Graph Nav

For clients to the graphnav service.

class bosdyn.client.graph_nav.GraphNavClient[source]

Bases: BaseClient

Client to the GraphNav service.

default_service_name = 'graph-nav-service'
service_type = 'bosdyn.api.graph_nav.GraphNavService'

Adopt key objects like processors, logger, and wallet from other.

set_localization_full_response(initial_guess_localization, ko_tform_body=None, max_distance=None, max_yaw=None, fiducial_init=2, use_fiducial_id=None, refine_fiducial_result_with_icp=False, do_ambiguity_check=False, refine_with_visual_features=False, verify_visual_features_quality=False, **kwargs)[source]

Version of set_localization which returns the full response, rather than only the Localization message.

set_localization_async_full_response(initial_guess_localization, ko_tform_body=None, max_distance=None, max_yaw=None, fiducial_init=2, use_fiducial_id=None, refine_fiducial_result_with_icp=False, do_ambiguity_check=False, refine_with_visual_features=False, verify_visual_features_quality=False, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of set_localization_full_response()

set_localization(initial_guess_localization, ko_tform_body=None, max_distance=None, max_yaw=None, fiducial_init=2, use_fiducial_id=None, refine_fiducial_result_with_icp=False, do_ambiguity_check=False, refine_with_visual_features=False, verify_visual_features_quality=False, **kwargs)[source]

Trigger a manual localization. Typically done to provide the initial localization.

  • initial_guess_localization (nav_pb2.Localization) – Operator-supplied guess at localization.

  • ko_tform_body – Robot SE3Pose protobuf when the initial_guess was made.

  • max_distance – [optional] Margin of distance (meters) away from the initial guess.

  • max_yaw – [optional] Margin of angle (radians) away from the initial guess.

  • fiducial_init – Tells the initializer whether to use fiducials, and how to use them.

  • use_fiducial_id – If using FIDUCIAL_INIT_SPECIFIC, this is the specific fiducial ID to use for initialization.

  • refine_fiducial_result_with_icp – Boolean determining if ICP will run after a fiducial is used for an initial guess.

  • do_ambiguity_check – Boolean where if true, consider how nearby localizations appear.

  • refine_with_visual_features – Boolean determining if visual features should be used to refine the estimate. When set,

  • refine_fiducial_result_with_icp. (this value overrides) –

  • verify_visual_features_quality – When refine_with_visual_features is set, determines if an error is asserted when the

  • unsuccessful. (refinement is) –


The resulting localization after being triggered with a guess.

set_localization_async(initial_guess_localization, ko_tform_body=None, max_distance=None, max_yaw=None, fiducial_init=2, use_fiducial_id=None, refine_fiducial_result_with_icp=False, do_ambiguity_check=False, refine_with_visual_features=False, verify_visual_features_quality=False, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of set_localization()

get_localization_state(request_live_point_cloud=False, request_live_images=False, request_live_terrain_maps=False, request_live_world_objects=False, request_live_robot_state=False, waypoint_id=None, request_gps_state=False, **kwargs)[source]

Obtain current localization state of the robot.


The current localization protobuf for the robot.


RpcError – Problem communicating with the robot.

get_localization_state_async(request_live_point_cloud=False, request_live_images=False, request_live_terrain_maps=False, request_live_world_objects=False, request_live_robot_state=False, waypoint_id=None, request_gps_state=False, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of get_localization_state().

navigate_route(route, cmd_duration, route_follow_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, **kwargs)[source]

Navigate the given route.

  • route – Route protobuf of the route to follow.

  • route_follow_params – What should the robot do if it is not at the expected point in the

  • route

  • blocked. (or the route is) –

  • travel_params – API TravelParams for the route.

  • cmd_duration – Number of seconds the command can run for.

  • leases – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • timesync_endpoint – Use this endpoint for timesync fields. Will use the client’s endpoint by default.

  • command_id – If not None, this continues an existing navigate_route command with the given ID. If None,

  • used. (a new command_id will be) –

  • destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal – SE2Pose protobuf of an offset relative to the destination waypoint.

  • kwargs – Passed to underlying RPC. Example: timeout=5 to cancel the RPC after 5 seconds.


Command ID to use in feedback lookup.

navigate_route_async(route, cmd_duration, route_follow_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigate_route()

navigate_route_full(route, route_follow_params, cmd_duration, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, **kwargs)[source]

Identical to navigate_route(), except will return the full NavigateRouteResponse.

navigate_route_full_async(route, cmd_duration, route_follow_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigate_route_full().

navigate_to(destination_waypoint_id, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, route_blocked_behavior=None, **kwargs)[source]

Navigate to a specific waypoint along a route chosen by the GraphNav service.

