec function with a consistent signature, and can validate a service_customization_pb2.<Type>Param
against a specific Spec via a validate_value function
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.<Type>Param.Spec): A Spec message for a type of custom parameter
def __init__(self, param_spec):
self.param_spec = param_spec
def validate_spec(self) -> None:
Checks if the parameter Spec is valid for its type
None for a valid spec, and raises a CustomParamError with a status besides STATUS_OK for an invalid spec
def validate_value(self, param_value) -> Optional[CustomParamError]:
Checks if a parameter value is valid for this class's self.param_spec
param_value (service_customization.<Type>Param): A custom parameter value to validate against self.param_spec
None for a valid value, and returns a service_customization_pb2.CustomParamError with a status besides STATUS_OK for an invalid value
class _DictParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec): The DictParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = DictParam
custom_param_value_field = "dict_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
custom_param_error = CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_OK)
error_list = []
for name, child_spec in self.param_spec.specs.items():
except InvalidCustomParamSpecError as e:
error_list.extend(_nested_error_message_helper(name, e.args[0]))
if error_list:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(error_list)
def validate_value(self, param_value):
Checks if a parameter value is valid for this class's self.param_spec
param_value (service_customization.DictParam): A custom parameter value to validate against self.param_spec
Nothing for a valid spec, and raises a service_customization_pb2.CustomParamError for an invalid Spec.
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
value_keys = set(param_value.values.keys())
spec_keys = set(self.param_spec.specs.keys())
if not value_keys.issubset(spec_keys):
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER, error_messages=[
f"DictParam value contains keys {value_keys - spec_keys} not present in the spec."
custom_param_error = CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_OK)
for name, custom_param in param_value.values.items():
child_spec = self.param_spec.specs[name].spec
child_value = getattr(custom_param, custom_param.WhichOneof("value"))
error_proto = _CustomParamValidator(child_spec).get_param_helper().validate_value(
if error_proto:
custom_param_error.status = error_proto.status
_nested_error_message_helper(name, error_proto.error_messages))
if custom_param_error.status != CustomParamError.STATUS_OK:
return custom_param_error
class _NumericalParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
Generic ParamValidator class for shared logic between numerical Param Specs
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.<Numerical>Param.Spec): The Numerical Spec this helper instance is being used for
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
error_messages = []
if self.param_spec.HasField("min_value"):
if self.param_spec.min_value.value > self.param_spec.default_value.value:
error_messages.append("Default Spec Value below allowed minimum Value")
if self.param_spec.HasField("max_value"):
if self.param_spec.max_value.value < self.param_spec.default_value.value:
error_messages.append("Default Spec Value above allowed maximum value")
if self.param_spec.HasField("min_value") and self.param_spec.HasField("max_value"):
if self.param_spec.min_value.value > self.param_spec.max_value.value:
error_messages.append("min_value greater than max_value")
if error_messages:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(error_messages)
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
num_value = param_value.value
if self.param_spec.HasField("min_value"):
if num_value < self.param_spec.min_value.value:
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE, error_messages=[
f"Value {num_value} below min_bound {self.param_spec.min_value.value}"
if self.param_spec.HasField("max_value"):
if num_value > self.param_spec.max_value.value:
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE, error_messages=[
f"Value {num_value} above max_bound {self.param_spec.max_value.value}"
class _Int64ParamValidator(_NumericalParamValidator):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.Int64Param.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.Int64Param.Spec): The Int64Param Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = Int64Param
custom_param_value_field = "int_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
class _DoubleParamValidator(_NumericalParamValidator):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam.Spec): The DoubleParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = DoubleParam
custom_param_value_field = "double_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
class _StringParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.StringParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.StringParam.Spec): The StringParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = StringParam
