Source code for bosdyn.orbit.utils

# Copyright (c) 2023 Boston Dynamics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Downloading, reproducing, distributing or otherwise using the SDK Software
# is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boston Dynamics Software
# Development Kit License (20191101-BDSDK-SL).

"""Utility functions for bosdyn-orbit"""
import datetime
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import os
import secrets
import shutil
import sys
import time
from typing import Dict, List

from bosdyn.orbit.exceptions import WebhookSignatureVerificationError


[docs]def get_api_token() -> str: """ Obtains an API token from either an environment variable or terminal input Returns api_token: the API token obtained from the instance """ api_token = os.environ.get(API_TOKEN_ENV_VAR) if not api_token: if sys.stdin.isatty(): print('API Token: ', end='', file=sys.stderr) api_token = input() return api_token
[docs]def get_latest_created_at_for_run_events(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> datetime.datetime: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the max created at time for run events Args: client: the client for the web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: The max created at time for run events in datetime """ base_params = {'limit': 1, 'orderBy': '-created_at'} base_params.update(params) latest_resource = client.get_run_events(params=base_params).json() if not latest_resource["resources"]: client_timestamp_response = client.get_system_time() ms_since_epoch = int(client_timestamp_response.json()["msSinceEpoch"]) return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ms_since_epoch / 1000) return datetime_from_isostring(latest_resource["resources"][0]["createdAt"])
[docs]def get_latest_run_capture_resources(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> List: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the latest run capture resources in json format Args: client: the client for Orbit web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: A list of resources obtained from a RESTful endpoint """ base_params = {'orderBy': '-created_at'} base_params.update(params) run_captures = client.get_run_captures(params=base_params).json() return run_captures["resources"]
[docs]def get_latest_created_at_for_run_captures(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> datetime.datetime: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the max created at time for run captures Args: client: the client for Orbit web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: The max created at time for run captures in datetime """ base_params = {'limit': 1, 'orderBy': '-created_at'} base_params.update(params) latest_resource = client.get_run_captures(params=base_params).json() if not latest_resource["resources"]: client_timestamp_response = client.get_system_time() ms_since_epoch = int(client_timestamp_response.json()["msSinceEpoch"]) return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ms_since_epoch / 1000) return datetime_from_isostring(latest_resource["resources"][0]["createdAt"])
[docs]def get_latest_run_resource(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> List: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the latest run resource in json format Args: client: the client for Orbit web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: A list corresponding to a run resource obtained from a RESTful endpoint in json """ base_params = {'limit': 1, 'orderBy': 'newest'} base_params.update(params) latest_run_json = client.get_runs(params=base_params).json() if not latest_run_json['resources']: return None return latest_run_json['resources'][0]
[docs]def get_latest_run_in_progress(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> List: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the latest running resource in json format Args: client: the client for Orbit web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: A list corresponding to a run obtained from a RESTful endpoint in json """ base_params = {'orderBy': 'newest'} base_params.update(params) latest_resources = client.get_runs(params=base_params).json()["resources"] for resource in latest_resources: if resource["missionStatus"] not in [ "SUCCESS", "FAILURE", "ERROR", "STOPPED", "NONE", "UNKNOWN" ]: return resource return None
[docs]def get_latest_end_time_for_runs(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', params: Dict = {}) -> datetime.datetime: """ Given a dictionary of query params, returns the max end time for runs Args: client: the client for Orbit web API params: the query params associated with the get request Raises: RequestExceptions: exceptions thrown by the Requests library UnauthenticatedClientError: indicates that the client is not authenticated properly Returns: The max end time for runs in datetime """ base_params = {'limit': 1, 'orderBy': 'newest'} base_params.update(params) latest_resource = client.get_runs(params=base_params).json() if latest_resource.get("resources"): latest_end_time = latest_resource.get("resources")[0]["endTime"] if latest_end_time: return datetime_from_isostring(latest_end_time) client_timestamp_response = client.get_system_time() ms_since_epoch = int(client_timestamp_response.json()["msSinceEpoch"]) return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ms_since_epoch / 1000)