  • destination_waypoint_id – Waypoint id string for where to go to.

  • cmd_duration – Number of seconds the command can run for.

  • route_params – API RouteGenParams for the route.

  • travel_params – API TravelParams for the route.

  • leases – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • timesync_endpoint – Use this endpoint for timesync fields. Will use the client’s endpoint by default.

  • command_id – If not None, this continues an existing navigate_to command with the given ID. If None,

  • used. (a new command_id will be) –

  • destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal – SE2Pose protobuf of an offset relative to the destination waypoint.

  • route_blocked_behavior – Defines robot behavior when route is block. If None robot will reroute.


Command ID to use in feedback lookup.

Return type:


navigate_to_async(destination_waypoint_id, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, route_blocked_behavior=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigate_to().

navigate_to_full(destination_waypoint_id, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, route_blocked_behavior=None, **kwargs)[source]

Identical to navigate_to(), except will return the full NavigateToResponse.

navigate_to_full_async(destination_waypoint_id, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, command_id=None, destination_waypoint_tform_body_goal=None, route_blocked_behavior=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigate_to_full().

navigate_to_anchor(seed_tform_goal, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, goal_waypoint_rt_seed_ewrt_seed_tolerance=None, command_id=None, gps_navigation_params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Navigate to a pose in seed frame along a route chosen by the GraphNav service.

  • seed_tform_goal – SE3Pose protobuf of the goal pose in seed frame.

  • cmd_duration – Number of seconds the command can run for.

  • route_params – API RouteGenParams for the route.

  • travel_params – API TravelParams for the route.

  • leases – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • timesync_endpoint – Use this endpoint for timesync fields. Will use the client’s endpoint by default.

  • goal_waypoint_rt_seed_ewrt_seed_tolerance – Vec3 protobuf of the tolerances for goal waypoint selection.

  • command_id – If not None, this continues an existing navigate_to command with the given ID. If None,

  • used. (navigation params will be) –

  • gps_navigation_params – API GPSNavigationParams. If not None, this will be interpreted as a GPS-based

  • GPS (navigation command. seed_tform_goal will be ignored and whatever goal is passed in using the) –

  • used.


Command ID to use in feedback lookup.

Return type:


navigate_to_anchor_async(seed_tform_goal, cmd_duration, route_params=None, travel_params=None, leases=None, timesync_endpoint=None, goal_waypoint_rt_seed_ewrt_seed_tolerance=None, command_id=None, gps_navigation_params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigate_to_anchor().

navigation_feedback(command_id=0, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the feedback corresponding to the active route follow command.


command_id (int) – If blank, will return current command status. If filled out, will attempt to return that command status




RpcError – Problem communicating with the robot.

navigation_feedback_async(command_id=0, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of navigation_feedback().

clear_graph(lease=None, **kwargs)[source]

Clears the local graph structure. Also erases any snapshots currently in RAM.


lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

clear_graph_async(lease=None, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of clear_graph().

upload_graph(lease=None, graph=None, generate_new_anchoring=False, **kwargs)[source]

Uploads a graph to the server and appends to the existing graph.

  • lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • graph – Graph protobuf that represents the map with waypoints and edges.

  • generate_new_anchoring – Whether to generate an (overwrite the) anchoring on upload.


The response, which includes waypoint and edge id’s sorted by whether it was cached.

  • RpcError – Problem communicating with the robot.

  • UploadGraphError – Indicates a problem with the map provided.

  • IncompatibleSensorsError – The map was recorded with different sensors than the robot.

  • AreaCallbackError – The map includes area callback services not present on the robot.

  • LeaseUseError – Error using provided lease.

  • LicenseError – The robot’s license is not valid.

upload_graph_async(lease=None, graph=None, generate_new_anchoring=False, **kwargs)[source]

Async version of upload_graph().

upload_waypoint_snapshot(waypoint_snapshot, lease=None, **kwargs)[source]

Uploads large waypoint snapshot as a stream for a particular waypoint.

  • lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • waypoint_snapshot – WaypointSnapshot protobuf that will be stream-uploaded to the robot.


The status of the upload request.

upload_edge_snapshot(edge_snapshot, lease=None, **kwargs)[source]

Uploads large edge snapshot as a stream for a particular edge.

  • lease – Leases to show ownership of necessary resources. Will use the client’s leases by default.

  • edge_snapshot – EdgeSnapshot protobuf that will be stream-uploaded to the robot.


The status of the upload request.


Downloads the graph from the server.


The graph protobuf that represents the current map on the robot (with waypoints and edges).


RpcError – Problem communicating with the robot


Async version of download_graph().

download_waypoint_snapshot(waypoint_snapshot_id, download_images=False, do_not_download_point_cloud=False, **kwargs)[source]

Download a specific waypoint snapshot with streaming from the server.