custom_param_value_field = "string_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
if self.param_spec.default_value and not self.param_spec.editable and self.param_spec.options and len(
self.param_spec.options) > 0:
if self.param_spec.default_value not in self.param_spec.options:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError([
f"Default string {self.param_spec.default_value} not among options {self.param_spec.options}"
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
if len(self.param_spec.options) > 0:
if param_value.value not in self.param_spec.options:
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE, error_messages=[
f"Chosen string value {param_value.value} not among options {self.param_spec.options}"
class _BoolParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.BoolParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.BoolParam.Spec): The BoolParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = BoolParam
custom_param_field = "bool"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
return super().validate_spec()
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
class _RegionOfInterestParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam.Spec): The RegionOfInterestParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = RegionOfInterestParam
custom_param_value_field = "roi_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
if not self.param_spec.allows_rectangle:
if self.param_spec.default_area.rectangle:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(
["Default area is a rectangle despite not being allowed"])
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
if not self.param_spec.allows_rectangle:
if param_value.area.rectangle:
return CustomParamError(
error_messages=["Chosen area is a rectangle despite not being allowed"])
if param_value.image_cols < 0:
return CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE,
error_messages=["Number of columns in image must be positive"])
if param_value.image_rows < 0:
return CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE,
error_messages=["Number of rows in image must be positive"])
class _ListParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.ListParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.ListParam.Spec): The ListParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = ListParam
custom_param_value_field = "list_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
# First check element_spec
if not self.param_spec.HasField("element_spec"):
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(["ListParam needs a defined element_spec"])
element_spec_error = _CustomParamValidator(
if element_spec_error:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(
_nested_error_message_helper("element_spec", element_spec_error.error_messages))
# If that's valid, then check list bounds
error_messages = []
if (
self.param_spec.HasField("min_number_of_values") and
) and self.param_spec.min_number_of_values.value > self.param_spec.max_number_of_values.value:
f"Max ListParam.Spec size {self.param_spec.max_number_of_values} below minimum size of {self.param_spec.min_number_of_values}"
if self.param_spec.max_number_of_values.value < 0 or self.param_spec.min_number_of_values.value < 0:
f"Invalid negative list size bound, with (min, max) bound of {(self.param_spec.min_number_of_values.value, self.param_spec.max_number_of_values.value)}"
if error_messages:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(error_messages)
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
if self.param_spec.HasField("min_number_of_values") and len(
param_value.values) < self.param_spec.min_number_of_values.value:
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE, error_messages=[
f"ListParam has {len(param_value.values)} values, which is less than the required minimum {self.param_spec.min_number_of_values}"
if self.param_spec.HasField("max_number_of_values") and len(
param_value.values) > self.param_spec.max_number_of_values.value:
return CustomParamError(
status=CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_VALUE, error_messages=[
f"ListParam has {len(param_value.values)} values, which is more than the allowed maximum {self.param_spec.max_number_of_values}"
custom_param_error = CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_OK)
for custom_param_index in range(len(param_value.values)):
custom_param = param_value.values[custom_param_index]
spec_type = self.param_spec.element_spec.WhichOneof("spec")
value_type = custom_param.WhichOneof("value")
if spec_type.split("_")[0] != value_type.split("_")[0]:
custom_param_error.status = CustomParamError.STATUS_INVALID_TYPE
f"Value is defined as {value_type} at index {custom_param_index} while the List Param Spec expects {spec_type}"
custom_param_value = getattr(custom_param, custom_param.WhichOneof("value"))
error_proto = _CustomParamValidator(
if error_proto:
custom_param_error.status = error_proto.status
if custom_param_error.status != CustomParamError.STATUS_OK:
return custom_param_error
class _OneOfParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.OneOfInterestParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.OneOfInterestParam.Spec): The OneOfInterestParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
proto_type = OneOfParam
custom_param_value_field = "one_of_value"
def __init__(self, param_spec):
def validate_spec(self):
if self.param_spec.default_key and self.param_spec.default_key not in self.param_spec.specs.keys(
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(
[f"OneOf parameter has nonexistent default key of {self.param_spec.default_key}"])
custom_param_error = CustomParamError(status=CustomParamError.STATUS_OK)
error_list = []
for key, child_spec in self.param_spec.specs.items():
except InvalidCustomParamSpecError as e:
error_list.extend(_nested_error_message_helper(key, e.args[0]))
if error_list:
raise InvalidCustomParamSpecError(error_list)
def validate_value(self, param_value):
err = check_types_match(param_value, self.proto_type)
if err:
return err
if param_value.key not in self.param_spec.specs.keys():
return CustomParamError(
error_messages=[f"OneOf parameter value has nonexistent key of {param_value.key}"])
# Only check active key since our spec doesn't guarantee valid values at unselected OneOf keys
chosen_param_error = _DictParamValidator(
if chosen_param_error:
full_error = CustomParamError(
return full_error
class _CustomParamValidator(_ParamValidatorInterface):
ParamValidator class for a service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec
param_spec (service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec): The CustomParam Spec this helper instance is being used for
custom_param_dict = {
"dict_spec": _DictParamValidator,
"list_spec": _ListParamValidator,
"int_spec": _Int64ParamValidator,
"double_spec": _DoubleParamValidator,
"string_spec": _StringParamValidator,
"roi_spec": _RegionOfInterestParamValidator,
"bool_spec": _BoolParamValidator,
"one_of_spec": _OneOfParamValidator
def __init__(self, param_spec):
self.sub_param_helper = self.get_param_helper()
def get_param_helper(self):
Returns the ParamValidator instance for the defined OneOf spec in self.param_spec (a service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec)
field_name = self.param_spec.WhichOneof('spec')
return self.custom_param_dict[field_name](getattr(self.param_spec, field_name))
def validate_spec(self):
return self.sub_param_helper.validate_spec()
def validate_value(self, param_value):
return self.sub_param_helper.validate_value(
getattr(param_value, self.sub_param_helper.custom_param_value_field))
def _nested_error_message_helper(child_name, child_error_messages):
Simple internal string helper function to take a list of errors from a child and return a list of errors
for the parent, with each error specifying which child it came from.
child_name (string): The human-readable name of the child parameter in the parent's context.
For DictParams and OneOfParams this is the parameter map's key, and for ListParams it's
the index surrounded by brackets, such as "[1]"
child_error_messages (list of strings): List of errors from the child with 'child_name'.
In practice this will likely be copied directly from the "error_messages" field in the
child param's service_customization_pb2.CustomParamError proto
joiner_string = " param has error: "
for message_index, child_error in enumerate(child_error_messages):
# If already nested, add child_name with period delimiter
if joiner_string in child_error:
child_error_messages[message_index] = child_name + "." + child_error
# Else, make into a human-readable nested format
child_error_messages[message_index] = child_name + joiner_string + child_error
# Remove period delimiter for list indices
child_error_messages[message_index] = child_error_messages[message_index].replace(".[", "[")
return child_error_messages
[docs]def custom_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.CustomParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
which_spec = spec.WhichOneof('spec')
default_func = _SPEC_VALUES[which_spec][1]
param_value = default_func(getattr(spec, which_spec))
if param_value is None:
return None
if which_spec == 'dict_spec':
return CustomParam(dict_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'list_spec':
return CustomParam(list_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'int_spec':
return CustomParam(int_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'double_spec':
return CustomParam(double_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'string_spec':
return CustomParam(string_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'roi_spec':
return CustomParam(roi_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'bool_spec':
return CustomParam(bool_value=param_value)
elif which_spec == 'one_of_spec':
return CustomParam(one_of_value=param_value)
return None
[docs]def dict_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.DictParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec argument.