[docs]def write_image(img_raw, image_fp: str) -> None: """ Given a raw image and a desired output directory, writes the image to a file Args: img_raw(Raw image object): the input raw image image_fp: the output filepath for the image """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(image_fp), exist_ok=True) with open(image_fp, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(img_raw, out_file)
[docs]def data_capture_urls_from_run_events(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', run_events: List, list_of_channel_names: List = None) -> List: """ Given run events and list of desired channel names, returns the list of data capture urls Args: client: the client for Orbit web API run_events: a json representation of run events obtained from a RESTful endpoint list_of_channel_names: a list of channel names associated with the desired data captures. Defaults to None which returns all the available channels. Returns: data_urls: a list of urls """ all_run_events_resources = run_events["resources"] data_urls = [] for resource in all_run_events_resources: all_data_captures = resource["dataCaptures"] for data_capture in all_data_captures: if list_of_channel_names is None: # check if exists in unique_list or not if list_of_channel_names not in data_urls: data_urls.append(f'https://{client._hostname}' + data_capture["dataUrl"]) elif data_capture["channelName"] in list_of_channel_names: # check if exists in unique_list or not if list_of_channel_names not in data_urls: data_urls.append(f'https://{client._hostname}' + data_capture["dataUrl"]) return data_urls
[docs]def data_capture_url_from_run_capture_resources(client: 'bosdyn.orbit.client.Client', run_capture_resources: List, list_of_channel_names: List = None) -> List: """ Given run capture resources and list of desired channel names, returns the list of data capture urls Args: client: the client for Orbit web API run_capture_resources: a list of resources obtained from a RESTful endpoint list_of_channel_names: a list of channel names associated with the desired data captures. Defaults to None which returns all the available channels. Returns: data_urls: a list of urls """ data_urls = [] for data_capture in run_capture_resources: if list_of_channel_names is None: # check if exists in unique_list or not if list_of_channel_names not in data_urls: data_urls.append(f'https://{client._hostname}' + data_capture["dataUrl"]) elif data_capture["channelName"] in list_of_channel_names: # check if exists in unique_list or not if list_of_channel_names not in data_urls: data_urls.append(f'https://{client._hostname}' + data_capture["dataUrl"]) return data_urls
[docs]def get_action_names_from_run_events(run_events: Dict) -> List: """ Given run events, returns a list of action names Args: run_events: a representation of run events obtained from a RESTful endpoint Returns: action_names: a list of action names """ all_run_events_resources = run_events["resources"] action_names = [] for resource in all_run_events_resources: action_names.append(resource["actionName"]) return action_names
[docs]def datetime_from_isostring(datetime_isostring: str) -> datetime.datetime: """ Returns the datetime representation of the iso string representation of time Args: datetime_isostring: the iso string representation of time Returns: The datetime representation of the iso string representation of time """ if "Z" in datetime_isostring: return datetime.datetime.strptime(datetime_isostring, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") if "+" in datetime_isostring: return datetime.datetime.strptime(datetime_isostring[0:datetime_isostring.index("+")], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
[docs]def validate_webhook_payload(payload: Dict, signature_header: str, secret: str, max_age_ms: int = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_AGE_MS) -> None: """ Verifies that the webhook payload came from Args: payload: the JSON body of the webhooks req signature_header: the value of the signature header secret: the configured secret value for this webhook max_age_ms: the maximum age of the message before it's considered invalid (default is 5 minutes) Raises: bosdyn.orbit.exceptions.WebhookSignatureVerificationError: thrown if the webhook signature is invalid """ if not signature_header: raise WebhookSignatureVerificationError("Signature header cannot be empty") header_components = dict(entry.split('=') for entry in signature_header.split(',')) send_time = header_components.get('t') send_time_ms = int(send_time) if send_time is not None and send_time.isdigit() else None received_hmac = header_components.get('v1') if not send_time_ms or not received_hmac: raise WebhookSignatureVerificationError( "Missing either send time or HMAC in signature header") current_time_ns = time.time() current_time_ms = round(current_time_ns) * 1000 time_diff_ms = current_time_ms - send_time_ms if time_diff_ms > max_age_ms: raise WebhookSignatureVerificationError( f"The payload is {time_diff_ms}ms old, which is greater than the maximum age {max_age_ms}ms" ) full_payload_string = f'{send_time}.{json.dumps(payload, separators=(",",":"))}' calculated_hmac =, full_payload_string.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() time_safe_equal = secrets.compare_digest(received_hmac, calculated_hmac) if not time_safe_equal: raise WebhookSignatureVerificationError( "The received HMAC did not match the expected value")