  • waypoint_snapshot_id – WaypointSnapshot string ID for which snapshot to download from robot.

  • download_images – Boolean indicating whether to include images in the download.

  • do_not_download_point_cloud – Boolean indicating if point cloud data should not be downloaded.


The WaypointSnapshot protobuf from the robot’s current map.

download_edge_snapshot(edge_snapshot_id, **kwargs)[source]

Downloads a specific edge snapshot with streaming from the server.


edge_snapshot_id – EdgeSnapshot string ID for which snapshot to download from robot.


The EdgeSnapshot protobuf from the robot’s current map.


Download the graph and snapshots from robot to the specified directory.

static generate_travel_params(max_distance, max_yaw, velocity_limit=None)[source]

Generate the API TravelParams for navigation requests.

  • max_distance – Distances (meters) threshold for when we’ve reached the final waypoint.

  • max_yaw – Angle (radians) threshold for when we’ve reached the final waypoint.

  • velocity_limit – SE2VelocityLimit protobuf message for the speed the robot should use.


The API TravelParams protobuf message.

static build_route(waypoint_id_list, edge_id_list)[source]

Generate the API Route for navigation requests.

  • waypoint_id_list – List of waypoint id strings in which a route should pass through. The ids should be ordered from [start waypoint –> destination waypoint].

  • edge_id_list – List of the edge_id’s which should be in the same ordering as the waypoint list.


The API Route protobuf message.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.GraphNavServiceResponseError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: ResponseError

General class of errors for the GraphNav Recording Service.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UploadWaypointSnapshotError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors related to uploading a waypoint snapshot

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UploadGraphError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors related to uploading a graph.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.MapTooLargeLicenseError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: UploadGraphError

The map is too large for the license on the robot.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.InvalidGraphError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: UploadGraphError

The graph is invalid topologically, e.g. missing waypoints referenced by edges.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.IncompatibleSensorsError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

The map was recorded with using a sensor configuration which is incompatible with the robot (for example, LIDAR configuration).

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.AreaCallbackMapError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

The map specified an area callback that is not registered or is faulted.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RequestAbortedError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Request was aborted by the system.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RequestFailedError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Request failed to complete by the system.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotFaultedError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Robot is experiencing a fault condition that prevents localization.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnknownMapInformationError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

The given map information (waypoints,edges,routes) is unknown by the system.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.TimeError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors associated with timestamps and time sync.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.CommandExpiredError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: TimeError

The command was received after its end time had already passed.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.NoTimeSyncError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: TimeError

Client has not performed timesync with robot.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.TooDistantError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: TimeError

The command was too far in the future.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotStateError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors associated with the current state of the robot.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.IsRecordingError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RobotStateError

Cannot navigate a route while recording a map.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.CannotModifyMapDuringRecordingError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RobotStateError

Cannot clear the map during recording. Call StopRecording first.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotImpairedError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RobotStateError

Robot has a critical perception or behavior fault and cannot navigate.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RouteError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors associated with the specified route.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.ConstraintFaultError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

Route parameters contained a constraint fault.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.InvalidEdgeError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

One or more edges do not connect to expected waypoints.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnkownRouteElementsError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: RouteError

One or more waypoints/edges are not in the map.

Deprecated since version 3.0.0: Use UnknownRouteElementsError instead

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnknownRouteElementsError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: UnkownRouteElementsError

One or more waypoints/edges are not in the map.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.NoPathError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

There is no path to the specified waypoint.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnknownWaypointError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

One or more waypoints are not in the map.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.NoAnchoringError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

There is no anchoring.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.InvalidPoseError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteError

The requested pose is invalid, or known to be unachievable.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RouteNavigationError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: GraphNavServiceResponseError

Errors related to how the robot navigates the route.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.FeatureDesertError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

Route contained too many waypoints with low-quality features.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RouteNotUpdatingError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

Graph nav was unable to update and follow the specified route.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotLostError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

Cannot issue a navigation request when the robot is already lost.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.InvalidGPSError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

Cannot issue the GPS command because it is invalid.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotNotLocalizedToRouteError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

The current localization doesn’t refer to any waypoint in the route (possibly uninitialized localization).

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.RobotStuckError(response, error_message=None)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

The robot is stuck or unable to find a way forward. Resend the command with a new ID, or send a different command to try again.

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnrecongizedCommandError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: RouteNavigationError

Happens when you try to continue a command that was either expired, or had an unrecognized id.

Deprecated since version 3.1.0: Use UnrecognizedCommandError instead

exception bosdyn.client.graph_nav.UnrecognizedCommandError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: UnrecongizedCommandError

Happens when you try to continue a command that was either expired, or had an unrecognized id.