spec (service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = DictParam()
for (key, value) in spec.specs.items():
default_value_param = custom_spec_to_default(value.spec)
if default_value_param is not None:
return param
[docs]def list_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.ListParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.ListParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.ListParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = ListParam()
default_element_spec = custom_spec_to_default(spec.element_spec)
if default_element_spec is not None:
for i in range(0, spec.min_number_of_values.value):
return param
[docs]def int_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.IntParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.IntParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.IntParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = Int64Param()
if spec.HasField('default_value'):
param.value = spec.default_value.value
elif spec.HasField('min_value'):
param.value = spec.min_value.value
elif spec.HasField('max_value'):
param.value = spec.max_value.value
param.value = 0
return param
[docs]def double_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = DoubleParam()
if spec.HasField('default_value'):
param.value = spec.default_value.value
elif spec.HasField('min_value'):
param.value = spec.min_value.value
elif spec.HasField('max_value'):
param.value = spec.max_value.value
param.value = 0
return param
[docs]def string_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.StringParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.StringParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.StringParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = StringParam()
if spec.default_value != '':
param.value = spec.default_value
elif len(spec.options) > 0:
param.value = spec.options[0]
param.value = ''
return param
[docs]def roi_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
if not spec.allows_rectangle:
return None
param = RegionOfInterestParam()
if spec.HasField('default_area'):
if spec.HasField('service_and_source'):
return param
[docs]def bool_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.BoolParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.BoolParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.BoolParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
return BoolParam(value=spec.default_value.value)
[docs]def one_of_spec_to_default(spec):
Create a default service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam based off of the service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam.Spec argument
spec (service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be defaulted
param = OneOfParam()
key = spec.default_key
if key not in spec.specs.keys():
return None
param.key = key
for (key, value) in spec.specs.items():
return param
[docs]def dict_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.DictParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.DictParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.DictParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
did_coerce = False
new_map = {}
for (key, child_spec) in spec.specs.items():
p = param.values[key]
if p is None:
default_param = custom_spec_to_default(child_spec.spec)
new_map[key] = default_param
did_coerce = True
if custom_param_coerce_to(p, child_spec.spec):
did_coerce = True
new_map[key] = p
for key in spec.specs.keys():
return did_coerce
[docs]def list_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.ListParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.ListParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.ListParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
did_coerce = False
if spec.HasField('min_number_of_values'):
if len(param.values) < spec.min_number_of_values.value:
default_element_param = custom_spec_to_default(spec.element_spec)
[default_element_param] * (spec.min_number_of_values.value - len(param.values)))
did_coerce = True
if spec.HasField('max_number_of_values'):
while len(param.values) > spec.max_number_of_values.value:
did_coerce = True
for i in range(0, len(param.values)):
if custom_param_coerce_to(param.values[i], spec.element_spec):
did_coerce = True
return did_coerce
[docs]def int_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.IntParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.IntParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.Int.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
invalid_max = spec.HasField('max_value') and param.value > spec.max_value.value
invalid_min = spec.HasField('min_value') and param.value < spec.min_value.value
if invalid_max or invalid_min:
return True
return False
[docs]def double_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.CustomParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.DoubleParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
invalid_max = spec.HasField('max_value') and param.value > spec.max_value.value
invalid_min = spec.HasField('min_value') and param.value < spec.min_value.value
if invalid_max or invalid_min:
return True
return False
[docs]def string_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.StringParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.StringParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.StringParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
if not spec.editable and param.value not in spec.options and len(spec.options) > 0:
return True
return False
[docs]def roi_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coercion is tricky with ROI parameters due to the fact that there is no standard frame size. ROI parameter is not
modified in place; rather, a boolean value is returned.
param (service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.RegionOfInterestParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if service_and_source is unset or if the spec and the parameter match
`False` otherwise
return not spec.HasField(
'service_and_source') or spec.service_and_source == param.service_and_source
[docs]def one_of_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.OneOfParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
did_coerce = False
if param.key not in spec.specs.keys():
param.key = sorted(list(spec.specs.keys()))[0]
did_coerce = True
new_map = {}
for (key, child_spec) in spec.specs.items():
value_param = param.values[key]
if value_param is None:
new_map[key] = dict_spec_to_default(child_spec.spec)
did_coerce = True
if dict_param_coerce_to(value_param, child_spec.spec):
did_coerce = True
new_map[key] = value_param
for key in spec.specs.keys():
return did_coerce
'dict_spec': ('dict_value', dict_spec_to_default, dict_param_coerce_to),
'list_spec': ('list_value', list_spec_to_default, list_param_coerce_to),
'int_spec': ('int_value', int_spec_to_default, int_param_coerce_to),
'double_spec': ('double_value', double_spec_to_default, double_param_coerce_to),
'string_spec': ('string_value', string_spec_to_default, string_param_coerce_to),
'roi_spec': ('roi_value', roi_spec_to_default, roi_param_coerce_to),
('bool_value', bool_spec_to_default, None), # No coercing, there are no illegal values.
'one_of_spec': ('one_of_value', one_of_spec_to_default, one_of_param_coerce_to),
[docs]def custom_param_coerce_to(param, spec):
Coerce a service_customization_pb2.CustomParam based off of the spec passed in. The parameter is modified in-place.
param (service_customization_pb2.CustomParam): parameter that requires coercing
spec (service_customization_pb2.CustomParam.Spec): spec to which the parameter should be coerced
`True` if parameter was coerced
`False` otherwise
did_coerce = False
which_spec = spec.WhichOneof('spec')
field_name, default_value_func, coercion_func = _SPEC_VALUES[which_spec]
if param.HasField(field_name):
if coercion_func is not None:
if coercion_func(getattr(param, field_name), getattr(spec, which_spec)):
did_coerce = True
getattr(param, field_name).CopyFrom(default_value_func(getattr(spec, which_spec)))
did_coerce = True
return did_coerce
[docs]def make_custom_param_spec(
spec: Union[DictParam.Spec, ListParam.Spec, Int64Param.Spec, DoubleParam.Spec, StringParam.Spec,
RegionOfInterestParam.Spec, BoolParam.Spec, OneOfParam.Spec]
) -> CustomParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a CustomParam.Spec
spec: spec to be wrapped by a CustomParam.Spec
if isinstance(spec, DictParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(dict_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, ListParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(list_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, Int64Param.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(int_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, DoubleParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(double_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, StringParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(string_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, RegionOfInterestParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(roi_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, BoolParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(bool_spec=spec)
if isinstance(spec, OneOfParam.Spec):
return CustomParam.Spec(one_of_spec=spec)
raise ValueError('Must provide a spec from service_customization_pb2 to this function.')
[docs]def make_dict_child_spec(param_spec: Union[DictParam.Spec, ListParam.Spec, Int64Param.Spec,
DoubleParam.Spec, StringParam.Spec,
RegionOfInterestParam.Spec, BoolParam.Spec,
ui_info: Optional[UserInterfaceInfo] = None) -> DictParam.ChildSpec:
Helper function to create a DictParam.ChildSpec
param_spec: spec for DictParam.ChildSpec that is converted into a CustomParam.Spec when forming the ChildSpec
ui_info: instantiation of service_customization_pb2.UserInterfaceInfo
return DictParam.ChildSpec(spec=make_custom_param_spec(param_spec), ui_info=ui_info)
[docs]def make_dict_param_spec(specs: Dict[str, DictParam.ChildSpec],
is_hidden_by_default: bool) -> DictParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a DictParam.Spec
specs: specs contained by the DictParam
is_hidden_by_default: controls whether the UI shows this spec as collapsed by default
return DictParam.Spec(specs=specs, is_hidden_by_default=is_hidden_by_default)
[docs]def make_one_of_child_spec(dict_param_spec: DictParam.Spec,
ui_info: Optional[UserInterfaceInfo] = None) -> OneOfParam.ChildSpec:
Helper function to create a OneOfParam.ChildSpec
dict_param_spec: spec for OneOfParam.ChildSpec
ui_info: instantiation of service_customization_pb2.UserInterfaceInfo
return OneOfParam.ChildSpec(spec=dict_param_spec, ui_info=ui_info)
[docs]def make_one_of_param_spec(specs: Dict[str, OneOfParam.ChildSpec],
default_key: Optional[str] = None) -> OneOfParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a OneOfParam.Spec
specs: specs contained by the OneOfParam
default_key: the key to which the OneOfParam.Spec should default in the UI
return OneOfParam.Spec(specs=specs, default_key=default_key)
[docs]def make_list_param_spec(element_spec: CustomParam.Spec, min_number_of_values: Optional[int] = None,
max_number_of_values: Optional[int] = None) -> ListParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a ListParam.Spec
element_spec: spec for each element of the list
min_number_of_values: minimum number of elements in the list
max_number_of_values: maximum number of elements in the list
spec = ListParam.Spec(element_spec=element_spec)
if min_number_of_values is not None:
spec.min_number_of_values.value = min_number_of_values
if max_number_of_values is not None:
spec.max_number_of_values.value = max_number_of_values
return spec
[docs]def make_int64_param_spec(default_value: Optional[int] = None, units: Optional[Units] = None,
min_value: Optional[int] = None,
max_value: Optional[int] = None) -> Int64Param.Spec:
Helper function to create an Int64Param.Spec
default_value: starting value for Int64Param
units: units of the Int64Param
min_value: smallest value the Int64Param may be
max_value: largest value the Int64Param may be
spec = Int64Param.Spec(units=units)
if default_value is not None:
spec.default_value.value = default_value
if min_value is not None:
spec.min_value.value = min_value
if max_value is not None:
spec.max_value.value = max_value
return spec
[docs]def make_double_param_spec(default_value: Optional[float] = None, units: Optional[Units] = None,
min_value: Optional[float] = None,
max_value: Optional[float] = None) -> DoubleParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a DoubleParam.Spec
default_value: starting value for DoubleParam
units: units of the DoubleParam
min_value: smallest value the DoubleParam may be
max_value: largest value the DoubleParam may be
spec = DoubleParam.Spec(units=units)
if default_value is not None:
spec.default_value.value = default_value
if min_value is not None:
spec.min_value.value = min_value
if max_value is not None:
spec.max_value.value = max_value
return spec
[docs]def make_string_param_spec(options: Optional[List[str]] = None, editable: Optional[bool] = None,
default_value: Optional[str] = None) -> StringParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a StringParam.Spec
options: predetermined options the StringParam may be
editable: whether the value may be edited
default_value: initial value for StringParam
return StringParam.Spec(options=options, editable=editable, default_value=default_value)
[docs]def make_bool_param_spec(default_value: Optional[bool] = None) -> BoolParam.Spec:
Helper function to create an BoolParam.Spec
default_value: starting value for BoolParam
spec = BoolParam.Spec()
if default_value is not None:
spec.default_value.value = default_value
return spec
[docs]def make_region_of_interest_param_spec(
service_and_source: Optional[RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource] = None,
default_area: Optional[AreaI] = None,
allows_rectangle: bool = False) -> RegionOfInterestParam.Spec:
Helper function to create a RegionOfInterestParam.Spec
service_and_source: service and source to which the RegionOfInterestParam should adhere
default_area: starting area for the RegionOfInterestParam
allows_rectangle: whether a rectangle may be drawn for the selected area
return RegionOfInterestParam.Spec(default_area=default_area,
[docs]def make_user_interface_info(display_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None,
display_order: Optional[int] = None) -> UserInterfaceInfo:
Helper function to create UserInterfaceInfo
display_name: human-readable name displayed by the UI
description: additional information for parameter (used in conjunction with display_name)
display_order: order in which the fields should be displayed
ui_info = UserInterfaceInfo()
if display_name is not None:
ui_info.display_name = display_name
if description is not None:
ui_info.description = description
if display_order is not None:
ui_info.display_order = display_order
return ui_info
[docs]def make_roi_service_and_source(service: str,
source: str) -> RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource:
Helper function to create a RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource
service: the ImageService providing the image
source: the ImageSource providing the image
return RegionOfInterestParam.ServiceAndSource(service=service, source=source)